Late Dadi Gulzaar, aka Hridaya Mohini was the chief administrative head of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (from April 2020 to 10 March 2021). Dadi Gulzar joined the Yagya (institution) at an age of 8, at its very beginning (in 1936) through a boarding school for children called 'Om Niwas' founded by Dada Lekhraj (then renamed Brahma baba). Dadi's age was 92 years when she passed away.
Latest News: Dadi Gulzar has left body at 8:40 am (India time) on 11 March 2021, while she was under treatment at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai. Page Updated on: 12 March 2021
Read➤ Official Post on Dadi Gulzar's death news (English)
Hindi ➤ मधुबन से दादी रतन मोहिनी का पत्र (pdf)
Hindi ➤ गुलज़ार दादी प्रति भोग सन्देश (new)
Watch➤ Last Rites of Gulzar dadi (LIVE from Mt Abu)
Read➤ Condolences for Dadi
Read➤ Dadi Gulzar's Passing Message (Brahma Kumaris UK)
Update: The new chief administrative head of BKWSU now is Dadi Ratan Mohini.
You may also read the official letter from BK Nirwair (18 Feb 2021) and letter from Gamdevi centre (late 2020) by BK Sunita.

LAST picture of Gulzar dadi taken at Gamdevi centre (Mumbai) on Shiv Jayanti (10 March)➞

Early Life Story
She was born in 1929 in Sindh, Hyderabad in India. Her loukik (birth name) was Shobha. Her mother had 8 children including Shobha. Thus she willingly let Shobha to be surrendered in baba’s yagya as she earlier wanted one of her children to lead a spiritual life. Dadi Gulzar's early spiritual life was full of joy and intoxication of being a child of God, as in those days Murli was spoken mainly on the coming New world (Satyug). These were the initial teachings of Shiv baba through Dada Lekhraj (later Brahma baba). She was a child and thus had no background knowledge of Vedas (religious scriptures). Yet listening to Baba's Murli, she used to experience deep love and spiritual joy.
In those days (the 1940s), she started having visions of the Satyug during meditation. Not even Brahma baba or Mamma would have any visions, but a few little children including Gulzar received visions of the new age. After coming back in consciousness, she would tell everyone what she saw. This was common part of Dadi in those days (Karachi, 1939 to 1950)
Video Introduction
Video Interview
After 1950, the group relocated in Mount Abu upon Baba's direction. Dadi Gulzaar was then mature enough both physically and spiritually and hence Baba sent her to services around Bharat (India) and through Dadi Gulzar, many centres were established, mainly around Delhi. In those days in the 1950s, service was growing rapidly and hence everyone was given their duties to perform. Mamma was managing the service and Brahma baba was managing activities in Madhuban. Hereby, part of Dadi Gulzar was on spiritual service and the part for having visions (of Sandeshi) was over.
In 1960s, services in India were widespread as scientific resources came up in help. Through telephone, Baba used to speak to children including Dadi Gulzar and give important direction. Writing letters also continued... Dadi Gulzar was mainly serving in Bombay and Delhi regions. ''Everyone loved Dadi for her sweetness and unconditional love.'' Even Baba said in Murli about Gulzaar being most serviceable in Delhi region.
Global Services
Dadiji has visited on an invitation, many foreign countries in East and West including Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, U.S.A. Brazil, Mexico, Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Holland, Poland, Russia, Africa etc. She has delivered lectures, with mastery over subjects connected with Spirituality, Philosophy, Rajyoga, Art of Living, etc. She has clarity in thought, the richness of experience and thus a simplicity in speech, due to which many got the message of God through her medium.
As you may know, since Brahma baba became Avyakt on 18 January 1969, Dadi Gulzaar became an instrument for Avyakt BaapDada to come, meet us and speak Murli. Since 1969 to 2014-15, Dadi continued to visit centres and give lectures on self-transformation in this precious time of Sangam yug. Dadi would give baba's message in simple yet touching words in conferences of important VIPs. Her innocent, simple, and loving nature was the main attraction. Since 2007, Dadi stayed either mainly in Madhuban or at Delhi centre and played a part in services from there. BaapDada continued to use Dadi as the medium. This part also is now over (1969 to 2016). We give thanks and congratulations to Gulzar dadi to become BapDada's medium for so long time.

''The speciality of Gulzaar is innocence and clear intellect, who always carry BapDada in heart, and spreads spiritual fragrance wherever she goes'' ~Avyakt BaapDada