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Karma - Law and Living

"Life is NOT predestined as many of us believe. Instead we all shape our own destiny by our own deeds (karma)."


Karma is our actions, whatever we do with our physical organs, even what we think in our mind is a Subtle form of Karma. As our thoughts are, so are our actions. Thoughts are a parent of a performed action. Karma can also be understood as a cycle of action and re-action. 


Why am I here? Why was I born here in this family? Why is she beautiful and me ugly? Why someone attains outstanding worldly success? Why is one person extremely rich and many are poor those who do not have food enough to even survive? Why did he do that to me? Why this or that? Does God decide life for everyone?


The answers lie in one eternal truth – which we say the Law of Karma or the Karma Philosophy – that no one can escape the result of his karma. If not in this birth, then in the next, but the soul must and will receive the result or fruit of its karma. Depending on the bad or good karma or action or deeds, one will suffer or enjoy, either in this or the next life. There is no end to life. We souls are on an unlimited journey and will take the next birth according to the Karma we performed in the present life. No one can escape the result of karma. The law of Karma is inviolable.


Hence everyone must act with a sense of consciousness. We must acquire the right knowledge of what is good and what is bad action.


The right Karma:

The actions which are done with a pure intention, which first benefits the self and it benefits the other/s and it gives happiness to the world, which pleases God is certainly the righteous deed. Righteous karma starts with acceptance of celibacy as a natural way of life, as purity is our original nature and the mother of all virtues.


The wrong Karma:

If someone under the influence of body consciousness (5 vices) acts and gives the sorrow to the self or to others, or if even he pollutes the atmosphere with negative thoughts, he is doing the action which is opposite to the nature of soul.


The moral of the story – I have to do right karma for my benefit; it is not for showing it to anyone outside.

Law of Karma -Comes back Around

Every human action has a moral aspect. If a person’s certain act is morally good, the person gets ultimately benefited. If, on the other hand, his acts are morally bad, he suffers. This way the world runs. Every person (soul) understands what is morally right and what is wrong.


It would require a lot of space to express what is morally good and bad. But in one sentence, it may be said that, if a person acts under the influence of hatred, anger, lies, prejudice, greed, ego, partiality, lust and such other acts under the influence of body-consciousness, then his actions are bad or negative. These create disharmony and conflict and sufferings in society.


On the other hand, if a person has a balanced judgment, the stability of mind, peace of the spirit and acts with the feeling of love, justice, sympathy, humility and such other actions in soul-consciousness, then his acts are good because such acts promote harmony, peace, unity and happy feelings.

Effect of our Thoughts on our Karma

Every action is preceded by thoughts. The most powerful instrument that a human soul is gifted is the thought power. Thoughts build your consciousness, shape your attitude, and then design your life. One needs to know how important thoughts are. Every human creation we see in this world is due to powerful thoughts of a human mind brought alive. The quality of our thoughts designs our world. Thoughts are fertilized by our knowledge, our root belief system. A person with a certain kind of knowledge usually creates thoughts in harmony with that knowledge. Then someone who has imbibed spiritual knowledge would most likely create pure, powerful thoughts in harmony with his original nature.


The quality of thoughts determines the quality of our karma. Karma in turn is rewarded back to us in the future. So right thinking based on the right knowledge is the recipe for beautiful and lasting relationships, and living a peaceful and contented life. Raja Yoga meditation 'elevates' our vibrations/thought energy in harmony with the supreme being (God) and hence at first our inner world of thoughts becomes beautiful. This also helps in remaining mentally strong amidst turbulent situations. Finally the same is reflected in our outer world also. Everything starts to become right. We begin to do righteous karma, which harms no one and uplifts anyone who comes in our contact.


Then our karma really begins at the level of thoughts. Hence anyone who wants to re-design his life must indeed begin to transform the thoughts in harmony with the spiritual wisdom and our original virtues.


We highly recommend to watch our 'Awakening' series episodes on Karma by BK Sister Shivani.

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