Whom the world remember as Aadi Devi (the first deity) or Eve, as written in many texts. In Vedas, Saraswati is worshipped as the goddess of Knowledge. We now understand that Saraswati is the aloukik daughter of Prajapita Brahma , in whom God Shiva enters to create the new world. She is the World mother (Jagat Amba) through whom God (the Supreme Soul) fulfils everyone's wishes. Therefore Jagadamba is worshipped so much. Come and know the divine story of the 'most worshipped' human soul. Saraswati Mamma was also the first administrative head of the Brahma Kumaris organisation (1950-65). How inspiring, virtuous, serving, and simple the life of our Yagya mother was, know it from those who actually lived with her, witnessed her spiritual stage, listened to the nectar of knowledge flowing from Mamma's mouth. This is the official biography describing the life story as known from the aadi ratans.
Early Life Story
Mamma's loukik birth was in 1920. Born to mother 'Rocha' and father 'Pokardas' in Amritsar, Punjab. Her birth name was Radhe. She was a brilliant student, along with being active in school sports. Radhe's father had a business in Bombay, India, where she spent her early childhood. She studied English at a reputed school. After the sudden death of her father Pokardas, she and her mother Rocha came and settled in Karachi (presently in Pakistan). Radhe continued school here for around 2 years before this life transforming incident took place. In this time, on a one fine evening, while Radhe was sitting in a local garden practising Veena (an Indian musical instrument), she heard the sound of 'ओम (Om)', coming from a nearby house. She followed the sound and reached the place. This was the Om Mandli Satsang conducted by Dada Lekhraj. Radhe saw a group of people sitting and listening to Dada Lekhraj speaking verses of Bhagavad Gita and explaining the meaning. In a moment, Radhe felt a deep spiritual connection with Dada, whom she did not know earlier. Baba called her as 'Radha' for the first time... "You are Shri Radha of Satyug, aren't you?"; Baba asked her. This was a magical moment in drama. For the first time, Shiv Baba saw Mamma Saraswati through the eyes of Prajapita Brahma... After this incident, Radhe took her mother also to the satsang. She was given the name 'Om Radhe' in early 1938. Later Radhe, along-with Rama (Dadi Prakashmani), Lakshmi (Dadi Ratan Mohini), and more, joined the newly opened children's day boarding school "Om Niwas" as teachers. Mamma would teach the children meditation along-with the worldly subjects. Both Om Radhe and Dada (Brahma baba) began sustaining the children. Please Note: At that time, RajYoga meditation was not taught by Shiv Baba. Meditation only meant 'to consider the self as a soul, a source of light, like a lamp instead'
Below is the Full video of the early story from 1936...

Picture Story with song
Early Experiences
''Mamma is the most virtuous soul of all'' - everyone who witnessed Mamma indeed experienced this. Mamma came to Yagya in its early stage and immediately surrendered in God's mission. At such young age of 17, Mamma became spiritually matured and took major responsibilities of the Yagya (Om Mandli group) in hands. When there was a court case run against Om Mandli, Mamma (then known as 'Om Radhe') appeared in the court and gave such a testimony (gawahi) that the judge was convinced, and the Om Mandli won the case. Mamma explained to them how the incorporeal God has placed Dada Lekhraj as a medium and he is teaching us through this Dada. It is God our spiritual father, she explains, who is commanding us to remain pure (celibate) and not any human being.
''Baba said, Mamma executed''
Saraswati Mamma had a very sharp intellect. She would listen to baba's murli and then explain Murli points in much detail and clarity. Churning, dharna (imbibing divine virtues), introspection, inner joy, silence, royalty, and belongingness to God - these were a few of the qualities of Mamma. She had won the hearts of all surrendered brothers and sisters. Everyone loved her. Mamma's motto was 'One Faith, One Power' & 'Never give or take the sorrow'. Mamma was actually a reflection of what Murli or Shrimat is. Mamma was an ideal Godly student. No one matched her in obeying Shrimat. Mamma use to wake up at 2 AM in morning for Amritvela Yog (meditation) as directed by Shiv baba in those days. Not only she mastered the Self and senses, but also guided many in this path of spiritual upliftment, in becoming a deity from a human being. By only seeing Mamma, and her divine qualities many decided to give away their vices and bad habits. Her dhristi (sight) had such power.
Mamma's role in the Gyan Yagya is special since the beginning. And this role became eminent after 1950 when the group settled in Mount Abu and started the service across India. Mamma went on services and many new centres started to open. Many new souls came in Gyan (started their spiritual journey) after listening to mamma's class. Mamma was responsible for the finance of Yagya, and she always kept an economy and effectiveness balanced (i.e. only spend money for the right purpose)
Mamma had many virtues and as the devotees worship 9 forms of the goddess, mamma indeed had all those 9 powers imbibed naturally which she used for the upliftment of many.
SARASWATI - Goddess of Knowledge - Mama listened to the Knowledge (murli) from Shiv Baba and imbibed it and played the Sitar of Knowledge, and inspired everyone through her own inculcation (dharna), and brought a realization to all.
JAGADAMBA - Goddess of Fulfilment - giving love and bestowing an eternal blessing of peace and happiness.
DURGA - Goddess of Shakti - who takes power from Shiva and removes all weaknesses (durgunn) within the self, and also helps to remove weaknesses of others.
KALI - Goddess of Fearlessness - who is fearless and courageous and destroys all negativity, evil, and devilish personality traits.
GAYATRI - Goddess of Auspicious Omens - Mamma gave importance to the elevated versions spoken by Shiv Baba and used each version as a mantra and this is why there is an importance of Gayatri mantra, which works like magic to remove all bad omens.
VAISHNAV - Goddess of Purity - who radiates light of purity and empowers all to become divine through pure vision, pure thoughts, pure words, and deeds.
UMA - Goddess of Enthusiasm - who brings hope, zeal, and enthusiasm (umang/utsaha).
SANTOSHI - Goddess of Contentment – The one who brings a feeling of deep contentment.
LAKSHMI - Goddess of Wealth – The one who bestows upon souls the unlimited Wealth of spiritual knowledge and virtues.
Links & Documents
Mamma ki Murli recordings
Film story on Mamma
Samadhan episode 1 on Mamma Day
Samadhan episode 2 on Mamma Day
Mamma ki Specialities
Picture Story (Mamma Yaad)
Mamma's Avyakt Messages
A Great Yogi Stage
Dadi Prakashmani (previous chief of organisation) remembers and shares an experience: "Mamma's personality was very powerful. Mamma would look at you and not saying a word, you will grasp what she has to say. There was a strong motherly feeling around her which anyone who sees her would feel. She was a living example of an elevated Yogi (one who is in deep meditation with God, Shiv Baba). It was around 1960," Dadi continues, "when Mamma was on service around India, opening centres at different places. Once, she came to Punjab, where a small centre (Geeta pathshala) was recently opened. It was known that many local residents were against the knowledge shared by Brahma Kumaris. When they got to know that their chief (Mamma) has come, they gathered around the centre to protest. They asked to meet mamma. Seeing them furious, the sisters of that local centre refused to let them meet mamma. But they forcefully entered the centre and went up to mamma's room." Dadi continues with a smile; ''When they saw mamma sitting in a corner in Tapasya, they instantly calmed down and sat near the door. In a while, mamma spoke to them. They listened and peacefully came out. They ended their protest after even seeing the divinity of mamma Saraswati, whom they did not know earlier."
Final Words
There was a magical force in her words. Mamma's words had changed lives and inspired to progress on the spiritual journey. Mamma became the right hand in service along-with Prajapita Brahma baba. During services across the country, mamma's murlis (in her original voice) were recorded. Do you wish to listen to her Murli? Here it is. After a continuous 28 years of effort making and churning of knowledge, Jagadamba Saraswati, our Mamma became complete in June 1965 and flew to Shiv baba to become his right hand in subtle service and in World Transformation. Brahman souls should remember the great life of Mamma, her virtues, personality, wisdom, and actions (karma) to take inspiration.