8 Powers of Soul ~ through Raja Yoga
We now have realised the Self as an eternal soul who takes a body as a physical medium to perform actions (karma), and enjoy its fruit (result). Now let us understand further, the fundamental properties of the Soul i.e. What are Spiritual powers present in the Soul through which we maintain the journey of our life. They are: Power to Accommodate, Power of Tolerate, Power to pack up, Power to Face, Power to Discriminate, Power to Judge, Power to Co-operate & Power to Withdraw.
Power to Accommodate
The power to accommodate is the ability to accept the presence, ideas, nature, and desires of others.
As water accommodates according to the shape of the container, and river accommodates as per the shape of the path, it teaches us to fit in all situations and yet remain original (pure). It teaches us to mix and adjust with others in all situations of life. It needs the virtue of "acceptance" for everyone as they are. We all are unique.

Power to Tolerate
The power to tolerate is the ability to manage difficult situations positively, yet not be affected by them.
Power of tolerating internal and external challenges. This is one of the most special and useful powers of soul. Use this power to live a happy life free from conflicts in relationships. To tolerate means, to remain in peace with any situation we face. There is a positive way to think about it. Tolerate doesn't mean just not to speak or react. It means, to respond in the right manner such that we should not give any pain or hurt the other person. Includes: Tolerating bad words, or bad atmosphere.

Power to Face
The power to face is the ability to confront and resolve external and internal obstacles, tests and challenges.
Power to face challenges & people's negative behaviour. This is one step further of Power to tolerate. On one hand, we can tolerate the wrong and on the other hand, we convey the truth that we hold, but in a peaceful way. This is the power to face challenges in life. Be brave and cross the difficulties. This power only comes when there is 'truth' in our heart and our actions are righteous.

Power to Pack Up
This is our ability to bring things to an end and to stop wasteful thinking.
Power to stop a negative thought, word, or action immediately. Pack up and move ahead instantly. This power requires the practice of "detachment". We hold ourselves back for comfort of our mind or heart. We want to live life the same every day. But "change" is indeed the law of nature. Thus we must practice this power to gather what we now have and move ahead in life.

Power to Discriminate
This is our ability to 'separate' what is true from what is false; to differentiate between things.
What is right and What is wrong? This is the most basic question which comes across while taking a decision whether small or big. When we discriminate between them, only then we can make the right decision, isn't it? Even with 2 right ways, we may need to decide the best way. This is indeed a deep reflection of our human birth, that we can take conscious decisions, decide our doings, and thus shape our future.

Power to Judge
This is the ability to assess our choices, decisions and actions in ourselves and in others.
Judge means to "decide" what is right and what is wrong. God says: "Become your own judge." When we judge our self, it is an opportunity to change, and not to repeat the same mistake next time. When we practice this, we are subconsciously shaping our intellect. We are telling our mind and senses what it right to do. It is also a power to judge other person's character and thus avoid getting into a relationship with a wrong person, or avoid being cheated.

Power to Co operate
This is our ability to give attention, time, experience and wisdom in the service of others and to work alongside them.
1) Helping others to go ahead or overcome their weaknesses or life challenges. 2) When we are in a group working for a common purpose, we all need both power to accommodate and to Co-Operate. In this Godly mission also, we all cooperate towards bringing the new world of happiness. Everyone have a purpose to live and they are just doing their part in this world drama. Become egoless, remain humble and only then you will adjust and cooperate with everyone.

Power to Withdraw
This is our ability to step back and disengage from the world around us for a moment or so.
Detachment means awareness that I am separate from my body, my role and my responsibility. We thereby would see things in the right perspective, take accurate decisions and not suffer pain, or cause pain to others. Let us be aware – I the soul am playing the role of a parent, spouse, child, etc. My job is only a medium to earn and feed myself and my family. Whatever may be the role, my original nature is peace, love, purity, happiness. I respect every other soul of the world. These virtues should reflect in every role that I play. I am a soul, and I am interacting with other souls playing different roles. We all are "actors" in this great world drama play.