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- Birth and Death is Predestined?In Question Answers·7 June 2021Loss of loukik father and a question if Soul's life birth and death is pre-destined or does it get decided at instant in present life situation. Here is our answer. Original Email Received Om Shanti! I'm the second daughter of my parents. I & my dad were so much attached to each other.I don't think any one has ever loved me the way my dad loved me & I loved him so much too.He was the happiest when something nice happened to me.Unfortunately I had problems in my marriage & was living apart from my spouse for almost a year. My dad was very sad over this. Very unexpectedly, my dad passed away one morning due to hemorrhagic stroke (internal bleeding; but he didn't have any previous history of high bp as far as I know).Everyone says that the mis happenings in my life has caused a serious toll on him and that's the reason for his sudden demise. Is that the case? Is there a fixed time for every atma to leave the body or it just leaves the body on certain circumstances as I mentioned above (where the mental pain has caused the disease and eventually death). I very much feel that if I didn't have any marital problems, my dad would still have been with me. Looking for your answer. Regards, Deepa Our Email Response/Answer To: Deepa Mukundan From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godly Spiritual University) Dear Divine Sister, Your email is read and here is our response. You have partly answered your question. The time of birth and death and even how the soul is going to leave the body is already decided before by the soul itself. No one can change that. He left his body according to his past karmas and at the right time as per the scheme of the grand world drama. You need not think that you are the reason for your father’s death. You are not a reason of life, nor thus can you become a reason of death. You are just you, the eternal pure soul. Nothing bad can be done without a bad intention behind it. If you in your intention feel god about someone, you cannot, cannot do any bad to that soul. Love is that. Love is freedom and also a bonding thread. So be happy for your father's soul. If you truely love him, send good vibrations. Read this article in the World Renewal magazine (Page 19) to understand more about life and death : To go deeper into the subject of karma, listen to this video - * Other posts related to death * Overcome fear of death -> Overcome fear and negative thinking ~~ USEFUL LINKS ~~ Who am I: Karma: Do visit all the links above. You are very welcome to contact us further for any queries. Namaste On God fatherly service 00000
- Choosing Right Life PartnerIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Choosing a life partners even means writing your future with your own hands. So HOW TO choose your Life partner? What is the perfect spiritual match? ( Please read till the end of conversation ) Hence here is our guidance on love and choosing the right life partner. While know that we ourself take ourself closer to God, the most beloved personality, for which you are asked not to marry or practice complete celibacy for this precious birth. More of which you will know on our Article: Celibacy, a way of Life. Ok, enjoy the conversation. Original Email Received in Feb 2019 Respected sisters and brothers, I have been following a lot of Sister Shivani's videos and ThinkRight. Me app affirmations. I've always heard from her to exercise the capacity to accept other people and radiating love and affection to them. My doubt was how should one decide on a life partner? If we can remain happy with everyone and accept everyone, how do we choose whom to spend our life with? Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions one has to make in their life. One wrong decision, and the entire life pathway may change. So how we choose on someone, especially in arranged marriages where you haven't spent enough time with someone and if you see everyone's good qualities, you will never be able to come to that one conclusion as to whom should one marry. I was highly confused in this case and wanted your help. Regards, . Our Response + Guidance To: Sugandha From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godly Spiritual University) Dear Divine Sister, Your email as on 11 Feb 2019 is received and read. Here is our response. Yes, that is right. One should always strive towards give love to all and be accepting of others. But acceptance does not mean saying yes to everything. You can of course have your preferences. What acceptance means is that it is not causing any disturbance in your mind. You are not being judgemental about the other person. We can never know the entire truth of one’s life. Acceptance means to understand that I am a soul and a child of God, and so is the other person. We are all playing our role as per world drama. This is called being soul conscious. When you are in this consciousness, you see the divinity in everyone and acceptance becomes a natural way of life. Choosing the right When it comes to choosing a life partner, have your terms and conditions regarding how that person should be, matching your living values, likes and dislikes (not necessary, but best if it does match), family atmosphere and background, and most important if you two really have a deep inner connection which you may call love. If you find someone suitable and if there is a strong karmic account, most chances to become long-term life partners. In many religions and countries, it is widely believed that God creates your exact match and send you both in world. This in fact to say that our marriage for life is already destined. This isn't true however. God does not sit and make couples. What is the purpose? He knows the world, being the creator of world. He knows his children. So the accurate way to answer WHY two souls have such inner connection that they are perfect to marry each other, lies in their past life Karmic account. If they both loved each other in a different form and name and even between a different relationship (can be a parent-child, brothers, sisters or brother-sister, and even husband-wife). So in the view of Soul, love does not mean a RELATIONSHIP of Husband and Wife. Love only means a feeling of pure connection, caring about each other, giving priority and respect. Love is simply beautiful and unbounded of any marriage. So there is no NEED when you feel COMPLETE being with someone. This feeling of completeness is called ''love''. ~~ USEFUL LINKS ~~ Who am I? : Karma Philosophy: 8 powers of the soul: Mobile apps made by us -> Namaste On Godfatherly service 00000
- How to Spread a WordIn New comers Forum·7 June 2021A lot of seva can be done when you represent a group of people. Read ahead to know more.. This is our guided advise. Original Email Received What is the role of a principal to bring the spirituality among the teachers and specially the students in one school? Email response + Guidance To: Somnath kundu and everyone reading From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa-Vidhalaya (Godly University) First of all Congratulations to you as a step taken to improve lives of many that too by the way of spirituality is the biggest service. Now you're at an influential position in School. You can do a lot of service... 1. You can conduct yog shivir, seminars or प्रदर्शनी (exhibition) for Rajyoga Meditation course in your school. Approach Centre for this. Know more about here -> 7 days course 2. Imbibe spirituality in daily routine of school. Consider these- after every one or two hours in school play traffic control song or a short Commentary. Guide everyone to meditate. So that student and teachers can take out 1-2 minute to refresh their minds. Above said step can also be done in daily assembly.. commentary of 5-10 minute should be played so that everyone connect their minds to supreme.. We have been doing Morning prayers since ages but it has become a merely routine and no one really remembers God in the process.. if possible replace morning prayers with Godly Versions i.e Murli. Excerpts from daily murli should be recited so that everyone can note good points in mind and this will definitely change everyone as a person. if it is not possible to replace prayer in assembly, then murli can be done for about 5-10 minute after prayers and meditation exercises. And morning prayers song should be replaced with more meaningful songs that are much understandable with soothing spiritual music. 3. Regular counselling session and teaching everyone Godly manners by seminars like how to purify food/water, why to remember God, how to practice soul Consciousness, spiritual activities, spiritual games.. 4. Just like we have Games period, there should be Meditation period. And in lunch period, meditation should be done to purify food and make it powerful through Commentary. 5. You must take everyone for a PICNIC to nearest Mediation Retreat centre of Brahma kumaris.. I promise it will be life changing experience for everyone. There you will get food, place to stay, everything and cost will be almost negligible as compared to worldly resorts .. Contact directly to Retreat centre or your nearby centre. Some of the BK Retreat centres in India- madhuban, the headquaters at mount abu Omshanti retreat centre, gurugram shanti sarovar 6. Show meaningful videos to kids and teachers (search YouTube for more videos) - bal naitik shikshaye how to meditate bacho k baba *Related Post* Guidance for teachers -> ADVICE: You should get connected to your nearest BK Rajyoga Centre. Search for nearby centre. Contact again to know more On Godly World Service 00000
- After marriage issues 1In Question Answers·7 June 2021Past life karmic accounts can bring two souls closer using means. Our moral understandings/values if does not permit us to let anyone close as we are already married. So how to control the feeling and how to deal the situation so that we don't hurt anyone? Here is our guidance. Original Email Received I am married for 11 years now and have one daughter. I know a person whom I met before my marriage, we were just friends. Then, I got married and moved to a different place. We were not having contact for many years. Recently, 2-3 years back we were in contact again. Now, we are in regular touch via phone. He is also married and have 2 kids. But, somethings when we talk over the phone, I feel we cross our limits. We get lost in conversation. Afterwards I regret for that. Now, he is planning to meet me in a different place. Should we meet is my big question?? I want to see him after many years but at the same time really worried that we may do something wrong. So, please suggest. Thanks. Our Email Response To: Everyone reading this From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya VishwaVidhyalay (Godly University) Good morning Dear Sister If you are properly connected with us, you will know that our first dharna is of Purity (celibacy) which comes as we look each other as brothers (or brother-sister). As we all are souls, we all are brothers, the children of one God (the Supreme Soul). Apply this wisdom (knowledge) in your life and whatever you feel - you can do. As you consider the self as an eternal pure soul, you cannot do any wrong. Can you? There is no such feeling... Now meeting someone is only if you have some important reason. We advise - if you have not a good reason to meet, DO NOT meet. As this can further bring complication in both's lives. You have a child - so focus on your own family life. Many things are to be done in life - why to waste time in talking! * Related posts - We answered - Do visit * 1. How to overcome feelings?: 2. Q and A on relationship (topic): if you wish to give a thanks to us for helping you, then come and know about BKWSU - this will change your life. About Us -> (Yagya) If need any advice or to know more about us, email us OR use of Search engine -> (BK Google) namaste On Godly World Service 00000
- व्यसन मुक्ति (free from addiction)In Question Answers·7 June 2021Guidance to be Free from addiction and body consciousness (lust). व्यसन मुक्ति के लिए हमारी तरफ से सहायता। जरूर पढ़े अगर आपको कोई भी व्यसन है। Original Email in Hindi Received ॐ शांति मेरा नाम हेमजी भावजी बारोट है । में अहमदाबाद में रहता हु और स्टील का व्यवसाय करता हु । मेरा मन भक्ति में और योग में नहीं लग रहा है । में प्रति दिन व्यसन ( PAN मसाला ) छोड़ने का निश्चय करता हु और फ़ैल हो रहा हु एक बार तो मेने ३० दिन नहीं खाये और बाद में चालू हो गए । मेरे मन की शक्ति कम हो रही है में सुबह जाग नहीं पा रहा हु । और हररोज संकल्प टूटने से मेरा मनोबल ० हो गया है । जिसका असर मेरे व्यवसाय पर भी दिख रहा है । में चीज़ो को टाल ने लगा हु । मेरा ध्यान काम वासना की तरफ ज्यादा जा रहा है । और में खुद नहीं चाहता पर फिर भी रोक नहीं पता हु । में आपसे दोनों हाथ जोड़कर निवेदन करता हु के मेरी समस्या का कुछ समाधान दीजिये । बाकि परिवार , समाज और व्यवसाय में कोई तक्लिप नहीं है । बाबा ने जो दिया है है में उससे सतुष्ट हु । ॐ शांति Our Email Response in Hindi To: जिसे भी जरुरत है From: प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय (Godfather's University) आपने कहा - ३० दिन नहीं खाया - फिर अचानक मन हुआ। अर्थात - इच्छा शक्ति तो अच्छी है। तो अभी फिर से शरुआत करना - और अगर कभी बहुत मन हो, तो यह विचार करो - की 'मैंने ३० दिन पान मसाला नहीं खाया तो मन और शरीर कितना अच्छा रहा, मुझे भी ख़ुशी रही न - ऐसे विचार करते करते अपने मन को इन चीजों से दूर रखना चाहिए। यह जानिये की अगर गलत इच्छा को पूरा किया गया, तो वो इच्छा वृद्धि को पाती है - मतलब दूसरी बरी और भी इच्छा होंगी। इसलिए शरुआत में ही काम विकार को समाप्त कर देना चाहिए।।। १. व्यसन मुक्ति के लिए हमारे 'Awakening with BrahmaKumaris' प्रोग्राम को देखे - परिवार को भी दिखाए। Addiction free (Hindi series): (video) पुराणी आदत को कैसे बदले?: काम विकार पर विजय कैसे? (eBook): और जीवन में दिव्य गुणों की धारणा -> २. यह classes send कर रहे है - रोज सुनिए तो समय अच्छी ज्ञान की बात में जायेगा। और रूहानी गीत भेज रहे है - जबी टाइम मिले, सुने (listen daily) -> Spiritual Songs -> Classes -> ( Save both above links / Bookmark on phone's browser) 3. थोड़े दिन रूहानी गीत सुनते और जब आप इसमें सफल हो जाये, तो आपको निमंत्रण है - यह परमपिता परमात्मा के विद्यालय में आओ और अपने परिचय के साथ इस सृस्टि के आदि-मध्य-अंत का परिचय लो - Visit - 7 days course in Hindi (online course) अच्छा ईश्वरीय विश्व सेवा में On Godly Service ००000
- Email Letter Responded by Sister ShivaniIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Question was asked by Kunal from California, US about 'How to handle the feeling of being cheated by someone.' Original Email Received: Pranam Sister Shivani, I am reaching out to you today as I am in dire need of help with an extremely difficult situation that i have been put in. I have immense respect for you and salute you for the tireless work you have been doing guiding people to lead a spiritual and a better life. I hope that you would take just 5 minutes to read about my problem as I feel that you would be able to help me in someway here. ....... (middle part of this email is removed from this post as asked by the person who emailed us) ...... Please help me get justice as i feel cheated and betrayed for a noble intention of helping someone from my motherland to get an education. I never thought that this would come back and steal everything i have worked so hard for. I am hoping to hear back from you. Thank you Our Answer: To: everyone reading ✱ Please visit this link to read our FULL response -> --- Useful Links (MUST visit all) --- About Us: Who am I ?: Relaxing Nature: Karma: Accha In world service Brahma Kumari Shivani Namaste 00000
- क्या शिव बाबा मुरली सुनाते है? How do we know that Shiv baba speaks the Murli?In Question Answers·7 June 2021Bhagwan koun hai? Why does God cannot be seen with this eyes? Kaise mane ki Gyan ki Murli Nirakar Shiv baba bolte hai? How we know that incorporeal Shiv baba speaks Murli, and not Brahma? Question asked via Email (Hinglish): Om Shanti.Mujhe ye puchna hai ki bhagwaan agar hain th vh sabko kyun nhi dikhte.Mujhe bhi nhi dikhte th phir aap log kaise keh sakte hain ki ye sab baatein Shiv Baba kehta hai. Our Response (answer to email) From: Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay To: Priyanka (and everyone reading) Ishwar, God, Bhagwan kise kehte hai? Is duniya ke creator ko hum bhagwan kehte hai. God is the creator. To yeh buddhi samajhti hai, ki jab itni badi aur vishal creation (nature) hai, to creator bhi jaroor hoga.. Unki bahut mahima hai. Ankh se kaise dekh sakte hai?? aisi to bahut chije hai jo is ankho se nahi dikhti. ParamAtma (supreme soul) ek jyoti bindu hai. Prakash ka ek source hai, unse hi um buddhi mili hai. Isliye unko Ishwar (the ancestor of human souls - va Param Purush kehte hai). Purush ka arth hai 'Atma'. Param Atma. Duniya me bahut kuch hota hai jo science explain NAHI kar sakti. Prayer karne se kitni samasya ka samadhan ho jata hai, aadii bahut proof hai ki koi shakti hai jisne is duniya ko Racha hai, Paalna karti hai aur last me Parivartan karti hai. Jab hum Yog sikhte hai, jise Gyan sahit ''RajYog'' kaha jata hai (learn more on page: RajYog in Hindi), to Yog ke dauran hume sharir ke pare ki sthiti ki anubhuti hoti hai, to kisiko atmic stage me hone ki anubhuti, to kisi ko koi divya dhristi se kuch dikhta hai aur kisi ko anand me bahut unchi prapti hoti hai. Yeh sab anubhutiya aur praptiya bahut atmao ko hui hai jo aapko bhi hongi jab aap Shiv baba (Parampita Parmatma) se Yog lagaoge... itne spast anubhuti hoti ki chahkar bhi koi keh nahi sakta ki yeh Bhagwaan nahi koi aur hai... Vo hum sabhi atmao ke parampita (father) hai. Unka naam hai - 'Shiv' Bahari anubhav galat bhi ho sakte hai, ankho ka dhoka ho sakte hai, lekin jo atma swayam anubhav kare use kaise dhokha kahe?? Murli me jo Gyan hai - kya yeh Gyan koi manusya de sakta hai? -Swayam se pucho. Gyan se hi yeh maalum chalta hai ki Gyan dene wala koun hai, va Gyan dene ka lakshya kya hai. Murli me Shiv baba swayam kehte hai - ki mai is Brahma ke sharir me baith kar, tum baccho ko Gyan diye, Nar se Narayan banata hu. Arthat sresth devi-devta banata hu. Yahi Gyan ka lakshya hai. Atma jab pavitra ban jaye, to pavitra duniya me janam legi. Pavitra duniya hai hi Swarg (Satyug). Gyan Murli kya hai (What is Murli?): ---------------------------------------- About God (Shiv baba): Do save some time for God and self realisation daily and watch this life changing and knowledgefull videos: Here are special gifts: Videos gallery: Get Mobile Apps: Search anything you want on (BK Google, a personal search engine for BKs) Accha Namaste 00000
- Purity and Self transformation with Swaman practiceIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Question was asked by unknown about: 'Handling Family in-Laws Relationships and staying away from negative thoughts and Maya. Original Question via Email: Namaste. I am living in Australia right now and arrived just 3 months ago. I am married for ten years and 29 years old and also have two lovely kids. I was only 19 when got married and faced many ups and down in my married life, even many times I decided to commit suicide and my in-laws want me to get divorced from my husband and whenever I talked to any boy in relatives they started to question on my character just because I have a smiley face. But I never lose my hope. I make myself so conservative and preserve that nobody can point me out. I always became loyal to my husband and shrink myself to him and my kids. As I strongly believe in God so I always afraid of doing any type of illegal work and sin. But my husband never tries to understand my feelings and even don't give much respect to me. I have a shy and introvert nature. I don't understand why people misunderstand me if I talk to them with a smile. Is really my character is not good? I don't want to cheat my husband. But I still think about my identity and character, attracted to another man is not a sign of a good woman. Is that I gave them any signal that attracts them to me? Our Response (Answer to Email): From: Anand, Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay To: unknown soul -- YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSE -- You are cheerful and that is a virtue. If you create such thought for someone - definitely that thoughts will reach them and they will react if that soul is not powerful enough. This is how thoughts can influence. Second - this all can be overcomed. A powerful tree is not shaken even in midst of tsunami. Because its roots are deep and trunk is strong. Similarly - if Soul's pure sanskars are deep and the mind is made powerful, then stabilty is seen in practical life. HOW? Advice: Start Swaman Abhyas (practice of self respect). DAILY - wake up early in morning around 5 am, sit in silence and listen these commentaries and follow. Swaman in Hindi: Swaman in English: Save above playlist. --------------------- * Conclusion * Practice given advice for atlleast 21 days and see the results in yourself. You have 2 children. Mother has natural feeling of belongingness to someone - for you - you should focus only on YOUR family or children. Do not even try to make any happy. JUST BE YOURSELF at your best. Always remember - Lust is the greatest enemy of human being. NEVER you should surrender to any feeling that is risen by this lust. Read this article on Purity - as a way of Life: This is our advice. Waiting for your response and progress. Accha In Godly World Service 00000
- 12th के बाद क्या करू (बाबा की श्रीमत अनुसार)?In Question Answers·7 June 2021Question was asked to us by Aman on 12 July 2018. Below is the original question asked. Me abhi 12th me hu. 12th k baad baba ki shrimad anusar kya karu, kya karna chahiye. please reply me soon. Our Answer: देखो अमन, पहले तो यह सुनो: बाप को अगर पहचाना है, आँखो से देख तो नही सकते, लेकिन आत्मा और Pअरमात्म को महसूस ज़रूर कर सकते हो.. जो __ है, उसे इन आँखो से देखा नही जाता, लेकिन बुद्धि से जाना जाता है. तो मुरली अर्थात ज्ञान मुरली, आत्मा, परमपिता परमात्मा और यह ड्रामा चकरा का परिचय अर्थात ज्ञान है. मुरली शिव बाबा की वाणी है. What is Murli: -- दूसरी बात -- बाबा की श्रीमत अनुसार- घर ग्रस्त मे रहते, सभी अपनी responsibilities को निभाते, पवित्रता को अपनाना है और ज्ञान की धारणा करनी है, मुरली कभी miss नही करनी और spiritual service जितनी कर सकते हो, उतनी ज़रूर करनी है.. बाकी कोई भी काम करो. बाहर HOLIDAY पर जाओ, लेकिन HOLY ज़रूर रहा है.. 5 विकार पर जीत पानी है.. बहुत बहुत ''sweet'' बनना और बनाना है.. यही शिव बाबा की श्रीमत है.. --- Useful Links --- How to Become a BK: Revelations: Accha Namaste 00000
- Does your Thoughts Reach the Person?In Question Answers·7 June 2021Question was asked by Mihika Vyas on 21 July 2018 I just want to know is it true that our vibration reaches the other person. Life if we are missing someone they are also thinking about us ? If are thinking all good and positive they too are thinking the same ? Are vibrations really these strong ? Our Answer: Yes. This is true. Our vibrations reaches the one whom we are remembering. For example you remember your mother, than the quality of your thought/s would influence the stage of your mother's soul . If you send love, then that soul will receive. BUT. The extent upto which some soul receives other's vibration depend upon many things: The kind of relationship between the two, the present stage of both souls, etc.. If 2 people knows each other since 20 years, then they will receive each other's vibrations more, cAmpared to those 2 who knows each other since only 1 year. Understood? Awakening episode - How does mind communicate? - by BK Shivani : Law of Karma: Accha Namaste 00000
- Friend Became a Brahma KumariIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Girlfriend became a Brahma Kumari and the boy emails us regarding how can I obtain my love back or can marry in accordance with Brahma Kumaris rules. Here is our answer. Both the question and its answer is in Hinglish (English type Hindi). Original Email Received Main govind Kumar Srivastava. Mei apni girlfriend se Bahut pyar karta hu but vo Brahamkumari ban gayi hain unko mujhe apne pass lana hain ki Humara relationship achha bana rahe aur main aapke institute ke condition ko mante hue rakhna chahta hu iska koi upay btaiye. Dhanyawaad. Our Email Response From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay To: Govind and the BrahmaKumari Yeh email dhyaan se ekaant me padhe aur phir apne BrahmaKumari friend ko 'forward' kare. Kehna ''madhuban'' se aaya hai. Ek hi tarika hai ab saath nibhane ka - aap bhi Brahma Kumar ban jao - vo aapki friend reh sakti hai - lekin Jeevan saathi nahi. Unhone ParamAtma ko apna jeevan ka saathi banaya hai - isse unka jeevan shresth ban jayega.. yeh aap bhi jaante ho. Ab aap agar unse saccha prem karte ho, to unka bhala ho raha hai usme unka ''saath dena chahiye''. Jaha tak ho sake, unko apna raasta lene do. Pyaar me ''balidaan'' arthat ''sacrifice'' bhi karna pade. ParamAtma bhi pyaar ka sandesh dete hai - lekin yeh pyaar sharirik (bodily) nahi, lekin atmic (atma se atma ka) pyaar hai. Swayam hum sabhi aatma hai aur ParamAtma humare Pita (father) hue. Unse hum avinashi Satya Gyan ki prapti kar rahe hai. Unse Yog lagana arthat unko Yaad karna - yeh ''RajYog'' hai. Learn more -> What is Raja Yog? Aur yaha ''Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariy Vidhyalay'' me to swayam Parampita ParamAtma hume Gyan sunate hai - prajapita Brahma dwara. Refer: What is Murli Is bare me jyada jano apni friend se. Unse pucho unhone kya paya hai? Kya mila hai jo apna jeevan isme lagane ka nirnay kiya.. unko support karna chahiye. Aapne bhi Bhakti ki hongi.. to kya Bhagwan ko jaana nahi chahoge? Agar jaana chahte ho, to yaha humari website dwara sab jaankari milegi... About Us -> (Introduction) Yeh Sandesh apni friend ko bhi dikhana. Jaroor. Kehna madhuban se aaya hai. namaste On Godly World Service madhuban 00000
- Exam ke Samay Motivation TIPSIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Exam ka tension hone karan motivation ki jarurat padti hai. This is email from a student who needs motivation during though exam time. Needs emotional, mental and spiritual healing. Original Email Received Om Shanti. Maine BDS kiya hai Last year Maine Master's ka exam diya tha main ashafal rhi (failed). Ek mahine baad Mera Master's ka exam hai. Maine Bahot sare videos dekhe hai bramha kumaris k you tube pe aur Khud ko motivate bhi karne ki kosish karti hu. But Kabhi kabhi emotionally Bahot weak aur distrub feel karti hu. Choti choti baato pe Rona aata hai.Tension se Nind bhi nhi aati hai.Please mujhe kuch samadhan bataye Taki Mai Apne aim pe focus karu Aur master's k exam Mai safal rahu. Our Email Response To: Anyone reading this From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya VishwaVidhyalay (Godly University) Divine Brother/Sister Gita mein ye kaha gaya hei ki “Karmaneba dhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana”. Arth ham sirf apne karm par dhyan den aur phal bhagwan ke upar chod den” . Is ka matlab ye hei ki hamara karm hamesha sahi disha mei jana chahiye. Aap apna 100% attention apni exam ki preparation our paper par attention den. Aur phal ke baren mein chinta na Karen.Achhese padhai Karen aur har chapter ke revision bar bar Karen. Guidance 1. Apne confidence badhane ke liye roh subah uthkar 5 Swaman ka abhyas Karen. - Mein master Sarba shaktiman hoon - Mei Kalp kalp ki Vijayi atman hoon - Safalta mera janmsidh adhi kar hei - Meri to Vijay hui hi padi hei. - Mein jo padhti hun wo sare meri buddhi mein bas jati hei. Swaman Ahbyas (commentaries): 2. Jab padhne ke liye baithte hei hei to jaroor paramatma ko awhan kijiye - Baba ajao meri madat karo, baba bandha hua hei madat karne ke liye. Swaman -> 3. Padhne ke samya ye Nature Relaxing Sounds jaroor sune. 4. Swaman Ke saath saath roj Amrit bele (subah 4-5) baje uthkar meditation karne ki abhyas karen Raj yog meditaton commentaries -> * Related Article /post * How to focus and enjoy study?: Namaste On Godly World Service 00000
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