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  • 15 May 2018 BK murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - 15 May 2018 - BapDada - Madhuban - 15-05-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - सपूत बन श्रीमत पर चल मात-पिता की आशीर्वाद ले आगे बढ़ते रहो, आशीर्वाद लेने में कभी भूल नहीं करना" प्रश्नः- बाप बच्चों को कौन सा शुभ मार्ग बतलाते हैं, जो कोई भी मनुष्य नहीं बतला सकते? उत्तर:- पतित से पावन बनने का। मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति प्राप्त करने का शुभ मार्ग एक बाप ही बतलाते हैं। यह मार्ग किसी को भी पता नहीं है। अगर किसी भी आत्मा को पता होता तो दु:ख आते ही आत्मा फौरन वहाँ भाग जाती। बाप ने तुम्हें मार्ग बताया - बच्चे, देह सहित सब कुछ भूल अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करो, इससे ही पावन बनेंगे। गीत:- ले लो दुआयें माँ बाप की.... ओम् शान्ति। मीठे-मीठे बच्चों ने गीत सुना। अब हम मात-पिता को पतित-पावन तो कहते ही हैं। बच्चे जानते हैं कि जन्म-जन्मान्तर के पापों की गठरी उतरनी है, कैसे? सिर्फ मात-पिता को याद करने से। पुकारते शिवबाबा को ही हैं। ऊंच ते ऊंच ज्ञान बाप समझाते रहते हैं। बच्चे वर्सा लेते हैं बाप से। परन्तु जब तक एडाप्ट न करे, मुख वंशावली न बने तो बच्चे कैसे कहलावे। भक्ति मार्ग वाले तो सिर्फ गाते हैं, तुम यहाँ सम्मुख बैठे हो। बाप कहते हैं अब मैं आया हूँ तुम्हारी जन्म-जन्मान्तर की गठरी को उतारने की राय देने, श्रीमत पर चलाने। यह बाबा नहीं कहते, शिवबाबा कहते हैं - मेरे लाडले सिकीलधे बच्चे, समझते हो बरोबर पतित-पावन बाप ही पापों की गठरी उतारने का मार्ग अथवा पतित से पावन बनाने का मार्ग बताते हैं। जैसे सुभाष मार्ग नाम रखते हैं ना। यह है पतित से पावन बनने का मार्ग। बाप कहते हैं - मीठे-मीठे बच्चे, मैं तुमको मार्ग बताने आया हूँ। मनुष्य पुकारते रहते हैं - हे पतित-पावन आओ और आकर पतित से पावन बनाने का मार्ग बताओ। तुम्हें अभी वह मार्ग कौन बताते हैं? मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप। साधू आदि साधना करते हैं मुक्ति में जाने लिए। परन्तु जा नहीं सकते। जब दुनिया पतित होती है तब पावन दुनिया का मार्ग बताने बाप को आना पड़ता है। कोई भी मनुष्य मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति का मार्ग बता न सके। तो श्रीमत पर चलना चाहिए। सब संग तोड़ना है। सर्व धर्मानि परित्यज, मामेकम्... देह के जो भी सब धर्म हैं, सभी छोड़ अपने को आत्मा समझो। मैं फलाना हूँ, यह मेरी मिलकियत है - यह सब छोड़ अपने को आत्मा समझो और निरन्तर पुरुषार्थ करो, मेरे को याद करो। मैं शुभ मार्ग बताता हूँ। इन जैसा शुभ मार्ग कोई होता नहीं है। अब यह दु:ख का नाटक पूरा होता है। अभी भी यह दु:ख का पार्ट बजाना चाहते हो क्या? तो और ही दु:खी होंगे। यहाँ कोई भी मनुष्य सुखी नहीं है। अकाले मृत्यु आदि कितनी दु:ख की बातें हैं। कोई एक विरला बड़ी आयु वाले हैं, बाकी तो रोगी बन पड़ते हैं। बाप कहते हैं मैं गाइड बनकर आया हूँ। अब मात-पिता को याद करो। श्रीमत पर चलने से तुम्हारे ऊपर कितनी आशीर्वाद होती है जो तुम सब भाग्यशाली बन जाते हो। बाप कहते हैं तुम विश्व का मालिक बनने वाले हो। बेहद के बाप से विश्व का मालिकपना लेना कोई कम बात थोड़ेही है! पैसे के लिए कितना ठगी आदि करते हैं। यहाँ ऐसी कोई बात नहीं। बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करो तो सदैव के लिए निरोगी बन जायेंगे। 21 जन्म के लिए कितना भारी वर्सा देते हैं! ऐसे बाप से भक्ति मार्ग में प्रतिज्ञा करते आये हो। तुम पर कुर्बान जायेंगे, फिर आपसे स्वर्ग का वर्सा लेंगे। अब तुम जानते हो - हम अपने मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप के पास बैठे हैं। बाप निराकार, निरहंकारी गाया हुआ है। कितना ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप है। जब भक्ति पूरी होती है तब भक्ति मार्ग का फल देने लिए मैं आता हूँ। वह भी बताते हैं - मेरे सच्चे-सच्चे भक्त कौन हैं! जो पहले-पहले पूज्य थे, भगवान-भगवती थे, फिर ऊपर से नीचे आये हैं, सतो-रजो-तमो में आते-आते अब बिल्कुल ही जड़जड़ीभूत हो गये हैं। तुम जानते हो हम सो विश्व के मालिक थे। भारत की बड़ी महिमा है इसलिए सब भारत को मदद करते हैं। जानते हैं भारत पहले बहुत साहूकार था। अब गरीब हो गया है तो सबको तरस पड़ता है। भारत को बहुत गरीब समझकर मदद करते हैं। कोई बहुत साहूकार होते हैं और फिर गरीब बन पड़ते हैं तो उनको दान देने लिए सबकी दिल होती है। बाप कहते हैं भारतवासी कितने मूँझे हुए हैं। शिव जयन्ती मनाते हैं, परन्तु जानते नहीं कि शिवबाबा कब आया, क्या आकर किया। जरूर बाप वर्सा लेकर आया होगा। स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाया होगा। कहते हैं मैं बच्चों को सदा सुखी बनाकर, तख्त देकर वानप्रस्थ में चला जाता हूँ। मैं कोई तमन्ना नहीं रखता हूँ। विश्व का राज्य पाने लिए मैं मालिक नहीं बनता हूँ। ऐसे बिलवेड बाप को कैसे पकड़ना चाहिए। हाथ से पकड़ने की बात नहीं। बुद्धि से पकड़ने की बात है। सबको अपने घर गृहस्थ में भी रहना है। बच्चों की पालना भी करनी है। यह है बेहद का सन्यास। देह सहित जो कुछ है उनको छोड़ना है। यहाँ हरेक चीज़ जड़जड़ीभूत तमोप्रधान है। दु:ख देने वाली है। तत्व भी दु:ख देते हैं। बरसात न पड़ी फेमन हो जाता है। बाढ़ आ जाती है। वहाँ तो यह तत्व आदि सब तुम्हारे ऑर्डर में रहेंगे। पाँच तत्व भी तुम्हारी अवज्ञा नहीं करेंगे। अभी तुम बच्चे बाप से दुआयें ले रहे हो। दुआयें मिलेगी श्रीमत पर। बाप की श्रीमत पर मददगार बनो फिर मुझे याद करो। परन्तु रहो कमल फूल समान। बस, याद से ही तुम इस भारत को स्वर्ग बना देंगे। बाप कहते हैं तुम सिर्फ पवित्र बनो। ऐसे नहीं कि सब मनुष्य अंगुली देंगे। जो कल्प पहले श्रीमत पर बाप के मददगार बने हैं, वही बनेंगे। यह फ़खुर होना चाहिए हम परमपिता परमात्मा के राइट हैण्ड बनते हैं! राइट हैण्ड बनने से पूरा राइटियस बन जायेंगे। विजय माला में पिरो जायेंगे। है बहुत सहज। इसमें कोई हठयोग आदि नहीं कराते हैं। नाटक पूरा हुआ, 84 जन्मों का पार्ट पूरा हुआ। अभी छी-छी कपड़ा छोड़ना है। अब मुझे याद करते-करते शान्तिधाम में आ जायेंगे। पहले वहाँ निवास करेंगे फिर तुमको सुख के सम्बन्ध में भेज देंगे। बरोबर हम आत्मायें वहाँ से आती हैं। वह स्वीट होम तो सब भूल गये हैं। मनुष्य काशी कलवट खाते हैं। समझते हैं यहाँ दु:ख है, हम जाते हैं शिव के पास। परन्तु शिवबाबा के पास पहुँच नहीं सकते। यहाँ तो तुम बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं। तुम कमाई करते हो। पहले बाबा के बच्चे बनते हो। बाबा पढ़ाना शुरू करते हैं फिर तुमको वापिस ले जाते हैं फिर स्वर्ग में भेज देते हैं। प्रजापिता ब्रहमा तो जरूर यहाँ चाहिए ना। तो तुम समझा सकते हो - हम हैं ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियाँ। ब्रह्मा है शिवबाबा का बच्चा। शिवबाबा हमारा दादा है। वर्सा दादे से मिलता है। वह है स्वर्ग का रचयिता। उनसे ही स्वर्ग का वर्सा मिलना है इसलिए बाबा की मत पर चलना है। उनसे आशीर्वाद लेनी है। आज्ञाकारी बच्चे ही आशीर्वाद लेने के हकदार हैं। बाप कहते हैं कपूत नहीं लेकिन सपूत बनो। बाबा का हाथ पूरा पकड़ लो। तुमको बहुत आराम से ले जाते हैं। सब आत्माओं को पंख मिल जाते हैं। तुम जितना बाप को याद करेंगे उतना उड़ने के पंख मिलते जायेंगे। सजा खाने वाले थोड़ेही ऊंच पद पायेंगे। श्रीमत पर चलो फिर सजा के लायक नहीं बनेंगे। पास विद आनर होने के लिए पुरुषार्थ करना चाहिए। मम्मा-बाबा के ऊपर भी जीत पानी होती है। बाप बार-बार कहते हैं - बच्चे, बाप से मुख नहीं मोड़ना। कोई सेन्टर स्थापन करते, खूब सेवायें करते, कोई फिर चलते-चलते रूठ जाते हैं, सम्पूर्ण तो कोई बने नहीं हैं। कोई न कोई खिट-खिट होती है। परन्तु कभी भी बाप को छोड़ना नहीं है। बाबा, हम आपके हैं, आपसे वर्सा लेते हैं। गृहस्थ व्यवहार को भी सम्भालना है। यह कोई वह सन्यास नहीं है। तुमने बच्चों को रचा है तो उनकी पालना भी करनी है। उनमें भी कपूत और सपूत जरूर होंगे। कपूत बच्चे सबको तंग करेंगे। बाप कहते हैं तुम सबको पारलौकिक बाप का परिचय दो। बोलो - ओ गॉड फादर कहते हो, फिर सर्वव्यापी कैसे हो सकता है? कहते ही हैं पतित-पावन, गॉड फादर... तो जरूर पतित दुनिया है और पावन दुनिया भी है। सभी आत्माओं का बाप वह एक है। अभी तुम जानते हो हम उस बाप के सामने बैठे हैं जो हमको पतित से पावन बनाकर आशीर्वाद देते हैं - चिरंजीवी रहो। वहाँ तुमको काल खा नहीं सकता। तो बाप कहते हैं श्रीमत पर चलो। सबको सुख दो। बाप आये ही हैं सबको सुखी बनाने। सुख और शान्ति दोनों वर्सा देते हैं। वहाँ तो माया ही नहीं, तो दु:ख कहाँ से आया? यहाँ तो एक दो में लड़ते-झगड़ते रहते हैं। बाप आये हैं - सुखधाम-शान्तिधाम का मालिक बनाने। उसके लिए तुम पढ़ते हो। बाप ने सभी प्रबन्ध रखे हैं। है तो सब बच्चों का ही। बाप कहते हैं मैं तुम्हारा सर्वेन्ट हूँ। बच्चे कहते हैं - शिव बाबा, हमारे नाम पर मकान बना लेना। अच्छा, जो हुक्म। बाप भी कहते हैं जो हुक्म बच्चों का। शिवबाबा ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही तुम्हारे लिए बनवा रहे हैं। सब कुछ शिवबाबा ही करते हैं। बाबा ने कहा है चिट्ठी भी लिखो तो शिवबाबा केयर ऑफ ब्रह्मा। यह आदत पड़ जानी चाहिए। शिवबाबा को याद करने से कितने पाप कटते हैं। बाबा युक्तियाँ बताते रहते हैं। शिवबाबा केयर ऑफ ब्रह्मा। बहुत सहज है ना। नाम ही है सहज राजयोग और सहज ज्ञान। बाप है ज्ञान का सागर, नॉलेजफुल... सारी सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का राज़ बताते हैं। यह भी सेकेण्ड की बात है। अब भारतवासियों पर राहू की दशा बदलकर बृहस्पति की दशा बैठती है। बाप कहते हैं बच्चे दुआयें ले लो तो तुम्हारे पाप की गठरी उतरे। मामेकम् याद करने की प्रैक्टिस करो। उठते-बैठते, चलते-फिरते बाप कहते हैं मुझ मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप को याद करो। तुमको कैसा वर्सा देता हूँ! तो माँ-बाप से दुआयें लेने के लायक बनना चाहिए। इसने (ब्रह्मा ने) भी लौकिक बाप की बहुत दुआयें ली है। बाप की बहुत सेवा की है। पिछाड़ी में कहा काशी में निवास कराओ। अच्छा बाबा चलो। वहाँ बिठाकर नौकर-चाकर सब दिये। वहाँ ही उनकी मनोकामना पूरी हुई। बाबा की आशीर्वाद मिली ना। सबकी सर्विस की तो आशीर्वाद मिली। माँ-बाप की आशीर्वाद आगे बढ़ाती है। अभी है बेहद की बात इसलिए सपूत बच्चे बन आशीर्वाद लेनी है। तो श्रीमत पर चलते रहो और सबको मार्ग बताओ। भारतवासी स्वर्ग के मालिक बने थे। अभी बाबा आया है वर्सा देने। कहते हैं सिर्फ मुझ बाप को याद करो और किसके नाम-रूप में नहीं फँसना है। देही अभिमानी बन बाप को याद करो तो बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा। तुम मात-पिता हम बालक तेरे... अब वह मात-पिता सामने बैठे हैं। बाबा बरोबर आप कल्प पहले आये थे। कल्प-कल्प भी आप ऐसे आते हो। यह हम जानते हैं और कोई नहीं जानते हैं। तुम 84 जन्म के चक्र को जान गये हो। अभी बाप से आशीर्वाद लेने में भूल न करो। यह बड़ी जबरदस्त आशीर्वाद है। बाप तुम बच्चों को विश्व का मालिक बनाकर खुद निर्वाणधाम में बैठ जाते हैं। यह खुद इस सृष्टि का सुख नहीं लेते हैं। अच्छा! बाप कहते हैं विस्तार से क्या सुनाऊं। थोड़ी-सी बात सिर्फ समझ लो - तुम बाप को याद करना भूल जाते हो। गाँठ बाँध लो। मनुष्य कोई बात याद करने लिए गाँठ बाँध लेते हैं तो भूलता नहीं है। तो यह भी भूलना नहीं है। सेन्टर खोलने वालों को कितनी आशीर्वाद मिलती है! स्वर्ग के फाउण्डर को सब कितना याद करते हैं! ओ गॉड फादर, मर्सी ऑन मी। वह है सर्व का सद्गतिदाता, शान्ति दाता.....। बाप कैसे बैठ बच्चों की सेवा करते हैं। कितना ऊंच ते ऊंच बनाते हैं। कोई को भी पता नहीं पड़ता कि बाप इन्हों को क्या बनाते हैं। बाप बच्चों की सेवा में उपस्थित है, बहुत निरहंकारी है, बच्चे किस्म-किस्म के हैं तो भी कहते हैं भावी ऐसी बनी हुई है। बाप कहते हैं मेरी एक्ट हू-ब-हू कल्प पहले मुआफिक चलती है। गाँधी अथवा नेहरू भी चाहते थे कि वन ऑलमाइटी अथॉरिटी गवर्मेन्ट हो। अब यह कार्य बाप कर रहे हैं। आहिस्ते-आहिस्ते जानते जायेंगे। परन्तु टू लेट होते जायेंगे। कर्मातीत अवस्था हुई तो यह शरीर नहीं रहेगा। पिछाड़ी में आने वालों को बहुत अच्छा पुरुषार्थ करना पड़ेगा और ऐसे भी पिछाड़ी में आने वाले बहुत तीखे जाते हैं। अच्छा! मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) बाप की श्रीमत पर पूरा चल बाप का राइट हैण्ड बन पूरा राइटियस बनना है। बाप का पूरा मददगार बनना है। 2) मात-पिता की आशीर्वाद आगे बढ़ाती है इसलिए आज्ञाकारी बन आशीर्वाद लेनी है। बाप समान निरहंकारी बनना है। वरदान:- एकान्त और एकाग्रता के अटेन्शन द्वारा तीव्रगति से सूक्ष्म सेवा करने वाले सच्चे सेवाधारी भव l दूर बैठे बेहद विश्व के आत्माओं की सेवा करने के लिए मन और बुद्धि सदा फ्री चाहिए। छोटी-छोटी साधारण बातों में मन और बुद्धि को बिजी नहीं करो। तीव्रगति की सूक्ष्म सेवा के लिए एकान्त और एकाग्रता पर विशेष अटेन्शन दो। बिजी होते भी बीच-बीच में एक घड़ी, दो घड़ी निकाल एकान्त का अनुभव करो। बाहर की परिस्थिति भल हलचल की हो लेकिन मन-बुद्धि को जिस समय चाहो एक के अन्त में सेकण्ड में एकाग्र कर लो तब सच्चे सेवाधारी बन बेहद सेवा के निमित्त बन सकेंगे। स्लोगन:- ज्ञानी तू आत्मा वह है जो ज्ञान के हर राज़ को समझकर राजयुक्त, युक्तियुक्त और योगयुक्त हो कर्म करे।

  • 10 May Essence of Murli today in Hindi

    Brahma Kumaris essence of murli for today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - “मीठे बच्चे – इन आँखों से जो कुछ देखते हो उसे भूलना है, सब शरीरधारियों को भूल अशरीरी बाप को याद करने का अभ्यास करो।” प्रश्नः- तुम बच्चों का मुख ज्ञान से मीठा होता, भक्ति से नहीं – क्यों? उत्तर:- क्योंकि भक्ति में भगवान को सर्वव्यापी कह दिया है। सर्वव्यापी कहने से बाप और वर्से की बात खत्म हो गई है इसलिए वहाँ मुख मीठा नहीं हो सकता। अभी तुम बच्चे प्यार से बाबा कहते हो तो वर्सा याद आ जाता है, इसलिए ज्ञान से मुख मीठा हो जाता। दूसरा – भक्ति में खिलौनों से खेलते आये, परिचय ही नहीं था तो मुख मीठा कैसे हो। गीत:- ओम् नमो शिवाए… धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) ईश्वरीय मत पर एक दो को सुख देना है। किसी को भी दु:ख नहीं देना है। बाप समान सुख-दाता बनना है। 2) इन शरीरों से मोह निकाल नष्टोमोहा बनना है। सपूत बच्चा बन निरन्तर बाप को याद करने का पुरुषार्थ करना है। वरदान:- सब कुछ बाप हवाले कर संगमयुगी बादशाही का अनुभव करने वाले अविनाशी राजतिलक अधिकारी भव l आजकल की बादशाही या तो धन दान करने से मिलती है या वोटों से मिलती हैं लेकिन आप बच्चों को स्वयं बाप ने राजतिलक दे दिया। बेपरवाह-बादशाह – यह कितनी अच्छी स्थिति है। जब सब कुछ बाप के हवाले कर दिया तो परवाह किसको होगी? बाप को। लेकिन ऐसे नहीं कि थोड़ा-थोड़ा कहीं अपनी अथॉरिटी को या मनमत को छिपाकर रखा हो। अगर श्रीमत पर हैं तो बाप हवाले हैं। ऐसे सच्चे दिल से सब कुछ बाप हवाले करने वाले डबल लाइट, अविनाशी राजतिलक के अधिकारी बनते हैं। स्लोगन:- एक-एक वाक्य महावाक्य हो, कोई भी बोल व्यर्थ न जाए तब कहेंगे मास्टर सतगुरू।

  • 9 May Essence of Murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris essence of bk murli today in English for 9 May 2018 - BapDada -Madhuban - Sweet children, in order to make Bharat into heaven, have loving intellects at the time of destruction and promise to remain pure. This is how you help the Father. Q- What is the main basis of learning the spiritual drill of the power of yoga? A- In order to do this drill, you have to break your intellect's yoga away from everyone else. Break away from everyone else and connect yourself to the one Father. Only when you have true love for the One can you perform this spiritual drill. This is the power of yoga with which you claim a kingdom of the world for 21 births. D- 1. While performing the drill of the power of yoga, become non-violent instruments to benefit everyone._________2. Make a true bargain with the Father, the Innocent Lord. Give Him all your old rubbish and claim your fortune of the kingdom of heaven. Break your love away from the old world and connect it to the one Father. V- May you be a master bestower of happiness and by staying in imperishable supersensuous joy give everyone happiness and receive happiness.______“Supersensuous joy” means imperishable, soul-conscious happiness. The senses are perishable and so the happiness received from them would also be perishable. Therefore, constantly stay in supersensuous joy and there cannot then be any name or trace of sorrow. If others cause you sorrow, do not take it. Your slogan is: Give happiness and receive happiness. Do not take sorrow, do not cause sorrow. If someone does cause you sorrow, transform it and give them happiness in return. Make that one happy and you will then be said to be a master bestower of happiness. S- Instead of speaking too much and wasting your energy, experience an introspection and taste its sweetness.

  • BK murli today in Hindi 28 June 2018 - aaj ki murli

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - 28-06-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन" मीठे बच्चे - जैसे बाप को सभी पर तरस आता, ऩफरत नहीं आती, ऐसे तुम बच्चे भी किसी से नफरत मत करो, रहमदिल बनो।" प्रश्नः- रहमदिल बाप का सारे विश्व के प्रति एक ही प्लैन है, वह कौन सा? उत्तर:- सभी मनुष्य आत्माओं को तत्वों सहित पतित से पावन बनाना, मुक्ति और जीवन्मुक्ति का वर्सा देना। यह एक ही प्लैन बाप का है। तुम बच्चे बाप के मददगार हो। तुम्हें पहले अपने पर रहम करना है। श्रीमत पर चल अपने को पावन बनाना है। फिर सभी को विकारों रूपी गन्दगी से निकालने की सेवा करनी है। गीत:- कौन आया मेरे मन के द्वारे... ओम् शान्ति।कौन आया? बाप आया। किसके पास? बच्चों के पास। बच्चे किसके पास आये हैं? बाप कहते हैं मेरे पास। अब तुम सम्मुख बैठे हो। जानते हो बाप बहुत रहमदिल है। बाप जानते हैं कि इन हमारे बच्चों को माया ने बहुत दु:खी पतित किया है। यह बच्चे नहीं जानते। बाप जानते हैं तो बाप को तरस पड़ता है ना। ऩफरत नहीं आयेगी। बाप कहते हैं मैंने तुमको सुख के सम्बन्ध में भेजा था। पांच हजार वर्ष की बात है। फिर ड्रामा अनुसार माया ने तुमको दु:खी किया। पहले तुम सतोप्रधान थे, फिर रजो, तमो में आये हो। यह मैं जानता हूँ। तुम मेरे बच्चे हो। मुझे ही आना होता है तुम बच्चों को पावन बनाने, राज्य-भाग्य देने। बच्चे भी समझते हैं बरोबर बाप आया है। प्रेम का सागर, शान्ति का सागर है। हमको सुख-शान्ति की दुनिया में ले जाते हैं। बाप जानते हैं यह माया ही सबका बड़े ते बड़ा दुश्मन है इसलिए मैं आया हूँ। परन्तु हूँ मैं विचित्र इसलिए मुझे पहचानते नहीं। आगे समझते थे कि कृष्ण ने आकर राजयोग सिखाया, स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाया था। परन्तु कब और कैसे बनाया - यह नहीं जानते। अभी बाप को बहुत रहम आता है क्योंकि जानते हैं बच्चे माया अर्थात् 5 भूतों के वश हो पड़े हैं। परवश हैं, उनको अब लिबरेट करता हूँ। बाप कहते हैं बच्चे अब मेरे कारण वा इस भारत अथवा सारे युनिवर्स के कारण तुम मेरी मत पर चलो। मुझे याद करो और रहम दिल भी बनो। सबको बाप का परिचय दो। जज लोग भी गॉड का कसम उठवाते हैं। परन्तु क्यों? यह कोई नहीं जानते। गॉड है कौन? सिर्फ गॉड कह देते हैं। फादर शब्द भी है। जब कसम उठवाते हैं तो उनको समझ में ही नहीं आता है। कह देते हैं गॉड फादर का कसम उठाओ। परन्तु फादर को तो जानते ही नहीं। अब तुम बच्चे जानते हो वह गॉड फादर है। कसम उठाते हैं क्योंकि समझते हैं अगर हम कुछ उल्टा कर्म करेंगे तो बाप सज़ा देंगे। जैसे घर में बच्चे उल्टा काम करते हैं तो उनको डर रहता है बाप थप्पड़ न मारे। वह कसम गॉड का उठाते हैं। परन्तु जानते नहीं कि गॉड कौन है? कैसे सज़ा देंगे? क्रिश्चियन लोग बाइबिल उठायेंगे। कोई गीता उठायेंगे। समझते हैं गीता का भगवान कृष्ण था। तो कृष्ण को सामने रख क्षमा मांगते हैं। समझते हैं अगर हम झूठ बोलेंगे तो वह दण्ड देंगे। अब ट्रूथ तो बाप को कहेंगे। क्राइस्ट को सारी दुनिया ट्रूथ नहीं कहती। सदा ट्रूथ तो है गॉड फादर परन्तु उसको जानते नहीं। जब बाप आये बच्चों को जन्म दे, तब बच्चे बाप को जानें। अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो बाबा ने अपना बनाया है। इस माता द्वारा रचा है। उनको आदि देव भी कहा जाता है। वास्तव में आदि देवी भी है। अगर मम्मा को आदि देवी कहें तो उनसे बड़ी आदि देवी यह हो जाती है। यह बड़ी गुह्य बातें हैं। जो विशालबुद्धि हैं वही इन बातों को समझ सकते हैं। कहते भी हैं बाप पतित को पावन बनाने वाला है। अच्छा, पावन दुनिया कौन सी है? क्या मुक्ति को पावन दुनिया कहें वा जीवन्मुक्ति को पावन दुनिया कहें? यह कोई जानते नहीं हैं। गाते तो बहुत हैं। उन्हों की बुद्धि में सिर्फ यह है कि परमात्मा आता है। परन्तु उनका रूप आदि नहीं जानते। फिर कहते हैं सर्वव्यापी है।बाप बहुत रहमदिल है, प्यार का सागर है। तो बच्चों को भी रहम करना चाहिए। प्यार करना चाहिए। बाप बहुत रहम करते हैं, उनको कहा जाता है मर्सीफुल। बाप कहते हैं तत्वों सहित सारी सृष्टि पर मैं मर्सीफुल हूँ। नॉलेजफुल हूँ। प्यार में भी फुल हूँ। बहुत प्यारा बनाता हूँ। जैसे श्रीकृष्ण कितना प्यारा है! उनके घराने में सब प्यारे हैं। वास्तव में डिनायस्टी हमेशा राजा की कही जाती है। किंग एडवर्ड की राजाई कहेंगे। प्रिन्स आफ वेल्स की नहीं कहेंगे। प्रिन्स फिर किंग हो जाता है। तो यह भी ऐसे है। क्रिश्चियन का कनेक्शन कृष्ण की राजधानी से बहुत है। वह क्रिश्चियन लोग कृष्ण की राजधानी से बहुत कमाते हैं। पहले कृष्ण की राजधानी को अपने हाथ में ले लेते हैं। फिर देते हैं। कृष्ण की कहें अथवा लक्ष्मी-नारायण की राजधानी थी ना। अब वे क्रिश्चियन कृष्ण को विश्व की राजधानी दे देंगे। कितना वण्डरफुल राज़ है! अब वो ही कृष्ण की राजधानी को मदद भी दे रहे हैं। आखरीन सारी राजधानी कृष्ण को देकर जाते हैं इसलिए कृष्ण के मुख में मक्खन दिया है। ऐसे नहीं, मक्खन का कोई गोला है। दो बन्दर आपस में लड़ते हैं तो माखन कृष्ण को मिल जाता है। भाई नहीं लड़ते हैं, बन्दर लड़ते हैं। पांच विकार भी बन्दर में मशहूर हैं। अभी तुम कृष्ण की डिनायस्टी बना रहे हो। विश्व के मालिकपने का माखन तुमको मिलना है। लेन-देन का अथवा कर्मों का हिसाब-किताब कैसा है! क्रिश्चियन के भी कर्म देखो, राजधानी लेकर फिर वापस देना है। आपस में कितना लड़ते हैं! राजाई का मक्खन फिर भी तुमको मिलना है। तुम प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बन जाते हो। तुम बच्चों को भी बड़ा रहमदिल प्यार का सागर बनना है। ऩफरत नहीं लानी है। दुनिया में तो एक दो के लिए ऩफरत रखते हैं। यथा राजा-रानी तथा प्रजा नम्बरवार ऩफरत रखते हैं। आपस में लड़ेंगे-मरेंगे।बाप बहुत अच्छी रीति समझाते हैं, इसमें घृणा की कोई बात नहीं। यह तो ड्रामा बना हुआ है। हर एक मनुष्य अपने को नीच पापी कहते हैं। मन्दिरों में जाकर अपने ऊपर ऩफरत करते हैं। महात्मा को पवित्र समझ उनके चरणों में गिरते हैं। आप पावन हो हम पतित हैं। इन सब बातों को तो बाप ही जानते हैं।मनुष्य गॉड फादर के नाम पर कसम उठवाते हैं लेकिन वह भी झूठा कसम हो जाता क्योंकि गॉड फादर को जानते नहीं। अगर गॉड फादर कह कसम उठायें तो बुद्धि में आये कि उनसे तो हमको वर्सा मिलना चाहिए। स्वर्ग क्या होता है, यह किसी को पता नहीं है। अरे तुम तो कहते हो फलाना मरा, स्वर्गवासी हुआ। तो कहाँ गया। कुछ भी समझते नहीं। बाप को कोई के लिए भी ऩफरत नहीं है। सबके लिए प्यार है।अभी तुम बच्चे सम्मुख हो। बच्चों को ख़ास, बाकी जनरल समझाते हैं। तुम बच्चों को पढ़ाकर जीवन्मुक्ति देता हूँ और सबको मुक्तिधाम में ले जाते हैं। मेरा सब पर प्यार है। उस गवर्मेन्ट के तो अनेक प्लैन्स बनते रहते हैं। बाबा कहते हैं मेरा एक ही प्लैन है। पतित मनुष्य को पावन देवी-देवता बनाना। मनुष्य कहते भी हैं पतित-पावन आओ। फिर उनको न जानने के कारण कह देते हम ही पतित-पावन हैं। तो बाप समझाते हैं पहले तो बड़े ते बड़े चीफ जस्टिस की सर्विस करो। उन्हें समझाना चाहिए आत्मा का बाप तो एक है, उनका कसम तुम क्यों उठवाते हो? क्या कसम उठाने समय कृष्ण याद आता है? क्रिश्चियन से पूछो कि क्राइस्ट याद आता है या गॉड फादर? जानते हो कि पाप करेंगे तो दण्ड भोगना पड़ेगा। परन्तु बाप दण्ड कभी नहीं देता। वह करनकरावनहार है। धर्मराज द्वारा सजा दिलाते हैं। गॉड तो मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप है। वह झूठे कलंक लगाते हैं कि बाप ही सुख-दु:ख देते हैं। तो क्या बेरहम हैं? गाते भी हैं मर्सीफुल। बाप कहते हैं मैं कैसे बेरहमी करुँगा। माया ने तुम्हारे पर बेरहमी की है। मैं तो उनसे छुड़ाता हूँ। माया ने तुमको श्रापित किया है। यह भी खेल है। सुखधाम को दु:खधाम होना ही है। भारत ही सुख-धाम था, अब दु:खधाम है। बाबा फिर सुखधाम का मालिक बनाते हैं। परन्तु ऐसे थोड़ेही दु:खधाम का मालिक खुद ही बनायेंगे। बच्चे कहते हैं बाबा प्यार का सागर है। बाबा आपकी श्रीमत पर चल हम अपने को पावन बनायेंगे। अपने पर रहम करेंगे। जितना टीचर से पढ़ेंगे उतना अपने ऊपर रहम करेंगे। नहीं तो नापास हो पड़ेंगे। अब तुम्हारी बुद्धि में अच्छी रीति नॉलेज है। तुम जानते हो नॉलेजफुल, मर्सीफुल, पतित से पावन बनाने वाला एक ही बाप है। तो उनकी मत पर चलना पड़े। अपनी मत माना रावण की मत। श्रीमत पर न चल अपनी मत पर वा किसी मनुष्य की मत पर चलते हैं तो धोखा खा लेते हैं। श्रीमत पर कदम-कदम चलें तो बेड़ा पार है। चढ़ाई बहुत ऊंची है। माया के तूफान किस्म-किस्म से आते हैं। परन्तु बाप को कोई पर ऩफरत नहीं है। बच्चों को भी ऐसा बनना चाहिए। अजामिल जैसे पापी तो सभी हैं। एक गीत में भी है ना कि मैं एक छोटा सा बच्चा हूँ। जैसे कहते हैं ना कि मैं एक मास का बच्चा हूँ। पुराने बच्चे तो आपके बहुत हैं जिनको आप पावन बना रहे हो। तो मुझ छोटे बच्चे को भी पावन बनाओ। तो कहते हैं कि श्रीमत पर चलो तो पुराने से भी अच्छी रीति आगे जा सकते हो। लिफ्ट भी तो मिलती है। देरी से आने से तुमको शक्तियों से योगदान मिलता है। शक्तियाँ भी नम्बरवार हैं। ऐसे नहीं कहा जाता है कि तुम शक्तियों से बुद्धियोग लगाओ। नहीं, शक्तियों से तुम शंखध्वनि सुनो। बुद्धियोग बाबा से लगाना है। बाबा को याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश होंगे। ढिंढोरा पिटवाना है। यहाँ कोई अन्धश्रद्धा की बात नहीं। कॉलेज में कोई अन्धश्रद्धा नहीं हो सकती। यह है गॉड फादरली युनिवर्सिटी। नॉलेजफुल गॉड फादर बैठ बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं। तुम्हारी एम ऑब्जेक्ट है कि हम मनुष्य से देवता बनेंगे। वह मनुष्य से बैरिस्टर बनते हैं तो बुद्धियोग बैरिस्टर के साथ रहता है। डॉक्टर के साथ नहीं रहता। यह भी कॉलेज है, न कि अन्धश्रद्धा। एम ऑब्जेक्ट है। गॉड फादर हमको पढ़ाते रहते हैं। गीता में भी भगवानुवाच है परन्तु भगवान कौन है? - यह गीता वाले भी नहीं जानते। यह ब्रह्मा भी कहते हैं - हम भी गीता पढ़ते थे। अभी के मनुष्य शास्त्रों को मानते नहीं। गीता को उठाने से उनकी बुद्धि चली जाती है कृष्ण की तरफ। उनको सब धर्म वाले नहीं मानेंगे। गीता है सर्वशास्त्रमई शिरोमणी शिवबाबा की गाई हुई। गॉड फादर कहते हैं वह है स्वर्ग का रचयिता। तो बाप से तुमको स्वर्ग का वर्सा मिलना चाहिए या फादर के घर जाना है! भगवान पास जाना चाहते हैं। सब मुक्ति ही चाहते हैं। वह लोग जीवन्मुक्ति से क्या जानें। बाप कहते हैं मैं तो पढ़ाता हूँ। मैं फिर सर्वव्यापी कैसे होऊंगा। सर्वव्यापी कहने से मुख ही मीठा नहीं होता। तो बच्चे, यह बातें अच्छी रीति धारण करो और बहुत मीठे बनो। कोई से ऩफरत नहीं करनी चाहिए। सर्जन लोग होते हैं, किसको कैसी भी गन्दी बीमारी होती है तो भी उनको तरस पड़ता है और शफा देते हैं। समझते भी हैं कुछ खराब काम किया है, उसका यह कर्मभोग है। बाप कहते हैं माया की प्रवेशता होने से मनुष्यों से विकर्म ही होते हैं और पतित बन जाते हैं। पांच विकारों को खराब समझते हैं तब तो सन्यासी भी भागते हैं। पवित्रता का मान बहुत है। यह तो समझते हो हम पहले देवताओं को नमन करते हैं, पीछे सन्यासियों को किया है क्योंकि वे भी पावन बनते हैं। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) अच्छी रीति पढ़कर, श्रीमत पर चल पावन बन अपने आप पर रहम करना है। कभी भी बेरहमी नहीं बनना है। 2) किसी से भी ऩफरत या घृणा नहीं करनी है। बाप समान प्यार का सागर बनना है। वरदान:- प्रवृत्ति में रहते भी समर्पित हो सेवा की धुन में रहने वाले बापदादा के दिलतख्तनशीन भव l जो बच्चे प्रवृत्ति में रहते भी समर्पित हैं उनके सहयोग से सेवा का वृक्ष फलीभूत हो जाता है। उनका सहयोग ही वृक्ष का पानी बन जाता है। जैसे वृक्ष को पानी मिलने से अच्छा फल निकलता है ऐसे श्रेष्ठ सहयोगी आत्माओं के सहयोग से वृक्ष फलीभूत होता है। ऐसे सेवा की धुन में सदा रहने वाले, प्रवृत्ति में रहते समर्पित हो चलने वाले बच्चे बापदादा के दिलतख्त नशीन बनते हैं। स्लोगन:- कम से कम समय में संकल्पों को मोड़ने और ब्रेक लगाने की युक्ति सीख लो तो बुद्धि की शक्ति व्यर्थ नहीं जा सकती। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris

  • 20 July 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 20/07/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, give the Father news of your stage with an open heart. Remembrance of the Father can only stay in a true and open heart. Question: Although all, young and old, are at this time in their stage of retirement, what words can you not say? Answer: Baba, now hurry up! Let’s go home! There is a lot of sorrow here. Baba says: You children can never say this because you are now sitting in front of God in person. You have now received the lap of coolness. At this time you have become the highest on high. In the golden age, the degrees will be reduced. You will become deity children, not God's children. This is why you cannot say “Hurry up!” Song: The heart desires to call out to You. Om ShantiSweetest children who call out now have knowledge. Devotees call out to God. You are no longer devotees; you are children. Children remember Him and also write: Baba, we wish to listen to You directly in person. You continue to invite Him, saying: Baba, I want to listen to You personally. Apart from through the mouth of Brahma, it is difficult to listen to Baba directly. You children know that the Father has come exactly as He did in the previous cycle. The name, ‘Mouth-born creation of Brahma, decoration of the Brahmin clan’, that has been given, is such a good name. There are many Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. They have been given knowledge. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, is also called the Ocean of Happiness. It is also sung: Remover of Sorrow and Bestower of Happiness. Only Shiv Baba is that. So many different names have been given to Him. There is a lot of praise of Him. People sing: "Har, Har", that is, Remover of Sorrow, remove our sorrow. They sing this to God. However, because of not knowing God, they say to Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar: "Dev, Dev, Mahadev". They have forgotten Shiva and say it to Shankar, "Har, Har, Mahadev". Neither Brahma nor Vishnu would be called Mahadev. Both of them have physical parts. Shankar only resides in the subtle region. Only incorporeal God is the Purifier who removes our sorrow. Shankar would not be called the Purifier. All the praise is of One. The two forms of Vishnu are Lakshmi and Narayan or Radhe and Krishna and they have their separate births. The incarnation of Vishnu is also remembered: they show the four-armed image. However, they don't know that Lakshmi and Narayan first become Princess Radhe and Prince Krishna in heaven. Only you know this. You also know that there are very strong storms of Maya in a subtle way. Maya makes you forget. She brings many storms. If you children continue to ask about anything with an open heart, you can receive the answer to the question. There are many types of storm: dreams, bad thoughts, many types of storm. A hurricane is called a storm. This Brahma is well known and, now that Baba has entered him, he has become very well known. “As is the country of human beings, so their dress.” Nowadays, there are cripples, hunchbacks and blind ones. There, there is natural beauty because even the five elements are satopradhan. Therefore, you daughters call out to Him so that you can listen to this knowledge personally. Some of the things in the songs are correct. The deity religion has disappeared, but temples exist as memorials. Similarly, there are memorials of those of all religions. Only you children understand that only the one incorporeal God is truly called the Highest on High. There is His praise alone and this is the confluence age when souls meet God. There are many souls. Growth will continue to take place. You children are now listening to the Father in person, and others too desire to listen to Him in person. They cannot come here; they are in bondage. No one is forbidden to go to other spiritual gatherings. Anyone of any religion can go where the Gita is related in Bombay. There are no fees. People go to different gurus in the hope of finding an easy path with someone. No one knows about the path to liberation or liberation-in-life. This is why they search so much. There are no gurus etc. here, just the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, that’s all. There is no mahatma (great soul) here. This Dada is just the same as you; there is no difference. There is no difference even in your costume etc. This one sometimes takes off his shawl, but, according to the drama, this is like the official dress. You don't have to look at the dress etc. Your intellects go towards Shiv Baba. Other people would look at the human body. You forget your own bodies and also the body of this Dada. You have to become soul conscious. You mustn't remember this one's body. Shiv Baba is teaching us Raja Yoga through this one. He alone is knowledge-full, Trikaldarshi. At this time, He sits here and tells us the secrets of the beginning, the middle and the end. This is very easy even for the old mothers. In those schools, old women wouldn’t be able to understand anything. This is easy for anyone. The Father simply says: Remember Me; just as when a person is dying, he is given a mantra. They say: Say “Rama, Rama", or say this etc. Generally, it is after going into the stage of retirement that people take a mantra from a guru. However, the Father says: The whole of the old world is now to be destroyed. It is the stage of retirement for all – old, young and children. No one else can say this. People ask: Have you become ready to bring about everyone's death? Yes, everyone is to die. Some people say: Baba, how much longer will we stay here? We ought to go back soon. There is a lot of sorrow here. That will also be said as you progress further. Baba says: Why do you say that? Oho! At this time, you are personally in front of God. Later, the degrees will be degraded. You will go and become a deity child. At this time, this lap that provides coolness is good. There, in heaven, it will be cool anyway, but here, even those who are hot are made cool and so that is good. You shouldn't be in a hurry now. At present, we are the highest on high. The whole praise is of this time. The Dilwala Temple is a memorial of this time. The Father is the One who wins the hearts of the souls of the whole world. The Dilwala Temple is for everyone. Souls call out through their bodies: Baba, come! Come and make us new because we have become old. Both the souls and the bodies have become old. Souls see without an intellect and are blind. Human beings cannot be called blind. They do have eyes, but their intellects are blind. Intellects that remember everything have completely forgotten to have remembrance. So, gopikas in different places call out. The gopikas in bondage in small villages continue to call out. The Father explains: Children, in the golden age, there was the household ashram path; it was pure. Now, people cause so much distress in order to receive poison. They don't understand that you are made viceless here. They don't even know what you will become by being viceless. Sannyasis too run away from their homes in order to become pure. However, they don't know that we will become pure and go to the pure world. They don't believe these things. At this time, there is so much sorrow that people feel it would be better to attain liberation or eternal liberation. The Father has explained that, according to the drama, no one can attain eternal liberation. You now know this. The Father says: Simply remember that your 84 births have now come to an end. Baba has now come to take you back. If you don't remember the Father, there will be many storms. The conscience also says: It is very difficult to remember Baba constantly. Although Baba says that you are karma yogis, it is seen that, while performing actions, you forget to have remembrance. It takes time to reach such a stage. A lot of effort has to be made for that. At college, effort-making children have the hobby of studying day and night. They try to receive a scholarship from the Government. They beat their heads a lot (make a lot of effort for this). Then they become very happy. Here, too, the Father says: Study well and claim a scholarship. First of all, become seated on the heart throne. You should race ahead. You know that the Father is now sitting personally in front of you. He sits in this chariot and says to you children directly: Child, child. The body of Brahma is fixed. The Father says: I am speaking to souls. You used to call out: Baba, come! I have now come. You souls are incorporeal and I too am incorporeal. You have been remembering Me on the path of devotion while adopting different names and forms, in different places and time periods. I am now speaking to you personally. You have the support of your bodies. I have to take this one on loan. The Father says to the children: You now have to renounce your old costumes. The play is about to end. Now try to remember the Father constantly. If you continue to remember other things, there will have to be punishment. As much as possible, remove your remembrance of others. When people go on a pilgrimage, that is all they remember while on the pilgrimage. "We are going to Shrinath Dware." Yours is the true spiritual pilgrimage. Souls have yoga with the Supreme Soul and then they continue to come and go from here in order to perform actions for the livelihood of their bodies. No matter where you are, you should have remembrance. You know that God is not omnipresent. He is the Father and the inheritance is received from the Father. There is no meaning in saying that He is omnipresent. The Father has to give the inheritance. He has no desire to receive the inheritance. He desires to give the inheritance to you children. It is also in this father's heart that He has to give you the inheritance. There is the relationship of father and child. The children have to receive an inheritance and the father has to give it. So, what would the Father take from you? He has to give to you. The Lord is pleased with honest souls, and so you should become so honest. All of you are children and you should therefore remember the Father who gives the inheritance. Weak children don't stay in remembrance. You may perform actions for the livelihood of your body, and then, when you have time, remember the Father. When your register of the pilgrimage of remembrance continues to become good, you will experience happiness. Any habits that human beings have continue to grow. It should remain in your intellects that your 84 births have now come to an end. The play is now to end. We are now going back to our home. This is why the Father says: Remember Me. "Manmanabhav" is mentioned in the Gita twice. There are as many true things in it as a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour. None of the pictures of other religions remain. Your pictures remain. There is an image of Brahma in Ajmer. There are many types of brahmin. They have been given many different names. Look how many languages there are! You children know that there will be just the one language in your kingdom. The language there is completely different. There is no Sanskrit etc. Daughters used to come and tell about the language that will be used there. You children should now remain happy that you are establishing your kingdom. Then, there will be your own language there. The languages that exist here cannot exist there. According to what is fixed in the drama, you will build the same palaces that you did in the previous cycle. Here, the British Government built New Delhi. You know that you will not use the name Delhi. This old world is to be destroyed. We want the newest world of all. There, palaces will be studded with diamonds and jewels. Those palaces don't exist now. The intellect says: We will build first-class palaces there. This world is dirty. You should talk among yourselves in this way. Respected sister, respected brother, we will now go to our home and then go and look after our kingdom. We will wear such costumes. In earlier days, people used to wear real jewellery. There must be so much jewellery in the temples to Lakshmi and Narayan. What would the Shiva Temple be like? They even make the Shivalingam of diamonds. These matters have to be understood. The Muslims truly came and looted the temple to our Shiv Baba which was built at the beginning of the path of devotion. You know that the temples to Shiv Baba were built from the copper age onwards. From being worthy of worship, you became worshippers. The Somnath Temple was built first. Knowledge is called Somras (nectar). The Father through whom you become wealthy is the One who gives knowledge. Then you build temples to the Father with that wealth. There will also be worshipping. They build a temple in every home. You know that when the path of devotion begins, you will become worshippers and create idols etc. You children know that you have now become lovers of God, the Beloved, in order to claim the inheritance from Him. Those people become lovers for vice. Here, a soul is a lover of God, the Beloved. You can see that all devotees remember that One. The praise of that Beloved is great. He purifies the lovers that have become impure. It is the soul that becomes impure and the soul that becomes pure. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to claim a scholarship, study very well. Race to be seated on the throne. While performing actions, stay in remembrance. 2. You are on a spiritual pilgrimage. Therefore, remove the remembrance of everyone else from your intellect and constantly stay in remembrance of the Father. Keep your register of remembrance good. Blessing: May you be a master almighty authority who gives souls who are far away the experience of closeness with your power of spirituality. With instruments of science, things that are far away are experienced to be close. Similarly, with a divine intellect, you can experience things that are far away to be close. Just as you see souls who are living with you very clearly, you speak to them, you give and take co-operation from them, similarly, with the power of spirituality, you can give souls who are far away the experience of closeness. For this, you need to be a master almighty authority, remain stable in the complete and perfect stage and make the power of your thoughts clean. Slogan: Those who inspire others with their every thought, word and deed are images of inspiration. #english #Murli #brahmakumari #bkmurlitoday

  • 12 June 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 12/06/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you clouds come to the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, to meet Him personally and fill yourselves. You do not come here to go on a pilgrimage or for the fresh mountain air. Question: While living at home with your family, what method should you move along with so that you become ever healthy? Answer: In order to become ever healthy, always say: “Baba, Baba. I want to eat with only You, I want to go around with only You.” Hand over everything to the Father with your intellect. Have the consciousness that you are being sustained by Shiv Baba. Have no attachment to anything. Offer everything to Him and eat according to His orders and everything will become pure and you will become ever healthy. Song: The Resident of the faraway land has come into the foreign land. Om Shanti. You daughters come here to meet the One who resides in the faraway land. You daughters don’t come on a pilgrimage or for the fresh mountain air. People go to the mountains for fresh air, but you children come here to meet the Mother and Father. You know that the Mother and Father who resides in the faraway land has come into the foreign land. Why does He come? To create heaven. Children come from very far away, from different villages, to meet Him. They will also come from abroad. For what? It is not to see anything. Souls, that is, human souls, come to meet the Mother and Father. The Mother and Father is the Resident of the faraway land. In front of whom are you sitting? You are sitting in front of the Mother and Father from whom you will receive the happiness of heaven. However, you will only receive that by following His directions. This is why shrimat is praised so much. God’s versions, shrimat, have been remembered. The shrimat of Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar is not remembered. The Mother and Father whose praise is sung is the highest of all. They invoke the Creator of the world, the Mother and Father: Come into this dirty, impure world and purify us. He has now come into the foreign land. You too are sitting in the foreign land. This is Ravan’s land. Akasur, Bakasur, Putna, Supnaka, Hirnakashpa etc. (names of devils) are all names of human beings in this world. There is no other form of devil. Deities neither have any other form nor do they have four arms. Just as these are human beings, so the deities are also human beings, but they take rebirth in the pure land. The golden and silver ages are like God’s home. When you go to heaven, you go to your home. You are now in a foreign home, in Ravan’s home. Therefore, the Father comes and liberates you from Ravan’s home. For half a cycle you have been taking rebirth in the land of Maya. In the golden and silver ages it used to be the kingdom of Rama, the kingdom of God, because it was established by God. For half a cycle you took rebirth there. Then, for half a cycle, you took rebirth in Ravan’s kingdom. You children understand who it is you are now sitting in front of. That One is the Teacher as well as the Satguru. You mothers are also teachers and you are satgurus as well. You also teach in order to change human beings into deities. You are now becoming those who belong to the divine community from the devilish community. The Father is present in this chariot in order to change you from thorns into flowers. That One goes to meet the children in other countries as well, because He is the living Ocean of Knowledge. He is not a non-living ocean who would drown anyone. No, that One is living. It is has been remembered that the soul and the Supreme Soul were separated for a long time. Therefore, God comes here and souls also come here to meet Him. Children come from all directions. The Father also goes around. Devotees have built temples everywhere. They create non-living images of Christ, but he is a bodily being. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are also bodily beings. God is the highest of them all. He doesn’t have a body of His own. Everyone calls Him Father, the Supreme Soul, God the Father. He doesn’t have a physical or a subtle body, yet He definitely does come. How does He come? Everyone has forgotten this. It cannot be said that Krishna is the Purifier or that God enters the body of Krishna to purify the impure. Therefore, it is wrong to say that God Shri Krishna speaks. What could He create through Krishna’s mouth? Deities? No. Firstly, Brahmins are needed and for that Brahma is needed. Otherwise, what would Brahma’s occupation be? Because Krishna’s name is used, Brahma’s biography disappears. If the golden age was established through Krishna, then Brahma’s occupation disappears. The children who come here understand, but those who don’t understand think that this is just another satsang where they recite the Gita. You children understand who speaks here. It is the Ocean of Knowledge, the most beloved Mother and Father, who speaks. How sweet and lovely He is! You cannot call any human being sweet, because all are very bitter and vicious. The Father is purifying them. Therefore, God is the Highest on High. Below Him, out of all the human beings who have been and gone, it is Lakshmi and Narayan, and then Rama and Sita. Even they are now impure. Until the Father comes and purifies everyone, they all remain impure and unhappy.Human beings say that the iron age lasts for thousands of years. That is impossible. The great Mahabharat War, through which the gates to the lands of liberation and liberation-in-life will open, is standing ahead. Until then, no one can receive liberation or liberation-in-life. Everyone continues to wander around here. It is as though they are in a maze: they continue to stumble around and are unable to find the exit. They want to go through the gates of liberation and liberation-in-life. When someone dies, they say that he has become a resident of heaven. However, this is hell. They can only go to heaven when the Father comes and teaches Raja Yoga. Only then can they claim the status of a king or subject. This is an income. People ask: What sort of income did so-and-so earn that he became so wealthy? Similarly, when and what sort of income did the deities of the golden age earn in order to become like that? Surely, they must have earned it at the end of the iron age, because that is how they became deities in the golden age. You now understand you are earning such an income that you will become the masters of heaven. You will definitely experience the results of that in heaven. You are now at the confluence of the iron and golden ages. They have made it a separate age. The Father explains the philosophy of karma, neutral karma and sinful karma. He says: Children, now only perform the actions that I teach you. This age cannot be called the iron age; no one knows about the confluence age. Even when the golden age changes into the silver age, no one at that time knows that they are passing through the confluence of the golden and silver ages. It is remembered later on that so-and-so used to rule in the golden age and that so-and-so used to rule in the silver age. When the copper age began, the deities fell onto the path of sin. Only you now understand all of these aspects. No one else has this knowledge. It is only you who study the history and geography of the world. You have the aim and objective. Wherever in the world there are Gita pathshalas they recite the Vedas and scriptures, but they don’t have any aim or objective. Schools and colleges are called pathshalas (Place of studying). Those studies are at least sources of income. Through this study you have the aim and objective of becoming pure and going to the land of liberation. Then, from there, you will come down to play your parts in the golden age. You know all about the parts you have to play from the beginning of the golden age to the end of the iron age. You clouds have come here to fill yourselves in order to create your source of income for 21 births. This study is very elevated, and the One who teaches it is the one God, the Highest on High. All the rest are brothers and sisters. Brahma, Saraswati, Shankar, Parvati and Vishnu are all His children. Children cannot receive an inheritance from children. An inheritance is received from a father. Whatever effort you make, you will receive an inheritance accordingly. Effort is very easy. Achcha, if you are unable to speak much knowledge, then acquire a small room on three feet of land and open a Gita Pathshala. Put up a board that says: Come and claim your inheritance for 21 births from the Father. Put up a small board. Write on it: To claim the kingdom of heaven for 21 births is your Godly birthright. By all means, come in and inquire. The One whom you call Mother and Father is definitely the Creator of heaven. Therefore, you would surely receive your inheritance of heaven from Him. He says: Constantly remember Me and forget all others. Although you live with this one and see this one in front of you, your intellects should go up above. You receive Baba’s orders, so you should place them on your heads. The Father issues an ordinance: Children, stop the business of drinking poison. He does not speak to anyone else. He only explains to the children. None from outside can sit in this gathering until they have done the seven days’ course. There is a story of how an angel brought an impure human being into the Court of Indra and how she was punished. It is against the rules for anyone to sit here before he has been in a bhatthi for seven days and become clean. Yes, if an important person comes to meet you and, after listening to you, he wants to see the morning class, you can ask permission from the seniors to let him come. When you see that he is good and that he won’t pick up wrong things, you can first explain a little to him and then he can be given permission to come. Explain to everyone: This is our Mother and Father through whom we receive the happiness of heaven. This is our Father, Teacher and Guru, all three. It is as though you have received three engines together. It is at present that you meet all three at once. Outside, you meet them separately: firstly it is the father, then the teacher and then, in old age, a guru is adopted. Who are you now being sustained by? Shiv Baba. Because you offer whatever you have to Shiv Baba, it is as though you are being sustained from Shiv Baba’s treasure-store. You donated everything you had to Shiv Baba, and you are now being sustained from that. You receive very pure food. Elsewhere, it isn’t possible for someone to give a donation and then be sustained from that. There, whoever receives the donation keeps it. Here, whatever you give to Shiv Baba is made very pure and it is from that that you are sustained. The Father says: While living at home, have the consciousness that everything belongs to Baba. When you eat in this consciousness it is as though you are eating from Shiv Baba’s treasure-store. You do not have attachment to it, but you consider it to belong to the Father. It has been given to you by the Father and you have offered it to Him. You eats according to His orders. Although you live at home, you eat from Shiv Baba’s treasure-store. You say: I will eat with only You and I will tour around with only You. By saying “Baba, Baba” your yoga will remain linked to Him. You will become ever healthy. This is the sanatorium to become healthy. People don’t stay in those sanatoriums throughout their whole life. They stay there for a short time and then leave. You are sitting here and becoming ever healthy for 21 births. Why do you come here? In order to become ever healthy, ever wealthy and ever happy for half a cycle. You come here with this thought. You do not come here for fresh air or to go on a pilgrimage. You come here to meet Shiv Baba. The Father also comes into this foreign land and enters a foreign body. The Gita that has been remembered must be right in some aspects. They invoke the Father to come. Therefore, He surely has to come to purify the impure. Impure ones cannot go to Him in the supreme abode to be purified; they cannot go there. Every devotee soul calls out: Baba come! The Father says: I come in order to grant salvation and liberation to all. There is only the one Father who has mercy for all. What mercy does He have? He gives shrimat. Shrimat is very famous. By following it you will become elevated, that is, the masters of heaven. It all depends on how much you follow these directions. He doesn’t give you any other difficulty such as doing hatha yoga or stumbling to pilgrimage places. Wherever you are, whether in America or the Philippines, you have to live at home with your family and remain like a lotus flower. There is the example of King Janak. Yours is Raja Yoga. Sannyasis say that the happiness of heaven is like the droppings of a crow. However, the Raja Yoga of Bharat is very famous. No one knows it. Only the ancient Father can teach ancient Raja Yoga. The Gita, the Vedas and the scriptures etc. are all the paraphernalia of the path of devotion. The tree has to grow fully and later on that same tree has to bear fruit. You have come to the Mother and Father in order to be refreshed and you will come again and again because you experience pleasure in being personally in front of Him. However, you cannot sit here for ever; that is not the law. You definitely have to take care of your home and family. This study place will still continue to grow a great deal. If these obstacles etc. did not arise, it would grow so much. That is why obstacles come. How can 5000 sit here together and study? That is why a limit is set, so that the Father can see them personally. He only sees souls; He does not see bodies. Those whom Baba looks at with His powerful vision even forget their bodies. Because He is the Magnet, it is as though they become unconscious. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to reach the high destination, you have received three engines in the form of the Father, the Teacher and the Guru. Constantly move forward in this consciousness. 2. Let your intellect remain aware that you have handed over everything to the Father and that you are being sustained by Him. Remove all your bitterness of impurity and become very sweet and pure. Blessing: May you experience newness at every second in this new age of the confluence age and become a fast effort maker. Everything becomes new at the confluence age. This is why it is called the new age. Your way of waking up is new, your way of speaking is new, your way of walking is new. “New” means spiritual. There is newness even in your awareness. All situations are new, your way of meeting is new, your way of seeing is new. When you look, the soul sees the soul, not the body. You have connections with the vision of brotherhood, not with any bodily relationship. In this way, you experience newness in yourself at every second. Whatever stage you had a second before, let it not be the same the next second; move ahead. This is known as being a fast effort-maker. Slogan: To experience constant supersensuous joy and bliss in your life through God’s love is easy yoga. #english #Murli #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari

  • 8 May 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 8 May 2018 - BapDada - Madhuban - Sweet children, this knowledge is very enjoyable. Each of you is earning an income for yourself. You must not be concerned about anyone else. Forget even that body of yours and engage yourself in earning. Question: What is the way to earn an imperishable income? Who remains deprived of this income? Answer: In order to earn this imperishable income, stay awake at night, that is, at amrit vela, and continue to remember the Father. Churn the ocean of knowledge. You never yawn or fall asleep when you are earning an income. Stay in remembrance of the Father while walking and moving around and you will earn at every second. You have to earn independently for yourself. Those who are greedy for a perishable income remain deprived of this imperishable income. Song: Awaken o brides, awaken! The new age is about to dawn! Om Shanti You children heard the song and it has sat in your intellects. You can call Him the Bridegroom or the Father. Why is He called the Husband of all husbands? In English ‘brides’ is said, and the Bridegroom is called the Bridegroom. He is the incorporeal Bridegroom. Here, there is no question of a corporeal bridegroom. Even the incorporeal Bridegroom definitely needs a bride. Otherwise, without His bride, how would the incorporeal Bridegroom create creation? You children know through which bride the incorporeal One creates creation. That Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, enters this one and awakens everyone. You have truly come here to go to the new age, that is, to the land of truth. The iron age is called the old age. So you children now experience coming here to the Ocean of Knowledge to be refreshed and to imbibe knowledge personally, face to face. Children don't enjoy themselves as much at the centres as they do being here in person. You children are face to face here, whereas those at the centres are far away. It has been explained to you children that every soul is a charioteer and that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Charioteer of this body. He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He too is a soul. He always resides in the land beyond. When people remember God, their vision definitely goes upwards. They say: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, have mercy! Everyone knows that He is the One who resides up there. The Father has entered the chariot He has appointed. He says: Every cycle I become the Charioteer of this one because I establish the Brahmin clan through this chariot, Brahma. If He were to enter the body of Krishna, it would then be the deity clan and it would be the golden age. The body of Krishna exists in the golden age. You children understand that the unlimited Father is sitting here giving you the knowledge of the three aspects of time and making you trikaldarshi. He is giving you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama. Each moment that has passed will repeat identically. For instance, there was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan and it will repeat again. Christ too has to repeat his own part. He will exist again in that same name, form, land and time. The Father says: I have come here and changed My incorporeal form into a corporeal form. He definitely enters a human body, because only then can He speak to us. In the scriptures they have written about the incarnations in the fish and the alligator. Because of the idea of omnipresence, they believe that He enters everything. The Father Himself now says: Brides, I have come to awaken you and to establish the new world. The golden age that existed will repeat again. The new age is now about to come. The world believes that there are still 40,000 years left before the new age comes. This is a big mistake of human beings. You children now have faith in your intellects. This is definitely new knowledge for the people of the world. In the golden age there will be deities and they won't know anything about other religions. All the old religions now exist. The new deity religion has disappeared and that new religion is now being established. There are some images of the deities. You understand that they truly used to rule in the golden age. There, you won't know that, after the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan, there is going to be the kingdom of Rama. You will continue to observe whatever happens. It is said: Edward the First, Edward the Second. Those who come later would be aware that Edward the First and Second existed in the past. They wouldn't know when they will exist again. The part of the drama will continue to emerge. Baba alone explains to you the knowledge of the drama. The pilgrimages of the path of devotion are completely unique. This is knowledge. Remember the Father and the inheritance. You now know the duration of the kingdom of the golden age and then, in the silver age, Rama and Sita will rule. You children can see the scenes and scenery. It is in your intellects that you have completed your 84 births. This is new knowledge. The Father says: I come at the confluence age of the cycle. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, becomes the Charioteer at this confluence age to take all of us charioteers, us souls, back home. All of us are charioteers. Consider yourselves to be souls. You children repeatedly forget this. We souls have played our parts of 84 births. Baba has now come and is explaining all the secrets to us. He changes us impure ones and makes us as pure as He is. This is the only unlimited Father who makes you children equal to Himself. A physical father never makes his children equal to himself. A father has children and one might be a carpenter, another one might be a surgeon and another one an engineer. It is not like that here. Here, all of you change from human beings into deities. You don’t become a barrister or a surgeon etc. You know that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is teaching you and that by studying this you become deities. You would never have seen such a school anywhere else where everyone says that they are studying to claim a deity status. There continues to be expansion day by day. Later, the buildings will also continue to increase. When the influence of you children spreads, many people will invite you: Come here and teach us the Raja Yoga to change human beings into deities. There will continue to be a lot of expansion. The Father still says to the children: Stay awake at night, that is, at amrit vela. There is a lot of income in this. People who are very keen to earn an income still stay awake at night when they have customers. If they were to earn money 24 hours a day, they would even renounce their sleep. While earning, you don't fall asleep. When you don't earn, you yawn and fall asleep. When earning, there is great happiness. People try to increase their wealth so that they remain happy. However, the stomach only needs one chappati. While in this world you children must not have attachment. You mustn't be too greedy. Your intellects’ yoga runs to that and you then remain deprived of this imperishable income. Therefore, be very concerned about this income. You are earning second by second. There is then a further great income if you remember the Father while walking and moving around. Are you able to earn the other income while walking and moving around? This is a wonderful income. You are earning independently for yourself. A physical father would be concerned that his children should remain happy and have enough to eat. There is no question of worrying about children etc. here. You have to earn an income for yourself for 21 births. This is such enjoyable knowledge. Each of you children has to earn for yourself. You mustn't even remember your children or your friends and relatives. Don't even remember your own bodies. Although Baba has to enter this body, He is still soul conscious. He enters a body at this time and gives you souls knowledge, that is, He shows you an easy way to earn an income. You can earn a great deal if you continue to practise this. Baba also practises remembering the Father so that the habit is instilled. He forgets himself and remembers Shiv Baba because Shiv Baba has entered him. This Baba understands that He is a master of Brahmand. Children of a physical father are aware that they have a right to their father's property. So this Brahma Baba is also aware that he is a master of Brahmand and that Baba has entered him. Therefore, he has the intoxication of being a master of Brahmand and also a master of that property. Shiv Baba, Himself, doesn't become the Master of the world. I become a master of Brahmand and also a master of the world. Baba is just the Master of Brahmand. You too become masters of the world. Kings and subjects all believe themselves to be the masters of the world. You know that you are the masters of the world. By understanding this, your mercury of happiness will remain high. It is remembered: If you want to know about supersensuous joy, ask the gopes and gopis of Gopi Vallabh. It isn't said: Ask Gopi Vallabh. Vallabh is the Father. Vallabh, the Father, is not going to receive the happiness of becoming the master of the world. The Father elevates you so much. This Brahma also considers himself to be a master of Brahmand. No one in the whole world would consider himself to be a master of Brahmand. It isn't that anyone will merge into the brahm element. There is a vast difference between merging into the brahm element and becoming a master of Brahmand. You know that Baba is making you into the masters of the world. The Father Himself says: Awaken brides! awaken! Everything I explain to you is new. Did you not become the masters of Brahmand? You have played your parts, you are now becoming the masters of Brahmand and you are then going to become the masters of the world. Remember this all the time. This is called churning the ocean of knowledge. Your mercury of happiness will rise very high through this. You should have the faith that that One is your Father. No one, except the Father, can explain these things to you. Note these things down in your heart. Here, you take notes to remember them. They will not be useful later. A barrister has many books, but when he leaves his body, everything is finished. You can’t tell what he will become in his next birth. You children just have the one study. You know that the Father Himself, the Master of Brahmand, is making you into the masters of Brahmand and the masters of the world. In spite of that, why doesn't your mercury of happiness rise? Baba has explained: You should keep these songs in your homes to refresh yourselves. Some think that they have incurred a loss after coming into knowledge. There is profit and loss in the old world anyway. Today, someone is a minister, but if someone shoots him, everything is finished. Everyone continues to experience loss. Some people's wealth remains buried underground. Everyone experiences loss. Only you children have constant profit in the future and that too for 21 births. However, there is loss for all the rest of the world. All of this is like a mirage. No one is aware that all of this is going to turn to dust. Everyone has been burnt and is in the graveyard. You know all of this. Among you too, those who are very clever are aware that this world is like a haystack. Everything is going to get buried. The Yadavas and the Kauravas all became buried and there was victory for the Pandavas. They gained victory over the world, that is, over the new world, because you Pandavas know God and have love for Him. You earn an income to the extent that you love Him and remember Him. Have you ever heard this before? The ancient yoga of Bharat is very well known. This Baba didn’t know it either. He now has all of these things in his intellect. Baba says: The knowledge I give to you, that of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world, will not exist in the golden age. There, the part of your reward of happiness that was enacted will be enacted again. Only once does the Father come and give this knowledge and He will continue to give it till the end. No matter where you may be, when you leave your body, you should have remembrance of Shiv Baba and the knowledge of being trikaldarshi. Let there be the nectar of knowledge on your lips and remembrance of the discus of self-realisation, and only then should you leave your body. That is a saying from the path of devotion, whereas these are matters of the path of knowledge. When a person is about to die, they put a rosary in his hand and ask him to chant the name of Rama so that he can receive salvation. However, no one knows who Rama is or where He is. Some remember Rama and others remember Hanuman. To remember many beings is called devotion. You now just remember the One who gives you knowledge and grants you salvation. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to stay in permanent happiness, churn the ocean of knowledge. Maintain the intoxication that you are going to become the masters of Brahmand and the world. 2. Have true love for the one Father and earn a true income. We souls are charioteers of our bodies. Consider yourselves to be charioteers and practise being soul conscious. Blessing: May you be constantly tireless and free from bondage and perform every task considering it to be service according to the Father’s directions. Look after your household and family considering it to be service, not thinking of it as a bondage. The Father has given the direction: Settle your karmic accounts with yoga. You know that that is a bondage, but by repeatedly saying it and thinking about it, it becomes a severe bondage and, in the final moments, if you only remember the bondages, you will have to go into the jail of a womb. So, never become distressed with yourself. Do not become trapped and do not be compelled. Continue to move along while performing every task as a game and you will remain tireless and also become free from bondage. Slogan: Sit in the cottage in the centre of your forehead and be an image of tapasya; this is introspection. #english #Murli

  • English - BK murli today 1 May 2018

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 1 05 2018 - BapDada -Madhuban - Essence: Sweet children, you are spiritual social workers. You have to serve Bharat to make it into heaven and make the land of sorrow into the land of happiness. Question: In which aspect do you Brahmin children become experts at the confluence age? Answer: You have now become experts at fulfilling the desires of all human souls. Human beings desire to attain liberation or liberation-in-life and you have to fulfil that desire. You have to show everyone the path to peace. Peace is not found in the forests, but the original religion of souls is peace. Become detached from your bodies and remember the Father and you will receive the inheritance of peace and happiness. Song:Look at your face in the mirror of your heart, o man! Om shanti. The unlimited Father explains to His long-lost and now-found children, the ones who know the Father and have taken refuge with Him. It is said: God, I have come to seek refuge with You. Refuge is taken when the Father comes and explains to you children. Devotees seek refuge with God because, everyone here is unhappy. Bharat is the land of sorrow; they continue to cause sorrow for one another. The Father has explained that this is your gathering of swans. No one except pure children can come here. The Father explains: Children, pure Bharat is called the land of happiness. No other land can be called the land of happiness. Bharat becomes the land of happiness and Bharat becomes the land of sorrow. People of Bharat are very unhappy because they are impure. However, no one explains these things to them. The Father explains: Sannyasis are pure and they leave their homes and families but they themselves sing: The Purifier is Rama who belongs to Sita. You have now come to the Purifier Father. The one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, purifies the whole world. Human beings cannot purify human beings. This is the impure world; not a single person is pure. They say: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! Then they say that God is omnipresent. Shivohum, tattwam! (I am Shiva, and the same applies to you.) All the poor helpless people have forgotten the Father. When a person is drunk, then, even though he may have gone bankrupt, he is very deeply intoxicated with alcohol. In the same way, people don’t know that it is these vices that make them impure. This is why, in order to become pure, sannyasis leave their homes and families. However, that is the path of isolation. The Father has come here. Those who have been unhappy for half a cycle come here and take refuge. It is Maya that makes you unhappy. Everyone is greatly diseased with the five vices. Ravan has made human beings into complete devils. When this land completely becomes the land of sorrow, the Father comes and establishes the land of happiness. You are spiritual social workers. The Father makes you do service: Children, make this Bharat into heaven. Everything depends on yoga. If someone stayed in yoga very well for seven days, it would be a wonder. Generally, hardly anyone is able to stay in yoga. They remember their homes or their minds wander everywhere. “Seven days” are very well known; they hold readings of the Gita, the Bhagawad, the Granth etc. for seven days. This system is one of this confluence age. You have to stay in a bhatthi for seven days. No one should be remembered. Your yoga should be connected to the one Father alone. It is very difficult to stay in this stage constantly for seven days. The memorial of you children is also here. You are now sitting beneath the tree and doing the tapasya of Raja Yoga. There is Jagadamba and also you children. You are the ones who fulfil all the desires of all human beings for heaven, that is, you are those who give the fruit of liberation and liberation-in-life. You are experts. No one in the world knows what liberation or liberation-in-life is. They don’t know who gives it or who can make everyone in the impure world pure. Sannyasis leave their homes and families for peace and go into the forests, but they cannot find peace. The original religion of souls is peace and yet people search for it outside. No one knows that the original religion of souls is peace. (The example of the queen’s necklace.) Those are your organs, and you can make them work or not. I, the soul, detach myself from this body, just as souls become detached at night. The soul forgets everything; that is called sleep. Here, you simply sit in peace. The soul says: Having made the physical organs work, I have become tired. Achcha. Detach yourself from your body. Those are your organs to work with. Only the Father gives you this knowledge. Detachyourself and sit down. Don’t say anything. However, for how long would you sit detached in that way? You know that no one can stay without performing actions. You become detached, but you also need the benefit of that. If you only detach yourself, there would not be that much benefit. Detach yourself and remember Me and you will be benefited and receive power. The Father explains to His children: Children, this is the court of the knowledge of Indra. All of you sitting here are jewels. If anyone with a stone intellect sits here, he would spoil the atmosphere because he would not stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba. He would continue to remember his friends and relatives. You have to remember the Father constantly. This is not a common spiritual gathering. This is a big university. If an uneducated person sat in a medical college, he wouldn’t understand anything. He wouldn’t be allowed in. He wouldn’t be able to understand anything by simply observing. Nor can impure, vicious human beings understand this knowledge. This is why such people are not allowed here. If they come to class to listen to a lecture , they wouldn’t be able to understand anything. This is a university to change from dirty beings into clean and pure deities. No such beings are allowed here just like that. They cannot know the Father. The Father is incognito. You know that you have taken refuge with the unlimited Father in order to claim the inheritance of constant happiness from the Father. The Father Himself says: This body of Brahma is the last one of many births and is in its stage of retirement. This one has also studied many scriptures. I am now telling you the essence of all the Vedas and scriptures through this one. They have shown the scriptures in the hands of Brahma. They show Brahma emerging from the navel of Vishnu. It has been explained how Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu and how Vishnu emerges from the navel of Brahma, how Brahma and Saraswati become Lakshmi and Narayan and then, having completed their 84 births, how they become Brahma and Saraswati at the end. They have then shown Nehru emerging from the navel of Gandhiji. There is no ocean of milk here. This is the ocean of poison. They show an ocean of milk in the golden age. You children know that Maya made you unhappy for half the cycle. No other place is as unhappy as Bharat. No other place can be as happy as Bharat either. The Father says: The deity religion has to disappear. Only then do I come and once again establish the new religion. It is truly being established now. You children have come and are claiming your inheritance from the Father. You know who rules in heaven. In their childhood they are Radhe and Krishna and they then become Lakshmi and Narayan. The Father has now come. Lakshmi and Narayan are studying with different names and forms. The ugly form of Shri Krishna is sitting here. The Father takes this one across to the other side. In the scriptures, they have shown Krishna being carried in a basket across to the other side. Shiv Baba has now come. He seats you children on His eyelids and makes you into the masters of heaven. The Father teaches the whole clan and then takes them from the land of Kans to the land of Krishna. It is not a question of just one. He removes all of you from the land of Ravan, He seats you on His eyelids and takes you to the land of happiness. I have come to enable you children to reach heaven. This old world will then be destroyed. They have mentioned the war in the scriptures. However, they don’t understand anything. This Dada has also studied many scriptures. Baba says: Now forget all of them and constantly remember Me alone. I am the Satguru of all. The iron age is called the land of Kans and the golden age is called the land of Krishna. I am now taking you from the land of Ravan to the land of Rama, the land of Krishna. Will you go to the land of happiness, the land of Krishna? They sing: Chant the name of Radhe-Govinda. That is the path of devotion. You are now once again becoming Radhe and Govinda. Now you have neither of the two crowns – neither the crown of light nor of the kingdom. Only those who are pure are given a crown of light. Lakshmi and Narayan are ever pure. They never have to renounce anything. Sannyasis take birth, then renounce their homes and families in order to become pure. You have renunciation in this one birth for 21 births (of purity). They don’t become pure for 21 births. They take birth to vicious ones, they become impure and then they leave home in order to become pure. That is rajoguni renunciation. The Father says: I am knowledge-full ; k nowledge-full, blissful – I alone have the full knowledge. I give you children the full knowledge of the subtle region, the incorporeal world and the corporeal world and the beginning, the middle and the end of the world through which you become full. Deities are full. You children have come into the lap of the Father. You know that you are following shrimat and are once again claiming your fortune of the kingdom. This is a game of victory and defeat. Those who are defeated by Maya are defeated by everything. Those who conquer Maya conquer everything. You have yoga with the Almighty Authority Father, you take power from Him and gain victory over Maya. You understand that your drama of 84 births is now coming to an end. We are once again claiming our fortune of the kingdom. Lakshmi and Narayan are shown in an ocean of milk. This is the ocean of poison. Radhe and Krishna are young children. People rock Krishna in a cradle with a lot of love because they believe that he was the prince of heaven. Krishna is said to be 16 celestial degrees full and Rama 14 degrees. That same Krishna also becomes 14 degrees from 16 celestial degrees full; he has to take rebirth. Baba has explained that not everyone takes the full 84 births. Those of other religions do not take 84 births. These things have to be understood. You definitely have to receive your inheritance from the Father. He is the Creator of heaven, and so He would surely make you into the masters of heaven. That Father resides in the supreme abode. We too come from there. You have to remember Baba very well. You will receive peace by having remembrance. People ask: How can we have yoga with Supreme Soul? They become confused. You have received this full understanding. The Father comes at the confluence of the land of sorrow and the land of happiness. The end of the iron age is the land of sorrow, and the beginning of the golden age is the land of happiness. Only the Father removes you from the land of sorrow and makes you sit in the land of happiness. This is a matter of understanding. No one without purity can study this knowledge. That is why impure ones are not allowed to sit here. You have to explain: You have been greatly diseased for half the cycle. Maya has made you greatly diseased and this is why you are first kept in a bhatthi. You children know the occupation of everyone. When you go to a Shiva Temple, you understand that that Baba is the Bestower of Liberation and Salvation. Bharat is the greatest pilgrimage place. However, they have put Krishna’s name in the Gita. They have made Shiv Baba’s name disappear. Shiv Baba Himself comes and liberates everyone from sorrow. The water of the Ganges is not the Purifier. That comes from the mountains. How can that be called the Purifier? That is called blind faith. Look what human beings continue to do! It is sung that no other birth is as valuable as a human birth. Your present birth, when the Father has come, is valuable. This is your most valuable birth. You become pure and make Bharat into heaven. That is why you Shiv Shaktis, you mothers of Bharat, have been remembered. You know that, with the help of purity, Baba makes not only Bharat, but the whole world, pure. Those who give their finger of purity and who remain “Manmanabhav” are helpers. You understand the meaning of this. This Dada didn’t understand at first either. He had adopted many gurus and studied many scriptures. This is why Baba says: Constantly remember Me alone. I alone am your everything. I am the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life. Human beings are impure. You have now come to Shiv Baba to claim your inheritance through Brahma. No one can come here without this faith. If they did, they would spread even more peacelessness. You take Bharat into supreme peace. This is the task of establishment which human beings cannot carry out. You are doing this with Shiv Baba’s help. What prize do you receive? I make you into the masters of heaven. If, after belonging to such a Baba, your intellect doesn’t have faith, Maya completely swallows you. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for dharna: Renounce the old world in this one birth and become complete helpers of the Father. Give your finger of purity and remain “Manmanabhav”. Do the service of taking Bharat into supreme peace. Detach yourself from that body, stay in remembrance of the Father and take power from Him. Give the donation of peace. Blessing: May you become equal to the Father and through your perfect form of a blessed image grant blessings to everyone. In Bharat especially, goddesses are remembered as beings who grant blessings to everyone. However, only those who become equal to the Father and who remain close to Him become such images that grant blessings. If you are sometimes equal to the Father but not at other times and are just an effort-maker for yourself, you cannot then become an image that grants blessings because the Father does not make effort. He is constantly the Image of Perfection. When you are equal, that is, when you are in your form of perfection, you will then become one who grants blessing. Slogan: Run fast in the race of remembrance and you will become a victorious bead in the garland around the Father’s neck. #Murli #english

  • 2 June 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 02/06/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, the “most sweetest” Father is changing this bitter world and making it sweet. You too have to remember the sweet Father and the inheritance and become the “most sweetest”. Question: What methods has the Father told you in order to make yourself perfect? Answer: In order to make yourself perfect, check yourself with honesty: 1) What defects do I still have in me? 2) Do I cause anyone any sorrow throughout the day through my thoughts, words or deeds? 3) Do I make effort to remove the evil spirits by taking the current of remembering the Father? 4) As well as serving others, do I also serve myself? 5)For how long do I stay in remembrance of the Father and experience plenty of happiness? How satopradhan have I become? Om Shanti. The Father asks the children: Sweet children, do you see your most auspicious face of the future? Do you see your most auspicious costume? Do you understand that you will become part of their (Lakshmi and Narayan’s) future, new golden-aged world? That you will go to the land of happiness and become the most elevated? When students are studying, their intellects are aware that they will become so-and-so. You too know that you will go into the dynasty of Vishnu because there are two forms of Vishnu – Lakshmi and Narayan. At this time your intellects are alokik. None of these things enter the intellects of anyone else. Here, you know that you are sitting with the true Baba, you are sitting in Shiv Baba’s company. The highest-on-high Father is teaching us. He is the “most sweetest”. You have to remember that sweetest Father with a lot of love because the Father says: Children, by remembering Me, you will become most elevated and by imbibing the jewels of knowledge, you will become multimillionaires for your future 21 births. It is as though the Father is giving you this blessing. The sweetest brides will receive the blessing or the sweetest obedient children will receive it. The Father is happy to see the sweetest children.You sweet children know that all are playing their parts in this play. The unlimited Father is also playing His part of being personally in front of you in this unlimited drama. You sweet children of the sweet Father are seeing the sweetest Father personally in front of you. It is souls that see one another with the organs of their bodies. So, you are the sweet children. The Father knows that He has come to make you children very sweet. This Lakshmi and Narayan are most sweet, are they not? Their kingdom is also sweet; in the same way, their subjects are also sweet. When you go to the temples, you see them as so sweet. You wait for the temples to open so that you can have a glimpse of the sweet deities. Those who have a glimpse understand that they (the deities) were the masters of heaven. So many people go to the temple of Shiva because He is very sweetest of the sweetest. That sweetest Shiv Baba is praised a lot. You children have to become most sweet. The “most sweetest” Father is personally sitting in front of you children because He is incognito. No one else can be as sweet as He is. The Father is like a mountain of sweetness. The sweet Father comes and changes the bitter world and makes it sweet. You children know that sweetest Baba is making you “most sweetest”. He is making you exactly as He is. However someone is, he will make you the same as he it. So, in order to become sweetest like Him, you have to remember the sweet Father and the sweet inheritance.Baba repeatedly tells you children: Sweet children, consider yourselves to be bodiless and remember Me and I promise that with that remembrance, all your sorrow and suffering will finish and you will become ever healthy and ever wealthy. You will become most sweet. When you souls become sweet, you will also receive sweet bodies. You children should have the intoxication that you are the children of the most beloved Father and so you have to follow Baba’s shrimat. Very, very sweet Baba is making us very sweet. The most beloved Father says: Let only jewels always emerge from your lips; let no bitter stones emerge. To the extent that you become sweet, accordingly you will glorify the Father’s name. When you children follow the Father, others will follow you.The Father is also the Teacher. The Teacher would definitely give teachings to the children: Children, keep your daily chart of remembrance. Just as businessmen look at their accounts at night, so, you too are businessmen and you do such great business with the Father. The more you remember the Father, the more happiness you will receive from Him. You will become satopradhan. Every day, examine yourself, just as Narad was told to look at his face and see whether he was worth of marrying Lakshmi or not. You too have to see whether you are worthy of becoming like that. Otherwise, check what defects you still have because you children have to become perfect. The Father has come to make you perfect. So, you each have to check yourself with honesty: What defects do I still have due to which I will not be able to claim a high status? The Father continues to show you methods to chase away those evil spirits. The Father sits and looks at all souls. If He sees any defects in anyone, He gives that one a current so that his obstacle is removed. The more you help the Father and continue to praise Him, the more those evil spirits will continue to run away and the more happiness you will have. This is why you have to check yourself fully. Throughout the day, did I cause anyone sorrow through my thoughts, words or deeds? You have to be a detached observer and see your behaviour. You can also see the behaviour of others, but first you have to look at yourself. By simply looking at others, you will forget about yourself. Each one of you has to serve yourself. To serve others means to serve yourself. You are not doing Shiv Baba’s service. Shiv Baba Himself has come here on service.Sweet children, you are becoming valuable diamonds. Valuable diamonds and jewellery are always kept in a bank for safe-keeping. You Brahmin children are also valuable and are sitting safely in Shiv Baba’s bank. You know that all the people in the world are going to die. By staying in Baba’s safe, you become immortal; you conquer death. As soon as you belong to Shiv Baba you become safe. However, you have to make effort to claim a high status. No matter how much wealth people in the world have, all of that is going to finish; none of it will remain. You children do not have anything with yourselves now, not even those bodies. Give those to the Father too. It is as though those who have nothing have everything. You have made a bargain with the unlimited Father for the future new world. You say: Baba, I am giving to You everything I have that is worth straws, including this body, and I will then take everything from You there. It is as through you have become safe. Everything is safe in Baba’s treasure store. You children should have so much happiness inside you. Only a short time remains and then we will go to our kingdom. When people ask you, tell them: Wah, we are claiming the inheritance of unlimited happiness from the unlimited Father. We are becoming ever healthy and wealthy. All our desires are being fulfilled.Baba knows that no one has become perfect at this time. Your battle with Maya will continue till the end. The battle will stop when the Great war begins and you will then know the result. You have to keep an eye on yourself. You have to check: For how long do I remember most beloved Baba? Baba knows: Some children do not have any time to remember Me. The Father says: Remember Me with a lot of love, and if you do not remember Me, even then, then it would be understood that you do not have time. Maya takes all your time and doesn’t give you any time to remember the Father. Everything depends on the pilgrimage of remembrance. It is in remembrance that Maya causes obstacles. She makes you forget to have remembrance and this is why the Father explains: Sweet children, become soul conscious. When you explain even a little to someone with the strength of yoga, the arrow will quickly strike. When the arrow strikes them, they become completely unconscious. First they become unconscious and then they belong to Baba. When you remember the Father with love, He too feels that attraction. Some do not remember Baba at all. Baba feels mercy, but nevertheless, He would say: Children, make progress. Claim a number ahead. The higher the status you claim, the closer you will be and also have a lot of happiness. Only the one Father is the Purifier and so you have to remember the one Father; not just the one Father, but you also have to remember the sweet home. There also has to be all the wealth and furnishings in the sweet home, and so you also have to remember the land of heaven. You definitely have to become pure. You children have to become introverted as much as possible. Do not speak too much. Remain silent. The Father gives teachings to the children: Sweet children, do not spread peacelessness. Remain very peaceful while living at home with your family. Be introverted. Speak very sweetly. Do not cause anyone any sorrow and do not get angry. If there is the evil spirit of anger, you will not be able to stay in remembrance. The Father is so sweet, and so He also explains to you children: Children, become very, very sweet. Do not become extroverted. Be introverted.Just as the Father is a very lovely, pure soul, so you also have to become pure like Him. Remember the Father with a lot of love. Baba, I do not want anyone else apart from You to be in front of me. No one is as lovely as the Father. Each one becomes a lover of that one Beloved. So, you have to remember that Beloved a lot. Baba has explained that a physical lover and beloved do not stay together, but once they have seen each other, that’s it. It isn’t that they even get married, no. The Father says: Sweet children, constantly remember Me alone and your boat will go across. We have so much love for the sweet Father through whom we become like diamonds. Remember the Father with a lot of love and become completely cool inside. You should have goose pimples. Remove whatever defects there are and become a pure diamond. If you have something lacking, even slightly, your value will be reduced. You have to make yourself into a valuable diamond. You must not forget to remember the Father but, instead, let remembrance harass you (such that you cannot stay without it). Say, “Baba, Baba” and become merged in love.You children also have the faith that you are becoming the masters of heaven through the unlimited Father. A lot of happiness is experienced in becoming the masters of heaven. The Father sits and looks at the children: Which virtues does this one have? Which defects d they have? Children also know this which is why Baba says, “Write down your own weaknesses and bring them.” No one has become perfect yet. Yes, you have to become that. You have become that every cycle. The Father explains: The main defects are mainly of body consciousness. Body consciousness harasses you a great deal; it doesn’t allow your stage to grow. Those bodies have to be forgotten too. You have to shed those old bodies and return. Divine virtues have to be imbibed here. Since you have to go, there mustn’t be any flaws remaining. You are becoming diamonds and you know what flaws you have. There are flaws in those diamonds doo, but those flaws cannot be removed because those are non-living. These have to be cut away. You are living diamonds. So, whatever flaws you have, they have to be completely removed and you have to become flawless. If you do not remove the flaws, your value will be reduced. Because you are living, you can remove the flaws.You children are tireless in playing your imperishable parts, you never get tired. You know that you have come into this cycle countless times. It is such a wonderful game. So much happiness is experienced by understanding this wonderful game. People are happy when they watch those games, but they don’t attain anything. By understanding this game, not only do you become happy, you also become the masters of the world and this is why the Father explains to you every day: Sweet children, become soul conscious. While being in your bodies, do not consider those bodies to be yours. They are going to finish. We have to go to Baba. By becoming soul conscious, there will be an attraction in you. All attachment to your old bodies has to be removed. You have now completed your 84 births; you now have to return home. You children always have to remember this. You have a lot of time to use. Do your business for eight hours, rest for eight hours and for the remaining eight hours, have a conversation with the Father, have a heart-to-heart conversation. Do spiritual service. If any evil spirits of Maya remain inside you, you will not then have any success.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Put everything worth straws, including your bodies that you have, into Shiv Baba’s bank and claim the inheritance of unlimited happiness for the future. 2. In order to become a flawless diamond, become introverted and remove the defect of body consciousness. Never become peaceless, do not spread peacelessness. Blessing: May you be the wisest of all businessmen by giving one-fold and receiving multimillion-fold with your own desire and determination. The children who are the wisest of all businessmen give a handful of dry rice filled with dust and claim a multimillion-fold fortune in return of one-fold. You just give a little rice and, in return, you claim all powers, all treasures and more than 36 varieties. However, even when giving just this, some hide a little under their arms just as Sudama did. The Father can take it by pulling it from you, but if He does pull it from you, you will not receive that much return of it. This is why, with your own desire and determination, give one-fold and receive multimillion-fold: this is wisdom. Only by giving in this way is there benefit. Slogan: Only those who become detached and see every game as detached observers are true detached #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday

  • 26 May 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 26/05/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, Maya cursed you for half the cycle. The Father has now come to remove the curse and to give you the inheritance. Follow shrimat and you will become worthy of the inheritance. Question: What is the real significance, that you children have understood, of being soul conscious? Answer: To be dead to the old world and belong to the Father, that is, to die alive is to become soul conscious. Forget that old shoe, become bodiless like the Father and remember Him. This is the real significance of being soul conscious. Song: Salutations to Shiva. Om Shanti. You children heard the song. On the one side, the devotees are in extreme darkness and, on the other side, there are the children of the Mother and Father. You heard His praise and you are now sitting personally in front of Him. You say: Salutations to Shiva. Then, immediately, you say: You are the Mother and Father. You are the Mother and Father of all and also the Swami of all. It has been explained that all human beings, that is, all men and women, are devotees, brides, and that that One is the Bridegroom, the Swami and the Mother and Father. He truly is the Father of you children and also the Bridegroom of the brides. Only you children know these things; all the rest are in darkness. You are now in the light. You know that you are sitting personally in front of the Father. How does incorporeal God create the world? The Mother and Father are surely needed. Therefore, the Father says: I give you children a new birth through this one. You say: I have died to this old world and now belong to the Father, that is, I have become soul conscious. The Father is always soul conscious. He comes at this time and explains to us the significance of making us soul conscious. You are now sitting personally in front of the One whose praise you used to sing: You are the Mother and Father. Although you may be in your own villages, you are still in front of the Father. The Father has come on the service of you children. The Purifier Father knows that He alone has to come to make impure ones pure. People remember Him alone when they say: O Purifier, come! You are now at the confluence age. You know that you truly were impure. Only the one Father purifies the impure and you say to Him: Salutations to Shiva. The children call out to the Father. Everyone loves little children. The Father remains present on the service of the children. When a child is born, his father remains present on his service. You know that you are now becoming pure through Him. He is truly the beloved Father to whom we have been calling out for half the cycle. We received the Father’s inheritance of the golden and silver ages. That inheritance was then lost. We were cursed by the curse of Maya, Ravan, and we became very unhappy. Everyone in the world is unhappy. Mountains of sorrow fall. This is why the Father says: I come. All have become sinful souls. Those who commit sin become unhappy. The Father comes and makes you into charitable souls and gives you the inheritance. You know that you are truly once again claiming your inheritance of 21 births from the unlimited Father. Maya cursed you and the Father removes the curse. The Father says: Remember Me and you will become ever peaceful. There cannot be peace here. This is the land of sorrow. I am taking you to the land of peace. There, there is happiness, peace and wealth, there is everything. You have come to the unlimited Father to fill your aprons for 21 births. Since you have become the children of God, each one of you has to claim your own inheritance through your own efforts. He is the Creator of heaven, and so He would surely give the inheritance of heaven. We are His children and so we should definitely receive the inheritance. Only the children have a right to the inheritance. The Father says: I gave you the inheritance 5000 years ago and you then lost it. It is now the confluence age and you are once again receiving the inheritance. You know that you became spinners of the discus of self-realisation, the decoration of the Brahmin clan, in the previous cycle too. They are the ones who will gradually continue to come. Day by day, more will become the decoration of the Brahmin clan. The genealogical tree will continue to grow. You become the mouth-born creation of Brahma, and Shiv Baba makes you that. At this time, you are God’s children. You are made full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, those who follow the supreme religion of non-violence. Deities never commit violence. You know that you were deities. We are now becoming that once again. We have been around the cycle. From the deity clan, we went into the warrior dynasty or clan. From the warrior dynasty or clan, we went into the merchant clan. Having completed the cycle of 84 births we have now come. The Father has now come once again to give us our inheritance. He removes our curse and makes us pure from impure. Here, all human beings are cursed. The Father comes and removes the curse and gives you the inheritance. This is the confluence age. The golden age is now not far away from you. Heaven is as close as the soul is to the body. It is very close. People think that heaven is very far away but you children have now come very close. It is a matter of 5000 years since it became heaven. It was heaven for half the cycle. Then hell lasted for half the cycle. Now, heaven is just in front of you. The Father says: Claim the kingdom of heaven in a second. You know that when you belong to the Father you become the masters of the world. Just as a child understands that he will claim his inheritance from his father, in the same way, the father understands that an heir is born. Although he is a baby and cannot say anything in words, the father knows that he is an heir. This One is the unlimited Father. The soul understands that he belongs to the Father and has become an heir. The Father too says: You have definitely become heirs to heaven, but there are many different levels of status in the inheritance. Some will become the sun dynasty, some the moon dynasty and others will become subjects. There are different levels of status. Children would say that they are becoming masters of their father’s property. You children know that you are the children of the unlimited Father. We become the masters of the whole world, not just of Bharat, but of the whole world. Although you rule in Bharat, you are the masters of the whole world. There is no other king to rule the kingdom there. Therefore, you should have so much intoxication: the unlimited Father and the unlimited children. There are now so many of you children. You would say that you are becoming the masters of heaven. There is no one as sweet as the Father. The Father does altruistic service. He Himself doesn't become the Master there, but makes you children that. People say that this Dada has experienced a lot of happiness and so what is the great thing if he renounced everything in his old age? You couldn't say this about Shiv Baba. He says: I don't take the happiness of heaven. I make you into the masters of heaven and give you the kingdom of heaven. Those kings rule the kingdom themselves and then pass on the fortune of the kingdom. That One says: Beloved children, I have come from the supreme abode to give you your fortune of the kingdom. I Myself do not rule. I have to come into this impure world and enter this impure body in order to purify you. There are so many obstacles in that too. Krishna did not abduct anyone. You come running to Shiv Baba. You say that you are going to Baba to claim your full inheritance. You personally go in front of Him and are adopted by Him. You say that you have now been adopted by God in order to claim your inheritance from Him. The Father comes into the impure world in order to liberate you from the enemy Ravan. It is Ravan, the five vices, that is the biggest enemy of all human beings. Here, you have to be liberated from that enemy. The Purifier is only the one Father to whom you say: Salutations to Shiva. The Bridegroom of all makes you brides beautiful and takes you back. You souls and your bodies are both now impure. I purify you souls and so you will then receive pure bodies. You will then become the emperors and empresses of the golden age. The Bridegroom comes and makes you worthy. You know that Maya, Ravan, made you unworthy. Shiv Baba is now making you worthy through the body of Brahma; that is, if you continue to follow shrimat. Shrimat is from God. He is called the Mother and Father. Krishna is not called that. You children know that you are now studying with the One whom they praise. The Brahmin clan is definitely created. You will then go into the deity clan. Surely, it is the Brahmin topknot that emerges first from the mouth of Brahma. You Brahmins are spiritual guides, the ones who do spiritual service. The Father says: I have come as your Guide to take you on the true pilgrimage. I tell you a very easy thing: You simply have to remember the Father and consider yourself to be a soul. You mustn't listen to anything evil. Evil things cause a lot of harm. At this time, there is the influence of the five evil spirits over the whole world. Therefore, they would only speak of evil things. There is so much praise of the unlimited Father and then they say that He is omnipresent! You can explain to them: You sing and call out: O Purifier, come! Then you say that He is omnipresent! In that case, everyone should be pure. It is the notion of omnipresence that has made the people of Bharat into atheists and worth shells. The Father says: I come every cycle and make you children pure from impure and make you into the masters of heaven. I am present on your service. No matter how much I have to tolerate, I am still present on your service. I know that there are many children: some follow shrimat, some don't and some don’t know anything. There are so many children. Prajapita Brahma is surely the Father of People. The Creator creates the world through Brahma. He gives you children these teachings through Brahma: Beloved children, constantly remember Me alone and you will continue to become pure from impure and the locks on your intellects will continue to open. I have come to do the service of making divine those who have become stone. I take you from hell into heaven. The Father comes at the confluence age when the whole world has become tamopradhan and decayed. They begin to cause sorrow for one another. They use the sword of lust and cause sorrow for one another. You children know that you will now go to Baba in the land of peace and then go to the land of happiness. The Father says: I seat you children on the spiritual eyes and take you to the sweet home. You have also become guides, children of the Guide. Your name is: Shiv Shakti Pandava Army. You give everyone the introduction of your Father and show them the path to go to Him. You yourselves have to claim your inheritance and also enable others to claim it. Look, a group of 22 has come from Meerut (place in the state of UP). They are making effort to show everyone the way to change from shells into diamonds. It is remembered: God, You are the stick for the blind. The Father comes and takes you from the world of thorns to the world of flowers. You know that you are changing from devils into deities. We have been around the cycle of these clans and come here. We have become Brahmins from shudras and will then become deities. You are spinners of the discus of self-realisation. These are your ornaments. However, they have been given to Vishnu because this part of yours doesn't remain permanently. That is why this symbol has been given to the deities. The Father has mercy for you children so that you are not influenced by Maya. If you don't remember the Father, Maya will definitely eat you. Baba doesn't give you a lot of effort to make. He simply says: Remember Me, your Father. Have the faith that you are a soul. This is a spiritual pilgrimage. You too go on a pilgrimage. You should not forget the Father. Remove the word yoga. You just have to remember the Father. Do you forget the Father? The Father says: Become bodiless! You are bodiless. You have come here and adopted those bodies. Now, let go of the awareness of the body. I will take you back with Me. I am the Death of all Deaths. Forget those old bodies and remember Me. They are old shoes. You will then be given new bodies. Remove your attachment from the old ones. I will take you back with Me, and so you should be happy that you are going to your Parent's home. It is 5000 years since we left the land of peace and we are now going back there. This is the land of sorrow. The Father comes and serves you children. He ignites the lights of souls because they have become dirty. Worthy children say that they will marry Shri Narayan. The Father says: Look in the mirror of your heart! Is there any evil spirit sitting inside? Continue to chase away the evil spirits so that the kingdom of evil spirits ends. The Father is present on the service of you children. He is without an image. He doesn't have an image. Baba teaches you through the organs of someone else. In fact, all souls are without an image. They then each take an image and play their parts. The Father says: I take the support of this image which is of matter and give the urn of knowledge to the mothers. It is only when you children know the Father that you receive your inheritance. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Remember the Father, follow Baba’s shrimat fully and become liberated from the curse of Maya.2. Renounce the consciousness of the body and become bodiless. Remove your attachment from the old world. Blessing: May you be master knowledge-full and face any adverse situation with the power of your original stage. Your original stage means the stage of soul consciousness. Adverse situations come from people or matter, but if your original stage is powerful, adverse situations are nothing in front of it. Those who are stable in their original stage can never become afraid of any type of adverse situation because they have become knowledge-full souls. They have the knowledge of the three aspects of time and of all souls. They know that that soul is under an external influence and they will therefore serve that soul with good wishes and pure feelings and not be afraid but will constantly keep smiling. Slogan: A fortunate soul is one who constantly sings songs of his fortune and not his weaknesses. #english #Murli #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari

  • First Avyakt Sandesh on 18 01 1969 morning through Dadi Gulzar

    18 जनवरी 1969 – पिताश्री जी के अव्यक्त होने के बाद – अव्यक्त वतन से प्राप्त दिव्य सन्देश" (गुलज़ार बहिन द्वारा) 1. आज जब हम वतन में गई तो शिवबाबा बोले - साकार ब्रह्मा की आत्मा में आदि से अन्त तक 84 जन्मों के चक्र लगाने के संस्कार हैं तो आज भी वतन से चक्र लगाने गये थे। जैसे साइंस वाले राकेट द्वारा चन्द्रमा तक पहुँचे - और जितना चन्द्रमा के नजदीक पहुँचते गये उतना इस धरती की आकर्षण से दूर होते गये। पृथ्वी की आकर्षण खत्म हो गई। वहाँ पहुँचने पर बहुत हल्कापन महसूस होता है। जैसे तुम बच्चे जब सूक्ष्मवतन में आते हो तो स्थूल आकर्षण खत्म हो जाती है तो वहाँ भी धरती की आकर्षण नहीं रहती है। यह है ध्यान द्वारा और वह है साइंस द्वारा। और भी एक अन्तर बापदादा सुना रहे थे - कि वह लोग जब राकेट में चलते हैं तो लौटने का कनेक्शन नीचे वालों से होता है लेकिन यहाँ तो जब चाहें, जैसे चाहें अपने हाथ में है। इसके बाद बाबा ने एक दृश्य दिखाया - एक लाइट की बहुत ऊँची पहाड़ी थी। उस पहाड़ी के नीचे शक्ति सेना और पाण्डव दल था। ऊपर में बापदादा खड़े थे। इसके बाद बहुत भीड़ हो गई। हम सभी वहाँ खड़े ऐसे लग रहे थे जैसे साकारी नहीं लेकिन मन्दिर के साक्षात्कार मूर्त खड़े हैं। सभी ऊपर देखने की कोशिश कर रहे थे लेकिन ऊपर देख नहीं सके। जैसे सभी बहुत तरस रहे थे। फिर थोड़ी देर में एक आकाशवाणी की तरह आवाज आई कि शक्तियों और पाण्डवों द्वारा ही कल्याण होना है। उस समय हम सबके चहरे पर बहुत ही रहमदिल का भाव था। उसके बाद फिर कई लोगों को शक्तियों और पाण्डवों से अव्यक्त ब्रह्मा का साक्षात्कार, शिवबाबा का साक्षात्कार होने लगा। फिर तो वह सीन देखने की थी कोई हसँ रहा था, कोई पकड़ने की कोशिश कर रहा था, कोई प्रेम में आंसू बहा रहा था। लेकिन सारी शक्तियाँ आग के गोले समान तेजस्वी रूप में स्थित थी। इस पर बाबा ने सुनाया कि अन्त समय में तुम्हारा यह व्यक्त शरीर भी बिल्कुल स्थिर हो जायेगा। अभी तो पुराना हिसाब-किताब होने के कारण शरीर अपनी तरफ खींचता है लेकिन अन्त में बिल्कुल स्थिर, शान्त हो जायेगा। कोई भी हल- चल न मन में, न तन में रहेगी। जिसको ही बाबा कहते हैं देही अभिमानी स्थिति। दृश्य समाप्त होने के बाद बाबा ने कहा - सभी बच्चों को कहना कि अभी देही अभिमानी बनने का पुरुषार्थ करो। जितना सर्विस पर ध्यान है उतना ही इस मुख्य बात पर भी ध्यान रहे कि देही अभिमानी बनना है। 2. आज जब मैं वतन में गई तो बापदादा हम सभी बच्चों का स्वागत करने के लिए सामने उपस्थित थे। और जैसे ही मैं पहुँची तो जैसे साकार रूप में दृष्टि से याद लेते थे वैसे ही अनुभव हुआ लेकिन आज की दृष्टि में विशेष प्रेम के सागर का रूप इमर्ज था। एक-एक बच्चे की याद नयनों में समाई हुई थी। बाबा ने कहा याद तो सभी बच्चों ने भेजी है, लेकिन इसमें दो प्रकार की याद है। कई बच्चों की याद अव्यक्त है और कईयों की याद में अव्यक्त भाव के साथ व्यक्त भाव मिक्स है। 75 बच्चों की याद अव्यक्त थी लेकिन 25 की याद मिक्स थी। फिर बाबा ने सभी को स्नेह और शक्ति भरी दृष्टि देते गिट्टी खिलाई। फिर एक दृश्य इमर्ज हुआ - क्या देखा सभी बच्चों का संगठन खड़ा है और ऊपर से बहुत फूलों की वर्षा हो रही है। बिल्कुल चारों और फूल के सिवाए और कुछ देखने में नहीं आ रहा था। बाबा ने सुनाया - बच्ची, बाप- दादा ने स्नेह और शक्ति तो बच्चों को दी ही है लेकिन साथ-साथ दिव्य गुण रुपी फूलों की वर्षा शिक्षा के रूप में भी बहुत की है। परन्तु दिव्य गुणों की शिक्षा को हरेक बच्चे ने यथाशक्ति ही धारण किया है। इसके बाद फिर दूसरा दृश्य दिखाया - तीन प्रकार के गुलाब के फूल थे एक लोहे का, दूसरा हल्का पीतल का और तीसरा रीयल गुलाब था। तो बाबा ने कहा बच्चों की रिजल्ट भी इस प्रकार है। जो लोहे का फूल हैं - यह बच्चों के कड़े संस्कार की निशानी थे। जैसे लोहे को बहुत ठोकना पड़ता है, जब तक गर्म न करो, हथोड़ी न लगाओ तो मुड़ नहीं सकता। इस तरह कई बच्चों के संस्कार लोहे की तरह है जो कितना भी भट्टी में पड़े रहें लेकिन बदलते ही नहीं। दूसरे है जो मोड़ने से वा मेहनत से कुछ बदलते हैं। तीसरे वह जो नैचुरल ही गुलाब हैं। यह वही बच्चे हैं जिन्होंने गुलाब समान बनने में कुछ मेहनत नहीं ली। ऐसे सुनाते- सुनाते बाबा ने रीयल गुलाब के फूल को अपने हाथ में उठाकर थोड़ा घुमाया। घुमाते ही उनके सारे पत्ते गिर गये। और सिर्फ बीच का बीज रह गया। तो बाबा बोले, देखो बच्ची जैसे इनके पत्ते कितना जल्दी और सहज अलग हो गये - ऐसे ही बच्चों को ऐसा पुरुषार्थ करना है जो एकदम फट से पुराने संस्कार, पुराने देह के सम्बन्धियों रूपी पत्ते छट जायें। और फिर बीजरूप अवस्था में स्थित हो जायें। तो सभी बच्चों को यही सन्देश देना कि अपने को चेक करो कि अगर समय आ जाए तो कोई भी संस्कार रूपी पत्ते अटक तो नहीं जायेंगे, जो मेहनत करनी पड़े? कर्मातीत अवस्था सहज ही बन जायेगी या कोई कर्मबन्धन उस समय अटक डालेगा? अगर कोई कमी है तो चेक करो और भरने की कोशिश करो।

  • 4 June 2018 BK murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - 04-06-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन" मीठे बच्चे - गृहस्थ व्यवहार सम्भालते हुए पढ़ाई का कोर्स उठाओ, यह देवी-देवता बनने का कॉलेज है, तुम्हें भगवान-भगवती (देवी-देवता) बनना है" प्रश्नः- शिवबाबा की बलिहारी किस कर्त्तव्य के कारण गाई हुई है? उत्तर:- शिवबाबा सभी बच्चों को वर्थ नाट पेनी से वर्थ पाउण्ड बनाते हैं। तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान, पतित से पावन बनाते हैं इसलिए उनकी बलिहारी गाई जाती है। अगर शिवबाबा न आते तो हम बच्चे किसी काम के नहीं थे। गरीब-निवाज़ बाप आये हैं गरीब कन्याओं-माताओं को दासीपने से छुड़ाने, इसलिए गरीब-निवाज़ कहकर बाप की बलिहारी गाते हैं। गीत:- माता ओ माता... ओम् शान्ति।बच्चों ने अपने माँ की महिमा सुनी। यूँ तो हर एक को अपनी माँ है। यह फिर है जगदम्बा। तुम तो जानते हो यह किसकी महिमा है। जगत अम्बा का कितना बड़ा मेला लगता है। जगत अम्बा कौन है - यह कोई नहीं जानते। परमपिता अथवा ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर अथवा लक्ष्मी-नारायण आदि जो सबसे ऊंच हैं उन्हों की जीवन कहानी कोई मनुष्य मात्र नहीं जानते। अभी तुम जानते हो जगत अम्बा है ब्रह्माकुमारी सरस्वती। जगत-अम्बा को जितनी भुजायें आदि दिखाई हैं वह तो हैं नहीं। देवियों को भुजायें देते हैं। वास्तव में भुजा तो मनुष्य को दो होती हैं। परमपिता परमात्मा निराकार है। बाकी मनुष्य की हैं दो भुजायें। स्वर्ग के लक्ष्मी-नारायण की भी दो भुजायें हैं। सूक्ष्मवतन में तो ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर हैं। प्रवृत्ति मार्ग होने कारण चतुर्भुज दिखाया गया है। सूक्ष्मवतन में भी मम्मा-बाबा हैं। विष्णु का भी साक्षात्कार होता है। दो भुजायें लक्ष्मी की, दो भुजायें नारायण की। बाकी मनुष्य को कोई चार भुजायें होती नहीं। यह तो सिर्फ समझाने के लिए विष्णु को 4 भुजायें दिखाई हैं। देवियों को इतनी भुजायें देते हैं। वह हैं नहीं। सरस्वती, काली आदि-आदि अनेक चित्र बनाये हैं। वास्तव में है कुछ नहीं। यह सब भक्ति मार्ग के अलंकार है। अभी तुम भक्त नहीं हो। तुम हो गॉड फादरली स्टूडेण्ट। पढ़ाई पढ़ रहे हो। भगवान आकर भक्तों को भक्ति का फल देते हैं। भक्त तो हैं अन्धश्रद्धा वाले। सबके चित्र रखते रहेंगे। कृष्ण का भी रखेंगे, लक्ष्मी-नारायण का भी रखेंगे, राम-सीता का भी रखेंगे। गुरू नानक आदि का भी रखेंगे। चों चों का मुरब्बा होता है ना। आक्यूपेशन कोई का भी जानते नहीं। मालूम होना चाहिए कि इन्हों को हम क्यों पूजते हैं? भला उनमें ऊंच ते ऊंच कौन हैं? भक्तों में मुख्य शिरोमणि भक्त नारद दिखाया है और फीमेल्स में शिरोमणि भक्त रखा है मीरा को। कहानी लिखी है - जब लक्ष्मी का स्वयंवर होता था....। अब स्वयंवर तो सतयुग में होता है। यह है नर्क। यह सब दृष्टान्त बनाये जाते हैं। वास्तव में कोई एक की बात नहीं है। इस समय के सब मेल-फीमेल्स द्रोपदियाँ और दुर्योधन हैं। द्रोपदियाँ पुकारती हैं - हे भगवान, नंगन होने से बचाओ। चित्रों में दिखाते हैं भगवान साड़ियां देते जाते हैं। कहते हैं 21 जन्म नंगन होने से बचाया। अभी बाप आया है - सब द्रोपदियों की रक्षा करने। श्रीमत पर चलेंगे तो 21 जन्म कभी नंगन नहीं होंगे। वह है सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी दुनिया। पूछते हैं - बाबा, हम लक्ष्मी को वर सकेंगे? बाप कहते हैं दिल दर्पण में देखो कि हम लायक हैं? इस समय हर एक मनुष्य-मात्र में 5 विकार प्रवेश हैं। भारत में सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी देवी-देवतायें थे। अभी तो सम्पूर्ण विकारी हैं। सतयुग में एक बच्चा होता है, सो भी योगबल से। पहले से साक्षात्कार होता है। जैसे तुम साक्षात्कार करते हो - हम प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बनेंगे। प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज का आपस में रास का भी साक्षात्कार होता है कि हम भविष्य में ऐसे श्रीकृष्ण के साथ रास करेंगे। बाबा ने समझाया है - इतनी भुजाओं वाली देवियाँ होती नहीं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण को दो भुजायें हैं। उनको विष्णु का अवतार कहा जाता है। विष्णु डिनायस्टी.... उनको महालक्ष्मी वा नारायण कहते हैं। नर-नारायण के मन्दिर में चतुर्भुज रूप दिखाते हैं। महालक्ष्मी का भी दिखाते हैं। लक्ष्मी को जगत अम्बा नहीं कहेंगे। लक्ष्मी कोई ब्रह्माकुमारी नहीं है। ब्रह्माकुमारी यहाँ है। सरस्वती भी गाई हुई है - ब्रह्मा की मुख वंशावली सरस्वती। ब्रह्माकुमारी सरस्वती को जगत-अम्बा कहा जाता है। बरोबर तुम जानते हो प्रजापिता के मुख वंशावली हम हैं। एक हैं कलियुगी ब्राह्मण, दूसरे तुम हो संगमयुगी ब्राह्मण। वह ब्राह्मण हैं जिस्मानी यात्रा कराने वाले कुख वंशावली, तुम बने हो मुख वंशावली। तुम रूहानी यात्रा कराने वाले हो। तुम सब ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली जाकर मनुष्य से देवता बनते हो। इनमें मुख्य है मम्मा, जिसकी इतनी महिमा है। वह है स्वर्ग की सब मनोकामनायें पूर्ण करने वाली। तुम भी उनकी सन्तान ठहरे। जगत अम्बा राजयोग सिखाती है, जिससे 21 जन्म स्वर्ग के मालिक बनते हो इसलिए उनका गायन है शिव शक्ति सेना। लक्ष्मी है महारानी, उनको एक बच्चा होता है। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा और जगत अम्बा को कितने ढेर के ढेर बच्चे हैं। तो जगत अम्बा को दो भुजायें हैं। वैसे ही लक्ष्मी-नारायण को भी दो भुजा हैं। चित्रों में बहुत हंगामा कर दिया है। नारायण को काला, लक्ष्मी को गोरा बना देते हैं। ऐसे तो हो नहीं सकता - नारायण सांवरा हो और लक्ष्मी गोरी हो वा कृष्ण सांवरा हो और राधे गोरी हो। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं - इस समय सब सांवरे हैं। तुम स्वर्ग में पवित्र थे तो गोरे थे। फिर काम चिता पर बैठने से काले हो गये हो। कृष्ण को श्याम-सुन्दर कहते हैं। सुन्दर हैं सतयुग-त्रेता में फिर 84 जन्म भोगते-भोगते अन्त में आकर श्याम बने हैं। कृष्ण की आत्मा पुनर्जन्म लेती रहती है। फिर वह नाम थोड़े-ही रहता है। इस समय वह आत्मा तमोप्रधान अवस्था में है। सतयुग आदि में हैं देवी-देवतायें। वही 84 जन्म लेंगे। यह है 84 जन्मों का चक्र।तुम बच्चों ने मम्मा की महिमा सुनी। मम्मा की महिमा अलग, लक्ष्मी की महिमा अलग है। चित्र कैसे-कैसे बनाये हैं। काली की ऐसी जीभ दिखाते हैं। ऐसा तो कोई मनुष्य होता नहीं। सूक्ष्मवतन में भी ऐसी काली तो है नहीं। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर हैं। विष्णु तो है ही युगल। ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती को भी तुम सूक्ष्मवतन में दिखाते हो। फिर काली भयंकर कहाँ से आई। काली का रूप बड़ा भयानक दिखाते हैं। ऐसी कोई शक्ति थोड़ेही होगी - वायोलेन्स (हिंसा) करने वाली। हर एक बात के लिए बाप समझाते रहते हैं। किस्म-किस्म के चित्र हैं। परन्तु मनुष्य तो मनुष्य ही होते हैं। सूक्ष्मवतन में हैं ब्रह्मा-विष्ण-शंकर.... उसके ऊपर मूलवतन, जहाँ शिव और सालिग्राम रहते हैं। बस और कुछ भी नहीं है। बाकी सब इतने चित्र आदि भक्ति मार्ग की सामग्री है। सतयुग-त्रेता में यह होती नहीं। ज्ञान और भक्ति - ज्ञान अर्थात् दिन, भक्ति अर्थात् रात। ब्रह्मा का दिन ज्ञान और ब्रह्मा की रात भक्ति। सतयुग-त्रेता है दिन, द्वापर कलियुग है रात। अब है घोर अंधियारी रात। फिर दिन होता है। बाप कहते हैं मेरा जन्म संगम पर होता है। कलियुग का अन्त घोर अंधियारा, सतयुग का आदि घोर सोझरा। संगम पर ही आकर मैं तुमको समझाता हूँ। अब इतने जो भक्तिमार्ग में चित्र हैं - मुख्य है पतित-पावन शिवबाबा। इस समय सभी मनुष्य-मात्र पतित हैं। यह है पतित दुनिया। अगर शिवबाबा नहीं आता तो सब वर्थ नाट ए पेनी होते। बलिहारी शिवबाबा की जो पतितों को पावन बनाते हैं। इस समय सब तमोप्रधान पतित हैं, सब दु:खी हैं। पहले पावन आत्मायें आती हैं तो सतोप्रधान हैं, फिर सतो, रजो, तमो में आना पड़ता है। हर चीज़ का ऐसे होता है। छोटा बच्चा भी सतोप्रधान होता है इसलिए कहते हैं ब्रह्म ज्ञानी और बालक एक समान होते हैं। फिर सतो, रजो, तमो में आना ही है। फिर चेन्ज करना ही है। तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनना ही है। दुनिया भी सतोप्रधान थी, अब तमोप्रधान है। तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बाप बना सकते हैं। बाप को न जानने कारण सबको याद करते रहते हैं। कितने चित्र बनाते रहते हैं। परन्तु उनमें भी हर एक का कोई मुख्य देवता जरूर होता है। जैसे बाबा के पास भी बहुत चित्र रहते थे। उनमें भी मुख्य श्री नारायण का था। सिक्ख धर्म का होगा तो भल शिव का, लक्ष्मी-नारायण आदि का रखा होगा तो भी गुरुनानक को अधिक याद करेगा। ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान तो एक है। उनकी महिमा भी लिखी हुई है। सतनाम, कर्ता पुरुष, अकालमूर्त... सतयुग आदि सत है, है भी सत अर्थात् यह जो चक्र है सत है। फिर यह चक्र जरूर लगायेंगे। यह सब बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। भक्तिमार्ग में गोरे कृष्ण का मन्दिर अलग, सांवरे कृष्ण का मन्दिर अलग दिखाते हैं। कहाँ फिर शिव का भी रखते हैं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण का भी रखते हैं। आक्यूपेशन को तो जानते नहीं। बाप आकर तुम बच्चों को सृष्टि चक्र के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का राज़ समझाकर, स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनाए चक्रवर्ती राजा बनाते हैं। भल तुम सब हो गृहस्थी, फिर भी पढ़ाई का कोर्स उठाते हो। बुढ़ियों से पूछो - तुम कहाँ जाती हो? तो कहेंगे - हम भगवान के कॉलेज में जाती हैं। भगवानुवाच - हम तुमको सो देवी-देवता बनाता हूँ। भगवान पढ़ाते हैं, भगवान-भगवती बनाते हैं। परन्तु ऐसे नहीं कि सतयुग में कोई भगवान-भगवती का राज्य कहेंगे। नहीं, वह है आदि सनातन देवी-देवताओं का राज्य। विलायत वाले कहते हैं लार्ड कृष्णा। अमेरिकन लोग जब देखते हैं कि ये देवताओं के चित्र हैं तो एक का दाम लाख दो लाख दे देते हैं। प्राचीन चीज़ देखते हैं तो लाख रूपया देने को तैयार हो जाते हैं। तो भी देते नहीं हैं। पुरानी चीज़ है ना। पुरानी तो 5 हजार वर्ष की बात है। सबसे पुराने तो देवी-देवताओं के चित्र हुए। भक्तिमार्ग में कितने चित्र बनाते हैं। भक्तिमार्ग जब शुरू होता है, तब सोमनाथ का मन्दिर बनाते हैं। बाप समझाते हैं भारतवासी कितने साहूकार थे, अब तो भारत कितना नर्क बन गया है! बिल्कुल भिखारी कंगाल बन गये हैं। ऐसे भारत की फिर से हिस्ट्री रिपीट होनी चाहिए। तुम बच्चों को सारे बेहद की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी का पता है। सतयुग में देवताओं को पता नहीं होगा। यह ज्ञान प्राय: लोप हो जाता है। वहाँ कोई पतित होता नहीं, जो ज्ञान दिया जाये। यह ज्ञान प्राय: लोप हो जाता है। फिर गीता कहाँ से आई। वह सब भक्तिमार्ग के शास्त्र बने हुए हैं। नई दुनिया के लिए नई नॉलेज चाहिए। इस्लामी नॉलेज थी क्या? इब्राहम आया तो आकर इस्लाम धर्म स्थापन किया, नॉलेज दी। नई बात हुई ना। यहाँ यह गीता, रामायण, भागवत आदि में बहुत झूठे कलंक लगाये हैं। बाप कहते हैं मेरी ग्लानि नम्बरवन करते हैं - सर्वव्यापी कह देते हैं। जब ऐसी ग्लानि होती है, भारतवासी महान दु:खी बन जाते हैं, तब मैं आता हूँ। इस समय सब पतित हैं। सबको सारी विश्व को पावन बनाने मैं ही आता हूँ इसलिए पतित दुनिया का विनाश कराए पावन दुनिया की स्थापना कराता हूँ। इस पुरानी दुनिया को भूल जाओ। मन्मनाभव। बाप और वर्से को याद करो। तुम यह राजयोग सीखकर सो देवी-देवता बनते हो। यह है राजयोग सीखने की गॉड फादरली युनिवर्सिटी। इतनी बड़ी कॉलेज है, हॉस्पिटल है परन्तु तुमको तीन पैर पृथ्वी के नहीं मिलते! बाप कहते हैं मैं तुमको सारे विश्व का मालिक बना रहा हूँ। यह है हॉस्पिटल-कम-युनिवर्सिटी। हॉस्पिटल से हेल्थ और युनिवर्सिटी से वेल्थ मिलती है। बाप कहते हैं मैं पढ़ाने आया हूँ, परन्तु तीन पैर पृथ्वी के नहीं मिलते! मैं हूँ गरीब निवाज। कन्यायें मातायें बिल्कुल गरीब हैं, उनके हाथ में कुछ भी नहीं रहता है। बाप का वर्सा बच्चों को मिलता है। वास्तव में स्त्री को हाफ पार्टनर कहा जाता है। भारत में हिन्दू नारी को कहते हैं - तुम्हारा पति, गुरू-ईश्वर सब कुछ है। परन्तु हाफ पार्टनर को ऐसे थोड़ेही कहते हैं मैं गुरू ईश्वर और तुम दासी हो। बाप आकर दासीपने से छुड़ाते हैं। पहले लक्ष्मी फिर नारायण। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) रूहानी यात्रा करनी और करानी है। सृष्टि चक्र का ज्ञान बुद्धि में रख स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनना है। 2) देवी-देवता बनने के लिए इस पुरानी दुनिया को भूल बाप और वर्से को याद करना है। नई नॉलेज पढ़नी और पढ़ानी है। वरदान:- महावीर बन संजीवनी बूटी द्वारा मूर्छित को सुरजीत करने वाले शक्तिवान भव l जैसे सूर्य स्वयं शक्तिशाली है तो चारों ओर अपनी शक्ति से प्रकाश फैलाता है, ऐसे शक्तिवान बन अनेकों को संजीवनी बूटी देकर मूर्छित को सुरजीत बनाने की सेवा करते रहो, तब कहेंगे महावीर। सदा स्मृति रखो कि हमें विजयी रहना है और सबको विजयी बनाना है। विजयी बनने का साधन है बिजी रहना। स्व कल्याण अथवा विश्व कल्याण के कार्य में बिजी रहो तो विघ्न-विनाशक वायुमण्डल बनता जायेगा। स्लोगन:- दिल सदा एक दिलाराम में लगी रहे - यही सच्ची तपस्या है। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris

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