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- Love for Yagya & BK family (Hindi)In Question Answers·7 June 2021ब्रह्माकुमार विजय से यह पत्र मिला जो उन्होने शिव बाबा प्रति लिखा - की आज यज्ञ में कुछ आत्माए ज्ञान, योग व धरना पर पुरुषार्थ न करके डायरेक्ट सेवा में उतर आती है। इसके लिए शिव बाबा की श्रीमत क्या है ? Original Email Received प्यारे बाबा, मेरा ब्राह्मण परिवार ऐसे होना चाहिए जिसमें बहुत कम आत्माएँ हों तो भी एकएक रत्न ब्रह्माबाप समान त्यागमूर्त,गुणमूर्त बने रहे. पाण्डव गवर्मेंट मेजारिटी दिखाने के लिए नहीं. आजकल मैं देख रहा हूँ जो ऐसे ही हो रहा है ज्ञान, योग, धारणा - यह एकदम पीछे हो गया सीधा सेवा में लग जाए.. तो Quantity बड़ा सकते लेकिन Quality ? देह अभिमान नहीं होना चाहिए - यह मैं जानता ही हूँ ,सिर्फ मेरे लिए थोडेही बाप आकर ज्ञान देते समय नहीं है - यह कारण भी हो सकता है लेकिन ऐसी सेवा करके कुछ फायदा तो नहीं है न बाबा ? Our Email Response बाबा कहते है - यह तुम्हारा परिवार है। गर कोई आत्मा से माया के वशीभूत कोई गलती हो जाती है, तो उसे शक्ति दो और समझाओ। आप तो बाबा के मधुर बच्चे हो, तो विशेष बच्चो को क्या करना चाहिए?? जो कमजोर है, उनको शक्ति देना - जिसने गलती की उसको सही रास्ता बताना और जो गिरे हुए है, उनका तुम सहारा बनो। बाप से सुनो क्युकी बाप बैठ सुनते है। वो ज्ञान का सागर है। किसी भाई बेहेन पर फ़िदा कभी नहीं होना। बच्चे अंन्त में जान जायेंगे की सेवा तो सब बाबा ने की - यहाँ होगी बाप की प्रत्यक्षता। यह तुम्हारा अंतिम जनम है। यही जनम अनमोल है। अभी ही आप विशेष बच्चो का बड़ा पार्ट है। आपको सभी आत्माओ में विशेषता देखनी और दिखानी है। तुम्हारा केवल एक लक्ष्य है -मनुष्य से दैवी गुणों वाला देवता बनना। तुम्हारा केवल एक विरोधी दुसमन है - माया रावण। और कोई नहीं। बाप तुम बच्चो का संगम में साथी है ही। याद किया और हाज़िर है। दूसरी साथी है यह ज्ञान की मुरली। बच्चे योग में बैठते है - शिव बाबा निराकार है, बच्चे साकार है। आत्मा अभिमानी स्थिति चाहिए। देह अभिमान नहीं होना चाहिए - हर बात में स्वयं को आत्मा समझो - यही सहज उत्तम पुरुषार्थ है। अच्छा नमस्ते 00000
- I want to Stay at your CentreIn Question Answers·7 June 2021I want to stay at your centre - a Sister from India writes us. Here is our answer, response with guidance. If you have a similar question, this is for you. Original Email Received from Mona (India) Om shanti, Dear brothers and sisters. Please🙏🙏. Help me. I request you on your feet. I am assuring i will do every seva there, only You accept me in your divine place by giving me food and shelter. I will be obliged till my end of life. Om shanti Our Email Response + Guidance Mona (and Everyone Reading) Good morning As you contacted, written email letter, we suppose that you would have taken the 7 day course already. But if not, this is the first step How you can join the yagya. This 7 days course is the essence of the godly knowledge. You may also take this course online here: 7 days course online Second, it is Shiv baba's Shrimat - to stay in our family (loukik) and take the Gyan. It is a deep secret why it is better than living at a centre. While, few points i tell you: 1. When the entire knowledge is not clear in our mind, we are exposed to making mistakes. Hence if you make mistake at loukik home, it is ok. But if you make mistakes living in God's home? Hope you understood. 2. We all have took a birth to a specific family because we have a karmic account with them. Baba does not advice to break all bandhan (accounts) at once. Instead, do Purusharth of forgetting the old world by constant Yaad of Shiv baba. 3. When you remain pure while living at loukik and tolerating obstacles, you will grow in this Spiritual path. You will experience this yourself. By the way, myself also live in loukik, not at a centre. Learn more -> How to Join Brahma Kumaris: Audio Shrimat on Family Life: Namaste In Godly World Service 00000
- A Small Guide for Parents on Child DevelopmentIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Yes we know that because of today's education system, children are in much pressure and due to this they do not develop mentally. Children's age is to play and do what they love. Moral education is essential for life. So what is the right way the parents shouls develop their little children? - A small guide for parents. Here is an email received from a grandfather for his grandson who is feeling pressure of study and from his parents. Original Email Received My grandson is feeling that his parents are giving him tension and pressure by repeatedly asking him to study without wasting his time. Of course he is putting his efforts but not to the satisfaction of his parents. In what manner he and his parents can be consoled. Our Email Response + Guidance Ramchandra Moorthy (and Every parent reading this) Good morning Your email letter is received and read. Here is our response. We also know and it is a fact that today, India's education system is such weak that it takes away the innocence from children. Childhood is for eating, playing and dancing. A big concern is exposure to technology. Phone, computers and TV are distractions to study. Parents must set a specific time slot for watching cartoon on TV or computer. Phones must not be given to children. For children, they should be allowed to play OUTSIDE for atleast 1 hour daily. This is essential for overall development. Children must be prepared to always listen to parents since the earliest childhood. They should have RESPECT for their parents. In return, parents also MUST have equal respect for their children. Because at the soul level, who we all are, we all are equal. We are Souls. Soul has no gender or age. Every soul being is equal in God's eyes. For parents, need is to give moral values and essence of faith and spirituality to their children. Parents are role-model for child. They must behave such in home especially when children are around. A family should eat together at a specific time. No matter, all must sit together. Before sleep, the family should talk for a while - How was my day today... Family is one. Togetherness is the strength. Children should be guided in every step of life. This is our advice. * Useful Videos for family and children * Right words for your child - Understanding Children - Do watch both videos. namaste In Godly World Service 00000
- Overcome Depression and FearIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Our essenceful response to someone who had depression and a sense of fear in life. Here is what you need for spiritual upliftment. Original Email Received Hello my name is rohini I m new to brahmakumaris my problem is that i was suffering from deppression for 10 yrs and m on medication n the main point i want to mention here is that i have not disclosed openly to my people about my deppression to my maika side which includes my uncles their wifes children n all overall i feel shy in mentioning to anyone about this but this time wen i had been to my maika i was again feeling deppressed n each one of them got the clue that there is something wrong with me now i feel i will never face themhow to overcome this fear basically i have a fear i cannot disclose this in front of anyone pls. Suggest how should i deal with others. Our Email Response To: Rohini & Everyone reading this From: BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godly University) Topic-> overcome fear, depression and uplift There are many ways to overcome depression. Here are some point wise advice. You MUST follow and experience yourself. After this, do inform (email) us about your progress. -> Everyone likes something to do. So start doing something you love. As you do what you love, it becomes a source of happiness. life begins to seem beautiful. -> Avoid or minimise waste thoughts. Thoughts about past and future which makes you think deeply and end up in putting you in sorrow. So AVOID this. Whatever happens is for Good. Because God has created a great play - even when you fail, you get a chance again. There is no limit. Everyone is special and importance. Realise YOUR IMPORTANCE. So something good for the self and others. This makes life beautiful. Firstly start by listening divine songs and some inspiring videos. 1. BK songs playlist -> ( listen these divine songs. They will instantly uplift your mind ) 2. RajYog music & commentaries -> ( whenever get time, you can learn RajYog meditation with this guided commentaries ) 3. Swamaan Abhyas -> ( Swamaan means self respect. Follow above link to YouTube playlist. Daily Morning, wake up and listen these commentaries ) As you follow the 3 steps, you will experience Self transformation > 4. To get guidance on healing fear or depression, do watch our Awakening episodes below listed - On Fear (hindi) - Fearless Life (Hindi) - Finish depression in ONE thought - Healing depression - Soul reflections - FULL PLAYLIST on Self healing - Do visit all the given videos OR save the links so that you can visit afterwards. Do update your experience Need anything else> Search on BK Google - namaste In Godly World Service 00000
- How to Help Someone?In Question Answers·7 June 2021If someone you love is suffering from a bad time or an addition, here is a GOOD WAY to help them - both spiritually and emotionally. Here in this case the writter helped a friend who was in addiction who then didn't return the money. So we have explained here the BEST way to judge properly help someone withought getting cheated. Original Email Received in March 2019 OM SHANTI. I live inVancouver BC. I do follow lot of preachings says by sister shivani and the amazing part is it all worked for me yet. However,now I am very much confused whatever is going on in my life. According to sister shivani preachings, your thoughts should be’s not what you say,matter is what you think and how you think. You have to transform your vibrations. So,This story is about 2 years ago, I had friends group with whom I had huge fight,bad memories. But when I listened sister shivani expression on youtube, I realized to heal myself. So I started meditating and also started sending love vibes to them through meditation. So now That person is again coming back in my life but with the same intention. After like 2 yrs. Now I have moved on in my life, I explained that person everything but he is still holding that old energies. I don’t know what to do ? He is suffering from addiction. Another story is : One of my friend is in drug addiction and so I tried helping that person. So I just started making distance as I was not ready for it to balance myself with his vibes. So same I started healing myself and started sending love vibes through meditation. After 7 months that guy again came back called me and said, I am in a big problem, “ the story he told me, was He is getting deported back to India and he needs some money. I am still in a struggling period, So I said as long as you return it, I will help you. He said his best friend will return it and so I gave him. No one ever returned me the money. I thought that’s ok...may be he needed so that’s why...I left that... Took money from me and never returned it. Used some money in drugs which is not acceptable...But I want to be on right path...Want to know,why it’s happening, Please help me out....I want to be on right track want to further grow. Our Email Response + Guidance To: Aayushi & Everyone reading this From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godfatherly University) This is the response to your email letter received on 4 March 2019. It can be understood that since you sent 'love' vibrations with an intention to change their sanskar - instead of being changed, they are attracted to you. You see love creates attraction. There are only 2 forces in life that puts you into action (karma), they are - love or fear. Either you can love, or fear. God teaches us to become aloof (detached) while doing our responsibilities. It is also not favourable to connect your intellect with someone who is in connection with 5 vices. Connect your intellect with God (the Supreme soul), who is full of peace, purity, powers and love. In this case, with a good intention, you helped someone. THat is not bad. But better was to first inquire if they really need money for the spoken purpose, or they are going to use for a bad purpose. Money was yours. If they use it for a wrong purpose, you are participating in that karma indirectly. Money is earned by hard work. It is right to help those in need, but first must check if they are REALLY in need and in How much need and When can they return the money. God says - ''Become Righteous''. Righteous means - one who does the ''right'' karma - not good, not bad. Only what is best. How can we know which is the best karma? It is simple -> ''The karma which keeps your mind stable and in order within and which gives peace, stability and happiness to others around - is the righteous karma'' Refer to Law of Karma - Way of Living In your case, your karma gave 'happiness' to that soul. But did it gave you inner peace, stability or to them? No. Why?? Because you didn't know if the money will be returned or for what purpose will it be used... ---------------- Coming to the question if how can you help overcome the wrong habits (smoking, etc) - this is in their hands. Everyone knows that this is very bad for our body. Then also they continue.! So there must be an ''awakening'' in them to realise and then only can they transform. The god way is this -> As he comes in contact - forward him the Awakening series on ''addiction'' and say this is helpful to you. This series is enough for anyone to come in the right path. You don't need to worry. Series on Addiction -> ~~~ FOR YOU ~~~ Already you are in the path of Self-transformation and connected with Awakening. Do you wish to know the story of HOW the Awakening series was started? Listen this -> Here is a Day to Day timetable best to follow for self transformation -> Above post will give you good guidance. If you wish to connect with us via WhatsApp, you can - WhatsApp groups Get mobile apps & use -> namaste On Godly World Service 00000
- Forgive and ForgetIn Question Answers·7 June 2021This is our advise on how to easily forgive a person and heal relationship. How to forget about the undesired incident of life and move on? Email Received from you I want to forgive and forget a person but I could not... please help me. I don't have anyone to speak with. Email Response + Guidance To: Everyone reading this From: Brahma Kumari Godly Spiritual University You're such a powerful being. Forgiveness is a great act of bravery. To forgive, one must be stable in mind, thoughts and spirit. It will be easy to forgive and forget the person when you don't hold the grudge against him. Let go off the pain you experienced during the nasty episode with that person. Pain was your creation and you choose to react like that way. So here you become responsible. Are you able to forgive yourself for the pain you caused to yourself? I think your answer is YES. Why it's easy for you to forgive self but not the other person? Remember what all beautiful and valuable life lessons you got from that nasty episode. Be thankful for that. Forgiveness will come easy. (video) FORGIVE & clean your auro -BK Shivani: You should forgive the person but not forget the lessons. Don't repeat the same mistake. And focus on mending relations with that person. A Karmic account had come your way and it has now settled. So celebrate. Forgiveness is so easy. Do following meditation exercise. Time- daily in morning between 2 to 5 am or evening between 6:30 to 7:30 pm for 10 to 15 mins. Relax and sit back. Visualize the person you want to forgive in front of you. Take swaman- 'मैं रहमदिल आत्मा हूँ' Talk to him. Om Shanti. We have been together in the journey of life for quite some time. Due to some circumstances our relations were broken. Today I ask forgiveness for anything I have done against you in my current and past life. Also, I forgive you for any act done by you against me in current or past life. Feel white rays of forgiveness, peace and happiness are emerging from your forehead and reaching the other soul. When you'll do this exercise, that person will feel the vibrations and forgiveness from both sides will be done. In most cases like yours, the other person have started talking again and relations were made beautiful. This is most tried and tested method. Keep God in between and tell him, dear Shiv baba I forgive this soul and seek his forgiveness. I wish his life become beautiful and full of happiness. Om Shanti. ~Useful links~ 1) Hisab Kitab Chuktu commentary- 2) Hisaab Kitaab Chuktu 2 - 3) Introduction of God -> Day 2 - Shiv Baba Advise: Visit your nearest BK RajYog center. Take the basic spiritual course called the 7 day Rajyoga course and then you can begin to listen or read the Daily Gyan Murli (direct Godly Versions) at the centre or at home (via internet). Use Centre locator to find your nearest BK RajYog centre -> (India only) Need to ask more? Contact again or use BK Google - for more information and resources. On Godly Service to the World Souls BKGU (BrahmaKumaris Godly University) Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India 00000
- International YogaIn New comers Forum·7 June 2021I've read and heard references to International Yoga on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm. Is this still practiced? If so, which timezone do we follow?000
- New pages on websiteIn New comers Forum·7 June 2021Dear Brother/Sister, There have been many updates to this website and many new pages are added in About and Knowledge sections mainly. Includes: World of Peace, Maha Shivratri, Shri Krishna birth, karma, 8 powers of soul, RajYoga meditation, Videos, RajYoga music & commentaries and Biography. All above pages are added since last 2 months. Do visit them and see hthey helps and guides you to this spiritual journey. Namaste Website admin Anand000
- How to bring Concentration of Mind and Thoughts?In Question Answers·7 June 2021Need to more about universe , as i am not able to control my thoughts n my mind ? Question was asked by Aditya on 9 August 2018. Original Question: Need to more about universe , as i am not able to control my thoughts n my mind Our Answer: Dear Brother You are observing that mind or say thoughts are going out of control. There is a simple way and some practice after which you will regain the control of thoughts and direct it towards positive. 1. Practice swamaan: 2. Learn Raja Yog meditation: 3. Positive thinking every morning for atleast 20 minutes. - For this, just wake up early morning and sit in silence. Then practice 'Swaman' and then practice having good positive thoughts. This is easy. It works -> Whatever we think in early morning, will impact the day. Do all 3 steps. Highest kind of control of mind, is to direct the mind in service of world. Because in this, there is benefit to the self and to the world. Both. You will find many other answers here: OR search on Accha namaste 00000
- Truth About Mahabharat and Gita, Arjun and PandavasIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Did Ramayan and Mahabharat really happen? What does it signify according to the Gyan Murli? Who are Pandav and Who are Kauravas? -Question asked by Shreya Jain on 22 AUg 2018. Here is our answer in response. Original Question (via Email): Om shaanti baba Me ek prashn puchna chahti hun ki jo bhi granth hai jese ramayana, mahabharata unme jo bhi likha hai kya veh such me hua tha ki jese raam ne ravan ko mara.. Kaurav aur pandavo ka yudh, ya ye sab kalpnik hai jo dwapur yug me likhe gye... Ye batane ke lie ki kalyug me aesa samay aane wala h jahan raam ko ravan se yudh krna padega.. Kaurav(vikar) aur pandav(atma) ka yudh hoga.. Namaste Our Answer: To: Shreya Jain Om Shanti. Vichar karne ki baat hai na - kya aisa ki bhi yug me ho sakta hai ? - yeh dekhne aur vichar karne se hi samaj aati hai, ki ek kalpana hai jo dwapar yug ke rishi Ved Vyas ne ki hai . Dusri baat ki jo shastra Mahabharat hai, vo sirf isliye likha gaya ki Shrimat Geeta ko background mil sake. Ved Vyas ki buddhi me yeh tha ki kaliyug ke end me Paramatma ne aakar ek rath me pravesh kiya tha aur Geta sunayi thi. Tab ke samay yuddh chal raha hai ... kaisa yuddh?? Dharma aur adharma ka.. jo aaj samay hai - koi pandav va kaurav nahi hai, lekin jo Ishwariya Gyaan ke va shrimat anusaar chal rahe hai, vo hi pandav hai. Aur jo asuri va ravan ke prabhav me chal rahe hai, unko kaurav bataya hai.. samjhe? To Geeta me bahut kuch samajne jaisa hai. Yeh yuddh humari ravan maya se hai (5 vikar). Aur isme humko Ishwar dwara Shrimat mil rahi hai . Yeh shrimat va Gyaan se hum swayam ki weakness samapt karte hai, Yog dwara hume shakti milti hai, jisse Atma pavitra (original) banti jati hai. Isliye Yog humara prathan subject bhi hai. Yog nahi to maya gira deti hai. Yeh sap-sidi (snake and ladder) ka khel bhi hai. To Arjun ko Gyaan mila, aur Arjun ne akele hi sabhi Kaurav (vikar) ko nast kar diya. Samjhe? Geeta ke 18 adhyay hai. Baad arjun ko liberation mila. Uski buddhi sthir (stable) ho gayi. Arth (meaning): Gyaan pura mil jane ke baad, hum Karmateet ban jayenge. Buddhi ekagra ho jayegi . Nirantar Yog lag jayega. To aise hi bahut kuch bate spast is video me ki gayi hai. 'Sacchi Geeta' by BK Usha behn: Dusra yeh videos section bhi visit kare, sabhi videos aapko milenge: Anything you need, search on Accha namaste 00000
- Advice to Heal Relationships within FamilyIn Question Answers·7 June 2021Personal advice to resolve a family issue and misunderstandings. Our response to an email. Original Question via Email (in brief): Om Shanti. Hi I’m 25years old married based in Australia. I got married 4 years back in India and got married overseas. My husband is born and bought up in Australia and I live with my In-laws and my young sister in law who is 3 years younger than me. I always find hard living with my sister in law, when I came overseas she never talk to me. She never asked me if I need anything. I don’t know what sort of relationship I had with her. Its kind of confusing. I do not want to live to any of my in law incl my husband like how can he be so silence. Please sister help what should I do to bring my inside happiness back. I Can not live like this entire life as I have to stay with them but on their own terms. Our Answer (Response): To: Sabi (and everyone reading) Dear Divine Sister Your letter was received and read. You described in much detail, while there is no such problem seen anywhere. 1. Knowing you, it clearly seems, your life is much good in compare to many others. You should live happily. Why do you want to control everyone? They all are doing what they feel is right. If you are right, then why to worry? Truth reveals itself. No one needs to make efforts to reveal the truth. Be patient. 2. Your husband is mature enough. He is not indulging in such issue where he doesn't know what is right to do. Instead of creating a debate in family, he decided to remain silent and also he believed you when you told him the truth, isn't it? This is best - to remain in Silence. You should be instead very proud of and respect your husband. 3. Father in Law: You should behave and become very sweet and he will also forget the matters in short time. Try this: Wake up early in morning and serve him tea , etc. and give 'prasad' of temple. 4. Sister in Law: There is no issue. Is speaking with your sister in law - the aim of you life?? 5. Family (general): You are in a nice family. They are well behaved, educated and responsible. You should ignore little little things. This is how we live life. Your slogan for life: ''A wise person will make a mountain like problem into a small grain like. While a foolish person creates a mountain out of a little issue.'' Our Slogan: ''Never give sorrow. Never take sorrow.'' - Be happy, give love and take blessings. We invite you to know more about Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwairya Vishwa Vidhyalay by following the below links --- Useful Links --- About Us: FAQs: History: Do visit ALL above pages. Awaiting your response. Accha namaste 00000
- Difference Between Love and AttachmentIn Question Answers·7 June 2021A question was asked by 'unknown' on our website's chat service box on 8 Oct 2018: 'How to be detached? How can one not be attached to their children or parents? What is meaning of detachment?' Our Response From: Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godly University) To: Everyone who are reading Now your question is: Attachment and Love There is one thing - attachment to someone. Second is love. They are not same. When there is attachment, there is feeling of receiving something from others, getting their love, acceptance, support and time. One will feel as a dependent on them for happiness. Second is love. Love means to give and JUST TO GIVE. Not to accept any returns. Nor a feeling of pain when someone else is in pain. Who is a good doctor? 1. Doctor who feels pains and injury of their patient and become a patient himself. 2. Doctor who heals the pain while remaining stable. Attachment can be with many and even with non-living things. But love can only be with living BEING. That itself clarifies the difference. Love is when two beings find a feeling of being more complete when they both are together. But when separated, they will not feel pain, because they are connected from inside, in their deep feeling and thoughts. This is love and purely a love in which there is no vice or weakness. Hope your doubt is clarified. Essence: 1. Love > A natural feeling of belongingness, to sacrifice for the other, to always support and empower. Love means TO GIVE without expecting any return. 2. Attachment -> A human made feeling of possessiveness for someone (person) or something (a thing), where there is always an uncontrolled fear or happiness, or both. Attachment is when there is expecting of love from others. Understand more on this Awakening episode: (BK Shivani will explain) Now you are welcome to our website for all service: :) Do save some time for God and self realisation daily and watch this life transforming videos: This is a special gift from your Godfather (Shiv baba): RESOURCES section: Videos Gallery: Search anything you want on (a personal search engine for BKs) Accha Namaste 00000
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