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- आज की मुरली 24 Nov 2018 BK murli in Hindi
BrahmaKumaris murli today Aaj ki Hindi Gyan Murli madhuban 24-11-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - देह सहित यह सब कुछ ख़त्म होने वाला है, इसलिए तुम्हें पुरानी दुनिया के समाचार सुनने की दरकार नहीं, तुम बाप और वर्से को याद करो'' प्रश्नः- श्रीमत के लिए गायन कौन-सा है? श्रीमत पर चलने वालों की निशानी सुनाओ? उत्तर:- श्रीमत के लिए गायन है - जो खिलायेंगे, जो पहनायेंगे, जहाँ बिठायेंगे........ वही करेंगे। श्रीमत पर चलने वाले बच्चे बाप की हर आज्ञा का पालन करते हैं। उनसे सदा श्रेष्ठ कर्म होते हैं। वे कभी श्रीमत में अपनी मनमत मिक्स नहीं करते। उनमें राइट और रांग की समझ होती है। गीत:- बनवारी रे. ...... ओम् शान्ति।यह गीत किसका है? बच्चों का। कोई गीत ऐसे भी होते हैं जिसमें बाप बच्चों को समझाते हैं लेकिन इस गीत में बच्चे कहते हैं कि बाबा, अब तो हम समझ गये, दुनिया को तो पता नहीं कि कैसी यह झूठी दुनिया है, झूठे बंधन हैं। यहाँ सब दु:खी हैं तब तो ईश्वर को याद करते हैं। सतयुग में तो ईश्वर से मिलने की बात ही नहीं है। यहाँ दु:ख है तब आत्माओं को याद पड़ता है परन्तु ड्रामा अनुसार बाप मिलते ही तब हैं जब स्वयं आते हैं। बाकी और जो भी पुरुषार्थ करते हैं सब व्यर्थ है क्योंकि ईश्वर को सर्वव्यापी मानते हैं, ईश्वर का रास्ता ग़लत बताते हैं। अगर कहें कि ईश्वर और उनकी रचना के आदि, मध्य, अन्त को हम नहीं जानते हैं तो यह बोलना सच है। आगे ऋषि-मुनि आदि सच बोलते थे, उस समय रजोगुणी थे। उस समय झूठी दुनिया नहीं कहेंगे। झूठी दुनिया नर्क, कलियुग अन्त को कहते हैं। संगम पर कहेंगे - यह नर्क है, वह स्वर्ग है। ऐसे नहीं द्वापर को नर्क कहेंगे। उस समय फिर भी रजोप्रधान बुद्धि है। अभी है तमोप्रधान। तो हेल और हेविन संगम पर लिखेंगे। आज हेल है, कल हेविन होगा। यह भी बाप आकर समझाते हैं, दुनिया नहीं जानती कि इस समय कलियुग का अन्त है। सब अपना-अपना हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू कर अन्त में सतोप्रधान बनते हैं फिर सतो, रजो, तमो में आना ही है। जिनका एक-दो जन्म का पार्ट है, वह भी सतो, रजो, तमो में आते हैं। उन्हों का पार्ट ही थोड़ा है। इसमें बड़ी समझ चाहिए। दुनिया में तो अनेक मत वाले मनुष्य हैं। सबकी एक मत तो नहीं होती। हरेक का अपना-अपना धर्म है। मत अपनी-अपनी है। बाप का आक्यूपेशन अलग है। हरेक आत्मा का अलग है। धर्म भी अलग है। तो उनके लिए समझानी भी अलग चाहिए। नाम, रूप, देश, काल सबका अलग है। देखने में आता है यह फलाने का धर्म है। हिन्दू धर्म में तो सब कहते हैं परन्तु उनमें भी सब भिन्न-भिन्न हैं। कोई आर्य समाजी, कोई सन्यासी, कोई ब्रह्म समाजी। सन्यासी आदि जो भी हैं सबको हिन्दू धर्म में मानते हैं। हम लिखें कि हम ब्राह्मण धर्म के हैं अथवा देवता धर्म के हैं तो भी वे हिन्दू में लगा देते हैं क्योंकि और कोई सेक्शन तो उन्हों के पास है ही नहीं। तो हरेक का फार्म अलग-अलग होने से मालूम पड़ जायेगा। और कोई धर्म वाला होगा तो इन बातों को मानेगा नहीं। फिर उनको इकट्ठा समझाना मुश्किल है। वे तो समझेंगे कि यह तो अपने धर्म की महिमा करते हैं। इनमें द्वैत है। समझाने वाले बच्चे भी नम्बरवार हैं। सब एक समान तो हैं नहीं इसलिए महारथियों को बुलाते हैं।बाबा ने समझाया है - मुझे याद करो, मेरी श्रीमत पर चलो। इसमें प्रेरणा आदि की कोई बात नहीं। अगर प्रेरणा से काम हो तो फिर बाप के आने की दरकार ही नहीं। शिवबाबा तो यहाँ है। तो उनको प्रेरणा की क्या दरकार है। यह तो बाप की मत पर चलना होता है। प्ररेणा की बात नहीं। कोई-कोई सन्देशियां सन्देश ले आती हैं, उसमें भी बहुत मिक्स हो जाता है। सन्देशी तो सब एक जैसी हैं नहीं। माया का बहुत इन्टरफियर होता है। दूसरी सन्देशी से वेरीफाय कराना होता है। कई तो कह देते हैं हमारे में बाबा आते हैं, मम्मा आती है फिर अपना अलग सेन्टर खोल बैठते हैं। माया की प्रवेशता हो जाती है। यह बड़ी समझने की बात है। बच्चों को बहुत सेन्सीबुल बनना चाहिए। जो सर्विसएबुल बच्चे हैं, वही इन बातों को समझ सकते हैं। जो श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते, वह इन बातों को नहीं समझेंगे। श्रीमत के लिए गायन है कि आप जो खिलायेंगे, जो पहनायेंगे, जहाँ बिठायेंगे, वह करेंगे। ऐसे कोई तो बाप की मत पर चलते हैं, कोई फिर दूसरों की मत के प्रभाव में आ जाते हैं। कोई वस्तु नहीं मिली, कोई बात पसन्द नहीं आई तो झट बिगड़ पड़ते हैं। सब थोड़ेही एक जैसे सपूत बच्चे हो सकते हैं। दुनिया में तो ढेर की ढेर मत वाले हैं। अजामिल जैसी पाप आत्माएं, गणिकायें बहुत हैं।यह भी समझाना पड़ता है कि ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी कहना रांग है। सर्वव्यापी तो पांच विकार हैं इसलिए बाप कहते हैं यह आसुरी दुनिया है। सतयुग में पांच विकार होते नहीं। कहते हैं शास्त्रों में यह बात ऐसे है। परन्तु शास्त्र तो सब मनुष्यों ने बनाए हैं। तो मनुष्य ऊंच हुए या शास्त्र? जरूर सुनाने वाले ऊंच ठहरे ना। लिखने वाले तो हैं मनुष्य। व्यास ने लिखा वह भी मनुष्य था ना। यह तो निराकार बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। धर्म स्थापकों ने जो आकर के सुनाया उसका फिर बाद में शास्त्र बनता है। जैसे गुरुनानक ने सुनाया, बाद में ग्रंथ बनता है। तो जिसने सुनाया उसका नाम हो गया। गुरुनानक ने भी उनकी महिमा गाई है - सबका बाप वह एक है। बाप कहते हैं जाकर धर्म स्थापन करो। यह बेहद का बाप कहते हैं मुझे तो कोई भेजने वाला नहीं। शिवबाबा खुद बैठ समझाते हैं वह हैं मैसेज ले आने वाले, मुझे कोई भेजने वाला नहीं। मुझे मेसेन्जर वा पैगम्बर नहीं कहेंगे। मैं तो आता हूँ बच्चों को सुख-शान्ति देने। मुझे कोई ने कहा नहीं, मैं तो खुद मालिक हूँ। मालिक को भी मानने वाले होते हैं, परन्तु उनसे पूछना चाहिए कि तुमने मालिक का अर्थ समझा है। वह मालिक है, हम उनके बच्चे हैं तो जरूर वर्सा मिलना चाहिए। बच्चे कहते हैं - हमारा बाबा। तो बाप के धन के तुम मालिक हो। "मेरा बाबा'' बच्चे ही कहेंगे। मेरा बाबा तो फिर बाबा का धन भी मेरा। अभी हम क्या कहते हैं? हमारा शिवबाबा। बाप भी कहेंगे यह हमारे बच्चे हैं। बाप से बच्चों को वर्सा मिलता है। बाप के पास प्रापर्टी होती है। बेहद का बाप है ही स्वर्ग का रचयिता। भारतवासियों को भी प्रापर्टी किससे मिलती है? शिवबाबा से। शिव जयन्ती भी मनाते हैं। शिव जयन्ती के बाद फिर होगी कृष्ण जयन्ती, फिर रामजयन्ती। बस, मम्मा-बाबा की जयन्ती वा जगदम्बा की जयन्ती तो कोई गाते नहीं। शिव-जयन्ती फिर राधे-कृष्ण की जयन्ती फिर राम-सीता जयन्ती।जब शिवबाबा आये तब शूद्र राज्य विनाश हो। यह राज़ भी कोई समझते नहीं। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। वह आते हैं जरूर। बाप को क्यों बुलाते हैं? श्री कृष्णपुरी स्थापन करने। तुम जानते हो शिवजयन्ती बरोबर होती है। शिवबाबा नॉलेज दे रहे हैं। आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म की स्थापना हो रही है। शिवजयन्ती है बड़े ते बड़ी जयन्ती। फिर है ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर। अब प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो मनुष्य सृष्टि में है। फिर रचना में मुख्य है लक्ष्मी-नारायण। तो शिव है मात-पिता, फिर मात-पिता ब्रह्मा और जगत अम्बा भी आ जाते हैं। यह समझने और धारण करने की बातें हैं। पहले-पहले समझाना है - बाप परमपिता परमात्मा आते हैं पतितों को पावन करने। वह नाम-रूप से न्यारा हो तो उनकी जयन्ती कैसे हो सकती। गॉड को फादर कहा जाता। फादर को तो सब मानते हैं। निराकार है ही आत्मा और परमात्मा। आत्माओं को साकार शरीर मिलता है, यह बड़ी समझने की बातें हैं। जो कुछ भी शास्त्र आदि नहीं पढ़ा हुआ हो तो उसके लिए और ही सहज है। आत्माओं का बाप वह परमपिता परमात्मा स्वर्ग की स्थापना करने वाला है। स्वर्ग में होती है राजाई, तो जरूर उनको संगम पर आना पड़े। सतयुग में तो आ न सके। वह प्रालब्ध, 21 जन्मों का वर्सा संगम पर ही मिलता है। यह संगमयुग है ब्राह्मणों का। ब्राह्मण हैं चोटी, फिर है देवताओं का युग। हरेक युग 1250 वर्ष का है। अभी 3 धर्म स्थापन होते हैं - ब्राह्मण, देवता, क्षत्रिय क्योंकि फिर आधा कल्प कोई धर्म नहीं होता। सूर्यवंशी, चन्द्रवंशी पूज्य थे फिर पुजारी बन जाते हैं। वह ब्राह्मण तो किस्म-किस्म के होते हैं।अभी तुम अच्छे कर्म कर रहे हो जो फिर सतयुग में प्रालब्ध पाओगे। बाप अच्छे कर्म सिखलाते हैं। तुम जानते हो हम श्रीमत पर जैसे कर्म करेंगे, औरों को आप समान बनायेंगे तो उसकी प्रालब्ध मिलेगी। अभी सारी राजधानी स्थापन होती है। आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म की राजधानी होती है। यह है प्रजा का प्रजा पर राज्य। पंचायती राज्य है, अनेक पंच हैं। नहीं तो 5 पंच होते हैं। यहाँ तो सब पंच ही पंच हैं। सो भी आज हैं, कल नहीं। आज मिनिस्टर हैं, कल उनको उतार देते हैं। एग्रीमेंट कर फिर कैन्सिल कर देते हैं। यह है अल्पकाल का क्षण भंगुर राज्य। किसको भी उतारने में देरी नहीं करते हैं। कितनी बड़ी दुनिया है। अखबारों से कुछ ना कुछ पता पड़ता है। इतने सब अखबार तो कोई पढ़ नहीं सकता। हमको इस दुनिया के समाचार की दरकार ही नहीं। यह तो जानते हैं देह सहित सब कुछ इस दुनिया का ख़त्म हो जाने वाला है। बाबा कहते हैं सिर्फ मुझे याद करो तो तुम मेरे पास आ जायेंगे। मरने के बाद सारा साक्षात्कार होगा। शरीर छोड़कर फिर आत्मा भटकती भी है। उस समय भी हिसाब-किताब भोग सकते हैं। साक्षात्कार सब होता है। अन्दर ही साक्षात्कार करते हैं, भोगना भोगते हैं, बहुत पछताते हैं कि हमने नाहेक ऐसा किया। पश्चाताप होता है ना। कोई जेल बर्ड होते हैं, वह कहते हैं जेल में खाना तो मिलेगा। मतलब खाना खाने से काम है, इज्जत की परवाह नहीं करते। तुमको तो कोई तकल़ीफ नहीं। बाप है तो बाप की श्रीमत पर चलना है। ऐसे भी नहीं, किसको दु:ख देंगे। वह तो है ही सुखदाता। आज्ञाकारी बच्चे तो कहेंगे बाबा जो आप डायरेक्शन देंगे। तुम्हीं से बैठूं........ यह शिवबाबा के लिए गाया हुआ है। भागीरथ अथवा नंदीगण भी मशहूर है। लिखा हुआ है ना माताओं के सिर पर कलष रखा। तो वह फिर गऊ दिखाते हैं। क्या-क्या बातें बना दी हैं।इस दुनिया में कोई एवरहेल्दी हो नहीं सकता। अनेक प्रकार के रोग हैं। वहाँ कोई रोग नहीं है। न कभी अकाले मृत्यु होती है। समय पर साक्षात्कार होता है। बुढ़ों को तो खुशी होती है। बुढ़े जब होते हैं तो खुशी से शरीर छोड़ते हैं। साक्षात्कार होता है कि हम जाकर बच्चा बनूँगा। अभी तुम जवानों को भी इतनी खुशी है कि हम शरीर छोड़ जाकर प्रिन्स बनेंगे। बच्चे हो वा जवान हो, मरना तो सबको है ना। तो सबको यह नशा रहना चाहिए कि हम जाकर प्रिन्स बनेंगे। जरूर जब सर्विस करो तब तो बनो। खुशी होनी चाहिए - अभी हम पुराना शरीर छोड़ बाबा के पास जायेंगे, बाबा फिर हमको स्वर्ग में भेज देंगे। सर्विस करनी चाहिए। बच्चों ने गीत सुना। बन्सी वाला कृष्ण तो है नहीं। मुरली तो बहुतों के पास होती है। बहुत अच्छी-अच्छी बजाते हैं। इसमें मुरली की बात नहीं। तुम तो कहते हो श्रीमत एक बाप ही देते हैं। श्रीकृष्ण में तो यह नॉलेज थी ही नहीं। यह सहज राजयोग और ज्ञान उसमें था ही नहीं। उसने राजयोग सिखलाया नहीं है। वह तो राजयोग सीखा है बाप के द्वारा। कितनी बड़ी बात है। जब तक कोई बच्चा नहीं बनता तब तक समझ भी नहीं सकता और इसमें फिर श्रीमत पर चलने की बात है। अपनी मत पर चलने से थोड़ेही ऊंच पद पा सकेंगे। बाप को जो जानते हैं वह बाप का परिचय औरों को भी देंगे। बाप और रचना का परिचय देना है। किसको बाप का परिचय नहीं देते तो गोया खुद जानते नहीं। अपने को नशा चढ़ा हुआ है तो औरों को भी चढ़ाना है। अच्छा! मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) श्रीमत पर सदा श्रेष्ठ कर्म करने हैं। दूसरों की मत के प्रभाव में नहीं आना है। सपूत बन हर आज्ञा का पालन करना है। जो बात समझ में नहीं आती है, उसे वेरीफाय जरूर कराना है। 2) सदा इसी नशे वा खुशी में रहना है कि हम यह पुराना शरीर छोड़ प्रिन्स बनेंगे। नशे में रह ईश्वरीय सेवा करनी है। वरदान:- सदा अपनी श्रेष्ठ शान में रह परेशानियों को मिटाने वाले मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान भव सदा यह वरदान स्मृति में रहे कि हम अपनी श्रेष्ठ शान में रहने वाले औरों की भी परेशानी को मिटाने वाले मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान हैं। कमजोर नहीं। श्रेष्ठ शान के तख्तनशीन हैं। जो अकालतख्तनशीन, बाप के दिल तख्तनशीन श्रेष्ठ शान में रहने वाले हैं, वे स्वप्न में भी कभी परेशान नहीं हो सकते। कोई कितना भी परेशान करे लेकिन अपनी श्रेष्ठ शान में ही रहते हैं। स्लोगन:- सदा अपने स्वमान में रहो तो सर्व का मान मिलता रहेगा। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
- 11 Sep 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 11/09/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you have the responsibility of making every home into heaven. Give everyone the aim of becoming pure from impure. Imbibe divine virtues. Question: What do you children experience by coming into God's lap? Answer: Children who come into God's lap experience the celebration of an auspicious meeting. You know that the confluence age is the age to celebrate a meeting with God. You celebrate a meeting with God and make Bharat into heaven. You children meet God personally at this time. Throughout the whole cycle, no one else can ever celebrate a personal meeting. This is your very small Godly clan. Shiv Baba is the Grandfather and Brahma is the father and you children are brothers and sisters. There are no other relationships. Song: The buds of the new age. Om Shanti . When Baba comes, you should first sit in silence for some time because, first of all, a donation of remembrance is given. It is only by them having remembrance that impure ones are made pure. You children are making a donation and receiving one. The Father comes and changes thorns into buds and the buds then become flowers. You know that your service is to make each one worthy of heaven, just as you are becoming worthy of that. The Father comes and first gives you health and then gives you wealth. There is first peace and then happiness. In fact, there is happiness in both. You children want both peace and happiness. All the sannyasis etc. just want peace. Sannyasis don't want happiness; they cannot give happiness. Even if they do give peace, that is for momentary happiness. They say that happiness is like the droppings of a crow. Sannyasis generally want peace to attain liberation. No one else can give you liberation. This is called unlimited liberation and unlimited liberation-in-life which only the unlimited Father can give. You know that at this time all are thorns. Thorns prick you. The Father says: They all kill one another with the sword of lust. They don't know that using the sword of lust is violence. When you indulge in vice, you cause one another sorrow from the beginning through the middle to the end. This is the world of sorrow. Heaven is called the world of happiness when the world is new and Bharat is new. The people of Bharat, who are worshippers of the deities, know that there used to be a kingdom of those deities which was called heaven. They do feel that. They go to a Lakshmi and Narayan Temple and sing their praise. They believe that they were the masters of Bharat. They feel that Bharat was heaven, but that is just for a short time, like a breeze. They do realise that since there are so many temples built to Lakshmi and Narayan, there must have been their kingdom too. They are called the emperor and empress. However, they have forgotten when they were that. This is such a simple mistake. It hasn't been a long time; it is a matter of just 5000 years ago. It is 2000 to 2500 years since Christ, Buddha etc. existed. It is said of them that they reincarnated. In fact, each one reincarnates. A soul comes and enters and that too is called a reincarnation. However, the names of the elders are remembered first. It is said: The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, will come and enter a body when He reincarnates. This is the meaning of reincarnation. This is said of those who are well known. For example, there are the reincarnations of Buddha and Christ. You can see Bharat’s connection with the Buddhists and the Christians. They show that Guru Nanak existed about 500 years ago. His reincarnation is only a small one, whereas those (Christ and Buddha) are big. So, everyone reincarnates. They call out to the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, but they don't know when or how He will come. He definitely has to enter a body. However, because He doesn't take a physical birth, that is called the Reincarnation. He doesn't become a small child. The biggest reincarnation is said to be that of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. They sing that the Supreme Soul has 24 incarnations. They say that He also incarnated in every stone. They continue to fall down so much. Just as Bharat becomes degraded, whatever they say also continues to be degraded. The Father is the Creator of the new world so He would surely come at the confluence of the old and the new. His is called the biggest reincarnation of all. The reincarnation of Shiva is said to be the biggest of all. However, people don't understand this because they have turned their faces away from the Supreme Soul. They definitely know about Him being incorporeal, but they don't know when the Supreme Soul comes or what He does when He comes. It cannot be said that Vishnu has a reincarnation. The deity religion cannot be said to be a reincarnation. You would say that the deity religion is established. They create a play of the incarnation of Vishnu. In fact, there is no question of an incarnation of Vishnu. You are now becoming part of Vishnu's clan. This is God's clan. This Brahma is a child of Shiva and you are the children of Brahma. This is called the Godly clan. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, says: I come and make you belong to Me. I come and become the Father of you children. I am everyone's Father anyway but you now belong to Me through Brahma, and this is why you call Me Dada (Grandfather). I am the Father of souls anyway. You all know that I have come at this time. Only now do you meet Me. You meet the unlimited Father when He gives you birth. I have now adopted you through Brahma. You cannot be children born through vice. There are so many people. There are so many brothers and sisters and so all of them are the mouth-born creation. “A dynasty of sannyasis” is not said because there is no connection of grandfather or father in that. Here, there is the father and also Dada (Grandfather). This one is also called Dada (elder brother). The Father comes and makes you belong to Him. You know that you have come into God's lap. This is an auspicious meeting. The end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age is called the confluence age. The meeting takes place at the confluence age. There is a confluence of three rivers. What happens in that? There is the auspicious meeting between the gurus and their followers. That is physical. The auspicious meeting of souls and the Supreme Soul is remembered. This is the best; souls meet the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. There is no question of rivers of water in that. You are sitting here. This is your very important, auspicious meeting. Souls are living beings. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has taken this body on loan. This is called an auspicious meeting. It is said: The kumbh mela. A kumbh is also called a confluence. The meeting of the three rivers is named the Kumbh. What is the biggest confluence of all? That of the Ocean and the rivers. The biggest river is the Brahmaputra. Baba enters this one and so the meeting of the Ocean and the Brahmaputra is there anyway. It is now the kumbh mela of the confluence age. All of you meet the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. This can be called the Godly kumbh mela. This is the meeting of souls with the Supreme Soul. Kumbh and confluence are one and the same thing. You children know that you are carrying out the establishment of heaven for yourselves. You have to remain pure while living at home. Where there is purity, that would be called heaven. When children remain pure, there is purity, peace and happiness. Your stage should be like that of the deities. You shouldn't have any defects. That is called heaven. That then becomes heaven permanently. You have to become that worthy at home. This is why it is said: Make every home into heaven. You make human beings worthy of going to heaven. It is sung of you: Make every home into heaven. In the golden age, there was heaven in every home. It is not that any more. You have to give the children who claim the inheritance from the Father the aim of becoming pure from impure while sitting at home. This is the biggest of all living pilgrimages where Shiv Baba, the Ocean, and you souls, the Ganges of knowledge, would definitely be. This is the biggest and the highest mela of all. All those melas are of the path of devotion, whereas this is the mela of the path of knowledge. The melas of the path of devotion continue for birth after birth, whereas the mela of the path of knowledge only takes place once. This is a spiritual meeting. The Supreme Soul comes from the supreme abode to meet His children. This is the best pilgrimage and mela. This living Ocean can go anywhere, whereas non-living oceans do not go anywhere. This Ocean goes. You rivers also go on invitations. The Ocean of Knowledge moves with this River Brahmaputra. All of you are different types of river: some of you are pure and some are impure. Sometimes, many of those who are unable to remain pure come. At least they come. Even householders living outside come. They are allowed to come. It is not that everyone would be allowed. When some friends or relatives come, they are allowed to come in order to be uplifted. Otherwise, there are many regulations. No one impure can come into the Court of Indra. No guide or angel can bring anyone impure with them. This is why the Father says: Remain cautious. You receive a certificate. When you bring someone with you or when you send someone, the responsibility is yours. In fact, the centres give invitations. So many impure ones must be going there. It is only when impure ones go to a centre that you can make them pure. The Ocean is sitting here and this is why there are the disciplines. Their pulse is felt. There are many different doctors and surgeons. When Mama, Baba or the special children speak to them, they can instantly tell whether something sits in their intellects or not. When you explain to them that there are two fathers, they would instantly accept it. They are given the method. Everyone remembers the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. We are children of such a Father. It is just that you don't know His occupation. You children have understood that whatever name and form a person comes with, he definitely has to have that name and form again after 5000 years. The picture of Christ can only be made identical to that at that time. The picture of another person could not be made like that. The form of Krishna cannot be the form of any other person. Souls have now become impure by taking different names, forms and places in different time periods. They are now being made pure. You know that the Father is the Benefactor and that Ravan is the one who causes you harm. It is the Father who gives everyone salvation. In that, it is not just human beings, but everything else also receives salvation. Hell is destroyed and heaven is established. Give invitations to whoever came in the previous cycle - Punjabis, Parsis etc. The Father has come. There is nothing wrong in beating the drums about this. Your pictures are very good. You are now becoming worthy of going to a temple. It requires a lot of effort to remove the evil spirits. It requires so much effort to remove the vices and defects in order to marry Lakshmi and Narayan. Some are slapped by the evil spirit of lust, some by the evil spirit of anger and others by the evil spirit of attachment. They then completely fall. They fall even because of greed. When some daughters from good homes see a sweet (mithai), they take it and secretly eat it. Greed has brought a loss to so many. They steal due to the influence of greed. At first you were in a bhatthi and everyone now has to create a bhatthi in their home. The Father created one big bhatthi. Now He says: You first have to stay in a bhatthi for seven days. Nowadays, it is very difficult for anyone to stay in a bhatthi. When someone goes to a centre he is coloured, but when he goes back home the colour fades away; there is the influence of bad company. It now requires a lot of effort. You children know that you are sitting in God's clan. There is Dada, Baba and you brothers and sisters. The Brahmin clan is remembered as the most elevated clan. You can also give knowledge to those brahmins: Brahmins are the highest, the topknot. Only these confluence-aged Brahmins become deities. First of all, the Brahmins are even higher than the deities. The topknot is the highest. You brahmins worship the deities, and you consider yourselves to be worshippers and them to be worthy of worship. You can explain this to those worshipper-priest brahmins in the temples. You are the true confluence-aged Brahmins. You are the mouth-born creation of Brahma. You are now becoming deities. It would definitely be the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who makes you into deities of heaven. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Check the defects within yourself and remove them. Beware of the influence of bad company. Imbibe divine virtues and make yourself worthy. 2. Serve to make every home into heaven. Chase away the evil spirits by having remembrance of the Father. Continue to celebrate an auspicious meeting with the Father. Blessing: May you be filled with all the treasures of fortune and make the Bestower of Fortune belong to you by using the easy method. The method to make the Bestower of Fortune belong to you is to have a relationship with both Bap and Dada. Some children say that they have a direct connection with the incorporeal One, that the corporeal one has attained everything from the incorporeal One, and that they too will attain everything from Him. However, that is like using a damaged key. Your fortune cannot be created without you becoming a Brahma Kumar or Kumari. Without the corporeal one, you cannot become a master of the treasure-store of all fortune because the Bestower of Fortune distributes fortune through Brahma. So, know the method and become filled with all the treasures of fortune. Slogan: Claim the certificate of contentment from yourself, from service and from everyone and you will become an embodiment of success. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- 16 Oct 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 16/10/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you are now sitting in a very big steamer. Your anchor has been raised and you are going across the salty channel to the ocean of milk. Question: In what do children especially feel tired? What is the main reason for becoming tired? Answer: While moving along, children become tired of the pilgrimage of remembrance. The main reason for becoming tired is the influence of bad company. You go into such company that you even let go of the Father's hand. It is said that good company takes you across and bad company drowns you. If you become influenced by the company you keep and step off the steamer, Maya eats you raw. This is why Baba cautions you children: Children, never let go of the Almighty Father's hand. Song: Mother, o mother, you are the Bestower of Fortune for All. Om Shanti . The spiritual Father says to the spiritual children: Children, om shanti. This is also called the great mantra. The soul chants the mantra of his original religion. The original religion of myself, the soul, is peace. I don't need to go to the jungles etc. for peace. I, the soul, am peaceful. These are my organs. It is in my own hands to make a sound or not make a sound. However, because people don't have this knowledge, they continue to wander from door to door. There is a story about this: A queen had her necklace around her neck, but she had forgotten this and thought that her necklace was lost and so she searched for it outside. Then someone told her that her necklace was around her neck. This example is given. People wander from door to door. Even sannyasis etc. say: How can there be peace of mind? However, the mind and intellect are in the soul. When a soul receives these organs, he comes into ‘talkie’. The Father says: You souls should remain stable in your original religion. Forget all the religions of the body. Even though Baba repeatedly explains, some of you say: Help me sit in silence. Let us have specially conducted meditation. It is wrong to say this. One soul says to another: Help me sit in silence. Oh! but is your original religion not that of peace? Can you not sit in silence by yourself? While walking and moving around, why are you not able to stabilise in your original religion? Until the Father who can show the path is found, no one is able to remain stable in the original religion. They have said that each soul is the Supreme Soul, and so they are unable to remain stable in their religion. This is your final birth in this peaceless world. You now have to go to the land of peace, and then you have to go to the land of happiness. Here, there is peacelessness in every home. In the golden age, there is light in every home. Here, there is darkness. Here, you have to stumble in every situation. There is darkness in every home and this is why they light a lamp. After Ravan dies, they celebrate Deepmala. Ravan doesn't exist there. There is constant Deepmala there. Here, because this is the kingdom of Ravan, they celebrate Deepmala every 12 months. Soon after Ravan dies, there is the coronation of Lakshmi and Narayan. They celebrate that in happiness. In the golden age, when Lakshmi and Narayan sit on the throne, they celebrate the coronation day. You know that the kingdom of Ravan is now coming to an end. Bharat is to receive the fortune of the kingdom once again. There is no kingdom now. You are to receive the kingdom from the Father. The unlimited Father gives you the inheritance of the unlimited kingdom. The Father says: I am the One who gives you the inheritance of constant happiness. All the rest are those who give you sorrow. Perhaps they do give you some temporary happiness; that happiness is like the droppings of a crow. I give you so much happiness that there will never be any sorrow again. This is why you have to forget your body and everyone who has a bodily relationship with you. That body and all its bodily relations are going to cause you sorrow. Renounce them and remember Me alone. You have to remember Me in the morning at amrit vela. On the path of devotion too, people wake up early in the morning. Some do something by following the directions of others, and others do something else. The Father explains: Wake up early in the morning and, as much as possible, consider yourself to be a soul and remember Me, your Father. This is the Father's order. Devotees remember God and then say that all are God! They don't understand anything now. One day, all of them will become your friends. They will say: This is fine. To say that God is omnipresent means to sink your own boat and the boat of Bharat. Secondly, it is the Father who gives Bharat the butter of self-sovereignty. Instead of His name, they have given the name of the child, Shri Krishna, who receives the butter. This is why people think that Bharat received the butter from Krishna. They have inserted the child’s name instead of the Father’s and made everything meaningless. Krishna cannot be the God of the whole world. People have cursed themselves by following the directions of Ravan. The Father is the Boatman. All of you are the boats. You sing: Take my boat across. You are now sitting in a big steamer. The story of the steamer is mentioned in the Chandrakanta Vedanta. That story too is created referring to this time. You are going across to the other side in the steamer. You are going from the ocean of poison to the ocean of nectar or milk. A steamer that crosses the salty channel from London receives a prize. Here, it is a matter of going from hell to heaven. The ocean of poison is salty. You are sitting in a big steamer. The anchor has been raised and you have now started moving. You are now leaving and you have to go to the other side. While moving along, steamers come to the ports. Some get off the steamer there and others get on. Some go to find food and drink and get left behind. A story based on this has been created. They have also written of Krishna as Batuk Maharaj. He was the steamer’s captain. If someone gets off the steamer while it’s moving along, Maya, the alligator, is waiting. She even swallows maharathis whole. They stop studying, that is, their intellects no longer have faith. They then fall into the middle of the ocean. You have seen that when a bird dies, a whole army of ants carries it away. So the evil spirits of the five vices totally eat you alive and swallow you. A long story has been written about this. Some would be sitting in the steamer and they even write a guarantee and send their photographs. They then get spoilt by someone's company and stop studying. Their photographs would then be sent back to them. At this time, Maya is tamopradhan. As soon as you let go of God's hand, devils catch hold of you. So many let go of His hand while moving along and get off the steamer. Baba receives such news: This one was caught by the evil spirit of anger or the evil spirit of attachment. First of all, you have to become destroyers of attachment. You have to have attachment to only One. This requires effort. There are many chains of attachment. You now have to connect your intellects in yoga to One. When people sit to do devotion their intellects wander to their businesses and homes etc. The same happens here to you. While moving along, you remember your child or husband. The Father says: Remove your intellect's yoga from those chains and only remember the One. If you remember anyone else at the end, if you remember your husband etc., then… At the end, no one except one Shiv Baba should be remembered. Such has to be your practice. Wake up early in the morning and remember the Father: Baba, I have come to You. I will definitely become a master of heaven. You have to remember the Father and the inheritance, that is, Alpha and beta. Allah or Alpha and then beta is the sovereignty. A soul is a point. Here, when people apply a tilak, some put a dot and some make a long line. Some make it crown-shaped, some make it like a small star. Some put a diamond. The Father says: Each of you is a soul. You know that a soul is a like a star. This soul is filled with the record of the whole drama. The Father now orders you: Constantly remember Me, the Father, and break your intellect's yoga away from everyone else. No one else can give you this aim. The Father says: You have the sins of many births on your heads. They cannot be burnt except by having remembrance. You have to remember the Father in order to become ever healthy. Only from the Father do you receive the inheritance of becoming ever healthy and ever wealthy. What else do you need when you have health and wealth? There isn't any pleasure if you have good health, but no wealth. If you have wealth but no health, that too is no good. You souls first have to remember the Father so that your sins are absolved and you receive health for 21 births. If you become spinners of the discus of self-realisation, you will receive wealth for 21 births. This is such an easy matter. I have been around the cycle of 84 births. Now, everything is going to turn to dust. Why should we attach our hearts to it? Your hearts have to be attached to the One who can give you the sovereignty of the new world. He speaks to souls: Children, now forget your bodies, consider yourselves to be bodiless and remember Me. You have received these bodies in order to play your parts. You have to wake up early in the morning and remember this. You have to remember the Bridegroom who takes you across the channel. All the rest will drown in the ocean of poison. The Father is the One who takes you across. He is called the Boatman and also the Master of the Garden. He makes you into flowers from thorns and sends you to heaven. Then you will never see any sorrow in heaven. This is why He is called the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. They say: Har Har Mahadev (Mahadev (Shankar), the one who removes everyone's sorrow.) This should be said to Shiva alone. He is the Father of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. That Father gives you the inheritance of happiness for 21 births and so you should remember Him. This requires courage. Some become tired while remembering Him and so they stop coming here. They take such company that they leave this company. This is why it is said that good company takes you across and bad company drowns you. When you go outside, you receive bad company and so the intoxication flies away. Some people say: “The Brahma Kumaris have magic and will cast a spell on you. You shouldn't go to them.” Many tests will come. There are many who have been here almost ten years and are then influenced by bad company. As soon as you step off the steamer, Maya eats you alive. They even have the faith that they will definitely receive the inheritance of heaven from the Father but, nevertheless, many storms of Maya come. This is a battlefield. The kingdom of Maya has continued for half the cycle. You have to conquer her. They burn Ravan’s effigy and then celebrate in happiness for a day. All of that is artificial happiness. Real happiness is received in the land of happiness. The happiness of hell is like the droppings of a crow. In heaven, there is nothing but happiness. You are now making effort for the land of happiness. In this boxing, sometimes Maya wins and sometimes the children win. This battle continues day and night. You have to catch hold of the Master's hand fully. The Master is the Almighty Authority, the powerful One. If you let go of His hand, what can the Almighty Authority do? As soon as you let go of His hand, you fall. The aspect of the steamer is also mentioned in the scriptures. The steamer is now about to depart. There are only a few more days left. You can see Paradise in front of you. In the final moments, you will repeatedly see scenes of Paradise. Just as many of you used to see them in the beginning, so, at the end, too, you will have many visions. Those who are here and who hold on to the Father's hand with courage will see these at the end. Some daughters will begin to say: Baba, this one will become a maid, this one will become so-and-so. Then there will be regret: I have become a maid. What else would your condition be if you haven't made effort? There will then have to be a lot of repentance. In the beginning, you saw a lot of fun and games. There is a song: You haven't seen what we have seen. When the time comes close, everything will be revealed; you won't be able to study at that time. The Father will say: I explained so much to you. You still didn’t follow shrimat and so this is what your condition has become. You will receive the same status every cycle. This is why Baba says: Continue to make effort. Follow the Mother and Father. There are also some unworthy children; they are influenced by Maya and cause distress. They then receive very severe punishment and their status is also destroyed. Children have had visions of punishment too. In the world, there is devilish company whereas here, you have God's company. Baba explains everything to you, so no one can say at that time: I didn't know this. At the time of destruction, people will cry out in distress. You will have many visions. There will be death for the prey and victory for the hunter. In this way, you will continue to dance. You will see how your palaces are built after destruction. Those who remain alive will see everything. If, after belonging to the Father, you divorce Him, you won't be able to see anything. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, who have come and met Baba once again after 5000 years, love, remembrance and good morning, numberwise, according to their efforts, the spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Continue to hold on to the Almighty Father's hand. Attach your heart to the one Father alone. Wake up early in the morning and sit in remembrance. 2. Remain cautious about the influence of bad company. Never stop studying due to the influence of bad company. Blessing: May you be filled with specialities and attain the blessing of having easy yoga by being constantly co-operative in service. Brahmin life is a life filled with specialities. To be a Brahmin means to receive the blessing of being an easy yogi. This is the first blessing of this birth. Always keep this blessing in your intellect; this is what it means to put your blessing into your practical life. The easy way to keep a blessing permanently is to use your blessing to serve all souls. To be co-operative in service is to be an easy yogi. So, keep this blessing in your awareness and become full of specialities. Slogan: To grant a vision of your form and your elevated destination through the jewel on your forehead is to be a lighthouse. #brahmakumari #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday
- 29 Sep 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris Murli today in English 29/09/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you have to become 100% full of all virtues. Look in the mirror of your heart and see to what extent you have become pure. Question: What ceremony do you children celebrate every day and what ceremony do people of the world celebrate every day? Answer: Every day you celebrate the festival of establishing the deity religion, that is, of making Bharat into heaven. Every day you have to plant the sapling of changing human beings into deities. Those people plant saplings of thorns in a forest and call it a tree-planting ceremony. You celebrate the festival of changing thorns into flowers every day. No one else can celebrate a festival in the same way as you. Song: See your face in the mirror of your heart. Om Shanti . Who said this? Here, it is a personal meeting of the Father and children. You children have now received the divine eye, the third eye of knowledge, with which you can see because all souls are impure and sinful. The Father gives shrimat to make impure ones pure. You have to understand who it is who is giving you shrimat. He is the one who speaks to you souls. Souls know whether they have performed good or bad actions through their bodies. Baba is now giving you children this understanding. It is definite that all of you were impure. You can now see to what extent you have become pure and how many divine virtues you have imbibed. The one who inspires you to imbibe divine virtues is the Father, the Ocean of all Virtues. He sits here and explains to you. People sing: I am without virtue. We have no virtues. They say of themselves that they don't have any virtues. You children now have to become 100% full of all virtues. He says: Look in the mirror of your heart. Only when you become full of virtues will you be able to marry Shri Lakshmi or Shri Narayan. First of all you have to give the Father's introduction. He is the unlimited Father and it is to Him that you sing: You are the Mother and Father. There is great praise of that Supreme Father. People say: Salutations to Shiva. He is the Creator of heaven. We definitely have the right to claim the inheritance from the Father. The inheritance from the unlimited Father is the sovereignty of heaven, which He gives to us. Bharat did have the sovereignty of heaven but doesn't have it now. It definitely did receive it from the Father. Bharat becomes the land of truth. No one knows that this is the birthplace of Shiv Baba, the Truth. Shiv Ratri is remembered. What night is it? They show the night of Krishna and also the night of Shiva. Krishna took birth from his mother's womb. You wouldn't say that there is Janamashtmi for Shiv Baba. Shiv Baba comes when it is the night of Brahma. After the night, the day comes, that is, it is the end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age. This is called the extremely dark night. This is an unlimited aspect. There are limited nights, but the end of the iron age is called extreme darkness, when the Satguru gives the ointment of knowledge. The Satguru, the Father is called the Sun of Knowledge. First of all, you have to give the introduction of the Father and the inheritance. For instance, when an emperor doesn't have a son, he would adopt the son of a poor person and the child would know in his heart that he was poor and that he has now become the son of an emperor. You too know that you became very poor and poverty-stricken by belonging to Ravan. You now belong to the unlimited Father. You are receiving the inheritance of heaven from Him. You have to give this introduction very clearly and also get them to put it in writing: We are receiving the unlimited inheritance from our unlimited Father. No one else can give this knowledge. Sannyasis leave their homes and families and go away. They have become free from being called father or uncle etc. Here, it is a matter of the household path. They renounce the household path. The Father explains to you children: You were deities on the household path. You were full of all virtues and were viceless and you were also the masters of the world. Then, from being worthy of worship, you became worshippers and also worshipped yourselves. When you are worthy-of-worship deities, you don't need to worship there. In the same way, Bharat was the worthy-of-worship clan of deities. From being worthy of worship you became worshippers. Now, once again, you children have to become worthy-of-worship deities from worshippers. This is why it is remembered: You are worthy of worship and you are worshippers. The Father doesn't become worthy of worship or a worshipper. The Father is always worthy of worship. On the path of devotion, brahmin priests place a Shivalingam in a temple and they sit and worship the Father. We are His children. We would say: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! He is incorporeal and souls are also incorporeal. When people go to Shiva, they say: Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, incorporeal Shiva. The soul says this through these organs. You children now know that those who pass away having performed good actions are praised. You only say “Mother and Father” to that incorporeal One. With your easy Raja Yoga and the teachings of knowledge, we will have an abundance of happiness through the teachings of Your Raja Yoga and easy knowledge. You are making effort for that. This is so easy. You are BKs, children of Prajapita Brahma, in a practical way. You are sitting personally in front of Him. You are personally in front of both Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba. Shiv Baba doesn't have a body of His own. You know that Shiv Baba is teaching you Raja Yoga through the mouth of this one. Krishna is a small child. How could he say: Forget your body and bodily relationships and consider yourself to be a soul? Krishna cannot say this. Only the Father can say this. So this is a big mistake that they have made. Everyone, from Lakshmi and Narayan to all the subjects, received happiness. They are the ones who took 84 births and became tamopradhan. The main ones are Lakshmi and Narayan. As are the king and queen, so the subjects. You have now become Brahmins from shudras. This is your leap birth. The leap birth is said to be the righteous birth. You know that this is your Godly birth. Day by day, Baba continues to explain new points to you. You have to study as long as you live, till the end. Points will continue to emerge and will continue to be added. The sacrificial fire of knowledge has to continue till the end. When people create a sacrificial fire of Rudra, they create saligrams of clay and worship them. The souls are worshipped. You embodied souls have made Bharat into the crown on the head. Therefore, you souls are worshipped. You do service with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and so, along with a Shivalingam, they also create saligrams. So, first of all, the main thing is to give the Father's introduction. Shiv Baba took birth, but He doesn’t take birth from the womb of a mother. He is incorporeal. For instance, when someone sheds his body, they invoke that soul to eat special food made for the departed spirit. Therefore, they feed the soul; it is the soul that tastes the food. It is the soul that feels happiness or sorrow and whether something is bitter or sweet. Sanskars are in the soul. A soul experiences happiness or sorrow when he is in a body. Baba has explained to you how punishment is received. It isn't a subtle body; you are made to adopt a physical body and are then punished. Punishment is experienced in the jail of a womb. That soul cries out in distress: “That’s enough! Let me out!" There is the example of the palace of a womb. The soul didn't want to come out. That is just an example. In the golden age, the womb becomes a palace. There is no sin there. You now know how you became impure. The very saying is: As sinful as Ajamil. He committed a lot of sin. Pure means viceless. The main thing is vice. This is why sannyasis leave their homes and families in order to become pure and why they are called great souls. All human beings are impure and this is why they continue to sing: Rama, who belongs to Sita, is the Purifier. King Rama is the one who belonged to the Raghav (elevated) clan. Shiv Baba would not be called King Rama. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called Rama, not King Rama. I do not become a king or an emperor. You become Shri Lakshmi, the empress, and Shri Narayan, the emperor; I don’t become that. I am incorporeal, beyond rebirth. All bodily beings continue to take rebirth. The Father says: I am incorporeal. I too have to take the support of matter. I do not enter a womb. I enter this one. This one doesn't know about his own births. The Father sits here and explains: You were deities and you then became shudras and have now become Brahmins. I explain this to you. You do not know your own births. Only those who become Brahmins will come and understand. The Father says: You have completed 84 births in this way. It is said: The inheritance of 21 generations. The unlimited Father would give you the inheritance of unlimited happiness. You receive temporary happiness from physical fathers. In the land of immortality, you have happiness from the beginning through the middle to the end. Here, there is sorrow from the beginning through the middle to the end. Shiv Baba, the Lord of Immortality, is telling you Parvatis the story of immortality. He is also the One who tells you the story of the true Narayan. This is the story of giving you the third eye of knowledge. The people of Bharat were constantly happy. They were very pure. They had purity, health and wealth. No one was ever ill. The very name is heaven. Ancient Bharat was heaven and there were no other religions or lands there. The tree would definitely have a trunk. Who used to be the trunk? There are in fact images of the deities. That was the foundation, but they didn't call themselves those who belong to the deity religion. Their kingdom is now being established. You can become a couple like Radhe and Krishna of the golden age. Come and we will explain to you how you can truly become princes of heaven. At this time, all are impure. You can write this tactfully. They say that all religions should unite and become one, but how is that possible? Only in the golden age was there just the one religion. There was one direction and one language. There wasn't any conflict there. They were the masters of the world. There was no other religion. No one uses his intellect to find out how they became that or how the other religions came into existence. When the pure souls of other religions have come down from up above and have become completely impure, it is then that the Purifier Father comes. First of all, the founders of religions come and then they ask others to come. They have to go through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. Everyone who comes has to become tamo by passing through the sato and rajo stages. However, you are now becoming pure from impure. Everyone calls out: God, the Father, come! Come and take us to heaven. Some consider liberation to be heaven and others consider liberation-in-life to be heaven. You understand that heaven is liberation-in-life. Your sapling is being planted. Those people are now planting saplings of thorns in forests. There is the difference of day and night. They have ceremonies of that too, they have tree planting ceremonies. Every day you celebrate the ceremony of establishing the deity religion, that is, of making Bharat into heaven. You make effort every day to change human beings into deities. It is your everyday ceremony to change thorns into flowers. The Master of the Garden will then definitely give you such a reward too. You children heard in the song: O soul, look in the mirror of your heart! Have you become worthy of becoming a deity of heaven, that is, of marrying Lakshmi or Narayan? You don't have any defects, do you? Many storms will come; Maya doesn't leave anyone alone. She even extinguishes the big lamps. Wrong types of thought will attack you a great deal. You have to remain strong. There is no question of wilting in this. You mustn't break your intellect's yoga away from the Father. That Father is everyone’s Boatman. This is a big canal of poison. You cross it with the power of yoga. You go across the ocean of poison and go to the ocean of milk. The kingdom of Vishnu is in the ocean of milk, that is, rivers of ghee flow there. Here, rivers of kerosene and blood flow. You children know that by following Shiv Baba's shrimat, you are going to Shivalaya where you will remain constantly happy. You were constantly happy and then Maya made you unhappy. The household path has been made unrighteous. There, the household path is righteous. The Father is now making you into beings who belong to the elevated divine household path. First of all, the main thing is to give the Father's introduction. By belonging to the Father you can become the masters of heaven. This is the land of sorrow. You go to heaven via the land of liberation and this is why you have to remember the land of Shiva and the land of Vishnu. By remembering them, your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. Remember that your 84 births are now coming to an end. Then, tomorrow, we will come and rule. Continue to look at your face in the mirror of your heart: Do I have any defects in me? Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Cross the big channel of poison with the power of yoga. Don't wilt with wrong thoughts. Remain strong. 2. In order to become worthy of worship, serve with the Father to make Bharat into the crown. Blessing: May you be a master bestower of happiness and constantly give the experience of happiness to all souls who come into connection with you. You are master bestowers of happiness, children of the Bestower of Happiness, and so you have to continue to accumulate in your account of happiness. Do not just check whether you caused anyone sorrow throughout the day, but check as to how many you gave happiness to. Let whoever comes into connection with you master bestowers of happiness experience happiness at every step. This is known as divinity and spirituality. Let there be the awareness at every step that you have to accumulate enough for 21 births in this one birth. Slogan: Make the one Father your world and you will continue to have imperishable attainments. #english #brahmakumari #Murli #bkmurlitoday
- 31 July 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 31/07/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, take shrimat from Shiv Baba at every step. Give all your news to the Father through Brahma. Question: Why is it that, while being children of the one Father, some children have intellects filled with love whereas others have intellects with no love? Answer: The children who maintain full connection with BapDada, those whose intellects have no doubt about any aspect and who relate their true charts to Shiv Baba through Brahma are the ones with loving intellects. However, if you sulk with Brahma or your Brahmin teacher, due to any reason, and do not write to Baba, because you think that you have no connection with Brahma and that you only have to remember Shiv Baba, it means that Maya has caught hold of your intellect. Such ones are those who have intellects with no love. Song: My heart says thanks to the One who has given me support! Om ShantiThe Father also gives thanks to the children. The Father thanks the children who are His helpers and also praises them. You children have now come to know that the unlimited Father has come. The Father enters the impure world. They sing: O Purifier, come! When the Purifier does come, He would surely come to establish the pure world of heaven, in which very few human beings live. Praise is sung of the pure world. There is no one who calls out in the pure world. It is only in this impure world that people call out. Devotees consider themselves to be impure. Truly, it is only in Bharat that there was the pure kingdom of deities. There was purity in Bharat. They were very wealthy and happy. Now, they are unhappy. Shiv Baba sits in the body of Brahma and explains. Therefore, you also have to remember the body of Brahma. If children go far away, for instance, if you go back to your home town, you should write a letter to your unlimited Father, who is also your Bridegroom. You have to write to Shiv Baba through Brahma. Shiv Baba cannot hear without Brahma. You have to remember Shiv Baba through Brahma. There are some children who think that they do remember Shiv Baba, that they have no connection with the sakar form. Nevertheless, since Shiv Baba is here, you definitely have to write a letter to Baba through this one. You have to give your news to Shiv Baba through Brahma. It is sung that there are those who have loving intellects at the time of destruction and there are those who have no love in their intellects at the time of destruction. Love for whom? For Shiv Baba through Brahma. There are also some who have such foolish intellects that they say they remember Shiv Baba anyway. Shiv Baba says that by remembering Him your boat will go across; but where is He? He is definitely here in this one’s body. He is teaching through this one. How would you write a letter to the incorporeal One? Brides write letters to their bridegrooms and bridegrooms write letters to their brides. From the beginning of the golden age to the end of the iron age, human beings have been writing letters to human beings. Souls now meet the Supreme Soul and so they write letters to Him. They talk to the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Therefore, they have to stay in connection through Brahma. Only when you write a letter to Shiv Baba through Brahma would Shiv Baba understand that you truly are remembering Him. Maya catches hold of the intellects of some so that they come into body consciousness and they don’t even write a letter; they forget. Now, at the time of destruction, none of their intellects has love whereas the Pandavas intellects have love. Those people think that the God of the Gita is Shri Krishna. Achcha, even if it were Shri Krishna, you would still have to write to him. You also have to write to Shiv Baba. You definitely have to take shrimat. Some say that they are remembering Shiv Baba, but they cannot receive advice without the corporeal Brahma. Very good and first-class children write that their yoga is with Shiv Baba and that they will continue to help Him. However, you cannot claim your inheritance from the Grandfather except through Father Brahma. You have to take advice at every step. Such news comes to Baba. They sulk with Brahma or their Brahmin teacher and Maya completely turns their faces away. You should understand that you have to take shrimat from Shiv Baba at every step and ask Baba what you should do under those circumstances. Baba always asks you children whether you are happy and content. One is physical illness and the other is spiritual illness. Some never write to tell Baba that they are happy, that Maya is not attacking them. Achcha, although He knows everything, you still have to take directions from Him: Am I right or am I wrong in this aspect? When you don’t have accurate yoga, you do wrong. The children who have loving intellects at the time of destruction have to come to the Father. The Father is sitting here. There are many whose intellects have no love at the time of destruction, and so they become confused and start performing wrong actions. You cannot carry on doing anything without taking shrimat. They cannot reach their destination on their own without a guide. How can anyone go there if they don’t know the way? A guide’s hand is definitely needed. One also needs support when learning to swim. Baba continues to caution you children: Even if you have doubt about any aspect, at least stay in connection with this one. After all, it is through this one that you receive directions from Shiv Baba. Baba has explained: This chariot, that is, this throne, has especially been fixed for the Immortal Image. Baba says: I take the support of this one’s chariot, that is, his throne. Otherwise, I could enter anyone at any time and get the service done that I want done. Baba has explained: If someone worships Hanuman, then I grant him a vision of that. I give him the reward of his devotion. If I grant him a vision of Hanuman, his devotion would be totally for that one; he would hold on to only him. Baba has selected a very experienced chariot. He was a jewel merchant. This is the business of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Only when I enter this chariot every cycle can I carry out this task. He creates Brahmins through Brahma, just as Christians are created through Christ. The names are very similar. Therefore, I have to enter the chariot of Brahma. I sit here and tell you the story of this one’s births. The first birth is that of Shri Krishna. I come at the end of the last of his many births. I tell you all of these things accurately. If anyone asks, tell them: Brahma is definitely needed first, because only then can Brahmins be created through him. The physical Father of Humanity is needed. The Father of Humanity cannot exist in the subtle region. Brahma, the Father of Humanity, is needed here. I only come in Bharat when it is the time of extreme darkness. The devotion of half the cycle is now ending. They sing: O Purifier, come! If annihilation were to take place, the world couldn’t become pure. The word ‘annihilation’ is wrong. I come when people have become very unhappy and impure. The pure world is the golden and silver ages and the impure world is the copper and iron ages. Billions of human beings now exist here. That many will not be needed in the golden age. They have shown that missiles emerged from someone’s stomach, through which they destroyed their own clan. People have sat and made up such stories. Nothing emerges from anyone’s stomach. This is the work of the intellect. Just see how much happiness people now have through science! Previously, there was no gas or electricity etc. Baba is experienced. Baba says: I enter an old body. The body of Krishna is not old. Krishna is not impure. People call out: O Purifier, come! Therefore, He surely has to enter the impure world and an impure body. There are no pure bodies in the impure world. Here, souls are tamopradhan and their bodies are also tamopradhan. It is said: The golden age and the silver age. First, there is the golden age. There, the souls and the bodies are both pure. Later, souls become impure. I come and make them viceless. Maya is such that she pulls the ears of even good, first-class children. They then become upset with a Brahmin teacher or with Brahma and develop doubt and leave. Maya turns their faces away. From having loving intellects, they become those with no love in their intellects. Then they stop studying with Shiv Baba. Some study, but they are unable to imbibe knowledge completely. Therefore, Baba says: It doesn’t matter. Simply make two things firm. You have to remember Baba. Your intellects should now be here as well as up there (in the home). There is the example of the genie. He said: Give me work to do, otherwise, I will eat you. Baba says: I give you the work of remembering Me. If you do not remember Me, Maya will eat you alive. You have to make time for remembrance. First of all, make a little time and your practice will then increase. Baba says: Remain silent and simply continue to remember Me. You know Baba is up there as well as here. We have to return to Baba. You now understand that Baba has come in this one’s body. If you do not have remembrance, Maya will eat you alive. There are many stories that have been made up. Previously, you were senseless. Baba now explains: When I go back, you then become the masters of the world. I talk to you souls. It is the soul in the body that passes exams. The Father now says: Become soul conscious! While living at home with your family, consider yourself to be a bodiless soul. The more you remember the Father, the more you will benefit. This is called yoga. Actually, it is remembrance - the love of you souls for the Father. You remember Him. A lover and beloved love each other; they have love for the body. Both the lover and the beloved are bodily beings. It is as though the beloved is standing in front of the lover. The beloved then sees the lover. You are now lovers of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. There is only the one Beloved and all the souls are lovers. That incorporeal Father sits here and gives you directions through this corporeal one. You can neither see a soul nor the Supreme Soul. Yes, sometimes, some are able to have a vision of a soul. Human beings are not able to understand anything. Baba grants them a vision of light because they have faith in that. It was said: The light is so bright that I cannot tolerate it any more. Stop it! The eyes become red. Baba explains: I am a star. Just as a firefly sparkles, in the same way, the soul comes out of the body like a star. (Example of Vivekananda). Whomever people have devotion for, I grant them a vision accordingly. Baba sits and explains: This is your devotion that has continued. So I grant you a vision accordingly. As is a soul, so the Supreme Soul, but He is the Ocean of Knowledge. A soul is a living being. All the sanskars are within the soul. The Father also has the sanskars of carrying out the tasks of creation,destruction and sustenance. He is Trimurti. No one knows Shiv Baba and that is why they have forgotten to put Shiva, the Creator, above the Trimurti. In fact, Trimurti Shiva is the God of the Gita, but people say, “Trimurti Brahma”. However, there also has to be the Creator of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. The names of Brahma and Shiv Baba are separate. Otherwise, whom do you call the Creator? No one is able to understand this. Baba comes and explains to you children. You have loving intellects. Those whose intellects have no love become Kauravas. Although they come here, their status becomes much lower. Whatever they have accumulated is then finished and they receive a low status among the subjects. Just look what you can become through this study at this present time! Baba says: Children, if you want to become deities, you have to renounce bad things like poison. Only the one Father is the true Satguru who can take you into liberation and liberation-in-life. Everyone has to go back at the same time. It is not that someone can leave and go away in between. They all have to play their full parts. Then, at the end, they all definitely have to return home like a swarm of insects. This is also mentioned in the Gita. However, because it says that they are the versions of God Krishna, the importance of the Gita has been lost. How would you go to the land of liberation if the Father didn’t come? Later, you each come at your own time to play your parts. This is detailed explanation. However, in a nutshell, He says: Remember Me! That’s all! God is one and all the rest are His children. You have now become trikaldarshi. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to remain constantly happy and content, take advice from the Father at every step. Remember Shiv Baba through Brahma and also continue to give Him your news. 2. Never develop doubt about any aspect. Don’t sulk with your Brahmin teacher or Father Brahma and thereby stop studying. Keep your intellect constantly full of love. Blessing: May you be a master satguru and make your words invaluable by doubly underlining them. The words of you children have to be such that those who listen to you become chatrak birds (thirsty to listen). They want you say something so that they can listen to you; these are said to be invaluable elevated versions. When you keep speaking whatever you want, whenever you want – such words would not be said to be elevated versions. You are master satgurus, the children of the Satguru and so let each and every word of yours be an elevated version. At any time, wherever you may be, only speak words that are necessary, yuktiyukt and beneficial for the self and other souls. Doubly underline the words you speak. Slogan: Become a jewel of pure and positive thoughts for all and continue to enlighten the world with your rays. #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari
- 5 Aug 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma kumaris murli today in English - 05/08/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 07/12/83 The basis of attaining an elevated status is the murli. Today, the Murlidhar Father is looking at His children who love the murli (flute), to see how much they love the Murlidhar Father and how much they love the murli. You are so intoxicated by the murli. You forget all consciousness of your body as you listen to the bodiless Father. You don't have the slightest consciousness of bodily beings. You become so intoxicated in this way and dance in happiness. You consider yourselves to be so multi-million times fortunate to be personally in front of the Father, the Bestower of Fortune that you stay in spiritual intoxication. As you become intoxicated with this spiritual intoxication and the intoxication of the murli of the Murlidhar, you experience yourselves to be flying beyond your body and this earth. With the music of the murli, that is, with the secrets and the music of the murli, you continue to have many experiences with the Father, the Murlidhar. Sometimes, you go to the incorporeal world, sometimes, the subtle region and sometimes your own kingdom. Sometimes, you become a light-and-might-house and give rays of happiness and peace to the souls of this peaceless and unhappy world. You travel through the three worlds every day. With whom? With the Murlidhar Father. Hearing the murli you swing in swings of supersensuous joy. As soon as you receive the medicine of imperishable blessings from the music of the Murlidhar's murli, you become healthy in body and mind. You become intoxicated and an emperor who is free from worry. You become the emperor of the land free from sorrow with a right to self-sovereignty.Baba was seeing the children who love to listen to the murli in the right way like this. From the same murli, some become kings, and others become subjects because success is achieved by applying yourself with the right method; the more you listen to the murli in the right way, the more you become an embodiment of success.First are those who listen to the murli in the right way, that is, those who merge it in themselves. Second are those who listen to the murli as a discipline and merge some of the murli in themselves and speak about some of the murli. Don't even ask about the third type! Those who listen and merge the murli in themselves in an accurate way become the form of it. Their every action is a form of the murli. Ask yourself what number you are in - the first number or the second number? To have regard for the Murlidhar Father means to have regard for every version of the murli. Each version is the basis of earning an income for 2500 years. It is the basis of an income of multi-millions. In this respect, if you miss one blessing, you miss out on an income of multi-millions. One blessing makes you into a mine of treasures. Those who listen to every word of the murli in the right way and understand the philosophy of the account of success attained through it, attain an elevated status. Just as the philosophy of karma is deep, in the same way, the philosophy of listening to and merging the murli in yourself in the right way is extremely elevated. The murli is the breath of Brahmin life. If there is no breath, there is no life. You souls have this experience, do you not? Check yourself every day as to whether you listened to the murli giving it that importance and in the right way. This discipline at amrit vela easily and automatically makes you into an embodiment of success in your every action throughout the day. Do you understand?You new ones have come, have you not? Therefore, Baba is telling all of you who have come last the way to go fast. This way you will go fast. You can gallop this way, and make up for any missed time. BapDada tells you the different methods so that no child has any complaints, such as: Why did we come late? Or: Why were we called late? You can still move forward, however. Move forward in an elevated way and claim a high number. There won't be any complaints left, will there? Baba is showing you the refined way. You have come at the time when everything is ready-made. You have come when it is the time to eat the butter that has been churned. You are already free from that type of hard work. Now, simply eat it and digest it. It is easy, is it not? Achcha.To those who are complete and perfect in doing everything in the right way and who thereby attain all success, to those who forget the consciousness of their bodies on hearing the Murlidhar's murli, to those who swing in the swing of happiness, to the intoxicated yogis who remain intoxicated in their spiritual intoxication, to those who have regard for the Murlidhar and the murli, to such master murlidhars, to the children who become the form of the murli and the Murlidhar, to all BapDada's corporeal and angelic children, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.BapDada meeting groups:1) You are the elevated souls who constantly stay in remembrance of the One in a constant and stable stage, are you not? Are you always constant 'ek-ras' (taste of One) or do other tastes pull you towards themselves? Other tastes don't pull you towards themselves, do they? All of you have just the One. Everything is merged in the One. Since you have only the One and there isn’t anyone else, where else would you go? You don't have any maternal or paternal uncles, do you? What promise have all of you made? This is the promise you have made, is it not, that You are everything? Have the kumaris made a firm promise? You made a firm promise and you were garlanded with a wedding garland. You made a promise and you found the Husband. You found the Husband and also the home. Parents are concerned that their kumaris find good husbands and good homes. You have found the Husband whose praise is sung by the whole world. You have also found the home where nothing is lacking. So, have you put on the wedding garland firmly? Such kumaris are said to be sensible. Kumaris are sensible anyway. BapDada is pleased to see you kumaris because you have been saved. You would be happy if someone was saved from falling, would you not? The mothers had already fallen down, and so for them, it would be said that those who had fallen were saved, whereas for you kumaris, it would be said that you have been saved from falling. Therefore, you are so lucky! Mothers have their own luck and kumaris have their own luck. You mothers are also lucky because you are the cows of Gopal (Cowherd. One who looks after cows).2) Are you constantly conquerors of Maya? Those who are conquerors of Maya would definitely have the intoxication of being world benefactors. Do you have such intoxication? “Unlimited service” means service of the world. Always have the awareness that you are the children of the Master of the world. You have the awareness of what you have become and what you have found; that is all. Simply constantly continue to make progress in this happiness. BapDada is pleased to see those who are making progress.Remain constantly intoxicated in remembrance of the Father. What does Godly intoxication make you? From being residents of this earth (farsh), you become residents of the sky (arsh). So, do you constantly reside in the sky or do you sometimes reside on the earth? Since you have become the children of the highest-on-high Father, how could you stay down below? The earth is down below, is it not, whereas the sky is high, so how could you come down? Never allow the foot of your intellect to touch the ground: just, up above! This is known as being a great child of the highest-on-high Father. Let there be this intoxication. Remain constantly unshakeable and immovable and full of all treasures. If you fluctuate even a little because of Maya you won't be able to experience all the treasures. You have received so many treasures from the Father. So, in order to keep all of those treasures with you for all time, remain constantly unshakeable and immovable. By remaining unshakeable you will constantly experience happiness. There is also the happiness of temporary perishable wealth. Even when a politician wins a temporary seat and acquires name and fame, he experiences so much happiness. This is lasting happiness. Only those who remain unshakeable and immovable will be able to experience this happiness.All Brahmins have received self-sovereignty. Previously, you were slaves and used to sing: "I am Your slave! I am Your slave!" You have now become self-sovereigns. From slaves, you have become kings. There is such a big difference; there is the difference of day and night. Remember the Father and change from a slave to a king. Such a kingdom cannot be attained throughout the whole cycle. With this self-sovereignty you receive the kingdom of the world. Therefore, constantly maintain the intoxication that you have a right to self-sovereignty and your physical organs will then automatically follow the elevated path. Always maintain the happiness that you have attained whatever you wanted to attain. Look what you have become from what you were! Look where you were and where you have reached!Questions and Answers from Avyakt BapDada’s elevated versions:Question: What is the final aim of making effort for which you have to pay special attention?Answer: To be an avyakt angel is the final aim of making effort. By keeping this aim in front of you, you will experience your body of light to be in an orb of light. Just as a physical body is in an orb of the five elements, in the same way, an avyakt one is in an orb of light. It is the form of light and all around there is only light. I, the soul, am a form of light – you have this aim, but in the subtle form, too, you are in an orb of light.Question: While performing every action, what awareness should you particularly increase so that you easily develop the incorporeal stage?Answer: While performing every deed have the awareness, “I, an instrument angel, am setting foot on this earth to carry out this task, but I am a resident of the subtle region. I have come on earth from my region for this task. As soon as I finish my task, I will go back to my region. With this awareness you will easily develop the incorporeal stage.Question: As well as having the points of intoxication of the corporeal form, by keeping yourself in which experience will you become an image that grants visions?Answer: When you remain aware that you are an elevated soul, a Brahmin and a Shakti, you experience intoxication and happiness. However, when you experience yourself to be in the avyakt form, in an orb of light, you will become an image that grants visions, because visions cannot be given without light. It is only with your form of light that people will have visions of your divine form.Question: According to the present time, what should your form be? What part has now finished?Answer: According to the present time, all of you need to have the volcanic form. Let no ordinary form or ordinary words be visible or heard. Let them have this experience: What words from the ether is this goddess going to say to me? Your part of being a gopi has now finished. When you are in your Shakti form, everyone will experience you to be an incarnation - that you are not an ordinary bodily being, but an incarnation that has incarnated. You just speak elevated versions and then disappear. Let this be the present stage and aim of your efforts.Question: What is the service of the main serviceable instruments, the invaluable jewels who are going to claim the throne of the kingdom?Answer: They will tour around everywhere and continue to give light everywhere like lighthouses. One will give light to many. They will continue to go beyond all physical activities. They will listen through signals, give directions and then go back to the subtle region. Now, the responsibilities and expansion of service will increase everywhere even more. All the different types of service that are happening will increase even more.Question: Who can become a ruler of the globe, an emperor? What indicates this?Answer: Those who hold the discus now (who tour around on service) will become emperors, rulers of the globe. Those who have the circle of light and also the circle to spread light in service will be called the rulers, those who hold the discus. Only those who hold the discus can become rulers of the globe. Let your form of light and your crown of light become so common that, when you walk, everyone can see that you are wearing a crown of light.Question: From which practice will the karmic accounts of the body reduce and the body receive the nourishment of sleep?Answer: When you practise being stable in the avyakt form of light and going beyond the body, then, with two to four minutes of the bodiless stage, the body will receive the nourishment of sleep. The body will be the same old body and the karmic accounts will also be the same old ones.However, by making the awareness of the form of light strong, you will become light in terms of reducing the karmic accounts of your body. For this, especially at amrit vela, practise: I am bodiless and a resident of the supreme abode. That is: I have incarnated in my avyakt form. Question: What is the easy way to become a conqueror of Maya? Answer: In order to become a conqueror of Maya, be angry with your defects.When you feel angry,don't get angry with one another, but get angry with your defects and weaknesses and you will then easily become a conqueror of Maya. Question: Why is BapDada especially pleased when He sees those from the villages? Answer: Because those from the villages are very innocent. Even the Father is called the Innocent Lord.Just as the Father is the Innocent Lord, so too, those from the villages are innocent. Therefore,always have the happiness that you are especially loved by the Innocent Lord. Achcha. Blessing: May you be a master bestower of peace who becomes an instrument with the power of silence to establish the new world.In order to accumulate the power of silence, go beyond your body, that is, become bodiless. This power of silence is a very great power with which the new world will be established. Those who stabilise themselves in silence, beyond sound, can carry out the task of establishment. Therefore, become bestowers of peace, that is, become embodiments of peace and give peaceless souls rays of peace. Especially increase the power of silence. This is the greatest donation of all. This is the most lovely and powerful thing. Slogan: To have good wishes for every soul and all of matter is to be a world benefactor. #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari
- महा शिवरात्रि - परमात्मा शिव का दिव्य अवतरण
Maha Shivratri Spiritual Significance in Hindi (in detail). शिव का अर्थ है – ‘कल्याणकारी’ | परमात्मा का यह नाम इसलिए है, वह धर्म-ग्लानी के समय, जब सभी मनुष्य आत्माएं माया (पाँच विकारों) के कर्ण दुखी, अशान्त, पतित एवं भ्रष्टाचारी बन जाती है तब उनको पुन: पावन तथा सम्पूर्ण सुखी बनाने का कल्याणकारी कर्तव्य करते है | शिव ब्रह्मलोक में निवास करते है और वे कर्म-भ्रष्ट तथा धर्म भ्रष्ट संसार का उद्धार करने के लिए ब्रह्मलोक से नीचे उतर कर एक मनुष्य के शरीर का आधार लेते है | परमात्मा शिव के इस अवतरण अथवा दिव्य एवं अलौकिक जन की पुनीत-स्मृति में ही ‘शिव रात्रि’, अर्थात शिवजयंती का त्यौहार मनाया जाता है | परमात्मा शिव जो साधारण एवं वृद्ध मनुष्य के तम में अवतरित होते है, उसको वे परिवर्तन के बाद ‘प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा’ नाम देते है | उन्हीं की याद में शिव की प्रतिमा के सामने ही उनका वाहन ‘नन्दी-गण’दिखाया जाता है | क्योंकि परमात्मा सर्व आत्माओं के माता-पिता है, इसलिए वे किसी माता के गर्भ से जन्म नहीं लेते बल्कि ब्रह्मा के तन में संनिवेश ही उनका दिव्य-जन्म अथवा अवतरण है | अजन्मा परमात्मा शिव के दिव्य जन्म की रीति न्यारी परमात्मा शिव किसी पुरुष के बीज से अथवा किसी माता के गर्भ से जन्म नहीं लेते क्योंकि वे तो स्वयं ही सबके माता-पिता है, मनुष्य-सृष्टि के चेतन बीज रूप है और जन्म-मरण तथा कर्म-बन्धन से रहित है |अत: वे एक साधारण मनुष्य के वृद्धावस्था वाले तन में प्रवेश करते है | इसे ही परमात्मा शिव का ‘दिव्य-जन्म’ अथवा ‘अवतरण’ भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि जिस तन में वे प्रवेश करते है वह एक जन्म-मरण तथा कर्म बन्धन के चक्कर में आने वाली मनुष्यात्मा ही का शरीर होता है, वह परमात्मा का ‘अपना’ शरीर नहीं होता | Refer: Birth of God Shiv अत: चित्र में दिखाया गया है कि जब सारी सृष्टि माया (अर्थात काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, अहंकार आदि पाँच विकारों) के पंजे में फंस जाती है तब परमपिता परमात्मा शिव, जो कि आवागमन के चक्कर से मुक्त है, मनुष्यात्माओं को पवित्रता, सुख और शान्ति का वरदान देकर माया के पंजे से छुड़ाते है | वे ही सहज ज्ञान और राजयोग की शिक्षा देते है तथा सभी आत्माओं को परमधाम में ले जाते है तथा मुक्ति एवं जीवनमुक्ति का वरदान देते है| Refer: 7 virtues of Soul शिव रात्रि का त्यौहार फाल्गुन मास, जो कि विक्रमी सम्वत का अंतिम मास होता है, में आता है | उस समय कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्दशी होती है और पूर्ण अन्धकार होता है | उसके पश्चात शुक्ल पक्ष का आरम्भ होता हुई और कुछ ही दिनों बाद नया संवत आरम्भ होता है | अत: रात्री की तरह फाल्गुन की कृष्ण चतुर्दशी भी आत्माओं को अज्ञान अन्धकार, विकार अथवा आसुरी लक्षणों की पराकाष्ठा के अन्तिम चरण का बोधक है | इसके पश्चात आत्माओं का शुक्ल पक्ष अथवा नया कल्प प्रारम्भ होता है, अर्थात अज्ञान और दुःख के समय का अन्त होकर पवित्र तथा सुख अ समय शुरू होता है | परमात्मा शिव अवतरित होकर अपने ज्ञान, योग तथा पवित्रता द्वारा आत्माओं में आध्यात्मिक जागृति उत्पन्न करते है इसी महत्व के फलस्वरूप भक्त लोग शिवरात्रि को जागरण करते है | इस दिन मनुष्य उपवास, व्रत आदि भी रखते है | उपवास (उप-निकट, वास-रहना) का वास्तविक अर्थ है ही परमत्मा के समीप हो जाना | अब परमात्मा से युक्त होने के लिए पवित्रता का व्रत लेना जरूरी है | शिव का जन्मोत्सव रात्रि में क्यों ? ‘रात्रि’ वास्तव में अज्ञान, तमोगुण अथवा पापाचार की निशानी है | अत: द्वापरयुग और कलियुग के समय को ‘रात्रि’ कहा जाता है | कलियुग के अन्त में जबकि साधू, सन्यासी, गुरु, आचार्य इत्यादि सभी मनुष्य पतित तथा दुखी होते है और अज्ञान-निंद्रा में सोये पड़े होते है, जब धर्म की ग्लानी होती है और जब यह भरत विषय-विकारों के कर्ण वेश्यालय बन जाता है, तब पतित-पावन परमपिता परमात्मा शिव इस सृष्टि में दिव्य-जन्म लेते है | इसलिए अन्य सबका जन्मोत्सव तो ‘जन्म दिन’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है परन्तु परमात्मा शिव के जन्म-दिन को ‘शिवरात्रि’ (Birth-night) ही कहा जाता है | अत: यहाँ चित्र में जो कालिमा अथवा अन्धकार दिखाया गया है वह अज्ञानान्धकार अथवा विषय-विकारों की रात्रि का घोतक है | English version: Why is Shiva's Birth in shown in Night? शिव और शंकर में अन्तर बहुत से लोग शिव और शंकर को एक ही मानते है, परन्तु वास्तव में इन दोनों में भिन्नता है | आप देखते है कि दोनों की प्रतिमाएं भी अलग-अलग आकार वाली होती है | शिव की प्रतिमा अण्डाकार अथवा अंगुष्ठाकार होती है जबकि महादेव शंकर की प्रतिमा शारारिक आकार वाली होती है |यहाँ उन दोनों का अलग-अलग परिचय, जो कि परमपिता परमात्मा शिव ने अब स्वयं हमे समझाया है तथा अनुभव कराया है स्पष्ट किया जा रह है :- महादेव शंकर १. यह ब्रह्मा और विष्णु की तरह सूक्ष्म शरीरधारी है | इन्हें ‘महादेव’ कहा जाता है परन्तु इन्हें ‘परमात्मा’ नहीं कहा जा सकता | २. यह ब्रह्मा देवता तथा विष्णु देवता की रथ सूक्ष्म लोक में,शंकरपुरी में वास करते है | ३. ब्रह्मा देवता तथा विष्णु देवता की तरह यह भी परमात्मा शिव की रचना है | ४. यह केवल महाविनाश का कार्य करते है, स्थापना और पालना के कर्तव्य इनके कर्तव्य नहीं है | परमपिता परमात्मा शिव १. यह चेतन ज्योति-बिन्दु है और इनका अपना कोई स्थूल या सूक्ष्म शरीर नहीं है, यह परमात्मा है | २. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर के लोक, अर्थात सूक्ष्म देव लोक से भी परे ‘ब्रह्मलोक’ (मुक्तिधाम) में वास करते है | ३. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर के भी रचियता अर्थात ‘त्रिमूर्ति’ है | ४. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर द्वारा महाविनाश और विष्णु द्वारा विश्व का पालन कराके विश्व का कल्याण करते है | Watch Videos महाशिवरात्रि का महत्व (page) ७ दिवसीय राजयोग कोर्स Online Services RESOURCES - Everything you need BK Google - search enything
- 23 Nov 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 23/11/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, be cautious and pay full attention to the study. Don't think that you have a direct connection with Shiv Baba. Even to say this is body consciousness. Question: Why can Bharat be called an imperishable pilgrimage place? Answer: Because Bharat is the birthplace of the Father, it is an imperishable land. In the golden and silver ages, the living deities rule in the imperishable land. At that time, Bharat is called Shivalaya. Then, on the path of devotion, they make non-living images and worship them. They even make many Shivalayas (Shiva Temples) and so it is a pilgrimage place at that time too and this is why Bharat can be called an imperishable pilgrimage place. Song: O traveller of the night, do not become weary, the destination of dawn is not far off. Om Shanti . O travellers of the night, who is cautioning you not to become weary? Shiv Baba says this. Some children are such that they think that Shiv Baba is their everything because they have a connection with Him alone. However, He also only speaks through the mouth of Brahma, does He not? Some think that Shiv Baba is inspiring them directly, but it is wrong to think that. Shiv Baba would surely give teachings through Brahma. He explains to you: Children, don't become weary! Although you have a connection with Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba says: Manmanabhav! Brahma also says: Manmanabhav! Even the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris say: Manmanabhav! However, a mouth is needed in order for a caution to be given. Some children think that their connection is with that One. However, He would give directions through Brahma, would He not? If you continue to receive directions etc. from Him directly, what would be the need for Him to come here? There are some children who have such thoughts as: Since Shiv Baba can speak through the mouth of Brahma, He can also speak through my mouth. However, you cannot have a connection with Him without Brahma. Some sulk with Brahma and the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris and then begin to say such things. We have to have yoga with Shiv Baba alone. In order to give us children teachings and to caution us, the Father has to say something. The Father says: You don't come to class on time. Who said this? Both Shiv Baba and Brahma Dada said it. The body of both is one. So, they say: Be cautious and pay full attention to the study. The highest-on-high Father is teaching you. First of all, you should praise Shiv Baba. His praise is very important. His praise is infinite. The words of His praise are very good but children sometimes forget them. You should churn the ocean of knowledge and write the full praise of Shiv Baba. Who would be called the new man? In fact, the heavenly new man is Krishna. However, the topknot of the Brahmins of this time is remembered. Children are created and so they are given teachings. If Lakshmi and Narayan are called the new men, there is no need to give them teachings. So, who is the new man? These matters have to be understood and explained. That Father is the Almighty Authority, the World Almighty. You forget to write the words ‘World Almighty’ in the Father's praise. Bharat is also praised as being an imperishable pilgrimage place. How is this, since pilgrimages take place on the path of devotion? How can Bharat be called an imperishable pilgrimage place? How is it an imperishable pilgrimage place? Can we call it a pilgrimage place in the golden age? If we say that it is an imperishable pilgrimage place, how is it that? This has to be clearly explained: Yes, it is a pilgrimage place in the golden and silver ages and also in the copper and iron ages. Since you call it imperishable, you have to prove its existence in all four ages. Pilgrimages etc. begin to take place in the copper age. Then, we can write that Bharat is an imperishable pilgrimage place. Even in the golden and silver ages, it is a pilgrimage place where the living deities reside. Here, there are non-living pilgrimages whereas when it is Shivalaya it is a true, living pilgrimage place. Only the Father sits and explains all of these things here. Bharat is an imperishable land. All the rest are destroyed. No human beings know these things. The Purifier Father comes here. Those whom He makes into pure deities then go and reside in that Shivalaya. Here, people have to go to Badrinath and Amarnath etc. There, Bharat itself is the pilgrimage place. It isn't that Shiv Baba exists there. Shiv Baba is here now. All His praise is of this time. This is Shiv Baba's birthplace, so it is also the birthplace of Brahma. It cannot be called the birthplace of Shankar. There is no need for him to come here. He has become the instrument for destruction. Vishnu comes when he rules and sustains the kingdom through his dual-form. They have shown a couple as the dual-form of Vishnu. This (Vishnu) is his image. He exists in the golden age. So, we have to sing praise of the one Father. He is also our Saviour. Those people call the founders of religions their Saviours. They call Christ and Buddha etc. their Saviours. They believe that they come to establish peace. However, they don't bring any peace. They don't liberate anyone from sorrow. They have to establish their own religions. Those of their own religions begin to follow them down. The word ‘Saviour’ is very good. This word should definitely also be used. When these pictures are shown abroad, they will be printed in all languages. Those people sing so much praise of the Pope etc. They sing so much praise of a president etc. when he dies. The bigger the person is, the more praise there is of him. However, at this time, all have become the same. They say that God is omnipresent. By saying that they themselves are the Father, all souls insult the Father. Worldly children wouldn’t say that they are their father. Yes, when they create their own creation, they become fathers; that is possible. Here, the Father of all of us souls is the One. We cannot become His Father. He cannot be called the Child. Yes, it is a game of knowledge when we say that we make Shiv Baba our Child, the Heir. Scarcely a few people who can understand these things will understand them. They make Child Shiva their Heir and surrender themselves to Him. Children surrender themselves to Shiv Baba; this exchange takes place. There is so much importance given to an inheritance. The Father says: Whatever you have, including your body, make Me the Heir of it all. However, it is difficult for your body consciousness to break. Only when you have the faith that you are a soul and you remember the Father can your body consciousness break. It requires a lot of effort for you to become soul conscious. We souls are imperishable. We began to consider ourselves to be bodies. It now requires effort for us to begin to consider ourselves to be souls once again. The biggest of all illnesses is body consciousness. The sins of those who don't consider themselves to be souls and who do not remember the Father are not cut away. The Father explains: If you study well, you will become a lord. You should follow shrimat. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to climb into the heart of Shri Shri. Only when you climb into His heart can you then sit on the throne. You have to become very merciful. People are very unhappy. They are very wealthy to look at. Look how much regard the Pope receives! The Father says: I am so egoless. Those people would not tell you not to spend so much money on their welcome. Wherever Baba goes, he writes to them in advance: You mustn't have any type of splendour. Not everyone must come to the station, because I am incognito. There is even no need to do that. No one knows who that One is. They know everyone else. They don't know Shiv Baba at all. So it is good to remain incognito. The more egoless you remain, the better it is. Your knowledge is to remain silent. You have to sit and sing the praise of the Father. From that, people would understand that the Father is the Purifier and the Almighty Authority. Only from the Father do you receive the inheritance. No one, except the children, can say this. You would say that you are receiving the inheritance of the new world from Shiv Baba. There are the pictures. We are also becoming like those deities. Shiv Baba is giving us the inheritance through Brahma and this is why we praise Shiv Baba. Our aim and objective is so clear! He is the One who gives. He teaches us through Brahma. You have to explain using the pictures. So many images of Shiva have been created. The Father comes and makes you pure from impure and takes everyone into liberation and liberation-in-life. This is very clear in the pictures. Therefore, Baba emphasizes that you should give them to everyone so that they can take them and study them. When they take things from here, they use them to decorate their places there. This is something very good. Curtain material is very useful. These pictures continue to have corrections made to them. The word Saviour is also necessary. No one else is the Saviour or the Purifier. Although pure souls come down, they don’t make anyone pure. The souls of their religion have to come down and play their parts. These are points which only the sensible children will imbibe. When you don't follow shrimat fully, you are unable to study and then you fail . One’s manners too are noted at school. What is this one's behaviour like? All vices come due to body consciousness. Then, no dharna is able to take place. The Father only loves obedient children. You have to make a lot of effort. Whenever you explain to anyone, first of all, tell them the Father's praise and how you receive the inheritance from the Father. You have to write the Father's full praise. You cannot change the pictures, but you have to write the full teachings. The Father's praise is separate. Krishna received his inheritance from the Father and so his praise is separate. Because of not knowing the Father, they don't understand that Bharat is the greatest pilgrimage place. You have to tell them and prove that Bharat is an imperishable pilgrimage place. When you children sit and explain these things, people will be amazed when they hear them. Bharat was like a diamond, so who made it like a shell? A lot of explanation and churning of the ocean of knowledge is required. Baba instantly tells you: This correction should be made in this. Children don't show it to Baba, but Baba wants those corrections made. There was an engineer who couldn't understand why a machine was spoilt and then his assistant engineer sat and showed him that, by something being done, the machine would be all right. Then the machine truly did begin to work and that engineer became very pleased. He said that that person should be given a prize. So, his salary was increased. The Father also says: You do this accurately and I will praise you, just as when Jagdish (Sanjay) sometimes brings out good points, Baba is pleased. Children should be interested in doing service. Those exhibitions and melas all continue to take place. Wherever there is anyone's exhibition, he would also put up this exhibition. Here, the forehead of the intellect should open up completely. You should give everyone happiness. Those who study at school are numberwise. If they don't study, their manners remain bad. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found, children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. You mustn't sulk with anyone and thereby stop studying. Renounce body consciousness and have mercy for yourself. Become egoless, the same as the Father. 2. Imbibe good manners. Give everyone happiness. Remain obedient. Blessing: May you experience the Father’s help and blessings by being obedient and thereby become an embodiment of success. The Father’s order is “Remember Me alone”. The one Father is your world and so let there not be anything in your heart except the one Father. One direction, one strength and one support… Where there is One, there is success in every task. It is easy for that one to overcome any situation. The children who follow the Father’s instructions receive the Father’s blessings and this is why anything difficult becomes easy for them. Slogan: Maintain the awareness of your new Brahmin life and no old sanskar will emerge. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- आज की मुरली 21 Nov 2018 BK murli in Hindi
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi Aaj ki Gyan Murli madhuban 21-11-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - पावन बन गति-सद्गति के लायक बनो। पतित आत्मा गति-सद्गति के लायक नहीं। बेहद का बाप तुम्हें बेहद का लायक बनाते हैं।" प्रश्नः- पिताव्रता किसे कहेंगे? उसकी मुख्य निशानी सुनाओ? उत्तर:- पिताव्रता वह है जो बाप की श्रीमत पर पूरा चलते हैं, अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करते हैं, अव्यभिचारी याद में रहते हैं, ऐसे सपूत बच्चे ही हर बात की धारणा कर सकेंगे। उनके ख्यालात सर्विस के प्रति सदा चलते रहेंगे। उनका बुद्धि रूपी बर्तन पवित्र होता जाता है। वह कभी भी फ़ारकती नहीं दे सकते हैं। गीत:- मुझको सहारा देने वाले........ ओम् शान्ति।बच्चे शुक्रिया मानते हैं नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार। सब एक जैसी शुक्रिया नहीं मानते, जो अच्छे निश्चयबुद्धि होंगे और जो बाप की सर्विस पर दिल व जान, सिक व प्रेम से उपस्थित हैं, वो ही अन्दर में शुक्रिया मानते हैं - बाबा कमाल है आपकी, हम तो कुछ नहीं जानते थे। हम तो लायक नहीं थे - आपसे मिलने के। सो तो बरोबर है, माया ने सबको न लायक बना दिया है। उनको पता ही नहीं है कि स्वर्ग का लायक कौन बनाता है और फिर नर्क का लायक कौन बनाते हैं? वह तो समझते हैं कि गति और सद्गति दोनों का लायक बनाते हैं बाप। नहीं तो वहाँ के लायक कोई हैं नहीं। खुद भी कहते हैं हम पतित हैं। यह दुनिया ही पतित है। साधू-सन्त आदि कोई भी बाप को नहीं जानते। अभी बाप ने तुम बच्चों को अपना परिचय दिया है। कायदा भी है बाप को ही आकर परिचय देना है। यहाँ ही आकर लायक बनाना है, पावन बनाना है। वहाँ बैठे अगर पावन बना सकते तो फिर इतने ना लायक बनते ही क्यों?तुम बच्चों में भी नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार ही निश्चयबुद्धि हैं। बाप का परिचय कैसे देना चाहिए - यह भी अक्ल होना चाहिए। शिवाए नम: भी जरूर है। वही मात-पिता ऊंच ते ऊंच है। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर तो रचना हैं। उनको क्रियेट करने वाला जरूर बाप होगा, माँ भी होनी चाहिए। सबका गॉड फादर तो एक है जरूर। निराकार को ही गॉड कहा जाता है। क्रियेटर हमेशा एक ही होता है। पहले-पहले तो परिचय देना पड़े अल्फ का। यह युक्तियुक्त परिचय कैसे दिया जाए - वह भी समझना है। भगवान् ही ज्ञान का सागर है, उसने ही आकर राजयोग सिखाया। वह भगवान् कौन है? पहले अल्फ की पहचान देनी है। बाप भी निराकार है, आत्मा भी निराकार है। वह निराकार बाप आकर बच्चों को वर्सा देते हैं। किसी के द्वारा तो समझायेंगे ना। नहीं तो राजाओं का राजा कैसे बनाया? सतयुगी राज्य किसने स्थापन किया? हेविन का रचयिता कौन है? जरूर हेविनली गॉड फादर ही होगा। वह निराकार होना चाहिए। पहले-पहले फादर की पहचान देनी पड़ती है। कृष्ण को और ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को फादर नहीं कहेंगे। उनको तो रचा जाता है। जब सूक्ष्मवतन वालों को भी रचा जाता है, वह भी क्रियेशन है फिर स्थूल वतन वालों को भगवान् कैसे कहेंगे। गाया जाता है देवताए नम:, वह है शिवाए नम:, मुख्य है ही यह बात। अब प्रदर्शनी में तो घड़ी-घड़ी एक बात नहीं समझायेंगे। यह तो एक-एक को अच्छी रीति समझाना पड़े। निश्चय कराना पड़े। जो भी आये, उनको पहले यह बताना है कि आओ तो तुमको फादर का साक्षात्कार करायें। फादर से ही तुमको वर्सा मिलना है। फादर ने ही गीता में राजयोग सिखाया है। कृष्ण ने नहीं सिखाया। बाप ही गीता के भगवान् हैं। नम्बरवन बात है यह। कृष्ण भगवानुवाच नहीं है। रूद्र भगवानुवाच वा सोमनाथ, शिव भगवानुवाच कहा जाता है। हर एक मनुष्य की जीवन कहानी अपनी-अपनी है। एक न मिले दूसरे से। तो जो भी आये तो पहले-पहले इस बात पर समझाना है। मूल बात समझाने की यह है। परमपिता परमात्मा का आक्यूपेशन यह है। वह बाप है, यह बच्चा है। वह हेविनली गॉड फादर है, यह हेविनली प्रिन्स है। यह बिल्कुल क्लीयर कर समझाना है। मुख्य है गीता, उनके आधार पर ही और शास्त्र हैं। सर्वशास्त्रमई शिरोमणी भगवत गीता है। मनुष्य कहते हैं तुम शास्त्र, वेद आदि को मानते हो? अरे, हर एक अपने धर्म शास्त्र को मानेंगे। सभी शास्त्रों को थोड़ेही मानेंगे। हाँ, सब शास्त्र हैं जरूर। परन्तु शास्त्रों को जानने से भी पहले मुख्य बात है बाप को जानना, जिससे वर्सा मिलना है। वर्सा शास्त्रों से नहीं मिलेगा, वर्सा मिलता है बाप से। बाप जो नॉलेज देते हैं, वर्सा देते हैं, उसका पुस्तक बना हुआ है। पहले-पहले तो गीता को उठाना पड़े। गीता का भगवान् कौन है? उसमें ही राजयोग की बात आती है। राजयोग जरूर नई दुनिया के लिए ही होगा। भगवान् आकर पतित तो नहीं बनायेंगे। उनको तो पावन महाराजा बनाना है। पहले-पहले बाप का परिचय दे और यह लिखाओ - बरोबर मैं निश्चय करता हूँ यह हमारा बाप है। पहले-पहले समझाना है शिवाए नम:, तुम मात-पिता........ महिमा भी उस बाप की ही है। भगवान् को भक्ति का फल भी यहाँ आकर देना है। भक्ति का फल क्या है, यह तुम समझ गये हो। जिसने बहुत भक्ति की है, उनको ही फल मिलेगा। यह बातें कोई शास्त्रों में नहीं हैं। तुम्हारे में भी नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार जानते हैं। समझाया जाता है तुम्हारे बेहद के माँ-बाप वह हैं। जगत अम्बा, जगत पिता भी गाये जाते हैं। एडम और ईव तो मनुष्य को समझते हैं। ईव को मदर कह देते। राइट-वे में ईव कौन है, यह तो कोई नहीं जानते। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। हाँ, कोई फट से तो नहीं समझ जायेगा। पढ़ाई में टाइम लगता है। पढ़ते-पढ़ते आकर बैरिस्टर बन जाते हैं। एम ऑबजेक्ट जरूर है, देवता बनना है तो पहले-पहले बाप का परिचय देना है। गाते भी हैं तुम मात-पिता........ और दूसरा फिर कहते हैं पतित-पावन आओ। तो पतित दुनिया और पावन दुनिया किसको कहा जाता है, क्या कलियुग अभी 40 हजार वर्ष और रहेगा? अच्छा, भला पावन बनाने वाला तो वह एक बाप है ना। हेविन स्थापन करने वाला है गॉड फादर। कृष्ण तो हो न सके। वह तो वर्सा लिया हुआ है। वह श्रीकृष्ण है हेविन का प्रिन्स और शिवबाबा है हेविन का क्रियेटर। वह है क्रियेशन, फर्स्ट प्रिन्स। यह भी क्लीयर कर बड़े-बड़े अक्षरों में लिखना चाहिए तो तुमको समझाने में सहज होगा। रचयिता और रचना का मालूम पड़ जायेगा। क्रियेटर ही नॉलेजफुल है। वही राजयोग सिखलाते हैं। वह कोई राजा नहीं है, वह राजयोग सिखलाए राजाओं का राजा बनाते हैं। भगवान् ने राजयोग सिखाया है, श्रीकृष्ण ने राज्य पद पाया है, उसने ही गंवाया है, उसको ही फिर पाना है। चित्रों द्वारा बहुत अच्छा समझाया जा सकता है। बाप का आक्यूपेशन जरूर चाहिए। श्रीकृष्ण का नाम डालने से भारत कौड़ी जैसा बन गया है। शिवबाबा को जानने से भारत हीरे जैसा बनता है। परन्तु जब बुद्धि में बैठे कि यह हमारा बाप है। बाप ने ही पहले-पहले नई स्वर्ग की दुनिया रची। अभी तो पुरानी दुनिया है। गीता में है राजयोग। विलायत वाले भी चाहते हैं राजयोग सीखें। गीता से ही सीखे हैं। अभी तुम जान गये हो, कोशिश करते हो औरों को भी समझायें कि फादर कौन है? वह सर्वव्यापी नहीं है। अगर सर्वव्यापी है तो फिर राजयोग कैसे सिखलायेंगे? इस मिस्टेक पर खूब ख्याल चलना चाहिए। जो सर्विस पर तत्पर होंगे उनके ही ख्यालात चलेंगे। धारणा भी तब होगी जब बाप की श्रीमत पर चलेंगे, अशरीरी भव, मनमनाभव हो रहें, पतिव्रता वा पिताव्रता बनें अथवा सपूत बच्चा बनें।बाप फ़रमान करते हैं जितना हो सके याद को बढ़ाते रहो। देह-अभिमान में आने से तुम याद नहीं करते, न बुद्धि पवित्र होती है। शेरनी के दूध के लिए कहते हैं सोने का बर्तन चाहिए। इसमें भी पिताव्रता बर्तन चाहिए। अव्यभिचारी पिताव्रता बहुत थोड़े हैं। कोई तो बिल्कुल जानते नहीं। जैसे छोटे बच्चे हैं। बैठे भल यहाँ हैं परन्तु कुछ भी समझते नहीं। जैसे बच्चे को छोटेपन में ही शादी करा देते हैं ना। गोद में बच्चा ले शादी कराई जाती है। एक-दो में दोस्त होते हैं। बहुत प्रेम होता है तो झट शादी करा देते हैं तो यह भी ऐसे है। सगाई कर ली है परन्तु समझते कुछ भी नहीं। हम मम्मा-बाबा के बने हैं, उनसे वर्सा लेना है। कुछ भी नहीं जानते। वन्डर है ना। 5-6 वर्ष रहकर भी फिर बाप को अथवा पति को फ़ारकती दे देते हैं। माया इतना तंग करती है।तो पहले-पहले सुनाना चाहिए - शिवाए नम:। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर का भी रचयिता यह है। ज्ञान का सागर यह शिव है। तो अब क्या करना चाहिए? त्रिमूर्ति के बाजू में जगह पड़ी है, उस पर लिखना चाहिए कि शिवबाबा और कृष्ण दोनों के आक्यूपेशन ही अलग हैं। पहली बात यह जब समझाओ तब कपाट खुलें। और पढ़ाई है भविष्य के लिए। ऐसी पढ़ाई कोई होती नहीं। शास्त्रों से यह अनुभव नहीं हो सकता। तुम्हारी बुद्धि में है कि हम पढ़ते हैं सतयुग आदि के लिए। स्कूल पूरा होगा और हमारा फाइनल पेपर होगा। जाकर राज्य करेंगे। गीता सुनाने वाले ऐसी बातें समझा नहीं सकते। पहले तो बाप को जानना है। बाप से वर्सा लेना है। बाप ही त्रिकालदर्शी हैं, और कोई मनुष्य दुनिया में त्रिकालदर्शी नहीं। वास्तव में जो पूज्य हैं वही फिर पुजारी बनते हैं। भक्ति भी तुमने की है, और कोई नहीं जानते। जिन्होंने भक्ति की है वही पहले नम्बर में ब्रह्मा फिर ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली हैं। आपेही पूज्य भी यह बनते हैं। पहले नम्बर में पूज्य ही फिर पहले नम्बर में पुजारी बनें हैं, फिर पूज्य बनेंगे। भक्ति का फल भी पहले उन्हें मिलेगा। ब्राह्मण ही पढ़कर फिर देवता बनते हैं - यह कहाँ लिखा हुआ नहीं है। भीष्म पितामह आदि को मालूम तो पड़ा है ना कि इन्हों से ज्ञान बाण मरवाने वाला कोई और है। यह समझेंगे जरूर कि कोई त़ाकत है। अभी भी कहते हैं कोई त़ाकत है जो इन्हों को सिखाती है।बाबा देखते हैं यह सब मेरे बच्चे हैं। इन आंखों से ही देखेंगे। जैसे पित्र (श्राद्ध) खिलाते हैं तो आत्मा आती है और देखती है - यह फलाने हैं। खायेगा तो आंखे आदि उनके जैसी बन जायेंगी। टैप्रेरी लोन लेते हैं। यह भारत में ही होता है। प्राचीन भारत में पहले-पहले राधे-कृष्ण हुए। उन्हों को जन्म देने वाले ऊंच नहीं गिने जायेंगे। वह तो कम पास हुए हैं ना। महिमा शुरू होती है कृष्ण से। राधे कृष्ण दोनों अपनी-अपनी राजधानी में आते हैं। उन्हों के मां-बाप से बच्चे का नाम जास्ती है। कितनी वन्डरफुल बातें हैं। गुप्त खुशी रहती है। बाप कहते हैं मैं साधारण तन में ही आता हूँ। इतना माताओं का झुण्ड सम्भालना है इसलिए साधारण तन लिया है, जिससे खर्चा चलता रहा। शिवबाबा का भण्डारा है। भोला भण्डारी, अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का भी है और फिर एडाप्टेड बच्चे हैं, उन्हों की भी सम्भाल होती आती है। यह तो बच्चे ही जाने।पहले-पहले जब शुरू करो तो बोलो शिव भगवानुवाच - वह सबका रचयिता है फिर कृष्ण को ज्ञान सागर, गॉड फादर कैसे कह सकते? लिखत ऐसी क्लीयर हो जो पढ़ने से अच्छी रीति बुद्धि में बैठे। कोई-कोई को तो दो तीन वर्ष लगते हैं समझने में। भगवान् को आकर भक्ति का फल देना है। ब्रह्मा द्वारा बाप ने यज्ञ रचा। ब्राह्मणों को पढ़ाया, ब्राह्मण से देवता बनाया। फिर नीचे आना ही है। बड़ी अच्छी समझानी है। पहले यह सिद्धकर बताना है - श्रीकृष्ण हेविनली प्रिन्स है, हेविनली गॉड फादर नहीं। सर्वव्यापी के ज्ञान से बिल्कुल ही तमोप्रधान बन गये हैं। जिसने बादशाही दी, उनको भूल गये हैं। कल्प-कल्प बाबा राज्य देते हैं और हम फिर बाबा को भूल जाते हैं। बड़ा वन्डर लगता है। सारा दिन खुशी में नाचना चाहिए। बाबा हमको विश्व का मालिक बनाते हैं। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का यादप्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) अव्यभिचारी पिताव्रता हो रहना है। याद को बढ़ाते बुद्धि को पवित्र बनाना है। 2) बाप का युक्तियुक्त परिचय देने की विधि निकालनी है। विचार सागर मंथन कर अल्फ को सिद्ध करना है। निश्चयबुद्धि बन सेवा करनी है। वरदान:- स्वउन्नति का यथार्थ चश्मा पहन एक्जैम्पुल बनने वाले अलबेलेपन से मुक्त भव जो बच्चे स्वयं को सिर्फ विशाल दिमाग की नज़र से चेक करते हैं, उनका चश्मा अलबेलेपन का होता है, उन्हें यही दिखाई देता है कि जितना भी किया है उतना बहुत किया है। मैं इन-इन आत्माओं से अच्छा हूँ, थोड़ी बहुत कमी तो नामीग्रामी में भी है। लेकिन जो सच्ची दिल से स्वयं को चेक करते हैं उनका चश्मा यथार्थ स्वउन्नति का होने के कारण सिर्फ बाप और स्वयं को ही देखते, दूसरा, तीसरा क्या करता - यह नहीं देखते। मुझे बदलना है बस इसी धुन में रहते हैं, वह दूसरों के लिए एक्जैम्पल बन जाते हैं। स्लोगन:- हदों को सर्व वंश सहित समाप्त कर दो तो बेहद की बादशाही का नशा रहेगा। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
- 21 Nov 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 21/11/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, become pure and worthy of receiving liberation and salvation. Impure souls are not worthy of receiving liberation or salvation. The unlimited Father is making you worthy in an unlimited way. Question: Whom would you call faithful to the Father? Say what their main signs are. Answer: Those who fully follow the Father's shrimat, who practise being bodiless and who stay in unadulterated remembrance are faithful to the Father. Only such worthy children are able to imbibe everything. They constantly continue to have thoughts of service. The vessels of their intellects continue to become pure. They can never divorce the Father. Song: The heart says thanks to the One who has given it support! Om Shanti . Children say thanks, numberwise, according to their efforts. Not everyone says thanks to the same extent. Those souls who have very good faith in their intellects and who are engaged in the Father's service wholeheartedly with a lot of love are the ones who say thanks from within: Baba, it is Your wonder. We didn't know anything. We were not worthy of meeting You. That is true. Maya has made everyone unworthy. They don't know who makes you worthy of heaven and who makes you worthy of hell. They believe that it is the Father who makes you worthy of both liberation and salvation. Otherwise, no one is worthy of that. They say of themselves that they are impure. This world is impure. Sages and holy men etc. don't know the Father. The Father has now given you children His introduction. The law is that the Father Himself has to come to give His introduction. He has to come here and make you worthy and pure. If He were able to make you pure from where He is sitting up there, why would you become so unworthy? Among you children too, the faith you have in your intellects is numberwise according to the efforts you make. You should have the wisdom of knowing how to give the Father's introduction. It is definitely said: Salutations to Shiva. He alone is the Mother and Father, the Highest on High. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are a creation. It must definitely have been the Father who created them. There would also be the Mother. God, the Father of All, is definitely One. Only the incorporeal One is called God. The Creator is always just the One. First of all, you have to give the introduction of Alpha. You also need to understand how to give the introduction in a tactful way. God alone is the Ocean of Knowledge. He alone came and taught you Raja Yoga. Who is that God? First of all, give the recognition of Alpha. The Father is incorporeal and souls are also incorporeal. That incorporeal Father comes and gives you children the inheritance. He would have to explain through someone. How else did He make you into kings of kings? Who established the golden-aged kingdom? Who is the Creator of heaven? It would definitely be Heavenly God, the Father. It has to be the incorporeal One. First of all, you have to give the Father's introduction. Krishna, Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar would not be called the Father; they are created. If the residents of the subtle region are created and they too are a creation, then how could those of the corporeal world be called God? It is remembered: Salutations to the deities. The other is: Salutations to Shiva. This is the main thing. You wouldn't repeatedly explain the same thing in an exhibition. Here, you have to explain to each one very well and inspire them to have faith. Whoever comes, first of all tell them: Come and we can give you a vision of the Father. You are to receive the inheritance from the Father. It is the Father, not Krishna, who taught you Raja Yoga in the Gita. The Father Himself is the God of the Gita. This is the number one thing. It is not that God Krishna speaks. It is said: God Rudra speaks. Or: God Somnath speaks. Or: God Shiva speaks. Every human being’s life story is individual; one cannot be the same as another’s. Whoever comes, first of all explain this aspect to them. This is the main thing to explain. This is the occupation of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. That One is the Father and this one is a child. He is Heavenly God, the Father, whereas this one is the heavenly prince. You have to explain this very clearly. The main thing is the Gita, because all the other scriptures are based on that. It is said: The Bhagawad Gita is the jewel, the mother, of all scriptures. People ask: Do you believe in the Vedas and scriptures? Oh! everyone would definitely believe in the scripture of his own religion. They would not believe in all the scriptures. Yes, there definitely are all the scriptures but, before knowing the scriptures, the main thing is to first know the Father from whom you are to receive the inheritance. You don't receive the inheritance from the scriptures. You receive the inheritance from the Father. They have made a book of the knowledge and the inheritance that the Father gave. First of all, you have to take up the Gita. Who is the God of the Gita? It is in that that Raja Yoga is mentioned. Raja Yoga would surely be for the new world. God would not come and make everyone impure. He has to create pure emperors. First of all, give the Father's introduction and make them write: I truly have the faith that this is my Father. First of all, you have to explain: Salutations to Shiva. You are the Mother and You are the Father. The praise is of that Father. God has to come here to give the fruit of devotion. You have now understood what the fruit of devotion is. Only those who have done a lot of devotion will receive that fruit. These things are not mentioned in the scriptures. Among you too, you know this, numberwise, according to the efforts you make. It is explained that He is your unlimited Mother and Father. Jagadamba and Jagadpita are also remembered. Adam and Eve are understood to be human beings. They call Eve the mother. No one knows in the right way who Eve is. The Father sits here and explains. Yes, no one understands it instantly. A study takes time. By studying, they eventually become barristers. There definitely is an aim and objective . If you have to become deities, you first of all have to give the Father's introduction. People sing: You are the Mother and Father. Then, they also say: O Purifier, come! So what is called the impure world and what is called the pure world? Will the iron age still remain for another 40,000 years? Achcha, the One who makes you pure is the one Father, is He not? It is God, the Father, who establishes heaven. It cannot be Krishna; he received the inheritance. That Shri Krishna is the prince of heaven whereas Shiv Baba is the Creator of heaven. That one is a creation, the first prince. You should make this clear and write it in big letters so that it will be easy for you to explain. They would then know about the Creator and the creation. Only the Creator is knowledge-full. He is the One who teaches you Raja Yoga. He is not a king. He teaches you Raja Yoga and makes you into kings of kings. God taught Raja Yoga and Shri Krishna attained the royal status. He lost it and he has to attain it again. This can be explained very well using the pictures. The Father's occupation is definitely needed. By putting Shri Krishna’s name, Bharat becomes like a shell. By knowing Shiv Baba, Bharat becomes like a diamond. However, it first has to sit in your intellects that He is your Father. It is the Father who first of all created the new world of heaven. It is now the old world. Raja Yoga is mentioned in the Gita. People abroad also want to study Raja Yoga. They have studied it from the Gita. You now know it and you try to explain to others who the Father is. He is not omnipresent. If He were omnipresent, how would He teach us Raja Yoga? You should think a great deal about this mistake . Only those who remain engaged in service will continue to think about this. You will be able to imbibe knowledge when you follow the Father's shrimat, when you become bodiless, remain “Manmanabhav”, become a faithful bride who remains faithful to the Father, that is, when you become a worthy child. The Father orders you: Continue to increase your remembrance as much as possible. By coming into body consciousness, neither do you remember Me nor does your intellect become pure. It is said that a golden vessel is needed to hold the milk of a lioness. Here, a vessel that is faithful to the Father is needed. There are very few who are unadulterated and faithful to the Father. Some don’t know anything at all; they are like little children. Although they are sitting here, they don’t understand anything. It is like getting children married in their childhood. The parents make them sit on their laps and get them married. They would be friends and they would have a lot of love and so the parents would quickly get their children married. So this is the same. They want to get engaged but they don’t understand anything. We belong to Mama and Baba and we have to claim our inheritance from Him. They don't know anything. It is a wonder. They stay here for five or six years and then divorce the Father, the Husband. Maya harasses them so much. So, first of all, you have to say to them: Salutations to Shiva. He is also the Creator of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Shiva is the Ocean of Knowledge. So, what should you do now? There is space next to the Trimurti and so you should write in that: The occupations of Shiv Baba and Krishna are separate from each other. When you explain this thing first, their foreheads will open. This study is for the future. There is no other study like this one. You cannot receive these experiences from the scriptures. It is in your intellects that you are studying for the beginning of the golden age. We will finish school and take the final paper. We will go and rule there. Those who relate the Gita cannot explain such things. First of all, you have to know the Father. You have to claim your inheritance from the Father. The Father alone is Trikaldarshi. No human being in the world is trikaldarshi. In fact, those who are worthy of worship then become worshippers. You are the ones who have done devotion. No one else knows this. Those who have done devotion are number one; they are Brahma and the mouth-born creation of Brahma. This one is himself the one who becomes worthy of worship. He is the number one worthy-of-worship one and he then becomes the number one worshipper. Then he will become worthy of worship again. He is also the first one to receive the fruit of devotion. Brahmins study and then become deities. This is not written anywhere. Bhishampitamai etc. are now aware that it is someone else who inspires you to shoot arrows. They would definitely understand that there is some power. Even now, they say: There is some power who is teaching them. Baba sees: All of these are My children. He (Shiv Baba) would see everything with these eyes (Brahma). When they feed a departed spirit, that soul comes and sees: This one is so-and-so. When that person eats, his eyes would become like those of the soul who has been invoked. The soul takes a temporary loan. This only happens in Bharat. In ancient Bharat there is first of all Radhe and Krishna. The ones who give them birth are not considered to be as elevated; they passed to a lesser extent. Praise first of all begins with Krishna. Radhe and Krishna each come in their own kingdoms. The names of the children are greater than those of their parents. These are such wonderful matters! There is incognito happiness. The Father says: I only enter an ordinary body. He has to look after such a big group of mothers and so He has taken an ordinary body through whom the expenses can continue to be met. This is Shiv Baba's bhandara (treasure-store). He is the Innocent Treasurer of the imperishable jewels of knowledge, and you are the adopted children who are also looked after. Only you children know this. When you first begin, start with: Lord Shiva speaks. He is the Creator of all. Then, ask: How can Krishna be called the Ocean of Knowledge or God, the Father? The writing should be so clear that it sits in their intellects very well when they read it. Some people take two to three years to understand this. God has to come and give the fruit of devotion. The Father created this sacrificial fire through Brahma. He taught Brahmins and made them into deities. You then had to come down. This is a very good explanation. First of all, you have to prove that Shri Krishna is the heavenly prince; he is not heavenly God the Father. People have become completely tamopradhan through the notion of omnipresence. They have forgotten the One who gave them their sovereignty. Baba gives the kingdom every cycle and we then forget Baba. It is so amazing! You should dance in happiness throughout the whole day. Baba is making us into the masters of the world! Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Be faithful to the Father in an unadulterated way. Increase remembrance and make your intellect pure. 2. Create ways to give the Father's introduction in a tactful way. Churn the ocean of knowledge and prove who Alpha is. Let your intellect have faith and do service. Blessing: May you be free from carelessness and become an example by wearing correct glasses for self-progress. The children who simply check themselves with a broad (gross) head wear glasses of carelessness. All they can see is that whatever they do, it is a lot. “I am better than this one or that one; even the well-known souls have a few weaknesses.” However, those who check themselves with honest hearts wear correct glasses for self-progress, they simply see the Father and themselves, they do not see what a second or third person is doing. They simply have the concern of having to change themselves. They become examples for others. Slogan: Finish the roots of all limitations and you will be able to have the intoxication of an unlimited sovereignty. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- 2 Nov 2018 BK murli in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli
Brahma Kumaris murli today Hindi Aaj ki Gyan murli Madhuban 02-11-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - मनुष्य को देवता बनाने की सर्विस में विघ्न जरूर पड़ेंगे। तुम्हें तकलीफ सहन करके भी इस सर्विस पर तत्पर रहना है, रहमदिल बनना है'' प्रश्नः- जिसे अन्तिम जन्म की स्मृति रहती है उसकी निशानी क्या होगी? उत्तर:- उनकी बुद्धि में रहेगा कि अब इस दुनिया में दूसरा जन्म हमें नहीं लेना है और न तो दूसरों को जन्म देना है। यह पाप आत्माओं की दुनिया है, इसकी वृद्धि अब नहीं चाहिए। इसे विनाश होना है। हम इन पुराने वस्त्रों को उतार अपने घर जायेंगे। अब नाटक पूरा हुआ। गीत:- नई उमर की कलियां....... ओम् शान्ति।बाप बैठ बच्चों को समझाते हैं कि तुम बच्चों को हरेक की ज्योति जगानी है। यह तुम्हारी बुद्धि में है। बाप को भी बेहद का ख्याल रहता है कि जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं, उनको मुक्ति का रास्ता बतायें। बाप आते ही हैं - बच्चों की सर्विस करने, दु:ख से लिबरेट करने। मनुष्य समझते नहीं हैं कि यह दु:ख है तो सुख का भी कोई स्थान है। यह जानते नहीं। शास्त्रों में सुख के स्थान को भी दु:ख का स्थान बना दिया है। अब बाप है रहमदिल। मनुष्य तो यह भी नहीं जानते कि हम दु:खी हैं क्योंकि सुख का और सुख देने वाले का पता ही नहीं है। यह भी ड्रामा की भावी। सुख किसको कहते हैं, दु:ख किसको कहते - यह जानते नहीं। ईश्वर के लिए कह देते कि वही सुख-दु:ख देते हैं। गोया उस पर कलंक लगाते हैं। ईश्वर, जिनको बाप कहते हैं, उनको जानते ही नहीं। बाप कहते हैं कि मैं बच्चों को सुख ही देता हूँ। तुम अब जानते हो बाबा आया है पतितों को पावन बनाने। कहते हैं मैं सबको ले जाऊंगा स्वीट होम। वह स्वीट होम भी पावन है। वहाँ कोई पतित आत्मा रहती नहीं। उस ठिकाने को कोई जानते नहीं। कहते हैं कि फलाना पार निर्वाण गया। परन्तु समझते नहीं। बुद्ध पार निर्वाण गया तो जरूर वहाँ का रहने वाला था। वहाँ ही गया। अच्छा, वह तो गया बाकी दूसरे कैसे जायें? साथ तो कोई को ले नहीं गया। वास्तव में वह जाते नहीं इसलिए सब पतित-पावन बाप को याद करते हैं। पावन दुनिया दो हैं, एक मुक्तिधाम, दूसरा जीवनमुक्तिधाम। शिवपुरी और विष्णुपुरी। यह है रावण पुरी। परमपिता परमात्मा को राम भी कहते हैं। रामराज्य कहा जाता है, तो बुद्धि परमात्मा की तरफ चली जाती है। मनुष्य को तो सब परमात्मा मानेंगे नहीं। तो तुमको तरस पड़ता है। तकलीफ तो सहन करनी पड़े।बाबा कहते - मीठे बच्चे, मनुष्य को देवता बनाने में इस ज्ञान यज्ञ में विघ्न बहुत ही पड़ेंगे। गीता के भगवान् ने गाली खाई थी ना। गालियाँ उनको भी और तुमको भी मिलती हैं। कहते हैं ना कि इसने शायद चौथ का चन्द्रमा देखा होगा। यह सब हैं दन्त कथायें। दुनिया में तो कितना गन्द है। मनुष्य क्या-क्या खाते हैं, जानवरों को मारते हैं, क्या-क्या करते हैं! बाप आकर इन सब बातों से छुड़ा देते हैं। दुनिया में मारामारी कितनी है। तुम्हारे लिए बाप कितना सहज कर देते हैं। बाप कहते हैं कि तुम सिर्फ मुझे याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश हो जायेंगे। सबको एक ही बात समझाओ। बाप कहते हैं अपने शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम को याद करो। तुम असुल वहाँ के रहवासी हो। सन्यासी लोग भी वहाँ के लिए ही रास्ता बताते हैं। अगर एक निर्वाणधाम चला गया तो फिर दूसरे को कैसे ले जायेंगे? उनको कौन ले जायेगा? समझो, बुद्ध निर्वाणधाम में गया, उनके बौद्धी तो यहाँ बैठे हैं। उनको वापिस ले जाये ना। गाते भी हैं जो पैगम्बर हैं सबकी रूह यहाँ है, यानी किस न किस शरीर में है फिर भी महिमा गाते रहते। अच्छा, धर्म स्थापन करके गये फिर क्या हुआ? मुक्ति में जाने लिए मनुष्य कितना माथा मारते हैं। उसने तो यह जप तप तीर्थ आदि नहीं सिखाया। बाप कहते हैं मैं आता ही हूँ सबकी गति-सद्गति करने। सबको ले जाता हूँ। सतयुग में जीवनमुक्ति है। एक ही धर्म है, बाकी सब आत्माओं को वापिस ले जाते हैं। तुम जानते हो वह बाबा है बागवान, हम सब माली हैं। मम्मा बाबा और सब बच्चे माली बन बीज बोते रहते हैं। कलम निकलती है फिर माया के तूफान लग पड़ते हैं। अनेक प्रकार के तूफान लगते हैं। यह हैं माया के विघ्न। तूफान लगते हैं तो पूछना चाहिए - बाबा, इसके लिए क्या करना चाहिए? श्रीमत देने वाला बाप है। तूफान तो लगेंगे ही। नम्बरवन है देह-अभिमान। यह नहीं समझते कि मैं आत्मा अविनाशी हूँ, यह शरीर विनाशी है। हमारे 84 जन्म पूरे हुए। आत्मा ही पुनर्जन्म लेती है। घड़ी-घड़ी एक शरीर छोड़ दूसरा लेना आत्मा का ही काम है। अब बाप कहते हैं - तुम्हारा यह अन्तिम जन्म है। इस दुनिया में दूसरा जन्म नहीं लेना है, न किसको देना है। पूछते हैं कि फिर सृष्टि की वृद्धि कैसे होगी? अरे, इस समय सृष्टि की वृद्धि नहीं चाहिए। यह तो भ्रष्टाचार की वृद्धि है। यह रस्म-रावण से शुरू हुई है। दुनिया को भ्रष्टाचारी बनाने वाला रावण ठहरा। श्रेष्ठाचारी राम बनाते हैं। इसमें भी तुमको कितनी मेहनत करनी पड़ती है। घड़ी-घड़ी देह-अभिमान में आ जाते हैं। अगर देह-अभिमान में न आये तो अपने को आत्मा समझें। सतयुग में भी अपने को आत्मा तो समझते हैं ना। जानते हैं अभी यह हमारा शरीर वृद्ध हुआ है, इनको छोड़ कर नया लेंगे। यहाँ तो आत्मा का भी ज्ञान नहीं है। अपने को देह समझ बैठे हैं इस दुनिया से जाने की दिल उनकी होती है जो दु:खी होते हैं। वहाँ तो है ही सुख। बाकी आत्मा का ज्ञान वहाँ रहता है। एक शरीर छोड़ दूसरा लेते हैं इसलिए दु:ख नहीं होता। वह सुख की प्रालब्घ है। यहाँ भी आत्मा तो कहते हैं, फिर भल कोई आत्मा सो परमात्मा कह देते हैं। आत्मा है, यह तो ज्ञान है ना। परन्तु यह नहीं जानते कि हम इस पार्ट से वापिस जा नहीं सकते। एक शरीर छोड़ फिर दूसरा लेना जरूर है। पुनर्जन्म तो सब मानेंगे। कर्म तो सब कूटते हैं ना। माया के राज्य में कर्म, विकर्म ही बनते हैं, तो कर्म कूटते रहते हैं। वहाँ ऐसे कर्म नहीं, जो कूटने पड़ें।अब तुम समझते हो कि वापिस जाना है। विनाश होना ही है। बाम्ब्स की ट्रायल भी ले रहे हैं। गुस्से में आकर फिर ठोक देंगे। यह पॉवरफुल बाम्ब्स हैं। गायन भी है यूरोपवासी यादव। भल हम सब धर्म वालों को यूरोपवासी ही कहेंगे। भारत है एक तरफ। बाकी उन सबको मिला दिया है। अपने खण्ड लिए उन्हों को प्यार तो बहुत है। परन्तु भावी ऐसी है तो क्या करेंगे? त़ाकत सारी तुमको बाबा दे रहे हैं। योगबल से तुम राज्य ले लेते हो। तुमको कोई भी तकलीफ नहीं देते हैं। सिर्फ बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करो, देह-अभिमान छोड़ो। कहते हैं कि मैं राम को याद करता हूँ, श्रीकृष्ण को याद करता हूँ, तो वे अपने को आत्मा थोड़ेही समझते हैं। आत्मा समझते तो आत्मा के बाप को क्यों नहीं याद करते हैं? बाप कहते हैं मुझ परमपिता परमात्मा को याद करो। तुम जीव आत्मा को क्यों याद करते हो? तुमको देही-अभिमानी बनना है। मैं आत्मा हूँ, बाप को याद करता हूँ। बाबा ने फ़रमान किया है - याद करने से विकर्म विनाश होंगे और वर्सा भी बुद्धि में आ जायेगा। बाप और जायदाद अर्थात् मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति। इसके लिए ही धक्के खाते रहते हैं। यज्ञ, जप, तप आदि करते रहते हैं। पोप से भी आशीर्वाद लेने जाते हैं, यहाँ बाप सिर्फ कहते हैं कि देह-अभिमान छोड़ो, अपने को आत्मा निश्चय करो। यह नाटक पूरा हुआ है, हमारे 84 जन्म पूरे हुए हैं, अब जाना है। कितना सहज करके समझाते हैं। गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते बुद्धि में यह रखो। जैसे नाटक पूरा होने पर होता है तो समझते हैं कि बाकी 15 मिनट हैं। अभी यह सीन पूरी होगी। एक्टर्स समझते हैं हम यह कपड़ा उतार घर को जायेंगे। अभी सबको वापिस जाना है। ऐसी-ऐसी बातें अपने से करनी चाहिए। कितना समय हमने सुख-दु:ख का पार्ट बजाया है, यह जानते हैं। अभी बाप कहते हैं कि मुझे याद करो, दुनिया में क्या-क्या हो रहा है, इन सबको भूल जाओ - यह सब ख़त्म हो जाने वाले हैं, अब वापिस जाना है। वह समझते हैं कि कलियुग अभी 40 हजार वर्ष चलेगा। इसको घोर अन्धियारा कहा जाता है। बाप का परिचय नहीं है। ज्ञान माना बाप का परिचय, अज्ञान माना नो परिचय। तो गोया घोर अन्धियारे में हैं। अभी तुम घोर सोझरे में हो - नम्बरवार पुरुषार्थ अनुसार। अब रात पूरी होने वाली है, हम वापिस जाते हैं। आज ब्रह्मा की रात, कल ब्रह्मा का दिन होगा, बदलने में टाइम तो लगेगा ना। तुम जानते हो अब हम मृत्युलोक में हैं, कल अमरलोक में होंगे। पहले तो वापिस जाना होगा। ऐसे यह 84 जन्मों का चक्र फिरता है। यह फिरना बन्द नहीं होता है। बाबा कहते हैं तुम कितनी बार मेरे से मिले होंगे? बच्चे कहते कि अनेक बार मिले हैं। तुम्हारे 84 जन्मों का चक्र पूरा होता है, तो सबका हो जायेगा। इसको कहा जाता है ज्ञान। ज्ञान देने वाला है ही ज्ञान सागर, परमपिता परमात्मा, पतित-पावन। तुम पूछ सकते हो पतित-पावन किसको कहा जाता है? भगवान् तो निराकार को कहा जाता है फिर तुम रघुपति राघव राजा राम क्यों कहते हो? आत्माओं का बाप तो वह निराकार ही है, समझाने की बड़ी ही युक्ति चाहिए।दिन-प्रतिदिन तुम्हारी उन्नति होती रहेगी क्योंकि गुह्य ज्ञान मिलता रहता है। समझाने के लिए है सिर्फ अल्फ की बात। अल्फ को भूले तो आऱफन हो गये, दु:खी होते रहते हैं। एक द्वारा, एक को जानने से तुम 21 जन्म सुखी हो जाते हो। यह है ज्ञान, वह है अज्ञान, जो कह देते परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी है। अरे, वह तो बाप है। बाप कहते हैं तुम्हारे अन्दर भूत सर्वव्यापी हैं। 5 विकार रूपी रावण सर्वव्यापी है। यह बातें समझानी पड़ती हैं। हम ईश्वर की गोद में हैं - यह बड़ा भारी नशा होना चाहिए। फिर भविष्य में देवताई गोद में जायेंगे। वहाँ तो सदैव सुख है। शिवबाबा ने हमको एडाप्ट किया है। उनको याद करना है। अपना भी और दूसरों का भी कल्याण करना है तो राजाई मिलेगी। यह समझने की बड़ी अच्छी बात है। शिवबाबा है निराकार, हम आत्मा भी निराकार हैं। वहाँ हम अशरीरी नंगे रहते थे। बाबा तो सदैव अशरीरी ही है, बाबा कभी शरीर रूपी कपड़ा पहन पुनर्जन्म नहीं लेते हैं। बाबा एक बार रीइनकारनेट करते हैं। पहले-पहले ब्राह्मण रचते हैं तो उनको अपना बनाकर और नाम रखना पड़े ना। ब्रह्मा नहीं तो ब्राह्मण कहाँ से आये? तो यह वही है जिसने पूरे 84 जन्म लिए हैं, गोरा जो फिर सांवरा बना है, सुन्दर से श्याम, श्याम से सुन्दर बनता है। भारत का भी हम श्याम-सुन्दर नाम रख सकते हैं। भारत को ही श्याम, भारत को ही गोल्डन एज, सुन्दर कहते हैं। भारत ही काम चिता पर बैठ काला बनता है, भारत ही ज्ञान चिता पर बैठ गोरा बनता है। भारत से ही माथा मारना पड़ता है। भारतवासी फिर और और धर्मों में कनवर्ट हो गये हैं। यूरोपियन और इन्डियन में फ़र्क नहीं दिखाई पड़ता है, वहाँ जाकर शादी करते हैं तो फिर क्रिश्चियन कहलाने लग पड़ते हैं। उनके बच्चे आदि भी उसी फीचर्स के होते हैं। अफ्रीका में भी शादी कर लेते हैं।अब बाबा विशालबुद्धि देते हैं, चक्र को समझने की। यह भी लिखा हुआ है - विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि। यादवों और कौरवों ने प्रीत नहीं रखी। जिन्होंने प्रीत रखी उनकी विजय हुई। विपरीत बुद्धि कहा जाता है दुश्मन को। बाप कहते हैं इस समय सब एक-दो के दुश्मन हैं। बाप को ही सर्वव्यापी कह गाली देते हैं या तो फिर कह देते जन्म-मरण रहित है, उनको कोई भी नाम-रूप नहीं है। ओ गॉड फादर भी कहते हैं, साक्षात्कार भी होता है आत्मा और परमात्मा का। उसमें और परमात्मा में फ़र्क नहीं रहता। बाकी नम्बरवार कम जास्ती ताकत तो होती ही है। मनुष्य भल मनुष्य हैं, उनमें भी तो मर्तबे होते हैं। बुद्धि का फ़र्क है। ज्ञान सागर ने तुमको ज्ञान दिया है तो उनको याद करते हो, वह अवस्था तुम्हारी अन्त में बनेगी।अमृतवेले सिमर-सिमर सुख पाओ, भल लेटे रहो परन्तु नींद नहीं आनी चाहिए। अपना हठ कर बैठना चाहिए। मेहनत है। वैद्य लोग भी दवाई देते हैं अमृतवेले के लिए। यह भी दवाई है। रचता बाप ब्रह्मा द्वारा ब्राह्मण रचकर पढ़ाते हैं - यह बात सबको समझानी है। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) हमने ईश्वर की गोद ली है फिर देवताई गोद में जायेंगे इसी रूहानी नशे में रहना है। अपना और दूसरों का कल्याण करना है। 2) अमृतवेले उठ ज्ञान सागर के ज्ञान का मनन करना है। एक की अव्यभिचारी याद में रहना है। देह-अभिमान छोड़ स्वयं को आत्मा निश्चय करना है। वरदान:- हर आत्मा के संबंध-सम्पर्क में आते सब प्रश्नों से पार रहने वाले सदा प्रसन्नचित भव हर आत्मा के संबंध-सम्पर्क में आते कभी चित के अन्दर यह प्रश्न उत्पन्न न हो कि यह ऐसा क्यों करता वा क्यों कहता, यह बात ऐसे नहीं, ऐसे होनी चाहिए। जो इन प्रश्नों से पार रहते हैं वही सदा प्रसन्नचित रहते हैं। लेकिन जो इन प्रश्नों की क्यू में चले जाते, रचना रच लेते तो उन्हें पालना भी करनी पड़ती। समय और एनर्जी भी देनी पड़ती, इसलिए इस व्यर्थ रचना का बर्थ कन्ट्रोल करो। स्लोगन:- अपने नयनों में बिन्दू रुप बाप को समा लो तो और कोई समा नहीं सकता। #brahmakumaris #Hindi #bkmurlitoday
- BK murli today in English 11 June 2018
Brahma Kumari muri today in English - 11/06/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, finish your attachment to everything you have including your body. Live as a trustee. This is called dying alive. Question: What is the title of you Brahmins of the confluence age? What is the best prize that you receive from the Father? Answer: You Brahmins of the confluence age are Raja Rishis and Raja Yogis. You mouth-born Brahmins are instruments who look after the sacrificial fire. You receive very big alms from the greatest Businessman of all. The sovereignty of heaven is the best prize. Song: To live in Your lane and to die in Your lane. Om ShantiThe unlimited Father sits here and tells you unlimited children very good points for dying alive. You children heard the song: You have to die alive. People sacrifice themselves at Kashi; they put an end to their bodies. They don't study knowledge or yoga. Here, you have to belong to the Father while alive. In order to listen to knowledge, you have to break all bondages with the body while alive and consider yourself to be a soul. The Father now says to you souls: Children, now hand over this old world and those old bodies to Me, that is all. I now belong to Baba. While alive you say: I belong to Shiv Baba. I am now in the stage of retirement in a practical way. Those people in the stage of retirement leave their homes and go and live at Haridwar. Nevertheless, they still take birth in this land of death. The Father now explains to you: You will no longer receive a birth in the land of death. There will be defeat for the land of death, the iron-aged world. There will be victory for the land of immortality, the golden-aged world. This is why the Father says: You may live at home with your family, but simply remove your attachment from everything you have, including your body. Understand that you are giving everything to Shiv Baba. Everything belongs to Shiv Baba. Then, Shiv Baba says: OK, look after it all as a trustee. Just consider yourself to be receiving your livelihood from Shiv Baba's treasure-store. On the path of ignorance, too, people say: Everything belongs to God; everything has been given by God. However, if their child dies, they cry. The Father now says: Stop remembering the old things. Remember the one Father, who gives you your fortune of the new kingdom in the new world. While living at home with your family, consider everything to belong to Shiv Baba. I am eating from Shiv Baba's treasure-store. I am following shrimat. You may ask: Baba, should I buy a car? Yes, child, you may buy it. The children who consider everything to belong to Baba ask for advice. This is called dying alive. On the path of devotion, too, we used to surrender ourselves to Shiv Baba, but we didn't have this knowledge. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, sits here and gives you knowledge. He is giving you your inheritance for 21 births so easily. Baba says: No one knows when I came. It is said that Bharat was heaven 3000 years before Christ. Who established that heaven? Where did the deities in heaven come from? It is remembered that it didn't take God long to change human beings into deities. When did He come? He would surely have come at the confluence of the end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age. The Father says: I have now come to change you from human beings into deities. So many people come here to study. There is no question of blind faith in this. This is not like other spiritual gatherings. The true Father sits here and teaches you children. Baba has explained that on the path of devotion, too, you truly have two fathers. One is the physical father of your body and the other is the Father from beyond of the soul. Souls remember that Father from beyond: Oh God, the Father! They remember Him with different names and forms. You have been receiving an inheritance from your physical fathers from the copper age for birth after birth. It isn't that you receive an inheritance from your physical fathers in the golden age too. No, the inheritance you receive from your physical fathers in the golden age is due to the income you earn here at this time. You earn so much income here that you claim your inheritance for 21 births. In the golden age, you receive your inheritance on the basis of the effort you make at this time. You receive an unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father. The Father Himself makes the impure world pure. This is the Lux soap with which you become pure. The Father says: Consider yourself to be bodiless. You souls listen through your ears. You receive your inheritance of the golden and silver ages for 21 births from the Father from beyond at this time. Then, from the copper age, you receive short-lived inheritances from your physical fathers in different names, forms, places and times. You might remember that Father from beyond, but it is the soul that remembers and says: My physical father gave me this body. Therefore, there are two fathers. You children know that there is now also the third father, Prajapita Brahma. You are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris in a practical way. One is a physical father, the second is the incorporeal Father from beyond and the third is this spiritual father. Prajapita has been remembered. However, people don't know him. They believe that Brahma is a resident of the subtle region.You know that Brahma is the corporeal father. You are now making preparations to go to the world beyond (Parlok). All of you are in the stage of retirement while alive. You have to go beyond sound. You definitely have to shed those bodies and return home. Everyone is to die. When people go into the stage of retirement they receive a mantra from a sage or holy man. However, they don't know that they will shed their bodies and go to their sweet home. You definitely know this. You are now impatient to shed your old bodies. By staying in remembrance of Baba, I, the soul, will become pure and go to Baba. I will claim my inheritance for 21 births from Baba. So, there is the physical father, Brahma Baba and Shiv Baba. You truly have all three fathers. There is no question of blind faith in this. A buzzing moth brings insects from the rubbish and buzzes knowledge to them. The insects that are of the same type will become the same as the moths. Those that are not of the same type will die (decay). Here, too, out of those who come here, those who belong to the deity religion will understand everything very clearly. This knowledge will not sit in the intellects of the rest. Those are buzzing moths (brahmaris) and you are teachers (Brahminis). Your business is to bring the vicious insects from the ocean of poison and buzz knowledge to them. What do you have to buzz to them? This is your Father from beyond. The Father says: I have come to give you children your inheritance. We are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, and we are claiming our inheritance from the unlimited Father. You too can claim it. You now have to return to the land of nirvana from where you came and played your parts. This is the end of the last of your many births. You are now listening to the story of immortality in order to go to the land of immortality. The Ocean of Knowledge is only the one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. It would never be said, Brahma, the Ocean of Knowledge, Vishnu, the Ocean of Knowledge or Shankar, the Ocean of Knowledge. Shiv Baba alone is the Ocean of Knowledge. When the Sun of Knowledge rises… The Father says: Children, this whole old world is now to become a graveyard. The land of angels, which is also called heaven, is being established. Therefore, you come here to die alive: Baba, I now belong to You. You have been invoking the Father for half the cycle. You say: Baba, I have been stumbling a great deal. This is the destiny of the drama. I am now once again giving you your inheritance for 21 births. You know that, by belonging to the Father, you change from human beings to deities. One type is of those who become heirs and are called real children. The other type is of those who are stepchildren and don't become pure; they simply say "Baba, Baba" but they don't die alive. The ones who die alive are real children and the rest are stepchildren. When a vicious person comes here, he is asked: Have you died alive? You make a promise that you will remain pure for the rest of your life. This is why Baba says: If you come to Baba having made a promise you will receive your inheritance. The mothers are making their lives worthwhile. The kingdom is being established. Shiv Baba is the Bestower. You mustn't think that you are giving to Shiv Baba. No, you are claiming your inheritance of the sovereignty of heaven from Him. Shiv Baba doesn’t have to build any buildings etc. for Himself. He uses everything for you children. I also used everything of this Dada’s through which the mothers and innocent ones are making their lives worthwhile. You are earning an income for your future 21 births. Receiving an inheritance from your physical fathers will end. The inheritance you receive in heaven from your physical fathers will be what you earn here. There is a story in which a father asked his daughters, “Who is feeding you”? One of them said: My own fortune. Similarly, here, too, each one of you is making effort and receiving your own right. Every soul has a right to receive an inheritance for 21 births. On the path of ignorance, daughters don't receive an inheritance from their father: only the sons receive it. At this time, all of you souls are to receive the inheritance, whether you are male or female. It is remembered that a kumari is one who uplifts 21 clans. You are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You know that you are inspiring the people of Bharat to make effort so that they can claim their inheritance for 21 births by following shrimat. Explain to each one: Receiving an inheritance from your physical father is now to end. You can now receive the inheritance for 21 births from the Father from beyond. This income is so great. These things are so good to understand. You want to make effort, but Maya brings storms. When storms of Maya come, the lamps go out. This is a very easy matter. You have to consider yourselves to be souls and remember the Father. This is a matter for the intellect. I have to remember the Father and renounce the consciousness of the body. You remember the gurus. Many gurus have pendants made with their picture on them and they give them to their followers to wear around their necks. There are many like that. Some women even remove the picture of their husband and insert the picture of their guru. Baba says: Here, there is no question of wearing a pendant with a picture; you just have to remember the Father. It is the stage of retirement of everyone, young and old. You now definitely have to go back to your sweet home. Therefore, why should you not make a promise to remain pure and stay in remembrance so that your sins are absolved? You shouldn't cause sorrow for anyone. The greatest sorrow is to use the sword of lust. This is the land of Kans, the devil. It is said that the sword of lust is not used in the land of Krishna. The sword of lust is used here and this is why it is called the land of Kans. However, there was no war between the devils and deities or between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The war is between the Yadavas and the Kauravas. Children have had visions of how they are to receive the butter. They will come and rule the kingdom. Children ask: Baba, why are You having so many buildings built? Baba says: Everything available is sufficient now because children come here turn by turn. Where will all those children stay when they come and seek asylum? There continues to be growth day by day. There will be many children of Prajapita Brahma. Shiv Baba says: I have so many children. Out of multimillions, only a handful know this. You, too, are numberwise. You understand that you are receiving your inheritance from Shiv Baba. However, some children then wilt. You children know that you are following Shiv Baba's shrimat given through Brahma. The Father says: This body that I have taken on loan is at the end of the last of his many births. I have entered the old world in an old body. Now, constantly remember Me alone. I have come as your Guide. God, the Father, is called the Liberator. Human beings cannot call human beings this (Liberator). He liberates the whole world. At this time, the whole world is Lanka, the cottage of sorrow. Although wealthy people think that they are in heaven, all of this is going to turn to dust. The Americans themselves write that someone is inspiring them towards destruction and making them manufacture bombs. So much expense is being incurred. When the iron age ends, there definitely has to be the golden age. That is now being established once again. Baba is teaching you the same Raja Yoga. You are Raja Rishis whereas those people are hatha yoga rishis. No one except Brahmins can be called Raja Yogis. It is not written anywhere that Raja Yogis were Brahmins. If it were Krishna, how could he create Brahmins? It is only when Brahma exists that mouth-born Brahmins can be created. Only physical brahmins create a sacrificial fire. Baba is such a big Businessman. You receive such big alms. You receive the alms of the kingdom of heaven. This is the best prize of all. Brahmins then become deities. You can become the sun dynasty or the moon dynasty. Baba says: You can ask Baba what status you would receive if you were to shed your body tomorrow. Baba could tell you instantly. There is now very little time left. When you have shed your body, you won't be able to take knowledge. What would a baby understand? You children understand that the iron age is now to end and that the golden age is to come. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Always have the awareness that this is your stage of retirement. I have to go beyond sound to the sweet home. Practise being bodiless. 2. In order to claim your right for 21 births, make a promise of purity. Always continue to follow shrimat. Die alive. Blessing: May you be free from all bondages and, by staying beyond any corporeal consciousness, be an angel who flies. The land of bodies is corporeal consciousness, so when you have become angels, how could you come onto the field of bodies? Angels do not set foot on the ground. “Angels” means those who fly; they cannot be pulled by the gravity of the earth. If you stay down below, hunters will hunt you, whereas if you continue to fly up above, no one can do anything. Therefore, no matter how beautiful a golden cage it may be, you must still not get trapped in that. Be constantly free and free from any bondage and you will go into the flying stage. Slogan: Those who make the impossible possible and experience success are stars of success. #bkmurlitoday #english #Murli #brahmakumari
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