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- 30 Sep 2018 BK murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli
Brahma kumari murli today in Hindi Aaj ki Murli BapDada Madhuban 30-09-18 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति ''अव्यक्त-बापदादा'' रिवाइज: 20-01-84 मधुबन महादानी बनो, वरदानी बनो आज बापदादा सर्व बच्चों के प्युरिटी की पर्सनैलिटी और सर्व प्राप्ति स्वरूप की रॉयल्टी, रूहानी स्मृति-स्वरूप की रीयल्टी देख रहे हैं। सभी बच्चों को प्युरिटी की पर्सनैलिटी से चमकते हुए लाइट के क्राउनधारी देख रहे हैं। एक तरफ सर्व प्राप्ति स्वरूप बच्चों का संगठन देख रहे हैं। दूसरी तरफ विश्व की अप्राप्त आत्मायें जो सदा अल्पकाल की प्राप्ति होते हुए भी प्राप्ति स्वरूप नहीं हैं। सन्तुष्ट नहीं हैं। सदा कुछ न कुछ पाने की इच्छा बनी रहती है। सदा यह चाहिए, यह चाहिए की धुन लगी हुई है। भाग दौड़ कर रहे हैं। प्यासे बन यहाँ वहाँ तन से, मन से, धन से, जन से कुछ प्राप्त हो जाए, इसी इच्छा से भटक रहे हैं। विशेष तीन बातों की तरफ इच्छा रख अनेक प्रकार के प्रयत्न कर रहे हैं। एक तो शक्ति चाहिए तन की, फिर धन की, पद की, बुद्धि की और दूसरा भक्ति चाहिए। दो घड़ी सच्ची दिल से भक्ति कर पावें, ऐसे भक्ति की इच्छा भी भक्त आत्मायें रखती हैं। तीसरा-अनेक आत्मायें द्वापर से दु:ख और पुकार की दुनिया देख-देख दु:ख और अशान्ति के कारण अल्पकाल की प्राप्ति मृगतृष्णा समझते हुए दु:ख की दुनिया से, इस विकारी दु:खों के बन्धनों से मुक्ति चाहती हैं। भक्त, भक्ति चाहते हैं और अन्य कोई शक्ति चाहते, कोई मुक्ति चाहते। ऐसी असन्तुष्ट आत्माओं को सुख और शान्ति की, पवित्रता की, ज्ञान की अंचली देने वाले वा प्राप्ति कराने वाली सन्तुष्ट मणियां कौन हैं? आप हो? रहमदिल बाप के बच्चे जैसे बाप को रहम आता है कि दाता के बच्चे और अल्पकाल की प्राप्ति के लिए चाहिए - चाहिए-चाहिए के नारे लगा रहे हैं। ऐसे आप मास्टर दाता प्राप्ति स्वरूप बच्चों को विश्व की आत्माओं प्रति रहम आता है, उमंग आता है कि हमारे भाई अल्प-काल की इच्छा में कितने भटक रहे हैं? दाता के बच्चे अपने भाईयों के ऊपर दया और रहम की दृष्टि डालो। महादानी बनो, वरदानी बनो। चमकती हुई सन्तुष्ट मणियां बन सर्व को सन्तोष दो। आजकल सन्तोषी माँ को बहुत पुकारते हैं क्योंकि जहाँ सन्तुष्टता है वहाँ अप्राप्ति का अभाव है। सन्तुष्टता के आधार पर स्थूल धन में भी बरक्कत अनुभव करते हैं। सन्तुष्टता वाले का धन दो रूपया भी दो लाख समान है। करोड़पति हो लेकिन सन्तुष्टता नहीं तो करोड़ करोड़ नहीं, इच्छाओं के भिखारी हैं। इच्छा अर्थात् परेशानी। इच्छा कभी अच्छा बना नहीं सकती क्योंकि विनाशी इच्छा पूर्ण होने के साथ-साथ और अनेक इच्छाओं को जन्म देती हैं इसलिए इच्छाओं के चक्र में मकड़ी की जाल मुआफिक फँस जाते हैं। छूटने चाहते भी छूट नहीं सकते इसलिए ऐसे जाल में फँसे हुए अपने भाईयों को विनाशी इच्छा मात्रम् अविद्या बनाओ। परेशान अर्थात् शान से परे। हम सभी ईश्वरीय बच्चे हैं, दाता के बच्चे हैं, सर्व प्राप्तियां जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार हैं। इस शान से परे होने के कारण परेशान हैं। ऐसी आत्माओं को अपना श्रेष्ठ शान बताओ। समझा क्या करना है?सभी डबल विदेशी बच्चे अपने-अपने स्थानों पर जा रहे हैं ना। क्या जाकर करेंगे? महादानी-वरदानी बन सर्व आत्माओं की सुख-शान्ति की प्राप्तियों द्वारा झोली भर देना। यही संकल्प लेकर जा रहे हो ना। बापदादा बच्चों की हिम्मत और स्नेह को देख बच्चों को सदा स्नेह के रिटर्न में पदमगुणा स्नेह देते हैं। दूर देश वाले पहचान और प्राप्ति से समीप बन गये और देश वाले पहचान और प्राप्ति से दूर रह गये हैं इसलिए सदा डबल विदेशी बच्चे प्राप्ति स्वरूप की दृढ़ता और सन्तुष्टता के उमंग में आगे बढ़ते चलो। भाग्य विधाता सर्व प्राप्तियों का दाता सदा आपके साथ है। अच्छा।ऐसे रहमदिल बाप के रहमदिल बच्चों को, सर्व को सन्तुष्टता के खजाने से सम्पन्न बनाने वाले सन्तुष्ट मणी बच्चों को, सदा प्राप्ति स्वरूप बन सर्व को प्राप्ति कराने की शुभ भावना में रहने वाले शुभ चिन्तक बच्चों को, सर्व को विनाशी इच्छाओं से इच्छा मात्रम् अविद्या बनाने वाले, सर्व समर्थ बच्चों को बापदादा का यादप्यार और नमस्ते।विदेशी बच्चों को देखते हुए बापदादा बोले:-इस ग्रुप में किसी को भी कहें कि यहाँ बैठ जाओ तो एवररेडी हो? कोई का पीछे का कोई बन्धन तो नहीं है? ऐसे भी होगा, जब समय आयेगा सभी की टिकेट कैन्सिल कराके यहाँ बिठा देंगे। ऐसे समय पर कोई सैलवेशन भी नहीं लेंगे। सभी को याद है - जब ब्रह्मा बाप अव्यक्त हुए तो वह 4 दिन कैसे बिताये? मकान बड़ा था? खाना बनाया था? फिर 4 दिन कैसे बीता था! विनाश के दिन भी ऐसे ही बीत जायेंगे। उस समय लवलीन थे ना। ऐसे ही लवलीन स्थिति में समाप्ति होगी। फिर यहाँ की पहाड़ियों पर रहकर तपस्या करेंगे। तीसरी ऑख से सारा विनाश देखेंगे। ऐसे निश्चिंत हो ना। कोई चिंता नहीं। न मकान की, न परिवार की, न काम की। सदा निश्चिंत, क्या होगा यह क्वेश्चन नहीं। जो होगा अच्छा होगा। इसको कहा जाता है निश्चिंत। सेन्टर का मकान याद आ जाए, बैंक बैलन्स याद आ जाए... कुछ भी याद न आये क्योंकि आपका सच्चा धन है ना। चाहे मकान में लगा है, चाहे बैंक में रहा हुआ है। लेकिन आपका तो पदमगुणा होकर आपको मिलेगा। आपने तो इनश्योर कर लिया ना। मिट्टी, मिट्टी हो जायेगी और आपका हक आपको पदमगुणा होकर मिल जायेगा और क्या चाहिए। सच्चा धन कभी भी वेस्ट नहीं जा सकता। समझा! ऐसे सदा निश्चिंत रहो। पता नहीं पीछे सेन्टर का क्या होगा? घर का क्या होगा? यह क्वेश्चन नहीं। सफल हुआ ही पड़ा है। सफल होगा या नहीं, यह क्वेश्चन नहीं। पहले से ही विल कर दिया है ना। जैसे कोई विल करके जाता है, पहले से ही निश्चिन्त होता है ना। तो आप सबने अपना हर श्वांस, संकल्प, सेकण्ड, सम्पत्ति, शरीर सब विल कर दिया है ना। बिल की हुई चीज कभी भी स्व के प्रति यूज नहीं कर सकते।बिना श्रीमत के एक सेकण्ड या एक पैसा भी यूज़ नहीं कर सकते। परमात्मा का सब हो गया तो आत्मायें अपने प्रति या आत्माओं के प्रति यूज़ नहीं कर सकती हैं। डायरेक्शन प्रमाण कर सकती हैं। नहीं तो अमानत में ख्यानत हो जायेगी ना। थोड़ा भी धन बिना डायरेक्शन के कहाँ भी कार्य में लगाया, तो वह धन आपको भी उस तरफ खींच लेगा। धन, मन को खींच लेगा। और मन तन को खींच लेगा और परेशान करेगा। तो विल कर लिया है ना। डायरेक्शन प्रमाण करते हो तो कोई भी पाप नहीं। कोई बोझ नहीं। उसके लिए फ्री हो। डायरेक्शन तो समझते हो ना। सब डायरेक्शन मिले हुए हैं! क्लीयर हैं ना! कभी मूँझते तो नहीं? इस कार्य में यह करें या नहीं करें, ऐसे मूँझते तो नहीं? जहाँ भी कुछ मूँझ हो तो जो निमित्त बने हुए हैं उन्हों से वेरीफाय कराओ या फिर स्व स्थिति शक्तिशाली है तो अमृतवेले की टचिंग सदा यथार्थ होगी। अमृतवेले मन का भाव मिक्स करके नहीं बैठो लेकिन प्लेन बुद्धि होकर बैठो फिर टचिंग यथार्थ होगी।कई बच्चे जब कोई प्राबलम आती है तो अपने ही मन का भाव भर करके बैठते हैं। करना तो यही चाहिए, होना तो यही चाहिए, मेरे विचार से यह ठीक है... तो टचिंग भी यथार्थ नहीं होती। अपने मन के संकल्प का ही रेसपान्ड में आता है इसलिए कहाँ न कहाँ सफलता नहीं होती। फिर मूंझते हैं कि अमृतवेले डायरेक्शन तो यही मिला था फिर पता नहीं ऐसा क्यों हुआ, सफलता क्यों नहीं मिली! लेकिन मन का भाव जो मिक्स किया, उस भाव का ही फल मिल जाता है। मनमत का फल क्या मिलेगा? मूंझेगा ना! इसको कहा जाता है अपने मन के संकल्प को भी विल करना। मेरा संकल्प यह कहता है लेकिन बाबा क्या कहता। अच्छा!टीचर्स से:- बापदादा का टीचर्स से विशेष प्यार है क्योंकि समान हैं। बाप भी टीचर और आप मास्टर टीचर। वैसे भी समान प्यारे लगते हैं। बहुत अच्छा उमंग-उत्साह से सेवा में आगे बढ़ रही हो। सभी चक्रवर्ती हो। चक्र लगाते अनेक आत्माओं के सम्बन्ध में आए, अनेक आत्माओं को समीप लाने का कार्य कर रही हो। बापदादा खुश हैं। ऐसा लगता है ना कि बापदादा हमारे पर खुश हैं, या समझती हो कि अभी थोड़ा सा कुछ करना है। खुश हैं और भी खुश करना है। मेहनत अच्छी करती हो, मेहनत मुहब्बत से करती हो इसलिए मेहनत नहीं लगती। बापदादा सर्विसएबुल बच्चों को सदा ही सिर का ताज कहते हैं। सिरताज हो। बापदादा बच्चों के उमंग-उत्साह को देख और आगे उमंग-उत्साह बढ़ाने का सहयोग देते हैं। एक कदम बच्चों का, पदम कदम बाप के। जहाँ हिम्मत है वहाँ उल्लास की प्राप्ति स्वत: होती है। हिम्मत है तो बाप की मदद है, इसलिए बेपरवाह बादशाह हो, सेवा करते चलो। सफलता मिलती रहेगी। अच्छा -आबू सम्मेलन में आये हुए मेहमानों से मुलाकात(13-2-84)1-(डा.जोन्हा) असिस्टेन्ट पोट्री जनरल, यू.एन.ओ.)बापदादा बच्चे के दिल के संकल्प को सदा ही सहयोग देते पूर्ण करते रहेंगे। जो आपका संकल्प है उसी संकल्प को साकार में लाने के योग्य स्थान पर पहुँच गये हो। ऐसे समझते हो कि यह सब मेरे संकल्प को पूरा करने वाले साथी हैं। सदा शान्ति का अनुभव याद से करते रहेंगे। बहुत मीठी सुखमय शान्ति की अनुभूति होती रहेगी। शान्ति प्रिय परिवार में पहुँच गये हो इसलिए सेवा के निमित्त बने। सेवा के निमित्त बनने का रिटर्न जब भी बाप को याद करेंगे तो सहज सफलता का अनुभव करते रहेंगे। अपने को सदा ''मैं शान्ति स्वरूप आत्मा हूँ, शान्ति के सागर का बच्चा हूँ। शान्ति प्रिय आत्मा हूँ'' इस स्मृति में रहना और इसी अनुभव द्वारा जो भी सम्पर्क में आये उन्हों को सन्देशी बन सन्देश देते रहना। यही अलौकिक आक्यूपेशन सदा श्रेष्ठ कर्म और श्रेष्ठ कर्म द्वारा श्रेष्ठ प्राप्ति कराता रहेगा। वर्तमान और भविष्य दोनों ही श्रेष्ठ रहेंगे। शान्ति का अनुभव करने वाली योग्य आत्मा हो। सदा शान्ति के सागर में लहराते रहना।जब भी कोई कार्य में मुश्किल हो तो शान्ति के फरिश्तों से अपना सम्पर्क रखेंगे तो मुश्किल सहज हो जायेगी। समझा। फिर भी बहुत भाग्यवान हो। इस भाग्य विधाता की धरनी पर पहुँचने वाले कोटों में कोई, कोई में भी कोई होते हैं। भाग्यवान तो बन ही गये। अभी पद्मापदम भाग्यवान जरूर बनना है। ऐसा ही लक्ष्य है ना! जरूर बनेंगे सिर्फ शान्ति के फरिश्तों का साथ रखते रहना। विशेष आत्मायें, विशेष पार्ट बजाने वाली आत्मायें यहाँ पहुँचती हैं। आपका आगे भी विशेष पार्ट है जो आगे चल मालूम पड़ता जायेगा। यह कार्य तो सफल हुआ ही पड़ा है। सिर्फ जो भी श्रेष्ठ भाग्य बनाने वाली हैं उन्हों का भाग्य बनाने के लिए यह सेवा का साधन है। यह तो हुआ ही पड़ा है, यह अनेक बार हुआ है। आपका संकल्प बहुत अच्छा है। और जो भी आपके साथी हैं, जो यहाँ से होकर गये हैं, स्नेही हैं, सहयोगी हैं। उन सबको भी विशेष स्नेह के पुष्पों के साथ-साथ बापदादा का याद-प्यार देना।2- मैडम अनवर सादात से अव्यक्त बापदादा की मुलाकात - इजिप्ट के लिए सन्देशअपने देश में जाकर धन की एकानामी का तरीका सिखलाना। मन की खुशी से धन की अनुभूति होती है। और धन की एकानामी ही मन की खुशी का आधार है। ऐसे धन की एकानामी और मन की खुशी का साधन बताना तो वे लोग आपको धन और मन की खुशी देने वाले - खुशी के फरिश्ते अनुभव करेंगे। तो अभी यहाँ से शान्ति और खुशी का फरिश्ता बनकर जाना। इस शान्ति कुण्ड के सदा अविनाशी के वरदान को साथ रखना। जब भी कोई बात सामने आये तो ''मेरा बाबा'' कहने से वह बात सहज हो जायेगी। सदा उठते ही पहले बाप से मीठी-मीठी बातें करना और दिन में भी बीच-बीच में अपने आपको चेक करना कि बाप के साथ हैं! और रात को बाप के साथ ही सोना, अकेला नहीं सोना। तो सदा बाप का साथ अनुभव करती रहेंगी। सभी को बाप का सन्देश देती रहेंगी। आप बहुत सेवा कर सकती हो क्योंकि इच्छा है सभी को खुशी मिले, शान्ति मिले, जो दिल की इच्छा है उससे जो कार्य करते हैं उसमें सफलता मिलती ही है। अच्छा! ओम शान्ति! वरदान:- सर्व संबंध एक बाप से जोड़कर माया को विदाई देने वाले सहजयोगी भव जहाँ संबंध होता है वहाँ याद स्वत: सहज हो जाती है। सर्व संबंधी एक बाप को बनाना ही सहजयोगी बनना है। सहजयोगी बनने से माया को सहज विदाई मिल जाती है। जब माया विदाई ले लेती है तब बाप की बंधाईयां बहुत आगे बढ़ाती हैं। जो हर कदम में परमात्म दुआयें, ब्राह्मण परिवार की दुआयें प्राप्त करते रहते हैं वह सहज उड़ते रहते हैं। स्लोगन:- सदा बिजी रहने वाले बिजनेस मैन बनो तो कदम-कदम में पदमों की कमाई है। #Hindi #brahmakumaris #bkmurlitoday
- 26 Nov 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 26/11/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, when you become body conscious, Maya slaps you. Remain soul conscious and you will be able to follow every shrimat of the Father. Question: The Father has two types of effort-making children. What are they? Answer: One type is of those who make complete effort to claim their full inheritance from the Father; they take the Father’s advice at every step. The other type is of those who make effort to divorce the Father. There are some who remember the Father a great deal in order to become free from sorrow, and there are others who want to become trapped in sorrow. This too is a wonder! Song: The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths! Om Shanti . You children have heard this song many times. New children must be hearing it for the first time because, when the Father comes, He gives His introduction. Now, you children have received the introduction and you know that you have become children of the unlimited Mother and Father. The Mother and Father must surely be the Creator of the human world. However, Maya has made the intellects of human beings completely dead. Such a simple thing does not sit in their intellects. Everyone says that God created us. Therefore, He must surely be the Mother and Father. They remember God on the path of devotion. People of every religion definitely remember God the Father. Devotees of God cannot be God themselves. Devotees make spiritual endeavour and pray to God. Surely, there can only be one God, the Father of all, that is, One who is the Father of all souls. There cannot be one Father of all the bodies; there would have to be many different fathers. Although everyone has a physical father, they call out “O God!” and remember Him. The Father sits here and explains: Human beings are so senseless that they forget the Father’s introduction! You understand that the Creator of heaven is definitely the one Father. It is now the iron age. This iron age definitely has to be destroyed. The word ‘disappeared’ comes up in every aspect. You children know that the golden age has now disappeared. Achcha, now the question arises: Will they know in the golden age that the golden age will disappear and that there will then be the silver age? No! There is no need for this knowledge there. These aspects of how the cycle turns and who their parlokik Father is are not in anyone’s intellect. Only you children know this. People sing: “You are our Mother and Father and we are Your children”, yet they do not know Him. Therefore, it is useless even to say this. They have all forgotten the Father; this is why they have become orphans. The Father explains everything. Follow shrimat at every step, otherwise Maya can deceive you at any time. Maya is very deceitful. It is the Father’s task to liberate you from Maya. Ravan is in any case the one who causes you sorrow. The Father is the One who gives you happiness. Human beings cannot understand these things. They think that it is God who gives happiness and sorrow. The Father explains that people incur so much expense on weddings in order to become unhappy. They make effort to make pure saplings impure. Only you understand these aspects; the world does not understand them. They perform so many ceremonies to drown people in the ocean of poison. They don’t even know that this poison will not exist in the golden age. That is the ocean of milk, whereas this is called the ocean of poison. That world is completely viceless. Even though there are two degrees less in the silver age, it is still called the viceless world. There can be no sin there, because the kingdom of Ravan begins in the copper age. It is half and half: there is the ocean of knowledge and the ocean of ignorance. There is also the ocean of ignorance. Human beings are so ignorant that they don’t even know the Father. They just say that you will find God by doing this and that. However, they don’t find anything. After they have beaten their heads and become orphaned and unhappy, I, the Lord and Master, come. In the absence of the Lord and Master, Maya, the alligator, has completely swallowed everyone. The Father explains: Maya is very strong and many are deceived by her. Some are slapped by lust and some are slapped by attachment. It is by becoming body conscious that you get slapped. Effort lies in becoming soul conscious. This is why the Father repeatedly says: Be cautious, Manmanabhav! Maya slaps you if you don’t remember the Father. Therefore, practise staying in constant remembrance. Otherwise, Maya will make you do wrong things. You have received intellects to know the difference between right and wrong. If you get confused about anything, ask the Father. You can send a telegram, or write a letter or even phone and ask. You can get through on the phone straightaway early in the mornings because everyone, apart from you, is asleep at that time. Therefore, you can ask by phoning. Day by day, communication by phone is becoming refined. However, the Government is very poor, and so the expenditure is according to that. At this time everyone has reached the stage of total decay and become completely impure. However, even then, why are the people of Bharat especially called rajo and tamoguni? Because they were the most satopradhan. Those of other religions neither see as much happiness nor as much sorrow. They are now content, which is why they are able to send so much food. Their intellects are rajopradhan. They continue to invent many things for destruction, but they don’t understand this. This is why many pictures etc. have to be sent to them. Ultimately they will come to know and understand that these things are very good. It is written on them: A Godfatherly gift. When the time comes for calamities, this sound will be heard and they will understand that they definitely received these things. These pictures will do a lot of work. The poor people don’t know the Father. Only the one Father is the Bestower of Happiness. Everyone remembers Him. They can understand this very clearly from the pictures. Just see how, at this time, you can’t even get three feet of land and yet you become the masters of the whole world. These pictures will also do a lot of service abroad. However, children do not value these pictures that much. Expenditure will definitely be incurred. Millions of the Government’s rupees must have been spent and hundreds of thousands must have died in establishing that kingdom. Here, there is no question of anyone dying. You have to make full effort on the basis of shrimat. Only then will you be able to attain an elevated status. Otherwise, you will repent a great deal at the time you have to be punished. As well as being the Father, that One is also the Supreme Judge. I come into the impure world to give you children your kingdom of self-sovereignty for 21 births. If you do anything destructive, you will have to endure full punishment. You should not say: Let’s see what happens! Who wants to sit and think about the next birth now? Human beings give donations and perform charity for their next birth. Whatever you do now is also for 21 births. Whatever they do is temporary; they only receive the return of that in hell whereas you receive the return in the golden age. There is the difference of day and night. You claim your reward of heaven for 21 births. By following shrimat in every respect, your boat goes across. The Father says: I seat you children in My eyes and take you across in great comfort. You have experienced a great deal of sorrow. I now say to you: Remember Me! You came bodiless and played your parts and you now have to return. These parts of yours are eternal. Those who have the arrogance of science cannot understand these things. A soul is like a very tiny star and has an eternal, imperishable part recorded within it; it can never end. The Father says: I am the Creator and also the principal Actor. I come every cycle to play My part. It is said that the Supreme Soul has a mind and an intellect and that He is the Living Being and knowledge-full. However, no one knows what He is. Just as you souls are stars, I too am a star. You remembered Me on the path of devotion too because you were unhappy. I come and take you children back home with Me. I am also your Guide. I, the Supreme Soul, take you souls back home. A soul is even tinier than a mosquito. It is now that you children receive this understanding. He explains everything very clearly. The Father says: I make you into the masters of the world but I keep the key to divine visions with Myself. I do not give this to anyone. On the path of devotion this key is useful for only Me. The Father says: I make you pure and worthy of being worshipped. Maya makes you impure and a worshipper. A great deal of explanation is given to you all, but only those who are wise will understand. This tape machine is a very good thing. Children should definitely listen to the murli. You are long-lost and now-found children. Baba feels great compassion for the gopikas in bondage. They experience great happiness by listening to Baba’s murli. What would one not do for the sake of children’s happiness? Day and night, Baba is concerned about the gopikas in the villages. Sometimes, he can’t sleep for thinking about what methods can be adopted so that those children can become liberated from sorrow. However, some make preparations to become trapped in sorrow. Some make effort to claim their inheritance and others make effort to divorce Him. The world nowadays is very bad. Some children don’t even hesitate to kill their father. The unlimited Father explains everything very clearly. I will give you children so much wealth that you will never become unhappy. Therefore, you children should make your hearts merciful and show everyone this path to happiness. Nowadays, everyone continues to cause sorrow. A teacher, however, would never show a path to sorrow; he simply teaches. Study is the source of income. It is by studying that you become worthy of earning a livelihood. Although people receive an inheritance from their mother and father, of what use is it? The more wealth people have, the more sin they commit. Previously, when people went on pilgrimages, they had great humility, but now some even take alcohol with them and drink it secretly. Baba has seen this. Some can’t do without alcohol; don’t even ask! Some soldiers drink a lot of alcohol before they go to fight a battle. Those soldiers don’t worry about being killed. They think that the soul will leave one body and take another. You children now receive the knowledge that you have to renounce those dirty bodies, whereas they don’t have this knowledge. However, they have formed the habit of killing and being killed. We want to go to Baba with our own efforts while sitting here. This is an old skin. In the cold weather a snake’s skin becomes dry and so it sheds its old skin. While playing your parts your skins have become old and very dirty. You now have to renounce them. You have to return to Baba. Baba has shown you methods to do this: Manmanabhav! Remember Me, that’s all, and you will shed your bodies while sitting. This also happens to the sannyasis. They shed their bodies while just sitting. They think that the soul has to merge into the brahm element and so they sit and have yoga with the brahm element. However, they cannot go there. Similarly, people go and sacrifice themselves at Kashi. They are just committing suicide. Baba has also seen how sannyasis renounce their bodies while sitting in yoga, but that is hatha yoga renunciation. The Father explains how you take 84 births. He gives you so much knowledge, but scarcely any follow shrimat. By coming into body consciousness, some even start giving their own directions to the Father. The Father explains: Become soul conscious! I am a soul. Baba, You are the Ocean of Knowledge. Baba, I will now only follow Your instructions; that’s all! Great caution is needed at every step. Mistakes continue to be made, but you still have to make effort. Continue to remember the Father wherever you go. There is a great burden of sins on your heads. You also have to settle the suffering of karma. This suffering of karma will not leave you until the end. By following shrimat, you have to become those with pure intellects. Dharamraj is also with Him, and so He becomes responsible. Why do you carry burdens yourselves when the Father is sitting here? The Purifier Father has to come into the gathering of the impure ones. This is not a new thing. This part has been played innumerable times before and will continue to be played. This is called a wonder. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, parlokik BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Become merciful just like the Father and liberate everyone from sorrow. Show them the path to happiness. 2. Do not perform any destructive (wrong) act. Create your reward for 21 births on the basis of shrimat. Remain very cautious at every step you take. Blessing: May you consider anyone who defames you to be your friend and give him respect and become a master creator like Father Brahma. Father Brahma considered himself to be a world server and gave respect to each and every one and always saluted each one. Similarly, he never thought that he will only give respect to someone when that one gives him respect. He considered someone who defamed him to be his friend and gave that one respect; so follow the father in the same way. Do not just consider those who respect you to belong to you, but even consider those who insult you to belong to you and give them respect because the whole world is your family. You Brahmins are the trunk for all souls and so consider yourselves to be master creators and give respect to everyone and you will become deities. Slogan: Those who bid farewell to Maya for all time become worthy of receiving congratulations from the Father. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- 26 Oct 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 26/10/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, follow shrimat and all your treasure-stores will be completely full. Your fortune will become elevated. Question: What has this iron age become bankrupt in? Because of becoming bankrupt, what has its condition become? Answer: The iron age has become bankrupt of purity, happiness and peace. This is why Bharat has become the land of sorrow from the land of happiness and like shells from diamonds. This whole play is based on Bharat. The Father is now telling you children the beginning, middle and end of this play. Only the fortunate children can understand this knowledge very clearly. Song: No one is as unique as the Innocent Lord. Om Shanti . God speaks. Which God? The Innocent Lord, God Shiva speaks. The Father explains to you. The Teacher's duty is also to explain to you. The duty of the Satguru too is to explain to you. Only Shiv Baba is called the true Baba. He is called the Innocent Lord. Shankar cannot be called innocent. It is said of him that when he opened his eye, he burnt the world. Shiva is called the Innocent Lord of the Treasures, that is, He is the One who makes your treasure-stores completely full. Which treasure-stores? Those of wealth, happiness and peace. The Father has come to make your treasure-stores of purity, happiness and peace completely full. In the iron age, there is bankruptcy of purity, happiness and peace because Ravan has cursed it. Everyone continues to weep and wail in the cottage of sorrow. The Innocent Lord Shiva sits here and explains to you the secrets of the beginning, middle and end of the world, that is, He makes you children trikaldarshi. No one else knows the drama. Maya has made everyone completely senseless. This play of victory and defeat and happiness and sorrow is of Bharat. Bharat was solvent like a diamond and is now insolvent like a shell. Bharat was the land of happiness and is now the land of sorrow. Bharat was heaven and is now hell . No one except the Ocean of Knowledge can give you the knowledge of its beginning, middle and end or how it becomes hell from heaven. Your intellects have to have this faith. Those whose fortune is to open, that is, those who are to become fortunate have this faith. All are unfortunate now. To be unfortunate means to have one’s fortune spoilt. They are corrupt; the Father comes and makes them elevated. However, hardly anyone understands that Father because He doesn't have a body. The Supreme Soul speaks. There are only pure souls in the golden age. In the iron age, all are impure. People go to Jagadamba with so many desires. They don’t know anything. Even then, the Father says: Whatever feelings people worship someone with, I give them the temporary fruit of that. A non -living idol can never give them the fruit. I alone am the One who gives them the fruit and temporary happiness. I am also the Bestower of unlimited happiness. I am not a bestower of sorrow. I am the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. You have come to claim your inheritance of heaven in the land of happiness. There are a lot of precautions to be observed in this. The Father explains: In the beginning there is happiness. Then, in the middle, the path of devotion begins and so happiness ends and sorrow begins. At that time, when devotion begins the deities fall onto the path of sin, the vicious path. So there is happiness in the beginning, whereas sorrow begins in the middle. At the end, there is great sorrow. The Father says: I am the Bestower of Peace and Happiness to All. I am making you ready to go to the land of happiness. All the rest will settle their accounts and go to the land of peace. There will be a lot of punishment experienced; the Tribunal will sit. Baba has explained that people used to sacrifice themselves at Kashi. They speak of Kashi Kalvat (the sacrifice at Kashi). There is a temple to Shiva at Kashi. On the path of devotion, they stay there in remembrance of Shiv Baba. They say: This is it! I am now going to come to You. They cry a great deal and sacrifice themselves to Shiva and so they receive temporary happiness for that. Here, you sacrifice yourselves, that is, you belong to Shiv Baba while alive in order to claim your inheritance for 21 births. There is no question of suicide. While alive you say: Baba, I am Yours. Those people sacrifice themselves to Shiva. They believe that, by dying, they will belong to Shiv Baba, but they don't belong to Him. Here, you belong to the Father while alive. You go into His lap and you therefore have to follow the Father's directions. Only then can you become elevated deities. You are now becoming that. You have been making this effort for cycle after cycle. This is not anything new. The world becomes old. In that case, a new one is surely needed. Bharat was the new land of happiness and it is now the old land of sorrow. People have such stone intellects that they don't understand that there is just one world, that it simply becomes new and old. Maya has locked their intellects and made them completely degraded. This is why they continue to worship the deities without knowing their occupation. That is called blind faith. They spend millions of rupees worshipping the goddesses. They worship them, feed them and then sink them in the sea. Therefore, that is the worship of dolls, is it not? What is the benefit of that? They celebrate with a lot of pomp and joy and spend so much money. Then, after a week, they sink them in the sea just as people are buried in a cemetery. God speaks: this is the rule of the devilish community and I make you into the deity community. It is very difficult to make someone have faith because Baba does not have a physical form. The Aga Khan had a physical form and he had so many followers. They used to weigh him in gold. The Father explains: That is called blind faith. At this time, no one has permanent happiness. There are many who are very bad. Important people commit big sins. The Father says: I am the Lord of the Poor. The poor don't commit as much sin. At this time, all are sinful souls. You have now found the unlimited Father and yet you repeatedly forget Him. Ah! but you are a soul, are you not? No one has ever seen a soul. They understand that it resides in the centre of the forehead like a star. When the soul leaves the body, the body is finished. A soul is like a star, and so surely, the Father of myself, a soul, would also be like me. However, He is the Ocean of Happiness and the Ocean of Peace. How would the Incorporeal give the inheritance? He would surely come and sit in the centre of the forehead. The soul now imbibes knowledge and goes from degradation into salvation. Those who do something will receive the reward of it. If you don't remember the Father, you won't receive your inheritance. If you don't make others the same as you, worthy of claiming their inheritance, it is then understood that you will claim a status worth a few pennies. The Father sits here and explains who the elevated ones are and who the corrupt ones are. The elevated deities have been and gone from Bharat. People sing of Heavenly God, the Father, but they don't know when Heavenly God, the Father , comes and makes the world into heaven. You know this, but it is just that you don't make full effort. This also has to happen according to the drama. However much each of you has in your fortune, that is how much you will receive. If any of you were to ask Baba, Baba would instantly tell you what status you would claim if you were to leave your body with your current behaviour. However, no one has the courage to ask. Those who make good effort can understand to what extent they become sticks for the blind. The Father also understands when someone is to claim a good status or that a particular child is not doing any service and so will become a maid or servant there. There are maids and servants who sweep the floors, those who sustain Krishna and those who decorate the empress. Those are pure kings whereas these are impure kings. So, the impure kings make a temple to the pure kings and worship them. They don't know anything. The Birla temple is so big. They make so many temples to Lakshmi and Narayan, but they don't know who Lakshmi and Narayan are. So, how much benefit would they receive? Temporary happiness. They go to Jagadamba, but they don't know that this Jagadamba is the one who then becomes Lakshmi. At this time, your desires of the world are being fulfilled through Jagadamba. You are claiming the kingdom of the world. Jagadamba is teaching you now. She is the same one who then becomes Lakshmi. She is the one to whom people continue to beg every year. There is so much difference! They beg Lakshmi for wealth every year. They do not say in front of Lakshmi: I want a child. Or: Remove my illness. No, they only ask Lakshmi for wealth. The very name is ‘worship of Lakshmi’. They ask Jagadamba for a lot of things. She is the one who fulfils all their desires. You are now receiving the sovereignty of heaven through Jagadamba. From Lakshmi they receive some fruit of wealth every year, and this is why they worship her every year. They believe that she is the one who gives them wealth. They then continue to commit sin with that wealth. They even commit sin to attain wealth. You children are now receiving the imperishable jewels of knowledge with which you will become prosperous. You receive the kingdom of heaven through Jagadamba. There are no sins committed there. These matters have to be understood. Some understand this very well whereas others don't understand it at all because it is not in their fortune. If you don't follow shrimat, you won't become elevated and your status is destroyed. It has to be understood that the whole kingdom is being established. God, the Father, is establishing the heavenly kingdom and then Bharat will become heaven. This is called the benevolent age. At the most, this age is 100 years long. All the other ages are 1250 years long. In Ajmer, there is a model of Paradise. They show what heaven is like. Heaven would definitely be here, would it not? If someone hears even a little, he will go to heaven. However, if they don't study, they are like uneducated ones. Subjects too are numberwise. However, there, all the poor and the wealthy have happiness. Here, there is nothing but sorrow. In the golden age, Bharat is the land of happiness whereas in the iron age, it is the land of sorrow. The history and geography of the world have to repeat. God is only One. There is also just one world. In the new world, Bharat is first. Bharat has now become old and it has to become new again. No one else knows how the world history and geography have to repeat. Not everyone is the same. There will be different levels of status there too. There are no policemen there because there is no fear there. Here, there is fear and this is why they have policeman etc. They have divided Bharat into pieces. There are no partitions in the golden age. Only the one kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan continues. There are no sins committed there. The Father says: Children, claim your inheritance of constant happiness from Me by following My directions. Only the one Father shows you the path to salvation. You are the Shiv Shakti Army that makes Bharat into heaven. You use your body, mind and wealth, everything, for this service. That Bapuji chased away the Christians. That was also fixed in the drama. However, there hasn't been any happiness through that; instead there is greater sorrow. There is no food, and they continue to tell lies: “You will receive this and this will happen”. Only from the Father are you going to receive something. Everything else is going to end. They ask for there to be birth control. They continue to beat their heads for that. Nothing is going to happen. If a small war breaks out, there will be famine. There will be a lot of violence between one another. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. You have to sacrifice yourself to the Father while alive, that is, you have to belong to the Father and follow the shrimat of the Father alone. Do the service of making others the same as yourself. 2. Donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge and become like Jagadamba, one who fulfils everyone's desires. Blessing: May you be trikaldarshi and become an unshakeable and immovable Mahavir by considering there to be benefit in everything. Do not look at any situation with the vision of one aspect of time, but look at it while being trikaldarshi. Instead of asking “Why?” or “What?” consider there to be benefit in whatever happens. Continue to do as Baba says and it is then up to Baba and His work. Move along as Baba makes you move for benefit is merged in that. By having this faith you will never fluctuate. Let there be no waste thoughts in your dreams or in your mind and you will then be called an unshakeable and immovable Mahavir. Slogan: A tapaswi is one who becomes detached and loving in a second according to the signals from shrimat. #english #brahmakumari #bkmurlitoday #Murli
- ब्रह्माकुमार अनिल का २१ साल का ज्ञान में अनुभव
ब्रह्माकुमार अनिल द्वारा लिखा गया उनका ही 21 साल का अनुभव। यह है 7 मुख्य पॉइंट्स । ~~~ ज्ञान मार्ग में इन आधारों से २१ वर्षों से चल रहा हूँ - साररूप में कुछ विशेष पॉइंट्स :* १) जब से पहली मुरली पढ़ी है तब से बाबा व ईश्वरीय ज्ञान पर १००% निश्चय हैं , थोड़ा भी संशय के कारण डगमग नहीं हुआ । २) माया वा परिस्थिति का कैसे भी पेपर आया उसे परमात्म निश्चय बल से पार किया । ३) स्वयं को ज्ञान मंथन व स्वदर्शन चक्र में सदा बिजी रखा जिससे व्यर्थ से बचा रहा । तन, मन और धन की सेवा का सदा बैलेंस रखा । ४) सेवा केंद्र से सदा संपर्क में रहा और बाबा के कमरे में रोज हाजिरी दी । मुरली एक दिन भी मिस नहीं की । बाबा के कार्य व मुरली के प्रति पूर्ण आदर रहा । ५) संगदोष से स्वयं को बचाता रहा । एक बाबा के ही संग में रमण किया । ब्राह्मण जीवन की मुख्य धारणाओं को दरकिनार नहीं किया । ६) जब से ज्ञान में आया दूसरों को देखने के बजाय स्वयं और पढ़ाई पर ही फोकस अथवा अटेंशन दिया। किसी के गुण अवगुण में नहीं अटका । अपने पुरुषार्थ और बाबा को ही देखा, ब्राह्मण परिवार के संस्कारों के टकराव में नहीं फ़ंसा । ७) आखिर में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात, उमंग उत्साह को कभी कम नहीं होने दिया और दूसरों में भी उमंग उत्साह भरने का प्रयत्न करता रहा । ओम शांति . --- Useful links --- मुरली के शब्दों का अर्थ (Murli Dictionary) Revelations from Murli (मुरली से खुलासे) 7 दिवस का राजयोग कोर्स Question Answers on Shiv Baba .
- 23 Sep 2018 BK Murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 23/09/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 18/01/84 The importance of the 18th January, the Day of Remembrance. Today, the Father of Madhuban has come to meet the children in Madhuban.1. Today, from amrit vela, the loving songs of the loving children, the songs of the equal children who were celebrating a meeting, the sounds filled with zeal and enthusiasm of the children who are in contact, the love-filled sweet complaints of the children in bondage and the flowers of love of many children reached BapDada. All the elevated promises of powerful thoughts made by the children in this land and abroad came very close to BapDada. BapDada is responding to all the children's thoughts of love and powerful thoughts: May you always be loving to BapDada! May you always be powerful and equal! May you always be close with zeal and enthusiasm! May you be souls who are liberated and free from bondage with the fire of love! The children's days of becoming free from bondage are now almost here. The sound of love from the children's hearts will definitely awaken the Kumbhakarna souls. Those same souls who create bondages will themselves be tied by the bond of God's love. BapDada is giving special reassurance to the hearts of the daughters who are in bondage that their auspicious days are now coming.2. On this special day, the special pearls of love reached BapDada. These pearls of love make you into elevated diamonds.3. Today is the day of power.4. Today is the day for the children who are equal to receive the blessing, "The same applies to you!” (Tat twam).5. Today, BapDada wills all powers to the Shakti Army. He gives you will power. He gives you the power of the will.6. Today is the day when he became the Father's backbone to bring the children in the forefront on the field of the world. The father is unknown and the children are well known.7. Today is the day that Father Brahma became karmateet.8. It is the day for the task of world benefit and for touring around the world with your mind to begin at a fast speed.9. Today is the day for BapDada to be revealed through the mirror of the children.10.Today is the day to introduce the World Father to the children of the world.11.Today is the day to inspire all of you children to make your stage like a tower of knowledge and a tower of power, that is, to make it as unshakeable and immovable as a tower. Every child is a tower of peace like the father's memorial. That is just a physical Tower of Peace that has been created. However, all of you children in the living form who stay in remembrance of the Father are towers of remembrance. BapDada circles around all of you children who are living towers. Just as on this day you go and stand at the Tower of Peace, so BapDada stands in front of all of you towers who stay in remembrance.12. On this day, you especially go to the Father's room. BapDada also speaks to the children about the things of their hearts in the room of their hearts.13. You also go to Baba's hut. The hut is the memorial of the lover and the Beloved. The beloved Father especially celebrates a meeting with the children who are the lovers. Therefore, BapDada also continues to hear all the different music of the children who are lovers. Some are playing music with the rhythm of love (sneh), some with the rhythm of power, some with bliss and some with love (prem)… BapDada continues to hear the music of different rhythms. BapDada also continues to tour around with all of you. So, did you understand the special importance of today?14. Today is not just the day of remembrance, but it is the day of remembrance and, through that, of power.15. Today is not the day of separation or disinterest, but it is the coronation day of the responsibility of service.16. It is the day of receiving the tilak of the awareness of power.17. It is the day of the thought, "The children are at the front and the father is at the back", becoming the practical form.18. Today, Father Brahma is especially happy to see the double-foreign loving children who are the physical manifestation of the Father's thought and his invocation of them, and how you have arrived in front of the Father with love. You are the practical fruit of Father Brahma’s invocation of you. Seeing such elevated fruit filled with the sweetness (juice) of all powers, Father Brahma is especially congratulating you children and giving you blessings. Constantly continue to progress in an easy manner. Just as children sing, "It is the Father's wonder", at every step, so BapDada also says, "It is the wonder of the children." You are residents of faraway lands, and religions are distant and yet you have come so close. Those who live close by in Abu have become distant. Those who live on the shores of the Ocean are left thirsty whereas the double-foreign children have become the Ganges of knowledge who quench the thirst of others. It is a wonder of the children. Therefore, BapDada is always pleased with the children who have such fortune of happiness. All of you are doubly happy, are you not? Achcha.To those who have the elevated thought of constantly being equal, to those who maintain their will power with the will of all powers, to those who become lovers of the Beloved and play different tunes, to those who remain as constantly unshakeable and immovable as a tower, to those who constantly make progress in an easy manner and make everything grow, to those who constantly celebrate a sweet meeting, to all the variety children in this land and abroad, along with a shower of flowers, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.Today, all the loving, special, serviceable children were called to the subtle region. Jagadamba and Didi were also called. Vishwa Kishore and all the specially beloved children who have gone for service were all called to the subtle region, especially to celebrate the day of remembrance. All the specially beloved children who are instruments for double service, are companions in God’s service at the confluence age and are also companions in the service of enabling you to receive the future kingdom. Therefore, they are double servers, are they not? Such double serviceable children have given special love and remembrance to all you loving and co-operative souls who have come to Madhuban. Today, BapDada is giving a message of love and remembrance on their behalf. Do you understand?Some of you remember one person and others remember another. All the advance effort-making children who are instruments for service with the Father, whom you have been remembering in your thoughts, have given all of you love and remembrance in return for your remembrance of them. Pushpa Shanta was also remembering you with love. How many such names can Baba mention? There was a special party for everyone in the subtle region. Didi gave special remembrance to the double-foreigners. Many of you remembered Didi especially today, did you not? Because all of you (double foreigners) only saw Didi. You didn't see Jagadamba or Bhau (Vishwa Kishore). This is why you all remembered Didi especially. In her final moments, she was completely free from any waste thoughts and also free from attachment. She remembers you too - but that is not remembrance that pulls you. She is a liberated soul. Their gathering is also becoming powerful. They are all very well known. Achcha.Some foreign brothers and sisters take leave from BapDada to go on service:BapDada tells all of you children that you are not going, but that you are going to go and serve and come back again and bring a bouquet in front of the Father. This is why you are not going home but are going on service. Always remember that that is not your home but your service place. You are children of the merciful Father. Therefore, also bring benefit to unhappy souls. You are not able to sleep peacefully without doing service. You also have dreams of service, do you not? As soon as you open your eyes, you meet Baba and, throughout the day, you only think of the Father and service. Look, BapDada is so proud that it isn't just one child who is serviceable, but all of you children are serviceable. Every child is a world benefactor. We shall now see who brings a big bouquet. So, are you going? Or, are you going to come back again? So, whose love is greater - the Father's or yours? If the children's love is greater, then the children are safe. Great donors, bestowers of blessings, complete and perfect souls are going. You now have to make many souls wealthy, decorate them and bring them in front of the Father. You are not going, but you will do service and come back having multiplied the number three times. No matter how far away you go physically, you souls are always with the Father. BapDada always gives co-operative children His company. Co-operative children always receive co-operation. Achcha.Questions by double-foreigners to BapDada and His answers.Question: Some Brahmin souls are influenced by evil souls. What should we do at that time?Answer: In this situation, the atmosphere of the centre has to remain very powerful at all times. Along with this, your own stage must also be powerful. The evil spirits won't then be able to do anything. They catch hold of the mind. Because the power of the mind is weak, those evil spirits influence the soul. So, from the beginning, yogyukt souls need to have special yoga bhatthis and give that (influenced soul) power. A group of yogyukt souls should also understand that they have to perform this special task. Just as you do other programmes, in the same way, you also have to do this programme with as much attention so that, when that soul receives power from the beginning, he can be saved. That soul may not be able to sit in yoga because of being under the influence of someone else. It doesn't matter if that soul doesn't sit in yoga, but you must continue to carry on with your task with faith in your intellect. Then, gradually, the mischief of that soul will continue to calm down. That evil soul will first try to attack you, but you must realise that you have to carry out this task. Don’t be afraid and the influence of that evil soul will slowly be removed.Question: What should we do when souls over whom there is the influence of other souls come to the centre to listen to the knowledge?Answer: If, by listening to the knowledge, there is some difference in that soul or if that soul experiences something for even a second, then you should put enthusiasm into that soul. Sometimes, souls come to you because of not finding their place; you have to discern whether that soul has come to change or has just found any place in his disturbed state. This is because, sometimes, souls are so disturbed that whenever they see an open door, they will just go in. They are not fully aware. So, many souls like that will come, but you have to discern them first. Otherwise, time would be wasted on them. Sometimes, someone will come with a good aim but is under another influence; it is then your duty to give that one power. However, do not attend to such souls alone by yourself. Kumaris must not attend to such souls by themselves because when such souls see a kumari alone, they become even more disturbed. Therefore, if you feel that such souls are worthy, give them a time to come when there are two or three others present, or when a responsible or mature person is around. Call such souls at such a time and sit with them because the world is very dirty at present and people have very bad thoughts. Therefore, it is essential to pay some attention. A very clear intellect is needed for this. If you have a clear intellect, you will be able to catch from their vibrations what aim they have come with.Question: Nowadays, the atmosphere in some places is very much one of stealing and of fear, so how can we protect ourselves from this?Answer: A lot of yoga power is needed for this. For instance, when someone comes to you with the thought of frightening you, at that time, give that one the power of yoga. If you say anything at that time, it will cause damage and so, just give the power of silence. If you say anything at that time, it will be like pouring oil on to a fire. Just be nonchalant, as though you are not bothered. Just be a detached observer and give the power of silence to the one misbehaving and he will not use his hands (become violent). He will think that you are not bothered. Otherwise, he would try to frighten you. If you get frightened or shake, he would cause more upheaval. Fear gives them more courage and so do not be afraid. At such a time, use the stage of a detached observer. At that time, you need to use what you have practised. Question: In what way are the blessings we receive from BapDada misused? Answer: Sometimes, BapDada calls some children serviceable or specially beloved children, or He gives a special title, and so children misuse that title. They think that they have become that already. I am already like that. Considering themselves to be that, they stop making effort. That is known as misusing, that is, not using something properly, because to use the blessing for the self and for service in the way that BapDada has given it to you is the proper way to use it. To become careless is to misuse it. Question: It is shown in the Bible that, in the final moments, there will be the form of anti-Christ. What does this mean? Answer: Anti-Christ means reducing the impact of that religion. Nowadays, if you look at the Christian religion, the value of the Christian religion is considered to be less. Those of that religion do not consider themselves to be so powerful and they experience greater power in others.Those are the ones who are anti-Christ.Nowadays, many priests do not give that importance to celibacy and they have begun to inspire the priests to become householders, so it is as though people of that religion have become anti-Christ. Achcha. Blessing: May you be a master bestower of fortune and, by becoming a right hand of the Father, be constantly ever ready for every task. The children who become the Father’s right hands are also constantly co-operative and ever ready for every task, they are obedient and say, “Yes Baba, I am ready”. The Father calls such children; His constantly especially beloved children, His worthy and obedient children, His children who are the decoration of the world and He gives them the blessing of being master bestowers of blessings and bestowers of fortune. While living at home, such children stay beyond any householder attitude and they always pay attention to keeping their interaction alokik while interacting with everyone. Slogan: Let there be honesty and cleanliness in your every word and deed, and you will become a jewel loved by God. #brahmakumari #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday
- 2 Aug 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma kumaris murli today in English - 02/08/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, the form of the Father is a point. To recognise Him accurately and remember Him is to be sensible. Question: What is the meaning of a dream when we look at it in an unlimited way? Why is this world said to be like a dream? Answer: A dream means that which has passed. You now know that this whole world is like a dream of everything that has passed from the golden age to the end of the iron age and you have now become aware in a second of the dream-like world. By knowing the beginning, the middle and the end of the world, the incorporeal world, the subtle region and the corporeal world, you have become master gods. Song: Who has come to my door with the sound of ankle bells? Om ShantiShiv Baba sits here and explains to His sweetest children, to you the long-lost and now-found saligrams. Saligrams are the children of Shiv Baba. You children know that the One whom no one knows the slightest is teaching you. People go to a Shiva temple and they see such a huge lingam image there. They don't understand that their Baba is a point. The children who remember or must have been remembering Shiv Baba, considering Him to be that big, are innocent because they are wrong. The Father explains: I am a point. How can anyone understand a point? Although some say that He is the constant form of light, that He is so-and-so, that is not so. He is a point. It is very difficult to remember Him. They repeatedly forget Him. On the path of devotion, people have the habit of offering flowers to a Shiva lingam and worshipping it, and so they remember that. However, they repeatedly forget that their Baba is a point. He plays whatever part He has in the whole drama. Would they sit and praise a point, saying that He is the Ocean of Happiness and the Ocean of Peace? He is such a tiny point. Children ask: Whom should we keep in our minds? Only sensible children would be able to understand this. Otherwise, they would just remember that lingam image of Shiva. Krishna can sit in their intellects very well, but this One is a point. In the song, it is said that even when you try to remember Him, you can't remember Him and so what is His face like? This is so wonderful. He is such a tiny point. He performs the dance of knowledge. It is said: This is a world of dreams. Anything that has passed is said to be a dream. A dream-like world; whatever has passed enters your intellects. Brahmand, the incorporeal world, the subtle region, the golden age, the silver age, the copper age etc., the whole of it has become a dream. Anything that is the past becomes a dream. It is now also the end of the iron age. This is a dream-like world. Those dreams you have are limited. The unlimited enters your intellects. The sun and moon dynasties have also become dreams. This is called a world of dreams. No one, apart from you children, knows these secrets. There was so much happiness in the golden age. All of that has become the past. You children now have the full knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end in your intellects. There should be the remembrance of only the one Father. No one else can explain what the Father explains. You have the world of dreams in your intellects. Your intellects know all the things that have become the past. You have all the knowledge from the top to the bottom in your intellects, from the beginning to the end. You have now become trikaldarshi and trilokinath. By becoming trilokinath, it is as though you have become gods. God sits here and gives you teachings. You have a dream in a second. Therefore, you should remember the Seed and the tree in a second. Baba also says: I have the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end. This is why I am called the Ocean of Knowledge, knowledge-full, Janijananhar (One who knows all secrets within). He knows what everyone's stage is like. Why would I sit and look at each one's stage? Whatever stage each of you had in the previous cycle, you are in that stage now. You also know that. In order to inspire you to make effort, He says: Make effort very well. You now have to become spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You know about the things that have become the past. Deities used to rule in that way and they will come and rule again. You will continue to remember the past, present and future. This is called the discus of self-realisation. People are used to remembering a Shivalingam image. Therefore, they believe that Baba is a Jyotilingam (oval-shaped image of light). If you were to call Him a point, people would become confused. They believe that a soul is tiny and that the Supreme Soul is big. You children now know that there is so much pomp and show in this iron-aged world at this time. This is called the pomp and show of Maya; the pomp of Maya. They say that the world has now become very good. There are now huge palaces. There is so much pomp and show in America. So many beautiful things are made. We understand that these things are just gilded and will soon be destroyed. Day by day, they build such tall buildings and dams etc. as though it is a completely new world. People are under the influence of Maya. This is the pomp and show of the devilish community. All of that is magic; it will soon vanish. It is in the intellects of the great scientists, who have the arrogance of science, that all of it will be destroyed. They tell one another: Do not interfere! Otherwise, everything will be destroyed. America considers itself to be powerful and so there must surely be someone second in line who would then confront it. It is remembered that two cats fought. The Yadavas destroyed their own clan. So they are the two cats. That is happening in a practical way now. You children know that you took this knowledge at this time in the previous cycle too. You are now taking it again. The Father comes and explains all the knowledge. It is in the intellects of you children in the same way as it is in the Father's intellect. The Point is called Shiva. The whole part is recorded in the soul. You have all-round parts, from the golden age to the iron age. At the time when you experience happiness in the golden and silver ages, the Father has no part. The Father says: You have bigger parts than I do. You stay in happiness whereas I stay in the land of nirvana. I do not have any part at that time. You have played all-round parts and so you are the ones who are tired. This is why it is written that God massaged your feet. The Father says: Children, you must be tired. You have performed devotion for half the cycle and stumbled around from door to door. By wandering around on the path of devotion, you have become tired and so the Father comes and gives you the return by making you worshippers worthy of worship. You know that you were worthy of worship and have now become worshippers. It isn’t that God is worthy of worship and then becomes a worshipper. No, we become that. Bharat is remembered as the imperishable land. Bharat is the birthplace of Shiv Baba. People sacrifice themselves for their birthplace. Look how much the Congress Party beat their heads to regain their birthplace; they chased away the foreigners. This birthplace was heaven. Then, Maya, the five vices, came and swallowed it. We consider Ravan to be a great enemy. No one understands that Maya, Ravan, who has eaten up our kingdom is the greatest enemy of all. She blows in an incognito way like a mouse and then bites so that no one knows. By biting you in that way, she has made you completely bankrupt. No one knows that she snatched away your fortune of the kingdom. No one knows who their enemy is or how they became poverty-stricken. Maya is a big mouse. By biting you for half the cycle, she has made Bharat worth a shell. She is very powerful. You are now quietly conquering her. You know how you are claiming your kingdom back in an incognito way. Just as you lost it in an incognito way, you are also claiming it back in an incognito way. No one knows this, but you now have to conquer her. This is such a deep secret. We are once again claiming our fortune of the kingdom with Baba's help. We do not use our hands or feet. We are claiming our inheritance from the unlimited Father in an incognito way and that will then continue for half the cycle. Maya, the mouse, bites very slowly but you now claim a kingdom for 21 births in one go. The secret of 84 births has also been explained to you. You take this many births. You know that in the golden age your lifespan is very long. Then, when you become impure and indulge in sensual pleasures, you take 63 births in the copper and iron ages. Baba sits here and explains this. Maya takes away our kingdom in this way every cycle and we then claim it back from her. It is sung in the song: From which land have you come and to which land do you have to go back? However, people don't understand this. You know from which land you souls have come and why you have come. You have the whole cycle in your intellects. In the whole drama, Shiv Baba has the hero-heroine part. Who are the actors with Shiv Baba? He first gives birth to Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar and then to you children. You are the Father’s helpers. The Father plays His part and goes back to His land and He also takes you, His helpers, to the land of liberation with Him. You will go to the land of liberation and then you will go to the land of liberation-in-life. You should keep this in your intellects very clearly. So, this is the world of dreams which has become the past. You know that deities used to reside in the golden and silver ages. They no longer exist. The song has such a deep meaning: how you are sitting with the world of dreams in your intellects and how the whole cycle turns. We also have the knowledge that Baba has. Only the unlimited Father has all this unlimited knowledge. You children know that this will also become a dream. This is something to be understood and explained. These things are not in anyone's intellect in the golden and silver ages. You continue to receive deep points. The whole cycle should remain in your intellects. What is the path of devotion and when does it begin? There has been no benefit through it. By performing devotion, people have only incurred a loss. You are now becoming like diamonds from shells. Maya makes you worth shells. Baba teaches you the dance of knowledge. Then you will go and dance there. These are very wonderful things and worth knowing. The customs and systems of this place don't exist there at all. That is the viceless world; there is no name or trace of Maya there. First of all, remember Baba and claim your inheritance. However, whatever the customs and systems of that place are, they will continue there. The customs and systems there will all be new. There won't be these festivals there. Here, there is unhappiness and this is why they celebrate festivals. There, every day is a celebration. There is no need to cry there. There is no question of celebrating a festival. There, every day is a big day for us. Marriages there also take place with a lot of splendour. The bride receives a dowry; she also receives maids and servants. However, there is no need for any festivals etc. These are the festivals of the confluence age which are celebrated on the path of devotion. There, there is always happiness. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Spin the discus of self-realisation and gain victory over Maya in an incognito way. Become knowledge-full, like the Father. 2. Know the Father accurately as He is and what He is and remember Him as a point form. Become a point and stay in the remembrance of the Father, a point. Don't be innocent. Blessing: May you become an embodiment of success by using all your specialities and thereby increasing them. The more you use your specialities by serving with your mind, words and deeds, the more those specialities will continue to increase. To use these for service means to receive a lot of fruit from one seed. Do not simply keep all the specialities you have received as your birthright in this elevated life in the seed form, but sow them in the field of service and you will experience their fruit, that is, you will experience yourself to be an embodiment of success. Slogan: Do not look at the expansion, but look at the essence and merge it into yourself; this is intense effort. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- 2 Sept 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English -02/09/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 12/01/84 Always have powerful thoughts and speak powerful words. Today, the Father who lives beyond sound has come into the world of sound in order to take all the children into the stage of being beyond sound, because there is the experience of deep happiness and peace in the stage of beyond sound. By becoming stable in the elevated stage of being beyond sound, you experience yourself to be equal to the Father in your perfect stage. People of today try many different things in order to attain the true peace of being beyond sound. They continue to adopt so many different methods. However, all of you are embodiments of peace, children of the Ocean of Peace, master oceans of peace. You stabilise in your stage of being an embodiment of peace in a second. You are experienced in this way, are you not? Do you practise coming into sound in a second and then going beyond and stabilising in your original religion beyond sound in a second? You are masters of your physical senses, are you not? You can come and perform actions whenever you want and then stabilise yourself in the karmateet stage of being beyond actions whenever you want. This is known as being detached one moment and being loving to all through action the next moment. You experience such controlling power and ruling power, do you not? Things that people of the world say are difficult are not only easy for you elevated souls, but they are extremely easy, because you are master almighty authorities. People of the world think: How can this be possible? They continue to wander around with their intellects and their bodies in that confusion, whereas what do you say? Can you have the thought: How will this happen? To ask how means a question mark. So, instead of saying, "How?", the sound that emerges from you once again is, "This is how it happens". To say, "This is how" means a “full stop”. So, the question mark changed and you put a full stop. What were you yesterday and what have you become today? There is a great difference, is there not? Do you believe that there is a great difference? Yesterday, you used to say, "Oh God!", and today, instead of saying "OK!” you say, "Oho!". Oho, sweet Baba! Not God, but Baba. From Him being far-away, you found the Father to be close to you. You searched for the Father and the Father found you in different corners. However, the Father didn’t have to work hard. You had to make a lot of effort. The Father had your introduction, but you didn't have it. All of you sing songs of love. BapDada also sings songs of love for the children. BapDada sings the greatest song of love of all every day and, when you hear this song, the minds of all you loving children continue to dance in happiness. He sings these songs every day and this is why, as a memorial, a lot of importance is given to songs. The memorial of the Father's song has been made into the Gita. From hearing the songs of the children and seeing the memorials of the different experiences of dancing in happiness, of being in happiness, bliss and joy, they created the Bhagawad. So, there is the memorial of both. Do you consider yourselves and experience yourselves to be such elevated, fortunate ones? There are many who consider themselves to be this, but only a handful out of multi-millions who experience themselves to be this. To be an image of experience means to be an experienced image who is complete and equal to the Father. Let there be the experience of every word and every relationship. Let there be the experience of the different attainments from each relationship. Let there be the experience of every power. Let there be the experience of every virtue. You can adopt the jewellery of virtues whenever you want. All of these virtues are the variety jewellery. According to the time and place, you can decorate yourself with the jewellery of virtues. Not only can you decorate yourself, but you can also donate virtues to others. Together with the donation of knowledge, the donation of virtues also has great importance. A soul who is a great donor of virtues will not imbibe the defects of others, even whilst seeing them. Such a soul will not be influenced by the defects of others but instead, by donating virtues, will transform the defects of others into virtues. Just as you give money to beggars and make them rich, in the same way, donate virtues to those who have defects and make them into images of virtues. Just as the donations of yoga, powers and service are very well known, the donation of virtues is also a special donation. By donating virtues to souls, you are able to make souls experience the sparkle of zeal and enthusiasm. So, have you become images who are the great donors of everything, that is, have you become images of experience?Today, Baba has especially come to meet the double-foreign children. BapDada has already told you the speciality of the double-foreign children. Nevertheless, BapDada calls double-foreign children those with far-sighted intellects. Even from far away, you recognised the Father with your intellects and claimed all rights. BapDada has special love for the children who have far-sighted intellects, numberwise, according to their specialities. Are all of you those who have become moths and have come flying from your country to surrender yourselves to the Flame, or do some of you simply circle around? To surrender means to become equal. So, are you those who surrender yourselves or those who simply circle around? Which type is greater in number? Whoever you are and whatever you are like, BapDada likes you. Anyway, you have at least reached here having made such a lot of effort. So, always consider yourself to belong to the Father and you will always belong to the Father. This determined thought will constantly enable you to move forward. Don't think about your weaknesses too much. By thinking about your weaknesses, you become even weaker. By saying that you are ill, you become doubly ill. "I am not that powerful. I am not able to have such good yoga. The service I do is not that good. Am I loved by Baba or not? I don’t know whether I will be able to continue or not." These thoughts make you even weaker. Maya first tries in a very light form, and you then give it a bigger form and Maya takes her chance to become your companion. She is simply trying you out, but you don't recognise this and think that you are like that and this is why she becomes your companion. Maya is the companion of the weak. Don't repeatedly voice your weak thoughts or even think weak thoughts. By your thinking about it again and again, it becomes your form. Always think: If I don't belong to Baba, who else will? I belonged to Baba. It was I who belonged to Baba... I will belong to Him every cycle. This thought makes you healthy and a conqueror of Maya. Weaknesses come later. You don't recognise this and consider that to be the truth and so Maya makes you belong to her. They put on a play about Sita. He (Ravan) wasn't a beggar, but Sita thought he was a beggar. He had simply come to test her and she thought he really was that. This is how, seeing her innocence, he made her belong to him. Here, too, wasteful and weak thoughts take on the form of Maya in order to test you. However, it is because you become innocent that she makes you belong to her. "I am like that!" Then, by making you say that, Maya creates a place for herself. You are not weak like that. You are powerful. You are master almighty authorities. You are the handful out of multi-millions who have been selected by BapDada. How could such souls be weak? To think in that way is to give a place to Maya. You give her a place and then you say that you have to get rid of her. But, why do you give her a place in the first place? None of you is weak. You are all masters. You are always courageous and always mahavirs. Have this elevated thought. You are constantly the Father's companions. When you are a companion of the Father, Maya cannot make you her companion. Why have you come to Madhuban? (To leave Maya behind.) Madhuban is the great sacrificial fire, is it not? So, you have come to sacrifice everything in the great sacrificial fire. However, BapDada says: All of you have come to celebrate Vijaya Ashthmi (Dashera). You have come to celebrate the ceremony of applying the tilak of victory. You have become victorious and have come to celebrate the ceremony of applying the tilak of victory. All of you are clever at copying and saying, "Ji ha". This too is a virtue. Here, too, all you have to do is copy the Father. To follow him means to copy him. This is easy, is it not? You have come here having left your country and so BapDada also leaves His land behind and comes here.Does BapDada not have a family? He puts aside the task of the whole world and comes here. The household of the whole family is the Father's family, is it not? For the Father, all are His children. He has to give a drop to everyone. He doesn't give them the inheritance, but He does give them at least a drop. Achcha.To the most elevated souls who have all rights and are equal to the Father, to those who are constantly great donors, the bestowers of blessings, to those who constantly experience themselves to be great by knowing the great difference, to those who are conquerors of Maya by constantly recognising Maya, to the elevated souls who are embodiments of all powers, to all the children in this land and abroad who remain lost in love, who have heart-to-heart conversations with the Father, who celebrate meeting the Father, who give their love and remembrance and also send it through letters, to all the children who write very sweet news and also give news of their loving efforts for the self, BapDada is seeing all of you personally in front of Him and giving love and remembrance. Together with this, He is also giving love-filled remembrance and saying namaste to the children who become moths and surrender themselves to the Flame, that is, to those children who become equal to the Father at every step.Seeing all the maharathi brothers and sisters:There is also a rosary of the children who are instruments for service. All of you special jewels have become instruments. The speciality of an instrument makes you an instrument. Brahma Baba has great pride in all of you because of one thing. What is he especially proud of? Brahma Baba has special pride in the form of unity that you children have demonstrated from the beginning by harmonising one another's thoughts. Unity is the foundation of this Brahmin family. Therefore, Brahma Baba is proud of you children. Even though he lives in the subtle region, he sees all the activities.BapDada meeting the London group:All of you are those who become spiritual roses and, as flowers of the imperishable garden, give fragrance to others, are you not? All of you are spiritual roses and, seeing you spiritual roses, the whole world is attracted to you. Each of you spiritual roses is so valuable. You are invaluable and this is why, even now, the non-living images of all of you have value too. They give or receive each non-living image with so much value. It is just ordinary stone, silver or gold, and yet it has so much value. How much value would they place on a golden idol? How did it become so valuable? By belonging to the Father, you became constantly elevated. Constantly continue to sing songs of this fortune. Wah, my fortune! Wah, the Bestower of Fortune! And, wah, the confluence age! Wah, sweet drama! You know how to say, "Wah, wah!" for everything, do you not? You constantly sing songs of "Wah, wah!" do you not? BapDada is proud of the residents of London. London is the seed of the tree of service. Therefore, the residents of London are also the seed. Those from the UK means those who always remain OK; those who constantly keep a balance of studying and doing service; those who constantly experience progress at every step. Since you belong to the Father, you constantly have His company and His hand; every child has this over them. Do you experience this? Those who have the Father's hand over them are always safe. You are those who are always safe, are you not? Maya cannot come to the group that is OK. Maya also says, "OK! OK!" for all time and bids you farewell and goes away. The UK, that is, the OK group has very elevated company. You have very good company and a powerful atmosphere and so how could Maya come? You remain constantly safe. The OK group means the group of those who are conquerors of Maya.Speaking to the Mauritius group:Do you always consider yourselves to be greatly fortunate? What did you receive as your fortune? You attained God as your fortune. You received the Bestower of Fortune Himself as your fortune - what can be greater fortune than this? So, you constantly have this happiness: We souls are the most fortunate souls in the world with the greatest fortune. Not just “we” but “we souls”. When you say “souls”, you will not have the wrong type of intoxication. By being soul conscious, you will have elevated intoxication – spiritual, Godly intoxication. Souls are fortunate and, even today, their fortune is being remembered. The Bhagwad is the memorial of your fortune. It is such imperishable fortune that it is remembered even today. Continue to move constantly forward in this happiness. Kumaris are free from bondage - free from the bondage of the body, free from the bondage of the mind. Only those who are free from bondage are able to experience the flying stage. Achcha. Blessing: May you remain detached from your part and loving to the Father, while playing your part in service, and become an easy yogi. Some children say that they are sometimes able to have yoga but not at other times. The reason for this is a lack of detachment. Because you are not detached, you do not experience and, where there is no love, there is no remembrance. The greater the love, the easier the remembrance. Therefore, do not play your part on the basis of your relationship but play your part in terms of service and you will remain detached. Be like a lotus and remain detached from the atmosphere of the old world and be loving to the Father, and you will become an easy yogi. Slogan: A gyani soul is one who merges the word “excuse” and finds a solution for every situation. #Murli #english #brahmakumari #bkmurlitoday
- BK murli today in Hindi 7 July 2018 - Aaj ki Murli
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - 07-07-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन'' मीठे बच्चे - अभी तुम बाप, टीचर, सतगुरू - तीनों के सम्मुख बैठे हो, बाप की यही कृपा है जो टीचर बन तुम्हें पढ़ा रहे हैं, सतगुरू बन साथ में ले जायेंगे'' प्रश्नः- तुम बच्चों का बाप से कौन-सा वायदा है? तुम्हारा कर्तव्य क्या है? उत्तर:- बाप से वायदा है - बाबा, हम आपसे जो कुछ सुनते हैं वह दूसरों को भी अवश्य सुनायेंगे। आप समान बनायेंगे। हमारा कर्तव्य है - बाप समान सबको पढ़ाना क्योंकि अभी बुद्धि का ताला खुला है। जैसे हम वर्सा ले रहे हैं ऐसे रहमदिल बन दूसरों को भी वर्सा दिलाना है। गीत:- ले लो दुआयें माँ-बाप की....... ओम् शान्ति।अभी बच्चे माँ-बाप के सम्मुख बैठे हुए हैं अथवा बच्चे स्कूल में टीचर के पास बैठे हुए हैं। बच्चे जानते हैं हम सतगुरू के पास भी बैठे हैं ज्ञान सुनने के लिए। किससे सुनने? ज्ञान सागर तो बाप ही है। जानते हैं वह परमधाम से पधारा हुआ है हमको शिक्षा देने। तुम्हारी बुद्धि परमधाम, स्वीट होम तरफ लगी हुई है। भल पढ़ाते तो यहाँ ही हैं, मात-पिता सम्मुख बैठे हैं तो भी बुद्धियोग अथवा याद निर्वाणधाम तरफ ही है। हमको बाप के साथ घर जाना है। फिर विष्णु के घर आयेंगे। वह भी घर है, यह भी घर है। कृष्णपुरी ससुरघर जाना है। पहले तो बाप जो लायक बनाते हैं उनको याद करना है। माँ-बाप कन्या को लायक बनाते हैं ना। ससुर घर जायेगी तो माँ-बाप का शो करेगी कि बच्ची तो बड़ी अच्छी सुलक्षणी है। अभी तुम जानते हो हम परमपिता परमात्मा के सम्मुख बैठे हैं, पढ़ रहे हैं। बाप बच्चों पर बहुत मेहनत करते हैं। यह है उनकी कृपा। बच्चा बैरिस्टर बनता है तो कहेंगे माँ-बाप ने अच्छी रीति पालना की है। पढ़ाया है। मात-पिता क्रियेटर भी होते हैं, डायरेक्टर भी होते हैं। मेल बच्चों का मोह बाप में जाता है। बच्ची का मोह माँ के पास जाता है क्योंकि बच्चों को बाप से वर्सा मिलना है। कुमारी तो जाकर माँ बनती है। अभी यहाँ तुम ब्राह्मण कुल भूषण हो। ब्राह्मण तो गाये जाते हैं। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा की सन्तान तो बहुत हैं। उन ब्राह्मणों से भी तुम पूछ सकते हो - तुम मुख वंशावली हो तो ब्रह्मा की मुख सन्तान हो? कुख सन्तान तो लौकिक मात-पिता से जन्म लेते हैं। ब्रह्मा मुख से तुम कब पैदा हुए? बतला नहीं सकेंगे। तुम प्रैक्टिकल में जानते हो - हम ब्रह्मा मुख कमल से एडाप्ट हुए हैं। एडाप्ट किया है शिवबाबा ने। यहाँ तुम समझते हो - हम बाप-टीचर-गुरू तीनों के सम्मुख बैठे हुए हैं। बाप तो मैनर्स सिखलाते हैं - श्रीकृष्ण जैसे गुणवान, सर्वगुण सम्पन्न........ यहाँ ही बनना है, पुरुषार्थ करके। मनुष्य तो यह नहीं जानते कि राधे-कृष्ण अगले जन्म में कौन थे? यह सिर्फ तुम बच्चे ही जानते हो। जो पूज्य थे वो ही पुजारी बने फिर पूज्य बनते हैं। पुजारी भक्त को कहा जाता है। नर से नारायण वा बेगर से प्रिन्स बनाने का वर्सा बाप बिगर कोई दे न सके। तुमसे अगर कोई पूछे - तुम क्या कर रहे हो? तो तुम बोलो - हम गॉड फादर द्वारा पढ़ रहे हैं। एम आब्जेक्ट तो हरेक की बुद्धि में है ना। हम बाबा से बेहद का वर्सा ले रहे हैं। स्वर्ग का वर्सा है ही लक्ष्मी-नारायण वा प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बनना। यहाँ इस कॉलेज में तुम प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बनते हो। जानते हो भविष्य नये विश्व का प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज बनने लिए हम पढ़ रहे हैं। नये विश्व को सतयुग कहा जाता है। सतयुग में अथवा कलियुग में होंगे तो मनुष्य ही ना। नॉलेज भी मनुष्य को मिलती है। जानवर को तो नहीं देंगे। मनुष्य दैवी गुण वाले थे। अभी आसुरी गुणों वाले बने हैं फिर हम दैवीगुण वाले बनते हैं। यह तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि में है। यह तो सहज समझने की बात है। 84 जन्मों का चक्र भी भारत के लिए ही है। 84 जन्मों के चक्र का राज़ और किसकी बुद्धि में नहीं बैठेगा। स्वदर्शन चक्र तो कृष्ण को था। विष्णु, लक्ष्मी-नारायण का कम्बाइन्ड रूप है। छोटेपन में राधे-कृष्ण थे। परन्तु वो भी सिर्फ कृष्ण को देते हैं। राधे को कभी चक्र नहीं दिखाते। लक्ष्मी को भी नहीं, सिर्फ नारायण को दिखाते हैं वा विष्णु को देते हैं। उसमें लक्ष्मी आ जाती है। वास्तव में स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी तुम हो।तुम जानते हो हम बड़ी वन्डरफुल पढ़ाई पढ़ रहे हैं गॉड फादर से। वो ही ज्ञान का सागर, मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप है, सत है, चैतन्य है। आत्मा को ही सत और चैतन्य कहा जाता है। शरीर को सत् और चैतन्य तो कह नहीं सकेंगे। बच्चे का शरीर 5 महीने तक जड़ होते भी गर्भ में वृद्धि को पाता रहता है। वृद्धि को तो हर चीज़ पाती ही है। परन्तु यह मनुष्य की आत्मा महान् है। मनुष्य की महिमा भी होती है तो मनुष्य की ग्लानी भी होती है। अखबार में छपा - इंगलैण्ड का प्राइम मिनिस्टर चर्च में गया तो साथ में बिल्ली को लेकर गया। देखो, बिल्ली का भी कितना मान होता है। वहाँ तुम भी बिना परमिट के नहीं जा सकते और बिल्ली को परमिट मिल जाती है। बहुत मनुष्य कहते हैं - कुत्ता भी भगवान् को याद करता है! बांग भरता है ना! वो भी गॉड सिर्फ कहते, जानते कुछ नहीं। तो मनुष्य और जानवर में क्या फ़र्क हुआ? तुम अब कितने ऊंच बनते हो। अभी तुम्हारी बहुत महिमा निकलेगी। प्रैक्टिकल में तुम्हारा जब प्रभाव निकलेगा तो कहेंगे - बस, ब्रह्माकुमारियों पास जाना है। ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियां शिव के पोत्रे और पोत्रियां हैं। बाबा तो एक है ना। मम्मा-बाबा एक हैं जिससे तुम रचे जाते हो। तुम जानते हो हम शिवबाबा के पोत्रे वा पोत्रियां हैं। इसमें बूढ़े वा जवान आदि की बात नहीं है। हम शिवबाबा के पोत्रे ब्रह्मा के पुत्र पोत्रे ठहरे। कितनी सहज बात है। यह ब्राह्मणों का कुल है ना। क्रियेटर तो बाप ही हुआ। तुम जानते हो हम शिवबाबा के बच्चे इस झाड़ के पहले-पहले फाउन्डर हैं। यह ब्रह्मा संगम पर थुर में बैठे हैं ना। हम ऊंच ते ऊंच शिवबाबा के पोत्रे हैं, उससे हम स्वर्ग का वर्सा पा रहे हैं। यह कभी भूलना नहीं चाहिए। देह सहित जो कुछ भी है सबको भूल अशरीरी बनना है। अभी हमको वापिस जाना है - डाडे के पास अथवा स्वीट होम जाना है। हम शिवबाबा के पोत्रे-पोत्रियां हैं। बाप भी तो जरूर चाहिए। बरोबर हम ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियां हैं। शिव के पोत्रे हैं, डाडे का ही वर्सा मिलता है। विश्व की बादशाही को ही सच्चा स्वराज्य कहा जाता है। सारे विश्व का तुम मालिक बनते हो। कोई का डर नहीं। उसको अद्वेत राज्य कहा जाता है। वहाँ दूसरा कोई रहता नहीं। सर्वगुण सम्पन्न, अहिंसा परमो धर्म वाले बन जाते हैं। बाबा ने समझाया है - हिंसा दो प्रकार की होती है। एक वायोलेन्स की, दूसरी हिंसा है फिर काम कटारी चलाना। हम डबल अहिंसक हैं। सतयुग में हिंसा की बात नहीं होती। न जिस्मानी, न विकार की। अहिंसा परमो देवी-देवता धर्म कहते हैं। उसके हम भाती बनते हैं। ब्राह्मण से फिर हम देवता बनेंगे। हमारा मनुष्य नाम निकल जाता है। हम मनुष्य से देवता बनते हैं। जैसे बैरिस्टर, इन्जीनियर आदि बनते हैं। कैसे बने सो तो वह खुद ही जान सकते। तुम जानते हो इस पढ़ाई से देवता बनते हैं। बहुत सहज है। वैराइटी धर्मो का यह जो झाड़ है, उसके आदि-मध्य-अन्त का तुमको ज्ञान है, जो और कोई को नहीं है। तुम जानते हो हमारा बाप टीचर परमधाम से आये हैं - हमको पढ़ाने। परमधाम कितना ऊंच है। एरोप्लेन भी वहाँ जा न सके। बाबा बिगर पंख कैसे आकर पढ़ाते हैं, तो इतनी खुशी रहनी चाहिए। हमारा बाबा टीचर भी है। रहते हैं परमधाम में, वहाँ से आकर हमको पढ़ाते हैं। उनको तो बहुत ही सर्विस करनी है। भक्तों को भी राज़ी करने की सर्विस करनी होती है। भक्त मुझे नहीं जानते। उन्हों की मैं इतनी सर्विस करता हूँ, नौधा भक्ति वालों की भी दिल पूरी करता हूँ। जिसका भी साक्षात्कार बच्चों ने किया है। नौधा भक्ति में बैठते हैं - बस, कृष्ण दर्शन दो। आंखों से जारोज़ार आंसू बहाते रहते हैं। जब ऐसी तीव्र भक्ति करते हैं तब साक्षात्कार कराता हूँ। वह है भक्ति मार्ग। तो इस समय उन्हों को भी राज़ी करता हूँ। तुमको तो सम्मुख बैठ सुनाता हूँ, पढ़ाता हूँ। भगवानुवाच तो बरोबर है। इसमें कोई शक नहीं। गीता में भी लिखा हुआ है - हे बच्चे, तुमको नर से नारायण बनाने राजयोग सिखला रहा हूँ। परन्तु नाम कृष्ण का डाल दिया है। कृष्ण की आत्मा तो इस समय अन्तिम जन्म में है। वो बैठ पढ़ती है। कृष्ण भगवानुवाच नहीं है। बच्चे जानते हैं - बरोबर सूर्यवंशी चन्द्रवंशी राजधानी स्थापन हो रही है। हम पुरुषार्थ करके अवश्य वर्सा लेंगे। बाबा कितना रहमदिल है! आकर बच्चों को गोद लेते हैं। बच्चे कहते हैं - बाबा, आप वो ही हो, हम भी वही हैं, जो फिर से आकर मिले हैं। आप वही बाबा हैं, हम वही आपके बच्चे हैं। अब आप आये हो राज्य-भाग्य देने। बाबा फिर से हमको पढ़ा रहे हैं। हम शिव के पोत्रे-पोत्रियां हैं। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा नाम भी बाला है। यह तो जानते हो - स्वर्ग का रचयिता परमपिता परमात्मा ही है, वर्सा उनसे मिलेगा। ब्रह्मा को भी उनसे मिला था। यह बाप तुम ब्राह्मणों से बात कर रहे हैं। कितना अच्छी रीति समझाते हैं। फिर भूल क्यों जाते हो? बाबा के घर में बैठे हैं। बाबा ही टीचर बन पढ़ाते हैं। हम राजयोग सीख रहे हैं। हम जायेंगे शान्तिधाम फिर आयेंगे सुखधाम। इस कलियुगी दुनिया का विनाश होना है। कल्प पहले मुआफिक तुमको साक्षी हो देखना पड़ता है। देखते चलो - कैसे इम्तहान पास किया, कैसे विनाश हुआ? फिर जहाँ जीत, वहाँ जन्म कैसे होता है? कैसे महल आदि बनायेंगे? बुद्धि में है - ऐसे नहीं, सोने की द्वारिका कोई नीचे पड़ी है, वह निकल आयेगी। कहते हैं - रावण की भी सोने की लंका थी। ऐसे तो कुछ है नहीं। सोने के महल तो देवताओं के होते हैं। अभी तो नहीं है। अभी तो भारत का बेड़ा ही गर्क हो गया है। अब तुम बच्चे सैलवेज करते हो नर्क रूपी विषय सागर से। बाकी स्टीम्बर आदि की कोई बात नहीं है। तुम सागर के बच्चे जल मर भस्म हो गये थे। काम चिता पर बैठ काले बन गये थे। तुम सुन्दर थे फिर सांवरे बन गये। भारत के तुम देवी-देवतायें कितने सुन्दर थे! तुम सब श्याम-सुन्दर हो। बच्चे जानते हैं - हम किसके आगे बैठे है? ऐसा कोई सतसंग नहीं होगा जहाँ गॉड फादर बैठ राजयोग सिखलाते हैं। निराकार बाप किसके तो शरीर में आये हैं ना। श्रीकृष्ण जैसा कैसे आयेगा। हाँ, उनकी आत्मा तो यहाँ ही है ना।अभी तुम्हारी बुद्धि का ताला खुला है। जानते हो हम बाबा से विश्व के मालिक बनते हैं। वर्सा लेते हैं। तुम ही मम्मा-बाबा कहते हो तो तुम्हें पढ़ाई में फालो करना है इसलिए गाया जाता है - फालो फादर। सच्चा फादर चाहिए ना, आर्टीफिशल तो नहीं! गांधी को भी बापू जी कहते थे परन्तु वर्सा तो कुछ भी नहीं मिला। वो हुआ हद के बापू जी से हद का वर्सा। उनको बेहद का नहीं कहेगे। यह बेहद का बापू जी तो परमधाम से आये हैं। तुमको स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाते हैं। तुम अब त्रिकालदर्शी बने हो और तुम ही वैकुण्ठ के मालिक बनते हो। बेहद के बाप में कितना लव रहना चाहिए! और संग तोड़ एक तुम संग जोडूँ। यह तुम्हारी प्रतिज्ञा बाप के साथ है। कितना प्यार से बाप बैठ बच्चों को समझाते हैं! और कोई क्या जाने शिवबाबा कब आये? रक्षाबंधन कब हुआ? दैवीगुण धारण कैसे किये? गीता शास्त्र पढ़ते-सुनते हैं परन्तु समझते कुछ भी नहीं। तुम्हारा है ओरली। इसमें शास्त्रों आदि की बात नहीं। भगवान् बैठ सिखलाते है। संगम पर ही सिखाया था। अभी तुम सम्मुख सुनते हो तो नशा चढ़ता है। फिर वह नशा कम नहीं होना चाहिए। यह कोई मनुष्य नहीं पढ़ाते हैं। परमपिता परमात्मा जो ज्ञान का सागर है, वह पढ़ा रहे हैं। ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियां सब सुन रहे हैं। सुनकर फिर औरों को सुनाते हो। तुम्हारी एग्रीमेंट है - बाबा से सुनकर फिर सुनायेंगे जरूर। नहीं तो सुना किसलिए है! अब तुम बेहद बाप के बच्चे बने हो। बाप कहते है - मामेकम् याद करो। देह सहित देह के सभी सम्बन्ध आदि छोड़ो। बाप शिव, तुम हो सालिग्राम। बाप और बच्चे। बाप कहते हैं - हम निराकारी, तुम भी निराकारी थे। फिर यहाँ पार्ट बजाने आये हो। अब फिर जाना है वापिस। बाबा ब्रह्माण्ड का मालिक है। तुम भी ब्रह्माण्ड के मालिक थे। जिसको परमधाम, निर्वाणधाम, मूलवतन आदि कहते हैं। यह सब नाम हैं। मूलवतन, सूक्ष्मवतन, स्थूलवतन - यह सामने चक्र फिरता रहता है। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) पढ़ाई में मात-पिता को फालो करना है। खुशी में रहना है कि ऊंचे ते ऊंचे धाम से भगवान् हमें पढ़ाने आते हैं। 2) अब हमें वापस स्वीटहोम जाना है, इसलिए अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करना है। देह सहित सब कुछ भूल जाना है। वरदान:- संगमयुग पर श्रेष्ठ मत द्वारा श्रेष्ठ गति को प्राप्त करने वाले प्रत्यक्ष फल के अधिकारी भव l संगमयुग पर श्रेष्ठ मत के आधार पर जो श्रेष्ठ कर्म करते हो उसका प्रत्यक्षफल अर्थात् सफलता अभी ही प्राप्त होती है, इसलिए कहते हैं जैसी मत वैसी गत। वो लोग समझते हैं मरने के बाद गति मिलेगी लेकिन आप बच्चों को इस अन्तिम मरजीवा जन्म में हर कर्म की सफलता का फल अर्थात् गति प्राप्त होने का वरदान मिला हुआ है। आप भविष्य की इंतजार में नहीं रहते। अभी-अभी करते और अभी-अभी प्राप्ति का अधिकार मिल जाता - इसको ही कहते हैं रचयिता का रचना से सच्चा प्यार। स्लोगन:- दृढ़ संकल्प से हर कदम में बाप को फालो करने वाले ही सम्पन्न बनते हैं। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
- The Great Birth of God Shiv (Shiva), the Unborn
The Most Venerated Supreme Soul Shiva does not take birth as other beings do from the wombs of their respective mothers, because He is Himself the Supra-Cosmic, Father-Mother of all mankind and, being above Karma and the bondage caused by it, He is also free from the kind of birth the human beings are subject to. Unlike other souls, He does not take a body that be ‘His own’, because one’s ‘own body’ is had on the basis of one’s past actions and resolves (Samskaras). God Shiva does not perform any such actions and has no such bondages and resolves as other beings have. What He does is that He descends from the Supreme Abode and uses the medium of a mediocre man, who has an aged body of ‘his own’, which he has acquired as a result of his past actions and resolves. God Shiva takes the body of that man ‘on loan’ so to say, because He requires a mouth-organ for unfolding the knowledge and spiritual yoga unto mankind. This body serves as the corporeal medium or a vehicle for Shiva, the Supreme Soul. God Father Shiva only speaks through the oral organ of this man to divulge the truth and to enlighten the path of mankind. For this purpose, He descends from His Supreme Abode for short periods, as and when He so wills and then, having given the teachings, returns to His Abode. This extraordinary way of embodying Himself into a man’s aged body or this entry into another’s body, is called the Divine Birth or Supernatural Incarnation of God Shiva and is peculiar to Him only. When the Knowledgeful God Shiva reveals the Knowledge, which had hitherto gone into oblivion, through the mouth of this man, he (the latter) also listens to it and assimilates it, even as many others do, and in this way, the souls transform themselves into righteous and pious ones. The Most Exalted God Father Shiva gives this man a new name because having renounced his previous ways, this man is now changed and, as we say, is a ‘possessed man’. This man is now given the name ‘Prajapita Brahma’ by God Shiva. In other religions, he comes to be known as Adam or Adhem, the progenitor of holy mankind. Those who listen to the sermons of God, the Supreme Father, as uttered through the mouth of Prajapita Brahma, are known as Brahmins or the ‘oral progeny of Brahma’ or the ‘mouth-children of Adam’ or ‘Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars’ and this knowledge, which God gives, is known as the ‘original Gita-Gyan’.
- 13 July 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 13/07/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, simply remember two sentences: We are the grandchildren of the Satguru. We claim our inheritance from our Grandfather through Brahma, our father. Question: It is remembered that those who ascend taste the nectar of heaven, whereas every bone of those who fall is crushed. This song applies to you children and no one else. Why? Answer: Because your destination is extremely high. You now go home to the Father in the supreme abode, and you then go down into the new world. This saying cannot apply to anyone else. They (the sannyasis) are numberwise; there are some weak ones among them and some who are strong but they do not have their destination in front of them. They don’t know the taste of the experience of heaven. Only you children say that you now want to follow the path where you fall and become careful again. Song: We want to follow the path where we fall and also have to be careful. Om Shanti. When a song is played, you children understand that there is knowledge for us in the song. For ignorant people, there is only ignorance in it whereas for an enlightened soul, there is knowledge in it. You understand that it is definitely the storms of Maya that make you fall and that the Father, God, raises you up. That is, He gives the life-giving herb of knowledge to those who have fallen. Those who get caught up in a storm of lust fall, if they get caught up in a storm of anger too, they fall. This falling and ascending continues. Those who ascend taste the nectar of heaven, whereas every bone of those who fall is crushed. This song cannot apply to anyone except you; it doesn’t apply even to sannyasis, although there may be some weak sannyasis too. None of them have a destination. Your destination is the highest of all. They study the scriptures etc. and perhaps become scholars, but they don’t have the destination of claiming a kingdom etc. Here, the destination is very high. You children understand that unlimited BapDada is teaching you. Mama also teaches and children teach as well. You are the grandchildren of the Grandfather. At Amritsar, when a grandfather and his grandchildren are together, it would be said, “This is the seventh generation” or “This is the second generation”. You understand that there will be generations of deities in the golden age; there will be the first generation, the second generation etc. Here, you have no generations. There is one father, one Grandfather, one Mama and the rest are all children, that’s all! There is no one, other than the Grandfather and the grandchildren. It is now very easy to remember these things. We are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris and so Brahma is your father, and Shiva is your Grandfather. We receive our property from Him. It is very easy to remember that you are the grandsons and granddaughters of the Grandfather: Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Brahma is the only son of Shiva. It is not that we are Vishnu Kumaris or Shankar Kumaris. Only one Brahma is called Prajapita Brahma. Baba explains in a very easy manner. You have become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris in order to claim your inheritance from Shiv Baba. Shiv Baba tells you what to explain to others: You definitely have to remember Shiv Baba, from whom you receive the inheritance. If you remember anyone else, you will receive an inheritance of hell. This is something that has to be understood. You do not receive the inheritance from the father but you receive it from the Grandfather. He is the Creator of heaven and the Bestower of knowledge. Shiv Baba speaks through Brahma and this Brahma also listens. Saraswati, the first daughter of Brahma, has also been remembered. Brahma Kumari Saraswati, the world mother, is praised a great deal. She claims an even greater inheritance than Brahma. This is why Lakshmi is remembered first, then Narayan. You understand that you are the children of Jagadamba, the world mother, and Jagadpita, the world father. So, why do you not claim your inheritance from the Grandfather? You are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, grandsons and granddaughters of the Grandfather, that’s all! There is no second or third generation. There are no great grandchildren or great great grandchildren. Who would not remember the Grandfather? You know that the more you remember Him, the more your sins will be absolved. You can explain to anyone that Shiva, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Creator of heaven. He definitely creates that through Brahma. He says to the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris through Brahma: Remember Me and the inheritance (heaven). Forget all the relations of the body. It has been said: If you die, the world is dead for you. When a soul separates from his body, nothing remains; the consciousness of the body ends. You have now come to Baba and you will then become beautiful. You are now ugly. This is a play about changing from ugly to beautiful. You souls are becoming pure and beautiful. You souls have become iron aged and so your bodies too are likewise. You were beautiful in the golden age. The beautiful Traveller comes and makes you beautiful. That soul is forever beautiful. He never has alloy mixed into Him because He doesn’t come into birth and death. He explains in such an easy manner but some still forget and divorce such a Grandfather. Therefore, Baba says: If you want to see the greatest fools of all as well as the wisest ones of all, see them here. They are so foolish that they cannot even understand these two very easy aspects. You simply have to understand that you are souls and that this is the incorporeal Supreme Soul, your Grandfather. This Prajapita Brahma is very well known. Shiv Baba gives you the inheritance through him. If you leave Brahma, you also leave the Grandfather, and then your inheritance will end. Baba explains in such an easy way. You are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are residents of the subtle region, but, out of them, it is Brahma who is called Prajapita. The human world cannot be created in the subtle region. Therefore, Vishnu and Shankar cannot be called Prajapita. The Father of People would surely exist here. Brahmins emerge from the lotus mouth of Brahma. Ask those brahmin priests whose children they are. That has simply become their praise, for they are not that in reality. You now understand that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, establishes the deity and warrior religions through Brahma and that He does that at the confluence age. Brahmins are definitely needed at the confluence age. At the end of the iron age, they are shudras. This is explained to you children so well. Shrimat is very well known. What did you hear in the Shrimad Bhagawad Gita? The doubly-elevated One (Shri Shri) speaks this knowledge and must have made you the most elevated of all. You have now become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris in a practical way. You say: BapDada, we also met You a cycle ago. We have come to claim our inheritance from the Grandfather. Achcha. What did you become through that? The sun dynasty or the moon dynasty? Did you marry Shri Narayan or Shri Rama? You say: Baba, we will marry Shri Narayan. However, they then forget. They forget the One who makes them so worthy. May no one ever forget the Grandfather or the father! They divorce Him very quickly and don’t even remember Him. They cannot even imbibe two words of knowledge. They forget that they are grandchildren of the Satguru, that is, grandchildren of the Grandfather and that they are claiming their inheritance from Him by making effort. The inheritance of a physical father, which is his property, is normally shared out. Here, there is no question of anything being shared out. You have to make effort for this. You do not have to buy a plot on the moon etc. You become the masters of the kingdom here because you have to play your parts here. You don’t need to go to the moon etc. That is called the arrogance of science. Through extreme arrogance, they reach the stage of destruction. Just look what has been invented! They go hundreds of thousands of miles into space. They even know how far they have travelled and what is on the moon. The moon is cool. They would get hot if they were to go towards the sun. There is so much arrogance of science. They call them rockets. Baba has explained that souls are the greatest rockets of all. They are only points. How much would they weigh? There is so much knowledge contained within this point. Souls can fly from here to there in a second. They remember Baba and fly within a second. Only those with very shrewd intellects are able to understand this and explain to others. Shiv Baba is also a point. They say that He has a large oval-shaped form. However, it would be said that a soul isn’t that large and that the Supreme Soul cannot be that large. They then say that God is brahm, the element of light. They are unable to understand anything. Until they come personally in front of God, they will not be able to understand the name or form of God. We show Shiv Baba’s picture, but He is not like that. His form is that of a point, but how can a point be worshipped? How could He be offered flowers etc.? That has continued on the path of devotion. They have created a large form for the sake of worship in the temples. Achcha. Baba says: If this knowledge doesn’t sit in your intellects, you can at least understand that you are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, grandchildren of the Grandfather. God Shiva is the Highest on High. His creation cannot be called God, the Father. We are His grandchildren. He says: I make you into the masters of heaven. You also understand that you are now tamopradhan and ugly. You are being made satopradhan and beautiful by Baba. Rama too was beautiful, but he had two celestial degrees less than Krishna. He too has now become ugly. They say of Krishna that a snake bit him. However, nothing like that happens. It was by sitting on the pyre of lust that he became ugly; he became ugly from beautiful. Now, in order to become satopradhan again, you have to remember the Father. One Traveller makes so many beautiful. He makes them into the masters of the world. He simply says: Remember Me, the Father, otherwise, how would you receive the inheritance? The fire of yoga is needed in order to destroy your sins. Have remembrance again and again. Some think that they are His children anyway. However, if you do not have remembrance throughout the whole day, your sins will not be absolved and the mercury of your happiness will not rise. This aspect does not sit in the intellects of even some who have been here for 20 to 25 years. They forget this and go back to the old world and cancel their lines of fortune. The fortune begins from the moment you come into the lap of the Mother and Father. By saying, “Mama and Baba”, you become those who have the right to heaven. People here also say: Our Hindustan is the highest of all. However, if it is the highest of all, why is it in so much debt? Why has it become so poverty-stricken? A great deal of wealth has been taken from here. A huge revenue is earned in the factories. If there weren’t any factories, no one would have a job. If they didn’t have jobs, how would they sustain themselves? They have become unhappy. This is why so many methods are created for Bharat. These methods are created so that children don’t experience so much sorrow. So many from here go abroad to get a job because they can earn a great deal of money there. The Father says: I love even the thorns. I come and purify all the impure ones. I love the thorns and I also love those who become flowers from thorns. According to the drama, I grant salvation to all. Rama is the One who grants salvation to all and so He is the One who is loved by all. Thorns as well as flowers are included in this. Heaven is created according to the law. Therefore, He makes you worthy of it. People call out: O Purifier, come! Come and make us pure! You understand that the Purifier Father has now come in order to purify Bharat in particular and the world in general. The name: Sarvodaya leader (the leader who has mercy on all) is given. They have given that name to themselves, just as they call themselves: Shri, shri, 108. “Sarva” means all, but no human being can grant salvation to all. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to shed body consciousness, die alive. When you die, the world is dead for you. Practise becoming detached from your body again and again. 2. We are grandchildren of the Grandfather. We have to become worthy and claim the full inheritance from Him. The soul has to become pure with the power of yoga and remain happy. Blessing: May you be obedient by placing your footsteps in the Father’s steps and receive God’s blessings. To be obedient means to place your footsteps in the Father’s steps of instructions. Only such obedient children receive God’s blessings in all relationships. This is also a law. In an ordinary way too, when someone carries out a task according to someone’s directions, he definitely receives blessings from the one whose task he is carrying out. These are God’s blessings which make obedient souls constantly double light. Slogan: Make divinity and spirituality the decoration of your life and all ordinariness will finish. #brahmakumari #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday
- Creation of World, Evolution of life
Scientific theories about time and the evolution of human life, and religious concepts about the same have for long been subjects of heated debate. Evolutionary theory says life on earth originated about 3.7 billion years ago and then evolved, as Charles Darwin has theorised, by a process of natural selection. Prehistoric man is said to have evolved from apes and progressed, according to archaeological chronology, from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and Iron Age in terms of the ability to extract metals from ores and manufacture implements from them. Extending this chronology to the present times we can say that humanity is now in the space age. Rapid advances in science and technology over the past century have transformed our lives, but the challenges facing humanity have also become more complex and varied, spurring humans to push further the frontiers of science. Futurists speak of humans living on synthetic food, getting transplanted with manufactured organs and colonising outer space in future. However, nobody has a clear vision of where our ‘progress’ will lead eventually. There is just hope that science will find the answers to all our problems and life will carry on. Religious concepts of time speak of the creation of humanity by God and a gradual moral decline of humankind, culminating in an apocalypse or Last Judgement, after which different eschatological traditions speak of various scenarios for human souls. Such scenarios, too, do not give a convincing or complete picture of what will eventually happen to human souls or life on Earth as we know it. However, the spiritual concept of cyclical repetition of time is an exception. The cycle of time tells us that what we call life is a drama taking place on the vast stage of the Earth, with souls as actors and the elements of nature too playing an active role. This drama begins in the Golden Age, when human souls as well as nature are in their perfect state and live a life of complete happiness. Not all human souls are present in the world at this time, as each comes from the soul world to play its role in this drama at its own appointed time. Over the Golden and Silver Ages (Satyug and Treta) the souls lose some of their spiritual power but are still free of all sorrow. By the time the Copper Age (Dwapar Yug) begins, the souls forget their true identity and start to identify themselves with their bodies. This body-consciousness gives rise to vices such as lust, anger, ego, greed and attachment, which corrupt the thinking, speech and actions of souls, leading to pain and sorrow. The degradation of souls and their actions also affects the forces of nature, which start becoming violent and causing natural disasters. By the end of the Iron Age (Kaliyug), when the wheel of time is about to complete a full circle and begin a new one, the souls — all of whom are now present on Earth — are completely in the grip of vices and desperately searching for ways to escape sorrow. This is when God intervenes to salvage humanity. God performs the task of eliminating all evil and restoring souls and nature to their original, pure state. He recreates heaven or the Golden Aged world out of the Iron Age. It is for this reason that He is referred to as the Destroyer and Creator. God, the Supreme Soul, performs this task by helping human souls rid themselves of vices and making them instruments for transforming the world. He reminds humans of their true identity and teaches them Rajyoga — the way to connect mentally with God to draw His powers and virtues. For this, he incarnates in a human medium, who comes to be known as Brahma. God does not take birth like humans, as is shown in scriptures, and nor does He take the form of animals. And the very fact that He incarnates makes it clear that He is not omnipresent. He uses the human medium of Brahma to communicate with humans and give them spiritual knowledge... (continue in next blog post..)
- 10 May 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 10 May 2018 - BapDada - Madhuban - Essence: Sweet children, forget whatever you see with your eyes. Forget all bodily beings and practise remembering the bodiless Father. Question: Why are the mouths of you children sweetened with knowledge and not with devotion? Answer:1. On the path of devotion, people say that God is omnipresent. By Him being called omnipresent, there is no longer the idea of the Father and the inheritance and this is why your mouths cannot be sweetened there. You children now say with love “Baba” and so the inheritance is remembered. This is why your mouths are sweetened with knowledge. 2. On the path of devotion, you have been playing with toys without any recognition and so how could your mouths be sweetened? Song: Salutations to Shiva. Om shanti. “Salutations to Shiva”, or even, “Namaste” can be said. One always says “Namaste” to one’s seniors. The intellects’ yoga of human beings is not connected to the Purifier Father. There is only the One who purifies the impure. They say to Him: Salutations to Shiva. It also enters your intellects that Shiva is incorporeal. If you had to salute Shankar, you would say, “Salutations to the deity Shankar.” To say “Salutations to Shiva” is separate from saying, “Salutations to the deity Shankar.” They say: Salutations to the deity Brahma. Brahma exists here. Until he becomes a resident of the subtle region he cannot be called a deity. Here, there is Prajapita, the Father of People. For as long as he is Prajapita and in a human body, he cannot be called a deity. Deities are those who reside in the subtle region or those who reside in the new world. This proves that while he is Prajapita at this time, he cannot be called a deity. You too are called Brahmins at this time. However, you are making effort to have divine intellects, that is, to become deities. The praise of the deities is: Full of all virtues… This cannot be the praise of Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar. The praise of all human beings is separate from that of deities. The President is the President and he has his own part, and the Prime Minister has his own part. Each one would have a different part in the drama. When you say “Salutations to Shiva” it is only to Shiv Baba that you say it. To say “Salutations to the deity Brahma and salutations to the deity Vishnu” is separate. You would not say that to Shiv Baba. You would say, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, Shiva, to Him, because there is Shiva and the saligrams. They show the saligrams as small and Shiva as a large image. Baba has explained that no one can be smaller or larger. He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, God, the Father. Why do they call Him that? Saligram souls call Shiva ‘Baba’ and so they would surely receive the inheritance from the Father because He is the Creator of heaven. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, must definitely have created the creation of the original eternal deity religion. No one else can create it. By that Father being called omnipresent, all name and trace of the inheritance is lost. They say that God is omnipresent , that He is present everywhere. The oath they take in His name is also false. They say: I consider God, the Father, to be present everywhere, so they don’t know the Father. You children know that God is now present here. Truly, He is the Supreme Soul. His praise is unique, different from the praise of everyone else. He truly is incorporeal and His name is Shiva. He never has a bodily name. All others have names of bodies. The names of their bodies change birth after birth. However, souls are souls. The names of human beings change. They would say: I am feeding a soul in the name of the departed soul, and so they remember that one. However, the body of that soul has been burnt and just the soul remains, so they feed the soul. Souls cannot be immune to the effect of action like they say. The Father sits here and explains: When someone sheds his or her body, the body is finished, so whom do they feed? Though they would feed the soul, they still have attachment to that body. Here, Baba says: You mustn’t have attachment to anyone’s body. Become complete destroyers of attachment. You have to remove all consciousness of bodies from your intellects. Whatever you now see with your eyes has to be forgotten. The Father says: Simply remember Me. I do not have a body and this is why there is difficulty. When someone gets engaged, she puts on an engagement ring. He is incorporeal and He doesn’t have an image. The engagement ring that you are given to wear is to remember incorporeal Shiv Baba. This is something new. When someone dies, you understand that he is finished. So, whom do they feed when they feed that departed soul? The soul definitely comes. The soul carries sanskars. Who said: This is salty and this is sweet? The soul says: I found this bitter. My ears are deaf. I have a headache. Who is saying that? People have forgotten this. The Father explains: The soul experiences happiness and sorrow. It is only the Father who is Abhogta (beyond the effect of experience). The Father Himself sits here and gives you the knowledge of souls. To say that a soul is the Supreme Soul is the greatest ignorance. Throughout the whole world, they say that God is omnipresent and so what would they gain by remembering Him? Devotees remember Him, but no one knows what can be received from Him. By calling Him omnipresent, there is no question of receiving anything. By following devilish directions, people have been falling down. Shrimat is of only the one Father. It is Ravan who gives you devilish directions and, by following his directions, people continue to cause sorrow for one another. You are now Godly community, those who give happiness to one another. The Father is the Bestower of Happiness to all. People call themselves the ‘Sarvodaya Leade r’ (Those who have mercy for all), but God alone is called the Master of All, the Creator. “Sarva” means those of the whole world. No human being would be called the Bestower of Salvation for the whole world. So the main thing is to remove the idea of omnipresence. Everyone remembers the Father. Devotees want God to come and give them something. The Father definitely did give something. If the Creator creates, He would definitely give something, would He not? Baba gives you the sovereignty of heaven. You mustn’t forget that Father. This takes effort. You children are now sensible and wise. Previously, you were very senseless. By calling the Father omnipresent, you don’t receive anything. First of all, the Father proves to you that He is the Supreme Father. The word ‘supreme’ is not used for a physical father. The Supreme Father is the One who resides in the supreme abode, the place beyond. He is the Supreme. Only He is the Seed of the human world. A father is a seed. He adopts a wife with whom he creates a creation. Shiv Baba says: I adopt this one. That is a physical creation whereas this creation is mouth born. This Brahma is My wife but he has the costume of a male. I adopt him. I give birth to you through the mouth of this one. You are already Shiv Baba’s children, but He has given you a new birth through Brahma. You say: You are the Mother and Father. That One is incorporeal. How could He be the Mother? A very subtle intellect is required to understand this. The Father is called the Creator and so how would He create? The one who is called Jagadamba, Saraswati, is remembered as the daughter of Brahma, a mouth-born creation. Therefore, should she be called the mother or should this one be called that? In reality, this one (sakar Brahma) is the mother but, since he has a male body, how could he be put in charge of the mothers? This is why Jagadamba has become the instrument for that. The Father says: I enter this one and adopt him. You then say: We have become the children of God through Brahma. God is our Dada (Grandfather). These things are not mentioned in the scriptures. All of those are toys of devotion. People’s mouths are not sweetened with toys. Here, you have the temptation of receiving your inheritance from the Father. By calling Him omnipresent, no one’s mouth is sweetened. Everywhere in the world they have the idea of omnipresence. At this time, remembrance of Me is only in the intellect of My children. So people have then written that I am omnipresent. All human beings remember Me but they don’t know Me and so they have changed the meaning so much. They have made a rope into a snake. The Father now says: Remember Me and no one else. This does not mean that I am omnipresent. You souls know that you remember Baba. So, there is a difference in the meaning of the word ‘omnipresence’. This too is the destiny of the drama and the same thing will happen again. It has to happen. Whatever act has taken place now, it was shot and it is called the drama. This drama is eternally predestined and there cannot be any difference in it. According to the drama, the pictures etc. have been made through the children. This one himself says: I didn’t know anything at all. The Father has now given me divine vision. He is the Bestower of divine vision. He continues to inspire new pictures to be made. Once one has been made, a new point is given and so the picture has to be corrected. You definitely have to write the word ‘Prajapita’ in front of the word ‘Brahma’, otherwise people won’t understand anything. It is said: mouth-born creation. Therefore, you become his children. The children of Brahma are Brahmins. You children know that you are the children of Brahma and of Shiva in a practical way. The first thing is the Father and the inheritance, so your mouth should then be sweetened. The Father is the Creator of heaven and so you should definitely receive that inheritance. If someone doesn’t claim it, you can understand that he doesn’t belong to your deity religion. Only those who are to claim a deity status will come and understand. The main thing is purity. There cannot be Raksha Bandhan (bond of protection) without remaining pure. You promise the Father: Baba, how can we come to You without remaining pure? You will definitely become elevated by following shrimat. You would not become that in the golden age. You definitely have to become that in the iron age. Only when it is the confluence of the end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age, that is, only at the confluence age does the Father come and give you children the inheritance of heaven. The name of Bharat is greatly glorified. It is Bharat that becomes the land of truth and the land of falsehood. There won’t be any other lands in the golden age. All other lands are perishable. This is the imperishable land because the eternal Father has come once again. The activity of establishment of the religion that has taken place will take place again after a cycle. The Father gives you such an inheritance. He is the most beloved Father. While living at home with your family, all of you who belong to the family path definitely have to become pure. The religion of sannyasis, of those who belong to the path of isolation, is separate. In fact, there are many other different religions. They will not go to heaven. Those who belonged to our religion and have been converted to other religions will emerge. You have now received so much knowledge. Your third eye has opened. You are becoming trikaldarshi. No human beings apart from you Brahmins, are trikaldarshi. Even deities are not trikaldarshi. The Father says: I give each of you a third eye and enable you to see. You children know that your third eye is now opening. Just as the Father has the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the whole world, in the same way, we, who are His children, have received the knowledge from Baba. This means that we are becoming master oceans of knowledge. No one else would be called a master ocean of knowledge. However, neither can you be called oceans of knowledge; you are rivers of knowledge. It isn’t that Arjuna shot an arrow and the Ganges emerged, nor does water emerge from a Gaumukh (the mouth of a cow). How could the Ganges come there? There is a vast difference between you with two arms and the Jagadamba they have shown with four to six arms. You children have to explain a great deal. Some children say that they are unable to remember Baba, that they don’t consider themselves to be souls and that they repeatedly forget. How can you receive your inheritance if you don’t remember the Father? Baba says: Constantly remember Me alone and your sins will be absolved with that power of yoga. If you don’t remember Baba you won’t be able to sit on Mama and Baba’s throne. Such ones would be called unworthy. Worthy children continue to make a lot of effort to remember the Father constantly. You have to do that till the end. The more you remember the Father, the more you earn. Keep your chart. Those who take the initiative are Arjuna. Only such souls are called heirs. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for dharna: Give one another happiness according to Godly directions. Never cause anyone sorrow. Become a bestower of happiness, the same as the Father. Remove your attachment from those bodies and become a destroyer of attachment. Become a worthy child and make effort to remember the Father constantly. Blessing: May you wear an imperishable tilak of sovereignty and experience the confluence-aged sovereignty by handing over everything to the Father. Nowadays, sovereignty is received either by donating money or through votes, but the Father Himself has given you each of you children the tilak of the kingdom. To be a carefree emperor is such a good stage. Since you have handed over everything to the Father, who would be concerned about everything? The Father. However, let it not be that you also keep a little authority or the dictates of your own mind hidden away somewhere in yourself. If you are following shrimat, you have handed over everything to the Father. Such children who hand over everything to the Father with their true hearts remain double light and have the imperishable tilak of sovereignty. Slogan: Let each version be a great elevated version. When no word goes to waste you would then be called a master satguru. #brahmakumari #english
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