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- 17 May 2018 BK murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli
Shiv Baba - Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - 17-05-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - तुम रूप बसन्त हो, तुम्हें बाप की याद में भी रहना है तो ज्ञान-रत्नों का बीज भी बोना है, भारत का श्रृंगार भी करना है" प्रश्नः- तुम बच्चे कलियुगी गोवर्धन पर्वत को उठाने के लिए कौन-सी अंगुली देते हो? उत्तर:- पवित्रता की। पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञा करना ही जैसे अंगुली देना है। पवित्रता नहीं है तो भारत का हाल देखो क्या हो चुका है। पवित्रता है तो पीस-प्रासपर्टी सब है इसलिए श्रीमत पर आग और कपूस इकट्ठे रहते भी पवित्र बनना है (प्रवृत्ति में रहते पवित्र बनना है)। घरबार का सन्यास नहीं करना है। गीत:- आने वाले कल की तुम तकदीर हो..... ओम् शान्ति। माताओं ने, सभी सजनियों ने यह गीत सुना। बच्चे जानते हैं इस भारत की तकदीर में लकीर लगी हुई है। किस द्वारा लकीर लगी है? 5 विकारों रूपी रावण द्वारा। अब फिर तुम बच्चे भारत की तकदीर बना रहे हो। तुम हो शिव शक्ति मातायें। जब ज्ञान सागर आते हैं तो माताओं के ऊपर कलष रखते हैं। तुम बच्चे जानते हो हम भारत की तकदीर बनाने अर्थात् भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने वाले हैं। तुम बाप की सेना हो। बाप के घर की शोभा हो। माँ-बाप के पास बच्चा नहीं होता है तो घर जैसे सूना लगता है। अब यह दुनिया सूनी-सूनी लगती है। अब तुम बच्चे इनको स्वर्ग बनाने वाले हो। बाप कहते हैं मैं तुम माताओं का गुलाम हूँ क्योंकि आगे यह मातायें पति की गुलाम थी। उनको कहा जाता है हिन्दू नारी का पति ही गुरू-ईश्वर सब कुछ है। वास्तव में इस समय की बात को फिर भक्ति मार्ग में ले गये हैं। परमपिता परमात्मा को ही इस समय कहा जाता है त्वमेव माताश्च पिता त्वमेव। सब कुछ एक है। हिन्दू लोगों ने फिर पति के लिए कह दिया है। वास्तव में शिवबाबा है पतियों का पति। तुम तो सदा सौभाग्यशाली बनती हो और यह पति भी अमर है, अमरनाथ है ना। तुमको भी अमरनाथ, अमरपुरी का मालिक बनाते हैं। ऐसे पति को बहुत याद करना है जो तुमको पढ़ाकर स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाते हैं। ऐसे पति को भूलने से रोना आ जाता है। बाप कहते हैं - क्या तुम्हारा साजन मर गया है जो तुम रोती हो! तुमको तो अभी सदैव हर्षितमुख रहना है। देवताओं का मुखड़ा सदैव हर्षित रहता है। मनुष्य देखने से ही खुश होते हैं। देवताओं ने वह खुशी कहाँ से लाई? संगम पर बाप ने ऐसा हर्षितमुख, खुशमिज़ाज़ बनाया था। अभी पुरुषार्थ करना है तब ही तो अविनाशी बनेंगे। बाप कहते हैं - रोने की बात ही नहीं है। वाह ऐसा सलोना साजन मिला है जिससे स्वर्ग के महाराजा-महारानी बनते हो। तुम श्रीमत पर कदम-कदम चलते रहो। तुम जो वर्शन्स सुनते हो वह एक-एक वर्शन्स लाख रूपये का है। वह विद्वान लोग गीता, वेदान्त आदि सुनाते हैं तो कहते हैं यह एक-एक वर्शन्स लाख रूपये का है। परन्तु ऐसा तो है नहीं। तुम हरेक रूप-बसन्त हो। आत्मा रूप है ना। बाप भी है रूप, फिर उनको ज्ञान-सागर कहा जाता है। ज्ञान की वर्षा कराने वाला है। स्थूल पानी की बात नहीं, इसको तो ज्ञान-रत्न कहा जाता है। हरेक को यह ज्ञान-रत्नों का बीज बोना है। मनुष्यों को समझाना चाहिए कि तुम आत्मा हो, यह तुम्हारा शरीर है। तुम कहते हो पाप-आत्मा, पुण्य-आत्मा। पाप-परमात्मा, पुण्य-परमात्मा नहीं कहते हो। इससे सिद्ध है - परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी नहीं है। माया पाप-आत्मा बनाती है और बाप पुण्य-आत्मा बनाते हैं। पुण्य-आत्माओं की दुनिया को स्वर्ग और पाप-आत्माओं की दुनिया को नर्क कहा जाता है। सबको पावन बनाने वाला सद्गति-दाता एक ही बाप है। तो तुम बच्चे इस बेहद के घर के श्रृंगार हो। तुम्हें भारत का श्रृंगार करना है। वैकुण्ठ को वन्डर ऑफ दी वर्ल्ड कहा जाता है। मनुष्य 7 जिस्मानी वन्डर्स दिखाते हैं। वह तो हैं मनुष्य के बनाये हुए। वास्तव में वन्डर आफ दी वर्ल्ड है वैकुण्ठ, जहाँ सब आत्मायें सदा सुखी रहती हैं। गाते भी हैं फलाना स्वर्गवासी हुआ, परन्तु जब तक बाप न आये तब तक वहाँ कोई जा नहीं सकता। अब तुम बच्चे जानते हो - हम वैकुण्ठ में जाते हैं। वह जिस्मानी वन्डर्स ऑखों से देखने के हैं। तुमको तो वैकुण्ठ में जाकर अथाह सुख भोगना है। वहाँ रोने की बात नहीं। बाप कहते हैं तुम परमपिता परमात्मा की सजनी क्यों रोती हो। शायद साजन को भूल जाती हो। साजन को भूल जाना माना उनसे विदाई लेना। सदैव उनको याद करते रहो तो रोने की बात नहीं। बाकी किसका सम्बन्धी आदि मरता है तो रोते हैं। अब तुम जीते जी छुट्टी लेते हो। सबसे छुट्टी ले, रो-रोकर फिर सदा के लिए हँस पड़ते हो क्योंकि वैकुण्ठ में जाते हो। यहाँ तो रोने की दरकार नहीं। बाबा ने कहा है अम्मा मरे तो भी हलुआ खाना, कौन सा हलुआ? यह ज्ञान का। अब तो सब मरे पड़े हैं। किसका चिन्तन करें, किसका न करें - इतने सब मरेंगे। कोई क्रियाक्रम करने वाला भी नहीं रहेगा। जापान में बम से इतने मरे फिर किसने क्रियाक्रम किया। क्रियाक्रम करने वाले भी मर जायेंगे। यह तो भक्ति मार्ग की रसमरिवाज़ है। सतयुग में ऐसी बातें होती नहीं। वहाँ तो अथाह सुख है। मोहजीत राजा की कहानी भी वहाँ की है। तुमने जन्म-जन्मान्तर यह कथा सुनी है। अब बाप कहते हैं - जो कुछ सुना है वह भूल जाओ। अब सब बाप से सुनो। हियर नो ईविल, सी नो ईविल.. उन्होंने बन्दरों की शक्ल का एक खिलौना बनाया हुआ है। टॉक नो ईविल, सी नो ईविल.... क्योंकि इस समय मनुष्य बन्दर से भी बदतर हैं, जो सुनाओ सत-सत करते रहते हैं। बाबा कहते हैं - बच्चे, ग्लानी की बातें मत सुनो। मैं कल्प के संगमयुग पर आता हूँ। बाप को तो जरूर आना ही है तब तो नॉलेज दे। मनुष्य कहते ऋषि-मुनि आदि त्रिकालदर्शी थे। बाबा कहते - बिल्कुल नहीं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण भी त्रिकालदर्शी नहीं थे। त्रिकालदर्शी सिर्फ तुम ब्राह्मण बने हो। तुम्हारा यह 84 वाँ अन्तिम जन्म है। ऐसे नहीं यह ज्ञान के संस्कार दूसरे जन्म में रहेंगे। नहीं, यह प्राय:लोप हो जाते हैं। वहाँ तो राजाई स्थापन हो जाती है तो राजयोग की दरकार नहीं। तो देखो, बाबा क्या कहते, मनुष्य क्या कहते हैं। रात और दिन का अन्तर है। मनुष्य कहते परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी है, बाप कहते हैं नहीं। मनुष्य कहते हैं कलियुग की आयु अभी 40 हजार वर्ष पड़ी है, बाप कहते हैं नहीं। कितने गपोड़े सुनाए घोर अन्धियारा कर दिया है। अब मीठा बाप कहते हैं - बहुत मीठा बनो। तुम ईश्वरीय दरबार में ईश्वर के बच्चे हो। तुम्हारा फ़र्ज है योग लगाना। गोवर्धन पर्वत पर जायेंगे तो वहाँ अंगुली दिखाई है। पर्वत की कितनी पूजा होती है। भारत जब गोल्डन एज बन जाता है तो उनकी पूजा नहीं होती। तो यह अंगुली है तुम्हारी निशानी। पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञा करना जैसे अंगुली देना है - भारत को सैलवेज करने के लिए। पवित्रता है तो पीस प्रासपर्टी भी है। पवित्रता नहीं है तो भारत का हाल देखो क्या है। मेहनत है ना। सन्यासी कहते आये - आग और कपूस इकट्ठे रह नहीं सकते। शास्त्रों में ऐसा है। परन्तु तुम सन्यासियों को कह सकते हो कि हम कैसे आग कपूस इकट्ठे रहते पवित्र रहते हैं। सन्यासियों को श्रीमत थोड़ेही मिलती है। हम तो अब बाप की श्रीमत पर चलते हैं। उनको मिलती है शंकराचार्य की मत, यह है शिवाचार्य की मत। तुम शिवाचार्य के बच्चे हो। यह कोई नहीं जानते। कहते हैं परमात्मा ज्ञान का सागर है तो आचार्य हुआ ना। वह शंकराचार्य है। सन्यासी बहुत शास्त्र पढ़कर टाइटिल लेते हैं। कृष्ण आचार्य कभी नहीं कहा जाता है। शिव का पता ही नहीं। वह बाप को जानते ही नहीं हैं। सिवाए बाप के और किसी को ज्ञान का सागर नहीं कह सकते हैं। कोई सन्यासी मिले तो बोलो - तुम हो निवृत्ति मार्ग वाले हठयोग सन्यासी। हम हैं प्रवृत्ति मार्ग वाले राजयोगी। तुम राजयोग सिखला नहीं सकते हो। तुम हो रजोगुणी क्योंकि शंकराचार्य आते ही हैं द्वापर में। तुम्हारा है हठयोग कर्म सन्यास। वास्तव में कर्म सन्यास तो होता ही नहीं है। अब तुम बच्चों को डायरेक्शन ही कुछ और मिलता है। मनुष्य चाहते हैं शान्ति में रहें। बोलो - अच्छा, अपने को इन आरगन्स से डिटैच कर दो। परन्तु सिर्फ डिटैच करने से ही फ़ायदा नहीं होगा। डिटैच हो फिर मुझे याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश होंगे। शान्ति तो तुम्हारे गले का हार है। आत्मा का स्वधर्म है शान्ति। हम आत्मायें मूलवतन में साइलेन्स में रहती हैं। फिर सूक्ष्मवतन में है मूवी। यह है टाकी स्थूल वतन। तुम बच्चों ने साक्षात्कार किया है। बाबा ने जास्ती देखा है। मम्मा ने तो कुछ भी नहीं देखा, कभी भी ध्यान में नहीं गई। ज्ञान में कितनी तीखी गई। यह ध्यान की आश भी नहीं रखनी चाहिए। मम्मा देखो बिगर ध्यान के कितना आगे नम्बर लेती है। पहले श्री लक्ष्मी फिर श्री नारायण, इनके लिए लिखा हुआ है अर्जुन को विनाश स्थापना का साक्षात्कार हुआ। इस रथ में रथी शिवबाबा बैठ नॉलेज सुनाते हैं। इस रथ को भी नॉलेज उनसे मिलती है। यह खुद भी गीता पढ़ते थे। बहुत कथा करते थे। अब वन्डर लगता है - शास्त्रों में क्या-क्या है। बाप कहते हैं - यह पढ़ा हुआ सब भूल जाओ, सुनो नहीं, देखते हुए नहीं देखो। बस, हम तो जाते हैं बाबा के घर स्वीट होम। जब तक गाईड तथा लिबरेटर न आये तब तक कोई जा नहीं सकता। पण्डा और मुक्ति दाता तो एक ही बाप है। दु:खों से मुक्त कर देते हैं, इसलिए उनको गति-सद्गति दाता कहा जाता है। वह है मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीज रूप, सुप्रीम सोल। निराकारी दुनिया है आत्माओं के रहने का धाम। ऐसे नहीं कि ब्रह्म परमात्मा है, उसमें आत्मायें लीन हो जायेंगी। कितनी वन्डरफुल बातें हैं। तुम्हारा 84 जन्म का पार्ट अविनाशी है, यह कब मिट नहीं सकता। सृष्टि अनादि रची हुई है। सतयुग को नई सृष्टि कहा जाता है। अब है पुरानी सृष्टि। बाकी सृष्टि कोई विनाश नहीं होती। बाप आते ही हैं पतित सृष्टि को पावन बनाने। सृष्टि तो है ही है। 84 जन्म तो जरूर देवताओं के ही होंगे, फिर कम होते जाते हैं। फिर क्रिश्चियन आदि का भी हिसाब निकाल सकते हैं। वास्तव में भारतवासियों की जनसंख्या बहुत होनी चाहिए। परन्तु और और धर्मों में कनवर्ट होने कारण कम हो गये हैं। नाम ही हिन्दू रख दिया है। बाप कहते हैं मैं आता ही तब हूँ जब मुझे ब्रह्मा द्वारा देवी-देवता धर्म की स्थापना करनी है। शंकर द्वारा विनाश.... फिर जो स्थापना करते हैं वही पालना करेंगे। गाँधी जी को भी जिन्होंने मदद की, मेहनत की आज बहुत सुखी हैं। वहाँ सुखी तो सब बनेंगे। बाकी पद में फ़र्क पड़ जाता है। जो बाप की याद में रहते हैं और वर्से को याद करते हैं वह सूर्यवंशी बनेंगे। कम याद करेंगे तो चन्द्रवंशी, नहीं तो फिर प्रजा, दास-दासियाँ आदि तो बहुत चाहिए ना। बाप ने समझाया है योगबल से ही कोई भी विश्व का मालिक बन सकता है। तुम हो योगबल की अहिंसक सेना। क्रिश्चियन को भी इतना बल मिल जाए तो विश्व के मालिक बन सकते हैं। परन्तु लॉ नहीं कहता है। वह बन्दर की कहानी है ना। कृष्ण के मुख में माखन आ जाता है - विश्व की राजाई का। तो विश्व का राज्य योगबल से ही मिल सकता है। बाप कहते हैं मैं स्वर्ग रचता हूँ। तुम बच्चों का भी यही धन्धा है। बच्चे फिर बाप के बन स्थापना में मदद करते हैं। अच्छा! मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) सदा हर्षित, खुशमिज़ाज़ रहना है। कभी भी रोना नहीं है। जीते जी सबसे छुट्टी ले लेनी है। किसी का भी चिन्तन नहीं करना है। 2) अपने शान्ति स्वधर्म में स्थित रहना है। ज्ञान और योग से तीखा जाना है। ध्यान की आश नहीं रखनी है। वरदान:- सच्ची दिल से बाप को राज़ी करने और सदा राज़ी रहने वाले राज़युक्त भव जो बच्चे सच्ची दिल से बाप को राज़ी करते हैं, बापदादा उन्हें स्वयं के संस्कारों से, संगठन से सदा राज़ी अर्थात् राज़युक्त रहने का वरदान देते हैं। स्वयं के वा एक दो के संस्कारों के राज़ को जानना, परिस्थितियों को जानना, यही राज़युक्त स्थिति है। सच्चे दिल से बाप को अपना पोतामेल देने वा स्नेह की रूहरिहान करने से सदा समीपता का अनुभव होता है और पिछला खाता समाप्त हो जाता है। स्लोगन:- सच्ची दिल से दाता, विधाता, वरदाता को राज़ी करने वाले ही रूहानी मौज में रहते हैं।
- Upliftment on loss of a Family Member
The question was asked to us by Minal Chawla on 18 July 2018 and here is our response. Original Question: ''Dear Sir/mam, Greetings! 2 days ago I lost my grandmother and I could not have imagined this ever. Throughout her life she has severed endlessly to Brahmakumaris and today when I m facing trouble I thought this is the best place to seek answers. I have no words to describle how much faith she had in Shiv BABA. I dont know how to decribe my sorrow and how bad I feel after this loss. This is the only thing I would always regret in my entire life. I keep thinking about her day long and cannot come out of emotions. It is becoming too tough for me to move forward. Her smile,gentleness, and face cannot go away from my eyes. I know if there is life then death is there too but believe me I cannot still take this fact and still I m in complete grief. Please help me understand this and tell me how to come out of it. i hope you are understanding my trouble and will guide me. There are som many questions but I dont know how to express them. I m sure you understood it. please help me. Yours truely, Minal Chawla . Age-17'' Our Answer: To: Minal Chawla (and everyone reading) Dear child of Shiv Baba You would have expected a very sweet response with lots of emotions and healing words. BUT if we tell you that, then you will further get in darkness. Instead light should be given. Truth should be told. Dear Minal, for whom are you in sorrow? Are you in sorrow for that body, for that smile, that face, that relationship (grandmother) or for that soul. If you feel sorrow for her kindness and gentle relationship, then there is nothing to be in sorrow. Life and death are a part of cycle. One who was took a birth, will have to die. One who came in your life, will go and also come back. No one can escape. For whom do you feel sorrow? If you feel that your grandmother was extremely nice - so why did God took her? Yes? If your grandma was liked by you all, then would be not liked by God? God also liked and hence he took her. Isn't it? AND If you feel sorrow for that soul, if you are soul conscious, then there cannot be a feeling of pain/ Soul is a child of the supreme soul. We all are brothers. Not even sister. We are brother only - when we are a soul (without any body) - Why male? - because we receive an inheritance from the supreme father the supreme soul. You Dadi (grandma) was in Gyaan and hence became very sweet? Who made her this sweet? - It is Murli only Mina, which made her sweet and powerful. Do you miss her? - In few days, you will forget her. It is true . Time heals everything. There is ONLY 1 way that you will not miss. Become like your Dadi. You dadi was virtuous and had love for shiv baba. You also recognise your supreme father (Shiv) whom we call baba. Listen Gyaan Murli. Become more sweet and virtuous then your dadi. Your dadi's soul will see you and will be happy. Do this for your upliftment. You will know many secrets when you daily listen Murli. GOD HAS COME. World is getting to know. You ot to know when you lost someone. So isn't that good? Have you lost anyone ? Is your dadi's smile, virtues and love not with you ? Do you not feel it? Similarly, the love, powers and help of God the almighty is always with those who remember him alone. You also have to become like your dadi. Come. Know the highest purpose of human life. Reognise your self and destroy the 5 vices within you. You are a powerful soul. You are NOT this body, are you? Take this GODLY knowledge and make your life. Age of your body is at such stage when you take a decision. At this age only, a transformation happens.. isn't it. So what do you wish to do? Go with this world OR turn towards the light? Decide within 24 hours. ---- Useful Links to Visit ---- 7 days Raja Yog course online: ( above page is index - start from DAY 1 till day 7 ) 7 virtues of Soul: 4 subjects: When you will learn the course, you will learn the essence of all knowledge. What is Murli? : Accha Namaste 00
- 3 July 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 03/07/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, become introverted and remain busy in this study. Constantly continue to follow shrimat and your fortune will become very elevated. This is the time to make your fortune. Question: What is the elevated fortune of you children on the basis of which you come to know the fortune of the whole world? Answer: To become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation is the highest fortune of all. You Brahmins have now become spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You know your own fortune and also the fortune of the whole world. Baba has come to make the fortune of you children as valuable as a diamond. Let it remain in your awareness that God Himself is teaching you to make your fortune and your fortune will thereby continue to increase. Song: You are the fortune of tomorrow. Om ShantiYou children heard a few words of the song. You should become intoxicated about your fortune as soon as you hear it. This intoxication is imperishable and should never decrease. When someone is a wealthy millionaire, he has the intoxication day and night that he is very wealthy and has a lot of property. There is intoxication of their wealth. So, the Father is the One who makes your fortune. Your fortune is lost at the moment. You can judge whether your fortune is worth a shell or a diamond. The unlimited Father sits personally in front of you and makes your fortune. You can see this and you also know it. Can you see the Supreme Soul or do you know Him? You children know that you are souls. Although you cannot see a soul, you have the faith that you are souls, like stars. You reside in the centre of the forehead. At this time, you children have to become soul conscious. The one residing in this body is called a soul, separate from the body. Souls have the pride that the Supreme Soul has come to meet them. When children take birth to their father, they become heirs. Some receive a fortune worth a few pennies and others don’t receive anything; they just take birth. Some people have five or six children. When they have low paid jobs, they understand that that was in their fortune. They see others and think, “They have so many palaces, crowns and thrones in their fortune.” There is a variety of fortunes for human beings. So, you now know your fortune, and for which fortune you are now making effort. Human beings make effort for wealth and happiness. When wealthy people fall ill, they receive treatment from good doctors. They believe that they would receive good treatment because of their wealth. Therefore, it is a matter of wealth. You are making a very great fortune by following shrimat. You children know that Baba is making your fortune the highest on high because He Himself is the Highest on High. You are now sitting personally in front of Him. You are sitting in the home of the Mother and Father. Those who are kings and queens understand that they had performed such actions that they received the fortune to rule the kingdom. When you look at the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan, you know that they definitely made their fortune in their previous birth. You have received this wisdom. It doesn’t enter the intellects of human beings how all of those wealthy people received their fortune. It would be said that they had performed such actions in their past births that they became so wealthy. That is the fruit of their karma. They sing: The philosophy of karma is unique. Whatever human beings receive, it is according to their past actions. You can compare the fortune of the highest-on-high Lakshmi and Narayan: They became the masters of the golden age. Who created their karma in such a way that they became the masters of the world? You now know the whole cycle. You Brahmins have now become spinners of the discus of self-realisation. Other brahmins would not be spinners of the discus of self-realisation. They are brahmins and you too are Brahmins, but you know that you are true Brahmins, the mouth-born creation of Brahma. Surely, Brahma too would be someone’s child. He is Shiv Baba’s child. Shiv Baba is the Creator. He has no father of His own. Therefore, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is making your fortune. Your fortune is made by your father, not by your maternal or paternal uncles etc. Yes, for some, it is created by them if they adopt you. You children have also been adopted according to the drama, as you were in the previous cycle. No one is higher than He is. Prajapita Brahma has so many children. What inheritance would he receive from the Father? You understand that Shiv Baba is the Father of all souls and that Brahma is the father of all living beings, and you therefore become brothers and sisters. The Father tells you children: Look, your fortune is so elevated! I teach you and make you so fortunate. At the beginning of the golden age, it truly was the kingdom of Shri Lakshmi and Narayan and the residents of heaven. I made their fortune so elevated. You children have the secret in your intellects that it was Shiv Baba alone who made their fortune so elevated. They experienced their fortune and completed their 84 births. They are now making that same fortune once again. You have this knowledge in your intellects. No one, except the Ocean of Knowledge, Shiv Baba, can explain to you. Such a Father is so lovely. The Father says: You children too are lovely. I order you to practise remembering Me constantly so that your sins are absolved. You know that Shiv Baba is now personally in front of you in the body of Brahma. The Father has explained: I am always incorporeal. My name is always Shiva. I do not enter a corporeal form and take rebirth. I have now come. You know who is talking to you. Your intellects go up above. That incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Ocean of Knowledge. He is the One who is making your fortune. Heavenly God, the Father, would establish heaven, would He not? You know how the Father is personally speaking to you through the body of Brahma. He says: Beloved children, the drama is now complete. The soul listens to Him. The soul knows that this is right. The Father says: Remember Me as much as possible. I have given you the knowledge of the whole world cycle. Some are able to imbibe this very well and others forget. You are now sitting here and He is giving you the nectar of knowledge, that is, He is teaching you this knowledge. Shiv Baba is sitting personally in front of you. He does not enter birth and rebirth. Your name, form, land and time continue to change birth after birth. You always receive different features. These are such deep and subtle matters. You souls repeatedly shed your bodies and take others. In your next birth you will not have the same forms that you have now. The features of one birth cannot be the same as those in another birth. Souls shed their bodies and take others, and so their activity, thoughts etc. all change. The soul has to play so many different parts. He plays his parts through different names, forms, places, times and activities. His activity continues to change. Sometimes, it is that of a king and, at other times, that of a pauper. It isn’t that he would sometimes become a dog or a cat; no! You know that you are now making effort to become princes and princesses in the future. You are changing from human beings into deities. This Mama and Baba are also making effort. Then, in the future, they will become Lakshmi and Narayan. To the extent that we make effort to make our own fortune, accordingly, we will receive a lot of happiness. This is such a huge income. Those people study for temporary happiness and become barristers etc. in this birth. There is no question of anything for their next birth. In that too, it’s not certain whether they will become that or not. You understand that you will definitely go to heaven in the future. You will then be called deities. You must never forget that you will definitely claim your inheritance of the peacock throne. You will definitely become the highest on high. God, the Father, is teaching you and so that too enters your intellects. We are studying very well and creating our reward for 21 births. To the extent that you make effort at this time, so you will accordingly make your fortune elevated. That fortune will remain permanent cycle after cycle. This is why you should make good effort for your fortune. The fortune is very elevated. You have a lot of happiness. Although some people here may have millions, they don’t have happiness worth even a few pennies. There, they will experience their reward very peacefully and comfortably. Here, so many calamities continue to come. In just a short time, many will go bankrupt. People will continue to die. Although people are insured, what will the insurance companies be able to do? Look what happened at Hiroshima! So many people died. The insurance companies also went bankrupt. The same will happen here too; everyone will die. To whom would the insurance companies give money? Who would light the flame for the others? Human beings have so much blind faith. Eminent people are given so much respect. Rishis and munis are considered to be higher than them. Although they don’t believe in religion, they would definitely bow down to the sannyasis. They would go to holy men and prostrate themselves in front of them. Sages would not prostrate themselves in front of them because they consider themselves to be elevated and pure. This Father says: My beloved children. I salute you children. You are the peacock feather in the crown on My head. You will become the masters of the world. You are also masters of Brahmand. You are double masters. I am the single Master of just Brahmand. No one, apart from the Father, can explain these things. Therefore, how much you should remember such a Father from whom you receive such an inheritance! The Father says: Look, so many children go from here, and then they don’t even write a letter to the Father for six months. Oh! you don’t write a letter to the Lord of Life, the Beloved Father, who is lovelier than life itself! When a wife writes a letter to her husband, she writes: Praneshwar (Lord of Life) So-and-so. In fact, none of them is Praneshwar. Only the one Father is Praneshwar. The God of all praan (living beings) is the one Father. He says: Praneshwar children, that is, children of God who saves your life. Children too say: Praneshwar Baba! Baba who saves our lives! This name has been invented here. It is only in Bharat that they write Praneshwar, Praneshwari, but they are not that. Only the Father gives the donation of life. The Father says: When you belong to Me, no one can cause you sorrow. It is the soul that takes sorrow. The soul feels that the Father explains with so much love. The soul remembers Him and praises Him. You also remember Mama so much. Those who serve many others very well receive such a high status. Then, after her, there are those in the second number who follow Baba in service. You have to become very merciful. Just as Baba has made us, so we have to make others the same. You attain such great property: the kingdom of heaven. There, we remain so wealthy that we build temples of gold and diamonds. They show a play about Maya, the Magician. That one saw that there were some gold bricks lying there (in the subtle region) and thought he would bring them back down. In your visions, you see palaces of diamonds and jewels in heaven. You see gold mines and so you feel that you should bring a little of it back down. You can’t find gold in the subtle region. Gold exists in Paradise. You know that when you are there, you will go to the mines in your vimans and come back with your vimans full of gold. There are also very big gold bars. Even now, wealthy people have gold. Bharat definitely has to keep gold and silver. Everyone has big vaults built which no one can loot and fire cannot burn. So, you will receive all of that in your hands in the future. Bombs etc. are dropped from aeroplanes for destruction, but those things will become instrumental for your happiness. Those things existed in the golden age and then they disappeared. They have now been invented again. You know how you will go and bring back things from the mines. All the mines will become new. Now they are old. Therefore, you should claim your full fortune from the Father who created such fortune. You shouldn’t be careless about this. Remember the Father and your inheritance. The Father says: Have attachment to the One alone. Remember heaven. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Don’t be careless about making your fortune elevated. Follow shrimat well and, on the basis of studying, make your fortune elevated. 2. Stay in remembrance of the Father, Praneshwar, and donate life to everyone. Save everyone’s life. Never make anyone unhappy. Blessing: May you be seated on BapDada’s heart throne and remain fearless and carefree by always being in the place of safety. BapDada’s heart throne is the most elevated place. Only those who are always seated on the Father’s heart throne remain safe. Maya cannot come to them. Such souls who are seated on the heart throne are fearless and carefree. This is guaranteed and unshakeable. So, sit on the heart throne. Maintain the intoxication that you are now on BapDada’s heart throne and that you will be seated on the throne of the kingdom for many births. By having this spiritual intoxication you will have no waves of sorrow. Slogan: Let there not be any type of burden on your intellect and you will then be called a double-light angel. #bkmurlitoday #english #Murli #brahmakumari
- शिव और शंकर में अन्तर
बहुत से लोग शिव और शंकर को एक ही मानते है, परन्तु वास्तव में इन दोनों में भिन्नता है | आप देखते है कि दोनों की प्रतिमाएं भी अलग-अलग आकार वाली होती है | शिव की प्रतिमा अण्डाकार अथवा अंगुष्ठाकार होती है जबकि महादेव शंकर की प्रतिमा शारारिक आकार वाली होती है |यहाँ उन दोनों का अलग-अलग परिचय, जो कि परमपिता परमात्मा शिव ने अब स्वयं हमे समझाया है तथा अनुभव कराया है स्पष्ट किया जा रह है :- महादेव शंकर १. यह ब्रह्मा और विष्णु की तरह सूक्ष्म शरीरधारी है | इन्हें ‘महादेव’ कहा जाता है परन्तु इन्हें ‘परमात्मा’ नहीं कहा जा सकता | २. यह ब्रह्मा देवता तथा विष्णु देवता की रथ सूक्ष्म लोक में,शंकरपुरी में वास करते है | ३. ब्रह्मा देवता तथा विष्णु देवता की तरह यह भी परमात्मा शिव की रचना है | ४. यह केवल महाविनाश का कार्य करते है, स्थापना और पालना के कर्तव्य इनके कर्तव्य नहीं है | परमपिता परमात्मा शिव १. यह चेतन ज्योति-बिन्दु है और इनका अपना कोई स्थूल या सूक्ष्म शरीर नहीं है, यह परमात्मा है | २. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर के लोक, अर्थात सूक्ष्म देव लोक से भी परे ‘ब्रह्मलोक’ (मुक्तिधाम) में वास करते है | ३. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर के भी रचियता अर्थात ‘त्रिमूर्ति’ है | ४. यह ब्रह्मा, विष्णु तथा शंकर द्वारा महाविनाश और विष्णु द्वारा विश्व का पालन कराके विश्व का कल्याण करते है | शिव का जन्मोत्सव रात्रि में क्यों ? ‘रात्रि’ वास्तव में अज्ञान, तमोगुण अथवा पापाचार की निशानी है | अत: द्वापरयुग और कलियुग के समय को ‘रात्रि’ कहा जाता है | कलियुग के अन्त में जबकि साधू, सन्यासी, गुरु, आचार्य इत्यादि सभी मनुष्य पतित तथा दुखी होते है और अज्ञान-निंद्रा में सोये पड़े होते है, जब धर्म की ग्लानी होती है और जब यह भरत विषय-विकारों के कर्ण वेश्यालय बन जाता है, तब पतित-पावन परमपिता परमात्मा शिव इस सृष्टि में दिव्य-जन्म लेते है | इसलिए अन्य सबका जन्मोत्सव तो ‘जन्म दिन’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है परन्तु परमात्मा शिव के जन्म-दिन को ‘शिवरात्रि’ (Birth-night) ही कहा जाता है | अत: यहाँ चित्र में जो कालिमा अथवा अन्धकार दिखाया गया है वह अज्ञानान्धकार अथवा विषय-विकारों की रात्रि का घोतक है |
- 7 July 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 07/07/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you are now sitting personally in front of the Father, Teacher and Satguru. The mercy of the Father is that He becomes your Teacher and teaches you and He becomes the Satguru and takes you back with Him. Question: What have you promised the Father? What is your duty? Answer: You have promised: Baba, whatever we hear from You, we will definitely tell that to others and make them equal to ourselves. Our duty is to teach everyone in the same way as the Father teaches us because the locks on our intellects have now opened. Just as we are claiming our inheritance, in the same way, we have to be merciful and enable others to claim their inheritance. Song: Take blessings from the Mother and Father. Om ShantiYou children are now sitting personally in front of the Mother and Father, that is, you children are sitting in a school with your Teacher. You children know that you are also sitting with the Satguru in order to listen to knowledge. To listen to whom? Only the Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. You know that He has come here from the supreme abode in order to give us teachings. Your intellects are connected to the supreme abode, the sweet home. Although He teaches you here, and the Mother and Father are personally sitting in front of you, your intellects’ yoga or remembrance is still directed to the land of nirvana. We have to return home with the Father. Then we will go to the home of Vishnu. That is a home and this is also a home. We have to go to the land of Krishna, the in-laws’ home. First of all, you have to remember the Father who makes you worthy. Parents make their daughter worthy, do they not, so that when she goes to her in-laws’ home, she would glorify her parents? The in-laws would say that the girl has very good qualities. You know that you are now sitting personally in front of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and that you are studying. The Father makes a lot of effort on the children. This is His mercy. If a son becomes a barrister, it would be said that his parents sustained him and educated him well. The mother and father are creators and also the directors. Sons would be attached to their father, whereas daughters would be attached to their mother because sons are to receive an inheritance from their father. A kumari would go and become a mother. You are now the decoration of the Brahmin clan. Brahmins are remembered. There are many children of Prajapita Brahma. You can even tell those brahmin priests: If you are mouth-born creations, then you are the mouth-born children of Brahma. Physical children take birth to their physical parents. When were you born through the mouth of Brahma? They wouldn't be able to tell you. You know that you have been adopted through the lotus lips of Brahma practically. Shiv Baba has adopted you. You understand that you are personally here sitting in front of all three: the Father, Teacher and Guru. The Father teaches you manners. It is here that you have to become virtuous, full of all virtues like Shri Krishna by making effort. People don't know who Radhe and Krishna were in their previous birth. Only you children know this. Those who were worthy of worship have become worshippers and will then become worthy of worship. Devotees are called worshippers. No one, apart from the Father, can give you the inheritance of changing from an ordinary man into Narayan or from a beggar to a prince. When someone asks you what you are doing, tell that person: I am studying with God, the Father. Each of you has the aim and objective in your intellect. We are claiming our unlimited inheritance from Baba. The inheritance of heaven is to become Lakshmi and Narayan or princes and princesses. You become princes and princesses here in this college. You know that you are studying to become the princes and princesses in the future new world. The new world is called the golden age. Those in the golden age and those in the iron age would be human beings anyway. It is human beings who receive knowledge; it would not be given to animals. Human beings had divine virtues and they became those with devilish traits and are now becoming those with divine virtues. You children have this in your intellects. This is an easy thing to understand. The cycle of 84 births is for Bharat. The secret of the cycle of 84 births will not sit in anyone else's intellect. Krishna was the one who had the discus of self-realisation. Vishnu is the combined form of Lakshmi and Narayan. In their childhood, they were Radhe and Krishna. However, the discus is given to Krishna alone. They never show Radhe with a discus. They don't even show Lakshmi with it. They show Narayan and Vishnu with it. Lakshmi is included in that. In fact, you are the spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You know that you are studying this wonderful study with God, the Father. He is the Ocean of Knowledge, the Seed of the human world, the Truth and the Living Being. A soul is said to be the truth and a living being. A body cannot be called the truth and a living being. Even though a baby in a womb is non-living for five months, it still continues to grow. Everything grows, but it is the soul of a human being that is great. Human beings are praised and they are defamed. It was printed in the newspaper that when the Prime Minister of England went to church he took his cat with him. Look how much respect the cat was given! You cannot even go there without a permit and yet the cat received a permit! Many people say that even dogs remember God. They bark, don't they? Those people also simply speak of God, but they don't know anything. So, what is the difference between human beings and animals? You are now becoming so elevated. You will now be praised a lot. When your influence spreads in a practical way, they will say: That’s it! We have to go to the Brahma Kumaris. Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are the grandsons and granddaughters of Shiv Baba. There is only one Baba. There is one Mama and one Baba through whom you are created. You know that you are the grandsons and granddaughters of Shiv Baba. There is no question of being young or old here. You are grandchildren of Shiv Baba and children and grandchildren of Brahma. This is something so easy. This is the Brahmin clan. The Father is the Creator. You know that you children of Shiv Baba are the initial founders of this tree. This Brahma is sitting under the trunk, at the confluence age. You are the grandchildren of highest-on-high Shiv Baba. You are claiming your inheritance of heaven from Him. You should never forget this. You have to forget whatever you have, including your bodies, and become bodiless. We now have to return to our Grandfather and to our sweet home. We are grandsons and granddaughters of Shiv Baba. The father is also needed. We are truly Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. We are the grandchildren of Shiva and we receive our Grandfather's inheritance. Only the sovereignty of the world is called the true sovereignty. You become the masters of the whole world. You are not afraid of anyone. That is called the undivided kingdom. There is no one else there. You become those who are full of all virtues, those who follow the supreme religion of non-violence. Baba has explained that there are two types of violence. One is violence and the other type is to use the sword of lust. We are doubly non-violent. There is no question of violence in the golden age; there is neither physical violence nor that of vice. It is said that there is the supreme deity religion of non-violence. We become members of that. We will become deities from Brahmins. Our name ‘human beings’ is then removed. We change from human beings to deities just as they become barristers or engineers etc. They themselves know how they become that. You know that you are becoming deities through this study. It is very easy. You have the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of this tree of the of variety religions. No one else has this knowledge. You know that your Father and Teacher has come from the supreme abode to teach you. The supreme abode is so high up that even aeroplanes cannot go there. Look how Baba comes without wings in order to teach us! So there should be that much happiness. Our Baba is also our Teacher. He resides in the supreme abode and comes from there to teach us. He has to do a lot of service. He also has to do the service of making the devotees happy. Devotees do not know Me. I serve them so much. I also fulfil the desires of those who do intense devotion; children have had visions of that. They sit there doing intense devotion and say: Krishna, just give me a vision! They have tears streaming down their faces. When they perform such intense devotion, I grant them a vision. That is the path of devotion. So, at this time, I also please them. I sit here and speak to you personally; I teach you. There truly are the versions of God. There is no doubt about this. It is also written in the Gita: O child, I am teaching you Raja Yoga to change you from an ordinary man into Narayan. However, they have inserted Krishna’s name. The Krishna soul is at this time in his last birth. He sits here and studies. It is not said: God Krishna speaks. You children know that the sun and moon dynasty kingdoms are being established. We will definitely make effort and claim the inheritance. Baba is so merciful. He comes and adopts us children. Children say: Baba, You are the same One and we are the same ones who have met once again. You are that same Baba and we are those same children of Yours. You have now come to give us our fortune of the kingdom. Baba is once again teaching us. We are the grandchildren of Shiva. The name ‘Prajapita Brahma’ is also glorified. You know that the Creator of heaven is only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and that the inheritance will be received from Him. Brahma also received it from Him. That Father is speaking to you Brahmins. He explains to you so clearly! So, why do you forget Him? You are sitting in Baba's home. Baba Himself becomes the Teacher and teaches you. We are studying Raja Yoga. We will go to the land of peace and then go to the land of happiness. This iron-aged world is to be destroyed. We have to observe everything as detached observers as we did in the previous cycle. Just continue to see how you passed the examination and how destruction took place. See how you will take birth where there is victory. See how you will build your palaces. Your intellects are aware that there isn’t a golden Dwaraka down below which comes up above. They say that there was the golden Lanka of Ravan. There wasn't really anything like that. It was the deities who had golden palaces. They don’t exist now. The boat of Bharat is now sunk. You children now salvage everyone from the ocean of poison, hell. There’s no question of steamers etc. You children of the Ocean were burnt to death. You became ugly by sitting on the pyre of lust. You were beautiful and then became ugly. You deities of Bharat were so beautiful. All of you are Shyam-Sundar (ugly and beautiful ones). You children know who it is you are sitting in front of. There is no other spiritual gathering where God, the Father, sits and teaches you Raja Yoga. The incorporeal Father must have entered someone's body. How could He come as Shri Krishna? Yes, his soul is here, is it not? The locks on our intellects have now opened. You know that you become the masters of the world through Baba. You claim your inheritance. You are the ones who say "Mama, Baba", and so you have to follow them in the study. This is why it is said: Follow Father. The real Father is needed, not an artificial one. Gandhiji too was called Bapuji (father), but no inheritance was received from him. That was a limited inheritance from a limited Bapuji; he would not be called unlimited. This unlimited Bapuji has come from the supreme abode. He makes you into the masters of heaven. You have now become knowers of the three aspects of time and you are the ones who become the masters of Paradise. You should have so much love for the unlimited Father. “I break away from everyone else and connect myself to You alone.” This is your promise to the Father. The Father sits here and explains to you children with so much love. What would anyone know about when Shiv Baba came, when it was Raksha Bandhan, and how the divine virtues were imbibed? People study the Gita and the scriptures and yet no one understands anything. You explain everything orally. There is no question of the scriptures in this. God sits here and teaches you. He taught you at the confluence age. You now listen to Him personally and so your intoxication rises. That intoxication should not decrease. It is not a human being who is teaching you this. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, is teaching you. All Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are listening to Him. You listen to Him and then relate that to others. Your agreement is that you will listen to Baba and definitely relate that to others. Otherwise, why do you listen? You have now become children of the unlimited Father. The Father says: Constantly remember Me alone. Renounce all your relationships including those with your own bodies. The Father is Shiva and you are saligrams: the Father and the children. The Father says: I am the Incorporeal. You too were incorporeal. You have come here to play your parts. You now have to go back home. Baba is the Master of Brahmand. You too were masters of Brahmand. That is also called the supreme abode (Paramdham), the land of nirvana, the incorporeal world. All of those are its names. The incorporeal world, the subtle region, the corporeal world: this cycle continues to turn in front of you. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Follow the Mother and Father in this study. Stay in the happiness that God has come from the highest-on-high land to teach us. 2. You now have to return to your sweet home, so practise being bodiless. Forget everything including your body. Blessing: May you have a right to instant and practical fruit and attain elevated salvation from the elevated directions at the confluence age. The instant and practical fruit of the elevated actions that you perform at the confluence age on the basis of elevated directions, that is, the success of them, is attained at this time and this is why it is said, “As are the directions, so is the salvation”. Those people think that salvation is attained after they die, but you children have received the blessing for the fruit of success of every action in this final birth of dying alive, that is, you have received the blessing to receive salvation. You do not have to wait for the future. You do something now and you have a right to that attainment now. This is called the true love of the Creator for the creation. Slogan: Those who follow the Father at every step with determination become complete and perfect. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- BK murli today in English 14 06 2018
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 14/06/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, continue to invent new methods for service. Become the Father's full helpers in making Bharat into the deity self-sovereignty. Question: Which hope does the Father have in you by reminding you of one thing in particular? Answer: Baba reminds you: Children, you have become conquerors of Maya and conquerors of the world every cycle. You gained the throne of the mother and father and this is why you must now not be afraid of the storms of Maya. Never be influenced by Maya and thereby defame the name of the clan. Beloved children, maintain the honour of this old father’s beard. Don't perform any such actions that would defame the name of the father. Chase away the vices with the power of yoga and become incorporeal and egoless, the same as the Father. Song: Having taken an oath, I have come to Your door. Om Shanti. Sweetest beloved, long-lost and now-found children, you know very well that you children definitely receive love from the unlimited Father. A physical, limited father loves the children he has created, looks after them very well and serves them so that his clan grows. On the path of devotion, too, everyone remembers the unlimited Father. You must definitely meet the Father at some time. Here, the Father says: I am your Father, the One who gives you teachings, that is, I am the One who gives you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama. This is called knowledge. In the scriptures, they have knowledge of the path of devotion. No one can receive liberation or liberation-in-life through that. The Father says: I am the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life for all. I Myself have to come to give you liberation and liberation-in-life. So, I Myself have to come every cycle at the confluence age. According to the drama, the five vices of Maya make you experience sorrow. You know that mountains of sorrow are to fall and that destruction is to take place. At that time, the part of bloodshed without cause will be enacted. So many rivers of blood will flow. In the golden age, rivers of ghee are to flow. When the rivers of blood flow, there will be cries of distress; they will become very unhappy. You children now have to increase Baba’s service very well. It is only through you helpers that Bharat becomes heaven. You children know that you beloved, long-lost and now-found decoration of the Brahmin clan will make Bharat into the deity self-sovereignty once again. You claim your inheritance of the deity self-sovereignty from the Father. Baba says: Children, continue to invent methods for service. Baba has thoughts about this. This is what is called the discus of self-realisation. This is a very good thing. You can do very good service with it. There is no expense in establishing the kingdom, that is, in changing Bharat from the kingdom of Ravan into the kingdom of Rama. You are non-violent, full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely viceless and those who follow the supreme religion of non-violence. You say that you have to become Baba's helpers and make Bharat like a diamond. We continue to do this service every cycle. We are now on Godfatherly service. We are also Godfatherly students and Godfatherly children. We have a very big responsibility. Those who become the children have a responsibility. Baba says: Remain cautious. Don't make mistakes. Baba tells you about different types of service. In which way did Baba show the people of Bharat the method to claim the inheritance from the unlimited Father? It is explained that this inheritance is a birthright for 21 births in the golden age. The golden-aged deity sovereignty is your Godfatherly birthright. The Father is the One who establishes heaven. You have to make effort here. Don't think that you will make effort in the golden age. Baba has to explain so that all the children listen. This cycle is the discus of self-realisation. Make a big picture of this on iron sheets and place them in big places. Everything should be written clearly at the bottom of the picture. Those who see this will understand that this is right. The time will continue to come close. It will enter people's hearts that the golden age is now really close. Baba continues to give you children advice for service from time to time. Do this and service will grow. Each one of you can put up this board outside your home. Let there also be this picture of Shiv Baba: This is the God of the Gita. Then, it should be written: Deity world sovereignty is your birthright. Each of you can put up this board outside your home. You are the Ganges of knowledge. Many who see the board will come. Explain to them: The Father of you souls is that incorporeal One. You are all brothers. We are claiming our inheritance from that Father. As you progress further, there will be a lot of pomp and show that that same God has come here. There is the name of Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Shiv Baba's name is also mentioned. As you progress further, people will understand that the kingdom will definitely be established. There are obstacles in a sacrificial fire because there are no kings or queens: it is the rule of people over people. If you explain to someone and he takes the side of the Brahma Kumaris, other people cause upheaval. They feel that all religions should be united. How can all the different religions be united? They themselves say that they don't believe in religion. To forget your own religion is also in the drama. When other religions are established, the deity religion disappears. This is why all of them call themselves Hindus. The deity religion has disappeared. Therefore, Baba says: I have come once again to establish the deity religion. The destruction of the innumerable religions is also in front of you. However, for how long will the Father stay here? There will also be calamities. People say that there are hundreds of thousands of years before the golden age comes. You know that you are in hell today and that you will go to heaven tomorrow. We souls are racing. Our 84 births have now come to an end. Our parts of sorrow have ended. Baba, we are now about to come to You. This is our final birth. Baba, the Bridegroom, has come. He says: Become worthy of the pure world and I will take you back with Me. If you don't become worthy through yoga, there will have to be punishment and the status will then be reduced. This is a very easy matter. You receive unlimited happiness from the unlimited Father. Therefore, you have to remember the unlimited Father and the inheritance of unlimited happiness. Remember Him as much as you want. To the extent that you remember Him, you will accordingly receive a status. You should definitely remember Him for eight hours. You have to make effort. He knows that children will make effort exactly as they did in the previous cycle. Observe as detached observers how much effort everyone is making to claim their inheritance from the most beloved Father. They are the ones who will claim a right to receive that for cycle after cycle. The Father taught you Raja Yoga for heaven. A physical father looks after his children so well! The unlimited Father also has to look after the children. Maya causes a lot of distress and makes you ill. Then, Baba comes and gives you medicine. This is the life-giving herb. It isn't that Hanuman brought the life-giving herb from the mountains. You simply have to remember the Father and the inheritance. You will not be able to remember your inheritance without remembering the Father. The path of devotion, that is, the night of Brahma, is now coming to an end. Baba has come and is establishing the day. For half the cycle, it is the day of Brahma and for half the cycle, it is the night of Brahma. There is extreme darkness. If you daughters sit and repeatedly explain to others, you can show (reveal) the lokik and parlokik mother and Father very well. It is the task of a father, the creator, to make his wife and children his companions. He has to show his creation the path. He has to change the deal of sitting on the pyre of lust and make a deal to sit on the pyre of knowledge. A very good board can be made of this. The Father is very much concerned. The Father is incorporeal and egoless. Look how He sits and sustains you children! It is said: Whilst walking along the path, the brahmin became trapped. Baba did not know that He would enter him or that he would become Brahma and then Shri Narayan. He had to take so many insults. Baba says: They defame Me even more than they defame you. They insult you with one or two insults, but they have put Me into the pebbles and stones. They have defamed Me so much. You have to claim your fortune of the kingdom, and so what is the big deal if you have to take a few insults? They have been insulting Me for half the cycle. This too is a game in the predestined drama. Baba says: Beloved children, I have entered this one. Think about the honour of this one's beard. This one's beard means that One's beard. You mustn't accuse Him any more. Continue to chase away the vices with the power of yoga. Every cycle, you conquer Maya and become conquerors of the world. Even the subjects become the masters of heaven. However, you have to make effort and gain the throne of the mother and father. This is Raja Yoga. The Father knows that Mama and Baba become number one. Mama is a kumari and this one is a half kumar. If children do something wrong in a family, the father would say: Maintain the honour of my beard. Do not defame my name. Place these boards outside your homes that say very clearly: Come and claim your inheritance from the unlimited Father. Kings and sannyasis have to awaken at the end. Day by day, you continue to become cleverer and you continue to receive power. You can see that destruction is just ahead of you. War is to take place and this is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. We are Brahmins. Brahmins will then become deities once again. To the extent that you make effort, so you will accordingly claim a high status. Day by day, it continues to become very easy. The form of the Father has also been explained to you. He is a star, but you mustn't explain this to new ones as soon as they come. Only when they understand everything very clearly and ask if God has such a big form should you explain to them. Many have these visions, but they don't understand the meaning of them at all. Just as a soul is a sparkling star, so the Father is also the same. He alone is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and so He is God. He enters this one. He comes and sits beside this one. A disciple sits next to his guru. He teaches you children. This one also sits beside Me. Bap and Dada are combined. However, this is a deep secret. Only when someone asks you about it should you explain. Otherwise, continue to say, “Baba, Baba”. Baba is teaching you Raja Yoga for heaven. You children know that whatever has happened until now is in the drama. Obstacles will continue to come. Maya will bring obstacles to you children with great force, but you mustn't let go of Baba's hand. Maya is an alligator who swallows even good, beloved children. This happened in the previous cycle too. So, those who have sharp and clever intellects are able to understand everything. They will churn the ocean of knowledge: I will explain to others in this way and donate knowledge to them. Baba is Rup and Basant and you too are rup and basant. Baba says: I am a star. I have this part recorded in Me. Each soul has a part recorded in him. Those with the arrogance of their science cannot understand these things. That record may become worn out or break, but this soul is an immortal star in which an immortal part is recorded; it has no end. If there is no end, there is no beginning; it continues all the time. You continue to understand the secrets of this drama. You are sticks for the blind ones without sight. You have to show them the path. It is now everyone’s stage of retirement. You have to go beyond sound. Baba says: I will take everyone back. Therefore, remember the Father as much as possible and your sins will be absolved. This is called a spiritual pilgrimage. Baba says: O My traveller children, do not become weary! Remember the Father and creation. Become the masters of creation. This is extremely easy. Always continue to remember Shiv Baba. Even while driving, where should your intellect’s yoga be? Baba gives you his own example. When I used to sit and worship Narayan, my intellect would go in other directions and so I would then slap myself. Even now, the intellect races. While making effort, you have to shed your bodies in remembrance of that One. People do devotion in order to shed their bodies in remembrance of Krishna so that they can reach the land of Krishna. However, Krishna is not everyone's Father. The Father of all is One. The Father, Rama, the Bestower of Salvation for all, comes and grants salvation to all. Everyone receives liberation. Then, those who come down definitely have to see happiness first. New souls come from up above and this is why they are given respect, even though it is the name of the one whose body they enter that is glorified. You children know that the kingdom is being established. We are becoming deities. Only you Brahmins are at the confluence age. All the rest are in the iron age. Those who come here will believe that it truly is the end of the iron age and that the world is changing. This is why there is to be the great Mahabharat War. Everyone receives knowledge through you. The Father comes to give a lift to the mothers because they are assaulted a great deal. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. While seeing the effort of each one as a detached observer, you yourself have to practise staying in remembrance of the most beloved Father for eight hours. 2. Become rup and basant the same as the Father, churn the ocean of knowledge and donate knowledge. Become a stick for the blind. Blessing: May you be a great donor and a bestower of blessings who transforms your temporary sanskars with your eternal sanskars. Temporary sanskars make you speak and act against your conscious wish and this is why you say, “That was not my intention or my aim, but it happened”. Many say that they didn’t get angry, but that their sanskar of speaking is like that. Therefore those temporary sanskars also compel you. Now transform those sanskars with your eternal sanskars. The eternal and original sanskars of you souls are for you to be constantly perfect, great donors and bestowers of blessings. Slogan: To be able to cross the mountain of any adverse situations with the effort of the flying stage is to be a flying yogi. #bkmurlitoday #Murli #english #brahmakumari
- 15 Oct 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 15/10/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, your intellects should work for unlimited service. Make a large clock with hands of radium so that it can be seen shining from a distance. Question: What method should you use to increase service? Answer: Invite the clever maharathi children to your centre. Service will grow when the maharathi children continue to tour around. You should not think that regard for you would decrease if you did this. You children should never become body conscious. Have a great deal of regard for the maharathis. Song: This time is passing by. Om Shanti . When I heard the word ‘clock’ I remembered the unlimited clock. This is an unlimited clock. It is all a matter of using your intellect to understand. That clock has a large hand as well as a small hand. The large hand of seconds continues to move. It is now midnight which means that the night is ending and the day is about to begin. Therefore, how big should you make this unlimited clock? You should make its hands of radium so that they can be seen shining from a distance. The clock explains itself. When a newcomer comes, let him come and see the clock. The intellect says that the hand of the clock has now truly reached the end so that anyone can understand from seeing it that destruction definitely has to take place and that the golden age will start again. There are very few souls in the golden age and so all the other souls will definitely go back home. It is very easy to understand with pictures. If anyone were to create such a clock, many people would buy this clock to have at their home. You have to explain that this iron-aged world is degraded. There are many religions. Destruction is standing ahead. There will also be natural calamities. Now, how did Lakshmi and Narayan receive their kingdom of the golden age? Surely, they must have received it from the Father. The Purifier comes into the impure world at the confluence age. The Father does not have to come into the pure world. This is a first-class aspect in the explanation of the cycle and it is very easy to explain this to anyone. Those who have a lot of money should quickly order an artist to prepare these pictures straight away. Any Government task is done just like that, whereas here scarcely any do such tasks. If a very good artist painted these pictures well, they would look very nice. Nowadays there is great regard for art. They perform the art of dance so much. They believe that, previously, there used to be such dancing, but that was not so. Therefore, you should have these unlimited clocks made instantly so that people can understand very clearly. The colour should also be good so that it constantly sparkles. No human being can be the Purifier. Human beings are impure and this is why they sing. The pure world is heaven. People don’t know that it is Krishna who becomes ugly and then becomes beautiful. This is why he is called the ugly and the beautiful one. Previously, we did not understand this either. It is now in our intellects that by sitting on the pyre of lust we definitely become ugly, that is, souls become impure. You also have to write clearly that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, gives you your inheritance and that Ravan curses you. However, people’s intellects go towards King Rama of the Raghav clan of the silver age, but Rama is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. You should use your intellects to create these pictures, because these days everyone calls himself God. You understand that there is only one Father and that all souls will go and reside in the supreme abode with the Supreme Soul. At that time, the Father is the Master of Brahmand (the element of light) and we souls are also the masters of Brahmand. The Father says: I am making you into the masters of the world. No other king, no matter how great he may be, can claim to be the master of the world. The Father is making you into the masters of the world. Therefore, you should surrender yourselves to such a Mother and Father. His shrimat is very well known. By following it, you will gradually be able to follow it fully by the end. If you were to follow it fully at present, you would become elevated. You have to beat your heads so much! Your efforts will continue for as long as the sacrificial fire lasts. This is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. People also create sacrificial fires of Rudra in order to attain peace. However, there can’t be peace through those. There is only the one sacrificial fire created by the Father into which the ingredients of the whole world are sacrificed and through which you attain liberation-in-life in a second. They create so many sacrificial fires, yet there is no benefit in them. You children are non-violent. No one can go to heaven without becoming pure. This is the final period. You have to write that this is the impure world, the corrupt world of Ravan. There is 100% impurity, peacelessness, sorrow and disease, whereas in the golden age everyone is elevated. There is 100% purity, happiness and peace and everyone is free from disease. That is Ravan’s curse and this is the inheritance from Shiv Baba. Your literature should fully explain from what time to what time Bharat was elevated and then, from what time to what time it became degraded. The literature should be such that anyone simply glancing at it can understand these things. By explaining to others, your intellect’s intoxication will rise. By staying engaged in this business, you will develop this practice. People go to work for eight hours and so you have to do this service for eight hours. The daughters who live at the centres are also numberwise. Some have a lot of interest in doing service; they are constantly running around everywhere whereas others simply sit down somewhere in comfort. Such souls cannot be called all-rounders. Because they don’t think much of the maharathis, service becomes slack. Many have a lot of arrogance about themselves. They think that people should have regard for them and that if anyone else came to their centre, their regard would decrease. They don’t understand that the maharathis who come would help them. They are arrogant about themselves; there are such foolish ones. The Father says: The Lord and Master is pleased with an honest heart. Baba continues to receive all the news and is able to know the pulse of each one. This Baba is also experienced. The explanation of the cycle is very good. When you give this explanation of yours, service will become very fast and great. At present, service is at an ant’s pace. Because you remain body conscious, your intellects do not function well. You now have to do fast service. The intellects of serviceable children continue to work on what should be created. It is very easy to explain using pictures. It is now the iron age and the golden age is being established. It is the Father who takes everyone back. There, there is happiness whereas here, there is sorrow and all are impure. Impure human beings cannot grant liberation or liberation-in-life to anyone. All of those gurus teach you activities of the path of devotion. All the gurus belong to the path of devotion. There are no gurus on the path of knowledge. Here, you have to make a lot of effort. To make Bharat into heaven is a game of magic and this is why He is called the Magician. Krishna cannot be called the Magician. It is that Father who makes Krishna beautiful from ugly. You need great intoxication in order to explain this. You should go out to serve. The poor take to this knowledge very well. There is less hope for the rich. Against one hundred poor ones, there would probably be one or two rich ones and five or seven ordinary ones that emerge. Everything continues like this. There isn’t much concern for wealth. Just look how many armaments the Government makes. Both sides understand that there will be destruction; we will attain destruction. Then, who will become the hunter? There is the story of the two cats fighting for the butter and the monkey taking it from between them. Krishna has been portrayed with butter in his mouth. That butter represents heaven. Hardly anyone understands these things. Even those who have been here for 20 to 25 years don’t understand anything. When Baba created the bhatti, many came and many flew away. Even so, many remained here. The same thing happened in the previous cycle of the drama and the same thing is happening now. The larger the pictures are made, the easier it is to explain them to others. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is essential. From the picture of the tree, it is understood when the cult of devotion begins. The first two ages represent the day of Brahma and the other two represent the night of Brahma. Human beings don’t understand anything and then they say that Brahma is in the subtle region. The Father of Humanity would definitely be here. These are such deep matters that they cannot be found in the scriptures. All the pictures that human beings have been looking at are wrong and all the knowledge they have been listening to is wrong. Brahma has been portrayed with many arms. All of those scriptures etc. are the paraphernalia of the path of devotion. No one in the world knows when it began. Human beings do so much devotion because they believe that it’s impossible to meet God without doing devotion. However, it is only when you have become completely degraded that you can meet God and be granted salvation by Him. Only you know this calculation. Devotion begins after half the cycle. The Father says: All the Vedas, Upanishads, sacrificial fires and tapasya etc. belong to the path of devotion. All of that is going to end. Everyone has to become ugly so that the Father has to come and make you beautiful. The Father says: I come at the confluence of every cycle, not in every age. They show My incarnation in a crocodile, a fish etc. If they are the incarnations of God, how could He also be in the pebbles and stones? Human beings have become so senseless! The Father has come and made you so sensible. You have to sing the praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, of how He is the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Purity. This cannot be the praise of Krishna. Devotees of Krishna say that he is omnipresent. They cling to him so much! You have to release them from that and give them the introduction of the Father. All souls are brothers and so how could they all be the Father? In that case, whom would you remember? It is the children who remember God, the Father. Those who explain this should have unlimited intellects. The intellects of the children are trapped in the limited; they just sit in one place. Businessmen open large branches in many places. The more centres they open, the better managers they become. However, it then also depends on the centre. These are the shops of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Whom do they belong to? To the Ocean of Knowledge. Krishna did not have this knowledge, nor did a battle take place at that time. There are many points which you have to imbibe and explain. The pictures should be put up in a gathering so that everyone can see them. The picture of the clock is very good. By knowing this cycle you become the rulers of the globe. You have to become spinners of the discus of self-realisation. It is very easy to explain with the picture of the clock. So many children who have been here for so long do not become worthy at all. They consider themselves to be very clever. They remain pleased with themselves for no reason. If you don’t do service, who would think that you are a donor? When you donate, should you donate golden guineas or just a few pennies? These pictures are like mirrors for the blind. They will be able to see their faces in these mirrors. Previously, you saw a monkey’s face and now your face is becoming worthy of being in a temple. You have to make effort in order to become worthy of being in a temple. This is the impure world whereas the world that Shiv Baba is creating will be completely pure. The intellects of those who do not follow shrimat are not able to imbibe any of this. The Father says: Day by day, I explain deeper aspects to you and this knowledge will definitely grow. Some ask the question: How can there be eight kingdoms? According to these calculations there should be this many kingdoms. The Father says: Why do you people go into this? First, remember the Father and His inheritance. Whatever customs and systems are there they will continue. Children will be born there as per the system there. Why do you go into that? Why do you allow your mouths to bring up the subject of vice? It is very good to give these pictures to someone as a gift. They are Godfatherly gifts. Who wouldn’t accept such a Godfatherly gift? Christians do not accept literature from anyone else because they have pride in their own religion. The Father says: The deity religion is the highest of all. People think that they would receive a lot of money from the Christians. However, these things are about knowledge. Only those who take this knowledge will receive the inheritance from the Father. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Sacrifice yourself from deep within your heart to the Mother and Father who makes you into a master of the world. Follow His shrimat very well and become elevated. 2. Always keep your heart honest. Do not become arrogant. Donate the golden guineas and become a maharathi in donating knowledge. You must definitely do eight hours a day of Godly service. Blessing: May you become a totally successful server who remains constantly carefree by giving all the burdens of your responsibilities to the Father. The children who remain light are themselves able to ascend and ascend in service too, that is, they continue to make progress. Therefore, give the burdens of all your responsibilities to the Father and remain carefree. Let there not be any type of burden of the consciousness of “I”. Simply maintain the intoxication of remembrance. Remain combined with the Father for where there is the Father, service is already accomplished. When Karankaravanhar is making you do everything, you will then remain light and you will have total success. Slogan: Know with certainly every scene of the unlimited drama and remain constantly carefree. #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari #Murli #english
- 5 oct 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 05/10/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, never miss the study. There will be an interest in studying when there is unbroken faith in the Father who is teaching you. Only the children whose intellects have faith are able to do service. Question: On hearing what news of the children does BapDada become very pleased? Answer: When children write their service news: “Baba, today I explained to so-and-so and gave him the introduction of the two fathers and did this type of service,” Baba becomes very pleased to read such letters. Baba’s stomach doesn't become full on receiving letters of just love and remembrance and your well-being. Baba is pleased to see His helper children. This is why you should do service and write that news to Baba. Song: Come mother, let us go .... Om ShantiYou children know that you have to go from the world of thorns to the world of flowers. The golden-aged world would be called one of divine flowers. In the iron age, human beings are like thorns. They distress and continue to cause sorrow for one another. You children are now happy: Come, let us now go to our land of happiness, of divine flowers. You also have to understand the secret of how you go there. You will go there when you study very well. First of all, you need to have faith as to who it is who is teaching you. These things are not written in the Vedas or scriptures, although Raja Yoga is mentioned in the Gita. There is the study for a kingdom and so, surely, the kingdom would be given in the golden age. First of all, there has to be faith in the One who is teaching you. That One is not a sage, holy man or human being. That One is the Incorporeal. The Father of all souls is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Only those who are to have faith as they did in the previous cycle will have that faith. You can see that, in order to go to the heavenly world of flowers, each one of you has to make your own effort. Only when you first have this faith will you engage yourselves immediately in the study. They have written in the scriptures: God Krishna speaks. Together with that, they have also written: The sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. These are matters of knowledge. People have then given a bamboo flute to Krishna. There is also the praise: There is Godly magic in your flute. There cannot be Godly magic in a bamboo flute. That murli can be played with the mouth. They only show the childhood of Krishna, and how they play games among themselves. These things are worth understanding. You children have understood that this truly is Raja Yoga, that is, it is yoga with the One who teaches you the study of how to claim the kingdom. He personally comes here and teaches you. There is no question of a bamboo flute in this. These things are unique. No one knows that incorporeal God, Himself, comes and teaches us. They say of Krishna too, that there is Godly magic in his flute. So Khuda (God) must be someone else. Krishna would not be called Khuda. Khuda is Khuda; He alone is called the Magician. The Magician Himself comes and shows you His magic and grants you visions. Even then, He teaches you to claim a high status. Meera too saw Paradise and danced there, but she didn't study Raja Yoga. The things of Raja Yoga are not mentioned in any of the scriptures. There was no one to teach Meera. Meera’s name is mentioned in the rosary of devotees. This is the rosary of knowledge; there is the difference of day and night. You have understood that you will become elevated to the extent that you take knowledge. There truly is also the rosary of devotees and that is numberwise. Their names are very well known. No one has this knowledge. So you should explain to them: It is the Father who is the Authority who gives you this knowledge. It is said of Him that He created Brahmins through the lotus mouth of Brahma and told them the essence of all the Vedas and scriptures. Because Shiv Baba is incorporeal, so He explains the scriptures through Brahma. This method has been created. However, it is only that One who explains all of these things. It is shown that all the essence is related through Brahma, and so there must surely be someone else who explains all of this. You are now seeing in a practical way that Shiv Baba, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, is also our Baba and that He is now personally sitting in front of you. He only comes in Bharat and He definitely enters someone's body. It is the body of Brahma. It is necessary for there to be Prajapita Brahma. The Father truly comes and establishes the Brahmin religion through Prajapita Brahma. How is the religion created? You know this too. You are the children of Brahma in a practical way. You say that you are Brahmins and that you are claiming your inheritance from the Father. Followers can never claim the inheritance. It is children who claim the inheritance from the Father. You have come and become His unlimited children. They are said to be followers of Christ, not his children. Buddha and Guru Nanak also have followers and not children. Here, you are children. Prajapita is the father and Shiv Baba is also the Father. That One is incorporeal and this one, the corporeal one, is separate. Shiv Baba has created you children through this corporeal one. Among you too, some have firm faith, whereas others don't. The lottery is very big. You have to act for the livelihood of your bodies and also study this knowledge. You have to make a lot of effort in those studies. Here, too, the Father says: Definitely study for an hour or half an hour. Achcha, if, for any reason, you cannot study every day, first study for seven days and then continue your studies on the basis of the murli. Once you have understood the aim, you then have to understand the branches, twigs, leaves etc. All of those are included in the cycle. The secret of 84 births has also been explained to you. The picture of the tree has the details whereas the picture of the cycle shows everything in a nutshell. It is also explained to you that these are the religions of the variety human world. At first there is one religion and then expansion takes place. How the foundation emerges is also shown in the tree. This is such an easy secret. You have to understand the drama and the tree. Your intellect should imbibe this and then you explain to others. You definitely have to explain the point of the two fathers. You receive self-sovereignty from the unlimited Father and you therefore definitely have to study Raja Yoga. Only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, establishes heaven, and that is also called the land of Krishna. The land of Krishna cannot be established in the land of Kans (the devil), and this is why there is the confluence age. This is the confluence age for you children whereas for everyone else it is the iron age. You are the only ones who will go from the confluence age to the golden age. You have to have this faith. We are now at the confluence age. If you remember the confluence age, you will also remember the golden age and also the Father who establishes the golden age. However, you repeatedly forget this. You understand that you are now at the confluence age. The unlimited Father comes at the confluence age of the cycle. They have made a mistake in the Gita. It is only the Bhagawad and the Mahabharata that have a connection with the Gita. The Father explains: All of you are Sitas and I am Rama. You are in the Lanka of the kingdom of Ravan, not the other Lanka. It isn't that there was the kingdom of Ravan there. There is no Lanka etc. in the golden age. Over there (in Shri Lanka), they have the Buddhist religion. The Buddhist religion has now spread a lot. It has been explained to you children that Bharat was totally pure; there was peace and happiness. There was just the one deity religion. First of all, there has to be the firm faith that He is our unlimited Father and that we have to claim our inheritance from Him. You must never miss out on making effort. How can you make effort if you don't have faith? It is certain that the Father is teaching us and that we are receiving our inheritance of heaven and constant happiness from Him. You would not sit in a school without faith or an aim and objective, would you? There are many subjects there and so there is a margin. Here, there is just the one subject. Such a big kingdom is established through just the one subject. Those who don't study will have to bow down in front of those who did study. Among the subjects too, those with a low status will have to bow down in front of the good subjects. The subjects are also numberwise. Some are poor and others are wealthy; one cannot be the same as another. Such is this drama! The features of all human beings are fixed in the drama for them to play their parts. These are such deep matters. They have to be imbibed and explained accurately. Not everyone can explain them. Such good things are explained to you. There is victory through faith. Only when there is faith will you study. The intellects of some develop doubt and they stop studying. Maya is so great that she immediately creates storms and brings doubts. Those whose intellects have doubt are led to destruction. Those who ascend taste the nectar of heaven, whereas those who fall are totally crushed to pieces. There is a lot of difference. If someone falls, he becomes a cremator whereas if he ascends, he becomes an emperor. Everything depends on how you study. Did you ever hear before how the Incorporeal becomes the Teacher? You are now listening to Shiv Baba. You have the faith that I am your Father, the Purifier, and also the Knowledge-full One. You have to have the faith that you have to become the rulers of the globe through this knowledge. It is in your having faith that Maya creates obstacles. Your enemy is standing in front of you. You know that Maya is your enemy. She repeatedly deceives you. She makes you have doubts in the study. Many children develop doubts and then stop studying. When you stop studying, it means that you leave the Father, Teacher and Satguru. Those gurus continue to change. They have many gurus. This One is the only Satguru. This One doesn't praise Himself. The Father gives His own introduction. Devotees sing: Salutations to Shiva. You are the Mother and Father. However, they don't know anything. They simply continue to say this and to worship Him. You now know who Shiva is. After Shiva, there is Brahma and Saraswati. Lakshmi and Narayan come after them. First is Shiv Baba and then Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. The Father says: I first of all enter Brahma. I create him first. Establishment takes place through Brahma and then Brahma becomes Vishnu and sustains it. You should note down all of these points, and you should then try and explain them to others. Some explain very well. It is a completely different matter for Baba. Sometimes, Shiv Baba explains and sometimes this one explains. You must always think that it is Shiv Baba who is explaining to you. Your sins are absolved by remembering Shiv Baba. Just consider it to be Shiv Baba who is giving you new points through this one. He explains with great tact. So you children should also understand. First of all, you have to have faith. Even in seven days someone can be coloured very well. However, Maya too is very clever. First of all, there has to be the faith that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Creator of heaven, and so He would surely have taught us Raja Yoga. Krishna cannot teach it. He has to come in the golden age. Shiv Baba is the Creator of heaven. Someone may say that He entered the body of Krishna. However, Krishna cannot come in that form at this time. He has to come in the golden age. Baba doesn't take birth through anyone's womb. He enters the body of this one and gives his introduction as to why He named him Brahma. He plays his part from the beginning to the end. You too were given very good names. So many children's names came. It was a wonder that the names of 200 to 250 names came instantly. Even the Brahmins here cannot give that many names. The trance messenger instantly brought those names. The unlimited Father gave you those names. It was a wonder. The Father is wonderful and your aim and objective is wonderful. You will become the kings of kings. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is very clear. Above them, the picture of the Trimurti is very accurate. They definitely have to take 84 births. At the end of the iron age, they are impure and at the beginning of the golden age, they are pure. You children have to give the proof of your service: Baba, we have also had these small leaflets printed. At the top should be Shiva and then the introduction of the Trimurti and the two fathers. This point should definitely be there. Have such leaflets printed, do a lot of service and give Baba the news, for only then will you be able to climb into the Father's heart. Don't just write a letter about your well being to Baba, but do service and write that service news: Baba, I did this and this service. Baba's stomach will not become full by your just sending your love and remembrance. Today, I explained to so-and-so. Today, I served my husband and he became very happy. You should write news of such service to Baba. The point of the two fathers is the main one. The unlimited Father is the One who gives you your fortune of the kingdom of heaven. You are such sweet children. The Father explains: All of you are adopted children. All of you many children can only be adopted children. Those people are followers of that religion. Here, you are children. The Father is also pleased to see such children. All of you are My children. You are now playing the final part. You have become My companions to help Me establish heaven. This is Rudra Shiv Baba's sacrificial fire of knowledge in which the horse is sacrificed for receiving a kingdom. How does Shiv Baba carry out the establishment of heaven? First of all, He creates the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra through Brahma and the Brahmins and then heaven is established through them. So, it is surely you Brahmins who have to look after this sacrificial fire. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Have faith in the intellect and definitely study. Never have any doubts about any situation. Victory is guaranteed when there is faith. 2. Become a companion of the Father and a complete helper in establishing heaven. Become a true Brahmin who looks after the sacrificial fire. Blessing: May you be detached and become immune to bondage with the practice of “coming and going”. The essence of the whole study and of knowledge is “coming and going”. Your intellects have the happiness of going home and then going into your kingdom. However, only those who constantly practise “coming and going” will go with happiness. Stabilise yourself in the bodiless stage whenever you want and become karmateet whenever you want. The practice of this has to be very strong. For this, let no bondage attract you. It is bondage that makes the soul tight and there is a great pull when trying to take off tight clothes. So, always remain detached, and learn the lesson of being immune to bondage. Slogan: Keep your account of happiness full and everyone will continue to experience happiness from your every step. #english #Murli #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari
- 5 Sept 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma kumaris murli today in English 05/09/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, have an interest in doing service. Become those with broad intellects and invent different ways of doing service. Correct the things that are meaningless. Question: In what way can souls who have become as dirty as Ajamil be cleansed? Answer: Soak them in the Mansarovar of knowledge. All the dirt on the souls will be removed if they continue to soak in the ocean of knowledge.Question:What is the biggest sin for Brahmins?Answer:For a Brahmin it is a very big sin not to obey the Father’s orders. The Father’s first order is: Remember Me constantly. However, it is in this that some children fail and Maya then makes them commit one sin or another. Song: Leave Your throne in the sky and come down to earth. Om ShantiWhat is it that enters the children’s intellects? Who has come? (The Father, the Teacher and the Satguru). The words ‘Mother and Father’ are definitely needed. The words ‘Mother and Father’ are famous in Bharat. First say ‘Mother and Father’ and after that you can say ‘BapDada’. In fact, Mother and Father are included in BapDada. Nevertheless, this is just by way of explanation, because, although He is the Father, a mother is also definitely needed. First of all, who is the mother? This is the deepest aspect of all, which no one can understand. Would a mother still be required together with Prajapita Brahma, the Father of Humanity? Together with Prajapita Brahma, the Father of Humanity, would Prajapatni (wife of the Father of Humanity) also be required? No, a mother of humanity is not required because these children are mouth-born. This is why there cannot be Brahma’s wife. These aspects are very deep and subtle and you need a good intellect to understand and imbibe them. There is the one and only Father who comes personally in front of you children. You understand that the Mother and Father, BapDada, has now come personally in front of you. Children who live at the centres and who do service outside would not feel that the Mother and Father, BapDada, has come to them personally. They would think that such-and-such a Brahma Kumari has come. This Mama has been adopted. The luckiest star of all is Jagadamba. She has been appointed the main one to look after the children. This is why the urn of knowledge has been placed on her head. This Brahma is the Brahmaputra River. He has a male form, and so Saraswati is definitely needed. It is Saraswati who is called the World Mother. This male cannot be the World Mother. This is a very deep secret, which is not found in any Gita or Bhagawad (scriptures). They have written many stories in the scriptures. They have written about what happened 5000 years ago and what happened 2500 years ago, but they have given no information whatsoever about name, form, land or time. They have also written all sorts of plays. The Father personally sits here and explains everything clearly so that you children can fully understand every aspect. Even those songs have some meaningless words in them. The element of sky is here and we are sitting below it. The Father from beyond, whom everyone remembers, does not come from the element of sky. If this refers to the Krishna soul, he is already here. All the main souls and founders of the different religions are here. The Krishna soul, now in his 84th birth, is also here. His soul cannot be invoked. It is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is invoked: Come! Leave Your great element of light, the land of nirvana, and come down here! The throne of you souls is the great element of light. It is you human souls who live under the element of sky. This is the stage on which the play is performed. While listening to any song, let your hearts continue to correct the words as you hear them. Those who produced plays have had those songs written. You should also explain to those who shoot films. You need a very broad intellect for this. Baba advises you how to do service. You should explain to those who write those dramas. You should go and meet them. You need to have at least this much understanding. The Father gives directions. He does not go and speak to them. The Father gives you children directions: Do this and that and follow shrimat. (Song: Leave Your throne in the sky and come down to earth). In fact ‘earth’ is the land of Bharat, because it is the land of Bharat where He comes. Bharat is his birthplace. Everyone calls out to that incorporeal Father. Krishna is not the Father of everyone. The flute (murli) portrayed is not that wooden flute that is put in Krishna’s hands. The flute is in fact the flute of knowledge. Saraswati is called the goddess of knowledge. They do not call Radhe that or say it of Krishna. This couple is the father and child. Saraswati is called the goddess of knowledge. So, there would surely also be Prajapita Brahma, the Brahmaputra, the god of knowledge. However, Brahma is not praised in this way. It is said, “God is knowledge-full.” Brahma is not knowledge-full. No; God is knowledge-full. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Ocean of Knowledge. Therefore, He would definitely give knowledge to His children. Firstly, He enters this one and then gives knowledge to others through him. All of you lucky stars are included in this. He is the Sun of Knowledge and it is this one (Brahma) who is the Moon of Knowledge. Then, a star is needed close to the Moon of Knowledge, one that stands alongside the moon. That star is very bright. That star is called the lucky star of knowledge and has been named Saraswati. So, Saraswati is the daughter. This one is the father as well as the largest river. He is a very big river. All the rivers merge into the ocean. There is a mela (confluence) of the rivers and the ocean. The Saraswati River also merges into the ocean, but there is no mela of that. The mela of the Brahmaputra River takes place. This male river that has now emerged is wonderful because rivers are normally female. These deep secrets are worth understanding very clearly, but you should not explain this aspect to anyone at first. First of all, you should explain the secret of the physical mother and father and the Mother and Father from beyond. You have continued to receive temporary, short-lived inheritances of happiness from your physical mothers and fathers. You should remember this very firmly. No one else can explain the secrets of the two fathers, because they don’t know them. They sing: “You are the Mother and Father.” Now, if the Father is omnipresent, where is the Mother? This is something that has to be understood. A mother and father are needed. The incorporeal One is called the Mother and Father, but people don’t understand why He is called the Mother and Father. He is God, the Father. Although they say “Adam and Eve” they do not understand that Adam himself is Eve, that Prajapita Brahma himself becomes a mother. Adam and Eve are also called Adam and Bibi, but people do not understand the meaning of that. You children can understand that Adam and Bibi are in fact this one. Bibi is Adam. This one is called both Adam and Bibi. That One is the Father. These are very complicated matters. People of Bharat sing “You are the Mother and Father”. They just sing whatever they hear; they do not understand the meaning of it at all. They have moved the golden age very far back into the past. They say that it existed thousands of years ago. It is said, “Long, long ago”, but how long ago? Stories are usually told of the recent past. You can explain that “Long, long ago” means 5000 years ago when there was the undivided, unshakeable kingdom of happiness and peace of the deities in Bharat. There were no other kingdoms at that time. No scholars or pundits would say these words. People should know how the kingdom of deities was established, how Lakshmi and Narayan were created and how their kingdom was established. Before that, there was the iron age. It is now truly the end of the iron age and, after this, the golden age will come. The golden age is now in front of us. That which was “long, long ago” is now in front of us. Having taken 84 births, you have reached the end of the iron age. Now you are told: Five thousand years ago, there was the golden-aged kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan; it does not exist now. That time-period has now ended and the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan is now being established once again. This is now in your intellects. You are making effort for this. These things have to be explained. This true Gita is being written down so that whoever reads it can be refreshed by it. You know that whatever is written now will disappear. The true Gita will not remain either. All the things you write about this true knowledge will disappear and, along with that, all the scriptures will also disappear. There are no scriptures in the golden and silver ages. They will be written again as they were a cycle ago, in the copper age onwards. All of that is the paraphernalia of the path of devotion. The paraphernalia of creation is vast, and yet you take this knowledge within a second. You know about the whole of creation from its beginning, through its middle to its end. There is the full account with dates and times etc. Not everyone takes 84 births; some take 70 and some 60; some even take only two births. There is the full account of the minimum and maximum numbers of births. Those who come later will take fewer births, numberwise. To go into the details of this would be useless. You children understand in a nutshell. There cannot be 8.4 million births and not everyone can take 84 births. It is simply said that the cycle is 84 births. The cycle is not said to be 8.4 million births. (A song was played). The shadow of sin and deception has been cast. It is now the kingdom of Ravan. The shadow of dirt gradually settled on souls and souls have now become as totally sinful as Ajamil. So much dirt has settled on souls that they cannot be cleansed. In order to remove that dirt, it is sung, “Soak in the Mansarovar of knowledge”. Just as something rusty is put into paraffin for all the rust to be removed from it, so souls, too, have become rusty. Therefore, continue to remain soaking in the ocean of knowledge. This is not a question of a river or ocean of water. Remain engaged in the knowledge that the Ocean of Knowledge gives you. You also have to take care of your household and family. If you need to ask advice concerning that, then continue to take it. Each one of you has your own individual bondage of karma. The Surgeon doesn’t prescribe the same medicine for everyone. Everyone has their own karmic bondages and everyone has their own illness. This illness of five vices is extremely serious. No one recognises this illness. When does it begin? Once the soul is affected by this illness, the body also becomes affected. When the soul is affected by sorrow, the body also becomes affected. These things are not mentioned in the scriptures. All of that is the activity of the path of devotion. In reference to devotion, Baba has also explained that it is at first unadulterated. Then devotion becomes rajoguni, semi-adulterated, and that later becomes tamoguni, fully adulterated devotion. As is the stage of devotees, so accordingly is the worship they do. In knowledge too, you descend in the same way. First, you are 16 celestial degrees, then 14 and then 12. In this way the reward that you had accumulated continues to fall away. You children understand that this is an income. Obstacles arise and omens change in earning an income. They ask: “What omens are prevailing over us?” and those people would tell them. So, while earning this true income, there are also omens over you children. Some experience bad omens of Rahu and they dirty their faces. They had the omens of Brahashpati (Omens of Jupiter) over them. Then, when Maya slapped them, there were the bad omens of Rahu over them. As soon as souls indulge in vice, they experience bad omens; their intellects become locked. This is an incognito, severe punishment. Then, such souls would never be able to say, “God says that lust is the greatest enemy”. Sannyasis too leave their wives because of lust being the greatest enemy. That purity of the path of isolation is also beneficial for the people of Bharat. It is the people of Bharat who become impure from pure, so those sannyasis play the roles of giving them support. Their purity is for supporting Bharat. It is because of their power of purity that the world lasts this long. Even they have now become impure. Therefore, you have to serve them as well. You children should have a great interest in doing service. You must not behave in any way against the law. All of you are effort-makers; none of you has become perfect yet. One sin or another continues to be committed. To disobey the Father’s orders is also a very big sin. The Father’s order is: Remember Me constantly. I know that you are not able to do this, but that is because you don’t make full effort. Those who do this will achieve a good status. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to become free from the illness of the five vices, you must continue to take advice from the Surgeon. You souls must be careful that you do not catch any illness. 2. Earn this true income and also inspire others to do so. Do not behave in any way against the law. Always follow the Father's orders so that you never become eclipsed by the bad omens of Rahu. Blessing: May you become a conqueror of Maya and an embodiment of success by spinning the discus of self-realisation and performing every act in the form of a divine activity. Just as every act of the Father is remembered as a divine act, in the same way, let your every act be a divine activity. Those who have become spinners of the discus of self-realisation, the same as the Father, can never perform ordinary actions. The sign of a spinner of the discus of self-realisation is that he is an embodiment of success. Whatever tasks they carry out, success would be merged in those. Because those who are spinners of the discus of self-realisation are conquerors of Maya, they are embodiments of success and those who are embodiments of success are multimillionaires in their every step. Slogan: Create powerful thoughts of happiness and you will remain constantly happy in your body and mind. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- BK murli today in Hindi 18 Aug 2018 Aaj ki Murli
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki murli -BapDada -Madhuban -18-08-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - अमृतवेले उठ मेडीटेशन में बैठो, विचार करो - मैं आत्मा हूँ, हमारा बाबा बागवान है, वही खिवैया है, मैं उसकी सन्तान हूँ, मालिक बन ज्ञान रत्नों का सिमरण करो" प्रश्नः- किस एक बात का महत्व दुनिया में भी है तो बाप के पास भी है? उत्तर:- दान का। तुम बच्चों को रहमदिल बन सबके ऊपर तरस खाना है। सबको अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का दान देना है। दानियों की बहुत महिमा होती है। अ़खबार में भी उनका नाम निकलता है। तो तुम्हें भी सबको दान करना है अर्थात् मेडीटेशन सिखलाना है। गीत:- मुझको सहारा देने वाले....... ओम् शान्ति।सहारा उनको दिया जाता है जो डूबते हैं, उनको पार करने के लिये सहारा देते हैं क्योंकि खिवैया नाम तो भारतवासी जानते हैं। खिवैया का काम है डूबने वाले को बचाना। बच्चे जानते हैं - भारतवासियों का बेड़ा डूबा हुआ है। हर बात भारतवासियों के लिये ही है। और कोई खण्ड के लिये नहीं कहेंगे। यह भी तुम समझते हो। सत्य नारायण की कथा अथवा अमरनाथ की कथा भी यहाँ होती है। तुम जबकि सुबह को मेडीटेशन में बैठते हो तो किसको याद करते हो? भक्ति मार्ग में तो कोई किसको, कोई किसको याद करते हैं। उन सबकी साधना है अयथार्थ। सिखलाने वाला खिवैया वा बागवान तो कोई है नहीं। गुरू लोग भी मेडीटेशन सिखलाते हैं कि ऐसे-ऐसे करो। बहुत प्रयत्न करते हैं याद में रहने के लिये। योग साधना कहा जाता है। वह तो मनुष्य, मनुष्य को कराते हैं। अभी तुम जानते हो इस बगीचे का माली अथवा मालिक है परमपिता परमात्मा। कांटों के जंगल का मालिक है रावण। माया रावण कांटों का जंगल बनाती है। यह तुम्हारी बातें भी कोई-कोई जानते हैं। भूल जाते हैं। माया भुला देती है। मेडीटेशन में बैठने में भी माया बड़ा विघ्न डालती है। मेडीटेशन कैसे करो - यह भी बाप सिखलाते हैं। तुम तो कर्मयोगी हो। दिन में तो कर्म करना ही है। उसके लिये कोई बंधन नहीं है। दिन में कभी भी मेडीटेशन नहीं होती है। दिन में तो खाना-पीना, खेलना-कूदना, धन्धाधोरी करना होता है। उसमें याद थोड़े-ही रह सकती है। कहते तो बहुत हैं कि हम सारा दिन याद में रहते हैं परन्तु है तो बड़ा मुश्किल। बाबा अनुभव बतलाते हैं। अमृतवेले का समय सतोगुणी होता है, उस समय याद करना सहज है। अमृतवेले का टाइम सबसे अच्छा है। दिन में तो लफड़े रहते हैं। हाँ, कर्म करते समय याद स्थाई रह सकती तो है बहुत अच्छा। परन्तु बाबा अपना अनुभव बतलाते हैं - मैं कोशिश करता हूँ बाबा की याद में रह तुमसे बात करुँ। अन्दर यह नशा रहता है - मैं स्वयं बाप (प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा) बच्चों से बात करता हूँ। मैं स्वयं मनुष्य सृष्टि का बाप हूँ - ऐसा समझने से नशा चढ़ता है। बाकी मैं आत्मा हूँ, परमपिता परमात्मा बाप को याद कर बात करुँ, वह याद बड़ा मुश्किल रहती है। बाबा अपना अनुभव बतलाते हैं ना। बाप सिखलाते भी हैं। यह तो जानते हैं हम बागवान हैं। बागवान तो जरूर बगीचा ही बनायेंगे। कांटों को थोड़े-ही बनायेंगे। माली कांटों का बीज थोड़े-ही लगायेंगे। माली हमेशा बागवान होते हैं, फूल लगाते हैं। तो बाबा भी फूल लगाते हैं। फारेस्ट बनाने वाली है माया। उनकी मत पर चलने से मनुष्य कांटे बन जाते हैं। यह तो ज्ञान मिला है - बाबा बागवान है, खिवैया है, रहमदिल भी है, बीजरूप भी है। रात को जब बैठते हैं तो ख्याल चलता है - यह कितना बड़ा बगीचा है! पहले कितना छोटा था! तो योग के साथ-साथ ज्ञान भी चाहिए। मनुष्यों के पास ज्ञान तो कुछ भी नहीं है। अनेक प्रकार के योग लगाते हैं। किसी न किसी की याद में बैठते होंगे। ज्ञान की बात ही नहीं। काली माँ की याद में बैठे होंगे तो सिर्फ काली की शक्ल ही सामने आयेगी। जगदम्बा को याद करते रहेंगे। वह है भक्ति मार्ग। न बाप की याद, न वर्से की याद रहती है। भक्ति बहुत तरीके से करते हैं। माला फेरते हैं। कोई तो गुप्त फेरते हैं। हमारी भी है गुप्त माला। तो यह रस्म-रिवाज भक्ति मार्ग में कितनी चलाते हैं। बाबा को छोटेपन का अनुभव है। जैसे बाप फेरते थे, हम भी उनको देख एक कोठरी में बैठ माला फेरते थे। राम-राम कहते थे। बस, ज्ञान कुछ भी नहीं। अभी तुम बच्चों में तो ज्ञान है। अमृतवेले इस मेडीटेशन में बैठने की आदत पड़ जाये तो बड़ा मजा आयेगा। बाबा अपना अनुभव बतलाते हैं। ज्ञान में भी रमण करते रहते हैं। कितना बड़ा बगीचा है। पहले छोटा था। बीज भी याद आया, बगीचा भी याद आया। कैसे बगीचा बनता है - बाबा में भी यह ज्ञान है, हमारे में भी यह ज्ञान है। सारा झाड़ बुद्धि में आ जाता है। अन्दर चलता रहता है, इसको मेडीटेशन कहा जाता है। बाप की भी खुशी, ज्ञान की भी खुशी रहती है। दोनों चीजें याद आती हैं। वह तत्व ज्ञानी ऐसे मेडीटेशन में नहीं बैठते हैं। उनको तो जरूर तत्व ही याद आयेगा। बस, तत्व में लीन हो जाना है। रचयिता और रचना का तो उन्हों को पता ही नहीं है। तो उन्हों की और तुम बच्चों की बात और है।बाबा बीजरूप है - हमको यह नॉलेज है। रात को बैठने से अच्छे-अच्छे ख्यालात आयेंगे। समझ सकते हैं भक्ति मार्ग में क्या-क्या करते थे। कितने हठयोग आदि सिखलाते हैं। अभी तो समझ मिली है बाप को याद करने से उनकी सारी रचना (झाड़) याद आ जाती है। हम 84 जन्मों का चक्र लगाकर आये हैं। अभी हम जाते हैं वापिस। यह ड्रामा का चक्र फिरता रहता है। ज्ञान धन को भी याद करते, धन देने वाले को भी याद करते हैं। जितना याद में रहेंगे उतना अवस्था परिपक्व होती जायेगी। तुम किसको भी समझा सकते हो - मेडीटेशन में हम कैसे बैठते हैं। मनुष्यों को तो अनेक प्रकार की मत मिलती है - फलाने को याद करो। यहाँ हम सब एक मत पर हैं, एक की ही याद में रहते हैं। छोटे, बड़े, बूढ़े - सबको एक ही मत मिलती है। मेडीटेशन में तो बैठना होता है ना। हम आत्मा सो परमात्मा तो हो नहीं सकते। आत्मा कहती है - हमने 84 जन्म पूरे किये, अब वापिस जाना है। परमात्मा ऐसे कहेंगे क्या? वह तो पुनर्जन्म में आते नहीं हैं। तुम्हारे पास जब कोई आये तो उसे हाल में ले आओ। कोई अच्छे-अच्छे आदमी आते हैं, देखो, समझने की चाहना है तो यहाँ ले आओ, उन्हें समझाओ कि हम कैसे मेडीटेशन करते हैं। रात में भी मेडिटेशन करते हैं, दिन में भी करते हैं। हम याद करते हैं एक बाप को। बाप का फ़रमान है - मुझे याद करो और रचना के चक्र को याद करो। 84 जन्म भी गाये जाते हैं। जरूर पहले-पहले देवी-देवतायें थे। उन्हों के ही 84 जन्म भी गाये जाते हैं। यह चक्र का राज़ अच्छी रीति समझाना पड़े। हमको बाप और उनकी रचना का यह चक्र याद रहता है। बाप की याद और रचना के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान बुद्धि में है। हम सबकी एक ही मत है। हम हैं श्रीमत पर। वह पतित-पावन बाप ही आकर बेहद स्वर्ग का वर्सा देते हैं। तो बाप को जरूर याद करना पड़े ना। बाप द्वारा ही हम वर्सा पाते हैं। फिर गिरते हैं, अन्त में पतित बन जाते हैं। बाप रचयिता तो रचना की ही नॉलेज देंगे। गॉड फादर इज़ नॉलेजफुल, पतित-पावन। तो जरूर पतित दुनिया में आकर पावन बनायेंगे ना। ऐसे तुम कोई को बैठ समझायेंगे तो प्रभावित होंगे। बोलो, सिर्फ अच्छा-अच्छा कहकर नहीं जाओ, यह तो प्रैक्टिकल में लाना है। जन्म-जन्मान्तर का सिर पर बोझा बहुत है। इसमें टाइम लगता है।तुमको समझाना है - बाबा आया हुआ है, मौत सामने है, ग़फलत करेंगे तो वर्सा पा नहीं सकेंगे। शुभ कार्य में देरी नहीं करना चाहिए। अब सीखकर जाओ। इस मेडीटेशन में बैठने से तुमको नशा अच्छा चढ़ेगा। अभी बाप को याद करो। तुम्हारा बाप तो है ना। भक्ति मार्ग में जन्म-जन्मान्तर याद करते आये हो। लौकिक बाप तो हर जन्म में बदलता है फिर भी तुम निराकार बाप को जरूर याद करते हो क्योंकि वह है अविनाशी बाप। विनाशी (लौकिक) बाप से विनाशी वर्सा मिलता है। अविनाशी बाप से अविनाशी वर्सा मिलता है। हम एक श्री श्री की श्रीमत से श्रेष्ठ बनते हैं। आदि सनातन तो देवी-देवता धर्म ही है। उनसे फिर और बिरादरी निकलती हैं। सन्यासियों का है रजोप्रधान सन्यास। यह है सतोप्रधान सन्यास। यह है ही राजयोग।भारत का मुख्य शास्त्र है गीता। तो मेडीटेशन के लिये यह समझाना है - बाप हमको ऐसे मेडीटेशन सिखलाते हैं। भगवान् कभी मनुष्य को नहीं कह सकते। भगवान् तो सबका एक होना चाहिये ना। वही पतित-पावन है, वही हेविनली गॉड फादर है और आते भी भारत में हैं। उनका भक्ति मार्ग में कितना बड़ा मन्दिर बना हुआ है। उस श्री श्री की मत से ही हम श्रेष्ठ बनते हैं। इन बातों को बैठ समझो। बाप और रचना के आदि-मध्य-अन्त को जानो। यह और कोई नहीं जानते। सतयुग की आयु ही इतनी बतलाते हैं। पहले झाड़ नया होता है तो उसको स्वर्ग कहेंगे। फिर वह जड़जड़ीभूत हो जाता है। अभी यह सारी दुनिया नर्क है। घर-घर तो क्या सारी दुनिया ही नर्क है। यह है ही कांटों का जंगल। एक-दो को कांटा ही लगाते रहते हैं। बाप आकर फिर गार्डन ऑफ अल्लाह बनाते हैं। बाप आकर बहिश्त स्थापन करते हैं। तुम जानते हो फूलों का बगीचा किसको और कांटों का जंगल किसको कहा जाता है। तुम दैवी फूल बन रहे हो। तो चिन्तन चलता रहना चाहिए। बाबा में भी यह नॉलेज है। बच्चों में भी यह नॉलेज है। ऐसे-ऐसे ख्यालात चलाने से रात को बड़ा मजा आयेगा, ऐसे-ऐसे समझायें। बिचारे कुछ नहीं जानते हैं इसलिए अपने को तरस पड़ता है। ओ गॉड फादर कहते हैं। परन्तु बाप को और उनकी रचना को जानते नहीं हैं। हम भी अब अल्लाह के बच्चे बने हैं। समझाने का भी बड़ा नशा चाहिए। अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्न हैं तो फिर दान करना चाहिए। दानी की बहुत-बहुत महिमा करते हैं। अ़खबार में भी पड़ता है। रिलीजस माइन्डेड ही दान करते हैं। तुम तो हो ही रिलीजस माइन्डेड। दान ही नहीं करेंगे तो मिलेगा क्या? दान तो जरूर देना है। ज्ञान दान देना तो अति सहज है। बाबा बतलाते हैं - हम ऐसे मेडीटेशन में बैठते हैं, इस दुनिया का चक्र ऐसे फिरता है। पहले एक धर्म था। पीछे यह धर्म निकले हैं। यह सब बिरादरियां हैं। यह बातें तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि में बैठनी चाहिए। मनुष्यों को योग का बहुत शौक रहता है। बोलो, हमारा मेडीटेशन चलकर देखो। रिलीजस माइन्डेड जो होते हैं वह मेडीटेशन हाल देखकर खुश होते हैं। रिलीजस माइन्डेड मनुष्य कभी पाप नहीं करते। तुम्हारे पास समझाने की प्वाइन्ट्स तो बहुत हैं। परन्तु बच्चे नम्बरवार हैं। कोई की बुद्धि का ताला ही नहीं खुलता है। बाप को याद नहीं करते तो ताला खुलेगा कैसे? है बहुत सहज बात। समझाना है हम याद में कैसे बैठते हैं। मनुष्यों को तो पता नहीं कि हम किसको याद करते हैं! हमको सिखलाने वाला स्वयं निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा है जो सबका बाप है। वह पतित-पावन गॉड फादर हमको राजयोग सिखलाते हैं। अब तुम सीखो, न सीखो। हम सबकी तो एक ही मत है। श्री श्री से हम मत ले रहे हैं। यह है एम ऑब्जेक्ट। जैसे बाप नॉलेजफुल, वैसे बच्चे। मनुष्य से देवता एक ही बाप बनाते हैं। ऐसे-ऐसे विचार करने से रात को भी बहुत मजा आयेगा। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमार्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) अमृतवेले उठ याद में बैठ ज्ञान का रमण करना है। ज्ञान धन को भी याद करना है तो ज्ञान दाता को भी याद करना है। 2) ईश्वरीय नशे में रहकर सेवा करनी है। सबको मेडीटेशन करने की सहज विधि समझानी है। एकमत होकर रहना है। वरदान:- प्युरिटी की पर्सनैलिटी और रॉयल्टी द्वारा बाप के समीप आने वाले देही-अभिमानी भव l जैसे शरीर की पर्सनैलिटी आत्माओं को देहभान में लाती है, ऐसे प्युरिटी की पर्सनैलिटी देही-अभिमानी बनाए बाप के समीप लाती है। प्युरिटी की पर्सनैलिटी आत्माओं को प्युरिटी की तरफ आकर्षित करती है, प्युरिटी की रॉयल्टी धर्मराजपुरी की रॉयल्टी देने से छुड़ा देती है। इसी रायॅल्टी अनुसार भविष्य रायॅल फैमली में आ सकेंगे। देही-अभिमानी बच्चे इस पर्सनैलिटी द्वारा बाप का साक्षात्कार कराने वाले रूहानी दर्पण बन जाते हैं। स्लोगन:- हरेक की विशेषता को देखने का चश्मा सदा लगा रहे तो विशेष आत्मा बन जायेंगे। #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumaris #Hindi
- Madhuban, Mount Abu Accommodation
Accommodation at Mount Abu (madhuban) - requirements & procedure - How can you stay at the main centre (ashram) of Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University? Know everything in details on this article post. Madhuban is the place of Godly experiences. This is the place where our long lost and now found spiritual father (Shiv Baba) played a part of speaking the knowledge (Murli) through the corporeal medium of Prajapita Brahma. Later, the Avyakt Murlis were also spoken here through medium of Dadi Gulzar. ✿ NOTE: Before you begin, if you are new in the Yagya (Brahma Kumaris), please first visit our ABOUT US page to get an introduction (Very important) Index Skip to content: Short Stay Procedure for short stay Book a Room Long Stay ➔ Mount Abu is a Karmabhumi (place of performing great karma/deeds) of the Supreme being. In ancient texts also, much is written about Mount Abu, located in the Arravali mountain ranges. In the Sakar days (till 1969), much of the places where rocks and jungle. But now it has been transformed into residence and beautiful gardens. The below is a picture of Tapasya Dham, located in Shantivan, Mount Abu (where Brahman souls around the world gathers for deep meditation (Yog / penance). As you may know, the Madhuban (forest of honey) is the central place for all brahmins (BKs), the Tapasya bhumi (place of penance) and it is the highest hermitage (ashram). Many of us, since we came in Gyaan (since our spiritual birth) have come and visited Mount Abu. But for those who just came (new students), and wish to know the direction or procedure to come visit OR stay in madhuban for a short time or to surrender in yagya (permanent), here are the following points to be noted: Requirements for a Stort Stay If you only wish to come for a short visit, it is simple. The only requirement is that you must have taken the basic ''7 days course'' at your local centre and have been connected to that centre for atleast 3 or 6 months. If not taken the course, you may also do this using our Online Course system. Even without taking course, you may come for a retreat spiritual experience. Please read the procedure carefully. ✱Procedure There are three ways you can visit mount abu center - for Rajyog course, for a Spiritual seminar/retreat, with the turn at specific dates (during Avyakt Milan days) OR at your own day and time with your family as a short visit. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. With regional turns (state wise) There are different turns in which all the states of India are covered. Turn by turn, the BK brother and sisters of particular states are welcomed to stay in madhuban for 1 week. This happens for the entire year during the dates of Avyakt Milan. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2. For course and Seminar At madhuban, we occasional arrange for 7 days course (Pradarshani) and spiritual seminars for doctors, engineers, school and college teachers and those who are invited are given the accommodation. For this, there are no requirements. However the spiritual museum in Pandav Bhawan is always open to all for the 7 days course. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 3. Individual and with family If someone wish to come on their own date, they can also come. They need a letter written by their regional centre (with their name and details) saying that the brother or sister is a BK (in Gyan) since this many years, have been living with purity and is regular in attending Murli class. NOTE: You will require this letter if you wish to enter or stay in madhuban as an individual. When you have obtained such letter from your local Rajyoga centre, then you should prepare the stay (accommodation). We have many buildings where you can book your stay. You DO NOT need to pay any money for the period of stay. It is free, and the food, RajaYog course and classes are free as well. This is the service in which everything is for your benefit for which, God does not ask you to give anything accept your weaknesses. Hence we ask everyone to leave their all weakness when they return from madhuban. Weakness is referred to the 5 vices (anger,lust,greed,ego,attachment). Do spiritual effort and study (knowledge) which guides us. Yog with Shiv baba, is the prime source of powers for the soul. How to Book the stay (a room)? Shantivan complex and Manmohini complex are made for accommodation for visitors. We have plenty of space and you live in the shadow of Almighty father Shiv baba. While Gyan Sarovar is only for Samarpit (surrendered) BKs. You can book your 'short stay' with a phone call to any of the below accommodation house authority of madhuban. ✦Telephone mainlines: 02974-238788 (BK Naresh, Gyan Sarovar Accommodation) (+91) 94141 51111 (Om Shanti Bhawan /Pandav Bhawan) (+91) 999 934 4666 (Shantivan Accommodation telephone) (+91) 94140 03041 (Gyan Sarovar) Requirements for a Long Stay (Permanent) 1. You must have become a regular Godly student and are a follower of all principles and guidelines set according to the shrimat of murli. You should be in Gyaan for at least 5 years. NOTE: Main day to day life principles that we follow includes: Amritvela meditation, morning Murli class (or listen/reading Murli at home), eating Sattvik food ( clean, simple made food without onion/garlic ), evening Yog (meditation) and giving Sakash to the world souls (refer: What is Sakash?) ( The teacher-in-charge of your local BK centre will write this in the letter that you will bring to Mount Abu ) 2. Being a Godly student, you would be listening or reading the murli regularly via any means (going to a local centre, via internet, PMTV, etc.). Murli of beloved Supreme father (Shiv baba) is food for the soul that is the source of spiritual energy and inspirations for Purusharth (self upliftment) and world service. (Refer source: What is Murli?) 3. You took a vow of purity in this last birth. Purity is our main subject and is the MUST requirement of anyone who wishes to stay in Madhuban for long time or to Surrender in yagya permanent. It is the main quality of a brahman soul, hence if you wish to stay in Madhuban (garden of God), then you must be living a life with complete celibacy in terms of the shrimat given by Shiv baba to us. ✪ All above are requirements to describe yourself as a godly student. You are welcome to come and experience a 'divine' atmosphere which connects one to his inner self. Here is the Surrender Letter (Samarpan Patra) you will have to accept and fill, and sign. Then you can keep the letter safe with yourself. Surrender Letter (English) Samarpan Patra (Hindi) Song: Baba Mujhe Apne Madhuban Me Bula Lo You are now welcome to Madhuban, the sweet forest of honey, the home and a personal garden of Allah (god/Ishwar) Useful Links Madhuban, Mount Abu tour Videos How to Join the Yagya - Guidelines Centre Locator (India- *New*) Our 4 Subjects of spiritual study General Articles - Hindi & English BK Google - A Divine Search Engine for BKs
- BK murli today in Hindi 19 July 2018 Aaj ki Murli
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - BapDada - Madhuban - 19-07-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन'' मीठे बच्चे - तुम्हारा यह जन्म बहुत ही अमूल्य है, क्योंकि बाप स्वयं इस समय तुम्हारी सेवा करते हैं, लक्ष्य सोप से तुम्हारे वस्त्र साफ करते हैं'' प्रश्न: जो अल्लाह को सृष्टि का रचयिता कहते हैं उनसे कौन-सा प्रश्न पूछना चाहिए? उनसे पूछो - जब अल्लाह ने सृष्टि रची तो रचना के लिये उन्हें फीमेल चाहिये, भला अल्लाह की फीमेल कौन? गॉड फादर कहते हो तो जरूर मदर भी चाहिये ना। तुम बच्चे इस गुह्य राज़ को अच्छी तरह से जानते हो। अल्लाह की फीमेल है यह ब्रह्मा। यह है तुम्हारी बड़ी माँ। इस बात को मनुष्य समझ नहीं सकते।उत्तर:उनसे पूछो - जब अल्लाह ने सृष्टि रची तो रचना के लिये उन्हें फीमेल चाहिये, भला अल्लाह की फीमेल कौन? गॉड फादर कहते हो तो जरूर मदर भी चाहिये ना। तुम बच्चे इस गुह्य राज़ को अच्छी तरह से जानते हो। अल्लाह की फीमेल है यह ब्रह्मा। यह है तुम्हारी बड़ी माँ। इस बात को मनुष्य समझ नहीं सकते। गीत:- किसने यह सब खेल रचाया....... ओम् शान्ति।बच्चे जानते हैं कोई भी मनुष्य इस गीत का यथार्थ अर्थ कर न सकें। नाटक बनाने वाले भी नहीं समझते। ऐसे ही गीत बना देते हैं, जैसे शास्त्र बना देते हैं। समझते कुछ नहीं। तुम वेदों के लिये कहते हो - यह धर्म शास्त्र नहीं हैं। शास्त्र कहेंगे लेकिन धर्म शास्त्र नहीं है। अब धर्म शास्त्र से तो कुछ फ़ायदा होना चाहिये। धर्म शास्त्र का अर्थ भी नहीं समझते हैं। शास्त्र अर्थात् जिससे कोई धर्म स्थापन होता है, किसी द्वारा। तो पूछना चाहिये - वेद-उपनिषद किस धर्म के शास्त्र हैं? वह धर्म किसने स्थापन किया? इनसे तो कोई धर्म ही नहीं निकलता है। कौन-कौन-से धर्म हैं - वह भी समझाया जाता है। जैसे झाड़ में मुख्य है थुर (तना)। फिर बड़ी डाल, फिर छोटी-छोटी टाल-टालियां निकलती हैं। तो बच्चों को समझाया जाता है - यह जो धर्म शास्त्र है सर्व शास्त्रमई शिरोमणी गीता, वह है थुर। उनके बाद बाकी सब ठहरे रचना। यह इस्लामी, बौद्धी, क्रिश्चियन आदि यह सब कल्प वृक्ष के टाल हैं। गीता में भी लिखा हुआ है - मनुष्य सृष्टि का झाड़ है। तो यह झाड़ का राज़ बुद्धि में अभी बैठा है। इसका मुख्य थुर है - आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म। इस झाड़ की भेंट बड़ के झाड़ से की जाती है। वह बहुत बड़ा होता है। झाड़ जब पुराना होता है तो उनका थुर (तना) सड़ जाता है, बाकी टाल-टालियां रहती हैं। यह भी ऐसे ही है। बच्चे जानते हैं - इनका थुर जो देवी-देवता धर्म था वह अब है नहीं। परमात्मा 24 अवतार लेते हैं तो वह सर्वव्यापी हो नहीं सकते। जब अवतार लेते हैं तो उनको सर्वव्यापी कैसे कहेंगे? नई बात है ना। कितना बड़ा झाड़ है! थुर है ही नहीं! एक भी मनुष्य नहीं जो कहे हम आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म के हैं।सतयुग को लाखों वर्ष पिछाड़ी में ले जाते हैं। कितनी मुश्किलात की बात हो गई है! अब सभी मनुष्य दु:खी ही दु:खी हैं। सुखी कौन हो सकता है? सन्यासियों की बुद्धि में भी यह भेंट आयेंगी नहीं कि यहाँ काग विष्टा समान सुख है और अथाह दु:ख हैं। यह उन्हों को पता नहीं है। अब बाप बतलाते हैं - तुमको अथाह सुख में फिर ले जाता हूँ। इस समय अपना पार्ट बजाए सभी कुछ करके छिप जाते हैं। यूँ पार्ट तो सभी बजाते हैं। इस्लामी-बौद्धी आदि सब छिप जायेंगे, ऊपर चले जायेंगे। यह भी कोई नहीं जानते। मनुष्यों को ही समझाया जाता है। जानवर को तो नहीं बतायेंगे। मनुष्य का जन्म सबसे ऊंच गाया जाता है। वह कौन-सा? कहते भी हैं कि मनुष्य की तो चमड़ी भी काम में नहीं आती। फिर कहते हैं - मनुष्य का जन्म उत्तम है। वास्तव में तुम्हारा यह जन्म उत्तम है, जो बाप बैठ तुम्हारी सेवा करते हैं। दुनिया के मनुष्यों का यह जीवन बहुत कनिष्ट है। तुम जानते हो - हम भी पहले छी-छी मूत पलीती मनुष्य थे, अब बाबा हमारे इस वस्त्र को ज्ञान लक्ष्य सोप से साफ करते हैं और कहते हैं - अब अपने बाप को याद करो।इस दुनिया में बाप को कोई भी नहीं जानते हैं। बाप को जानें तब तो बच्चे बनें। शिव के बनें, ब्रह्मा के बनें तब पौत्रे कहलायें। ब्राह्मण भी दो प्रकार के हैं - एक हैं मुख वंशावली, दूसरे हैं कुख वंशावली। तुम हो ब्रह्मा के मुख वंशावली ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियाँ। ब्रह्मा का बाप कौन? शिवबाबा। उनका बाप तो कोई होता नहीं। तुमको पढ़ाने वाला भी वह है। तुम्हारा गुरू भी वह है। अभी सम्मुख बैठे हैं फिर छिप जायेंगे। पतित दुनिया को पावन बनाए, देवी-देवता धर्म की स्थापना कर और सबको मुक्तिधाम में ले जायेंगे। 21 जन्मों का सुख दे दिया फिर और क्या चाहिये! बाबा सदा सुखी तो बनाते हैं। बाकी ऊंच पद पाने लिये तो पुरुषार्थ करना पड़े।कृष्णपुरी को सुखधाम कहा जाता है। नारायण का बचपन नहीं दिखाते हैं। कृष्ण का स्वयंवर दिखाते हैं। अगर राधे से स्वयंवर हुआ तो फिर उनका नाम क्या बदली हुआ, वह दिखाते नहीं। लक्ष्मी-नारायण का तो मनुष्यों को पता नहीं। उनके जीवन चरित्र को कोई जानते नहीं। तुम अभी समझ रहे हो। कोटों में कोई ही निकलेगा, जिसने पूरा चक्र लगाया होगा। तुम यह जानते हो - भक्ति वह करते जो पहले-पहले पूज्य से पुजारी बनते हैं। भक्त तो सभी हैं। सरसों के मुआफिक मनुष्य हैं। तुम जानते हो - अब बिचारे सभी मौत की चक्की में हैं। अब तुम बच्चों को बहुत बड़ी बुद्धि मिली है। 84 जन्मों का चक्र बुद्धि में रखना बड़ा सहज है। हम अभी ब्राह्मण हैं। सो फिर देवता बनेंगे फिर 84 जन्म लेने पड़ेंगे। हम सो का अर्थ भी बच्चों को समझाया है। हम सो, सो हम - यहाँ ही गाते हैं। और धर्मों में यह अक्षर ही नहीं। ओम् माना भगवान् समझ लेते हैं। वास्तव में ओम् अर्थात् अहम् आत्मा। वह फिर उल्टा कह देते - आत्मा सो परमात्मा। अच्छा, फिर क्या? हम शरीर तो हैं नहीं। परमपिता परमात्मा तो ऐसे कह न सके कि अहम् आत्मा मम शरीर। वह बाप कहते हैं - अहम् आत्मा तो बरोबर हैं। हमने यह शरीर लोन पर लिया है। यह हमारी जुत्ती नहीं है। हमारे पैर हैं नहीं। हमारे चरणों की पूजा हो नहीं सकती। कृष्ण के चरण हैं, हमारे तो हैं नहीं। मैं हूँ ही निराकार। यूँ तो आत्मा भी निराकार है। परन्तु वह 84 जन्मों में आती है। मेरा तो शरीर है नहीं। मैं अशरीरी हूँ। तुमको भी कहता हूँ - अशरीरी बनकर मुझे याद करो। तुम जानते हो - बाबा आया हुआ है। उनका क्या पार्ट है? पतित सृष्टि को पावन बनाना। निराकार तो जरूर कोई शरीर में आया होगा। मनुष्यों को पता न होने कारण उन्होंने फिर नाम लिख दिया है - फर्स्ट प्रिन्स श्री कृष्ण का। अब श्रीकृष्ण यहाँ कैसे आ सकता? यह समझकर फिर समझाना है।टैगोर आदि गीता की कितनी महिमा करते थे! वास्तव में कृष्ण की भी महिमा नहीं है। कृष्ण को भी बनाने वाला शिवबाबा है। यह कृष्ण के बहुत जन्मों के अन्त का जन्म है। बाबा कहते हैं - छोटे बच्चे के तन में कैसे बैठ सुनायेंगे? जरूर अनुभवी रथ चाहिये। ड्रामा अनुसार हमारा यह रथ मुकरर है। ऐसे नहीं कि फिर दूसरे कल्प में और रथ लूँगा। ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही स्थापना करेंगे। कल्प पहले भी तुम ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियों ने ब्रह्मा द्वारा वर्सा लिया था। अब बाप कहते हैं - और संग तोड़ मुझ संग जोड़ो। मेरा तो एक शिवबाबा, दूसरा न कोई। तुम मात पिता........ जिसकी इतनी महिमा है, अभी तुम उनके सम्मुख बैठे हो। विचार किया जाए - बरोबर हमको किसने रचा? कहते हैं - अल्लाह ने रचा। तो जरूर अल्लाह की कोई फीमेल भी होगी? अल्लाह तो निराकार है, उनकी फीमेल फिर कहाँ से आई? तुम गॉड फादर कहते हो तो फादर हमेशा रचता होता है। मदर ही न हो तो उनको फादर कैसे कहेंगे? बच्चा पैदा होता है तब ही फादर कहते हैं ना। यह किसको पता नहीं गॉड फादर की फीमेल कौन है? यह है सबसे गुह्य बातें। आदम बीबी दोनों हैं। आदम उनको कहेंगे तो फिर सरस्वती को बीबी नहीं कह सकते। वह बीबी हो तो फिर उनकी माँ कौन? यह बड़ी समझने की बातें हैं। बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं। इस हिसाब से यह (ब्रह्मा) मेरी सजनी हुई। इसके मुख द्वारा रचता हूँ तुम बच्चों को। ब्रह्मा तन में प्रवेश करता हूँ। उन्हों को सम्भालने लिये फिर जगत अम्बा निमित्त बनी हुई है। आदि देव ब्रह्मा और जगत अम्बा सरस्वती यह कौन है? विवेक कहता है ब्रह्मा की बेटी है। तो रचना कैसे रची? ब्रह्मा द्वारा रचा तो यह है बड़ी माँ। फिर सम्भालने के लिये मम्मा भी है, बाबा भी है। पहले नम्बर में सरस्वती जाती है। जगत अम्बा की कितनी महिमा है! अब तुम समझ गये हो - हम सो ब्राह्मण बने हैं। हम ईश्वर की गोद में आये हैं। इसमें भी दो प्रकार के हैं - सगे और लगे। एक ही माता के बच्चे फिर सगे और लगे का तो सवाल ही नहीं उठता। यहाँ भला सगे और लगे क्यों कहा जाता है? कहते हैं जो सगे बनते हैं वो प्रतिज्ञा करते हैं - हम पवित्र बन वर्सा लेंगे। तो ऐसे पवित्र ही गद्दी-नशीन वारिस बनते हैं। लगे फिर प्रजा में चले जाते हैं। सगे भी बहुत बनेंगे फिर उनमें भी नम्बरवार होंगे। जितना जो पुरुषार्थ करेंगे वह माँ-बाप के तख्त पर बैठेंगे। मम्मा-बाबा तख्त पर बैठते हैं तो हमको भी तख्त मिलना चाहिये। परन्तु बनेंगे नम्बरवार। तो यह है योग की यात्रा। बाबा को याद करना है, स्वदर्शन चक्र फिराना है, आप समान बनाना है। मेहनत करनी पड़ती है आप समान बनाने में। बच्चियाँ परिचय देकर बाप के पास रिफ्रेश होने लिये ले आती हैं। बाबा देखते हैं - कौन-कौन बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेंगे, और सब तरफ से ममत्व मिटाये एक तरफ लगायेंगे? जानते हैं बाबा हमको विश्व का मालिक बनाने वाला है। बाप कहते हैं हम तुमको स्वर्ग का मालिक बनायेंगे। फिर चाहे सूर्यवंशी, चाहे चन्द्रवंशी बनो।तो बाप अपने आप सब-कुछ कर रहे हैं। फिर छिप जायेंगे। घड़ी-घड़ी अवतार तो लेते नहीं हैं। उनको अपना शरीर ही नहीं है। वह एक ही बार आते हैं। तुम तो घड़ी-घड़ी एक चोला छोड़ दूसरा लेते रहते हो। मैं पुनर्जन्म में आता नहीं हूँ। कितना अच्छी रीति समझाते हैं। आगे यह बातें बुद्धि में नहीं थी। अनायास घर बैठे रास्ते जाते बाबा ने प्रवेश कर लिया फिर मालूम पड़ा। अब दिन-प्रतिदिन सब बातें बुद्धि में बैठती जाती हैं। कहते हैं ना हम 7 दिन का बच्चा हूँ, दो मास का बच्चा हूँ। यह ज्ञान तो सेकेण्ड में भी मिल सकता है। कितने बच्चे हैं! और कोई सतसंग नहीं होगा जहाँ इतने बच्चे हों। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा और जगत अम्बा भी बाप के बेटे-बेटी हैं, न कि मेल-फीमेल। मेल-फीमेल इतने बच्चे कैसे पैदा करेंगे! कुख वंशावली की तो बात ही नहीं। जिन्होंने कल्प पहले मात-पिता का बनकर वर्सा पाया है, वही आते रहते हैं। कलम लगती रहती है। बगीचा है ना। अभी देवी-देवता धर्म के फूल तो हैं नहीं। बाकी सब जैसे कांटे हैं। चुभते हैं। यह कांटों की दुनिया है। बाप आकर कांटों से कली, कली से फूल बनाते हैं। श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते हैं तो फिर गिर पड़ते हैं। बाबा समझ जाते हैं - यह विकारों में गिर पड़ा। अभी तुम पतित से पावन बन रहे हो। बापू गांधी भी पतित-पावन को याद करते थे। चाहते थे - वर्ल्ड ऑलमाइटी अथॉरिटी का राज्य हो। सो तो बाप ही स्थापन करेंगे। तुम जानते हो - अब हमको इस कंसपुरी से कृष्णपुरी में जाना है। भारत में सतयुग था। लक्ष्मी-नारायण का राज्य था। पांच हजार वर्ष की बात है। पांच हजार वर्ष से पुरानी चीज़ कोई होती नहीं। लाखों वर्ष की तो कोई चीज़ रह न सके। देखो, तुम बूढ़ी मातायें गुड़गांव से आई हो मात-पिता पास, जिनसे वर्सा मिलना है। बाप भी बुढ़ियों को देख खुश होते हैं। पांच हजार वर्ष पहले भी आकर वर्सा लिया था। सारा मदार पुरुषार्थ पर है। तुम बुढ़ियायें इतना ज्ञान उठा नहीं सकती। यह दादा बूढ़ा तो बहुत अच्छा पढ़ता है। तुम समझती हो - जवान सरस्वती माँ अच्छा पढ़ती है। अरे, यह तो ब्रह्मपुत्रा नदी है। यह तो जरूर जास्ती पढ़ते होंगे ना। यह बूढ़ा सबसे तीखा है। वह तो फिर भी बेटी हो गई। बुढ़ियों के लिये भी है बहुत सहज। बाबा को याद करते रहो। ओहो! शिवबाबा कुर्बान जाऊं, आप तो सुखधाम ले जाते हो! बस, ऐसे खुशी में रहो तो भी बेड़ा पार है। हमेशा समझो - शिवबाबा समझाते हैं। इनको छोड़ दो। ऐसे ही समझो शिवबाबा सुनाते हैं तो बुद्धियोग शिवबाबा पास जाने से विकर्म विनाश होंगे। मम्मा भी शिवबाबा से सुनकर सुनाती है। सदैव एक शिवबाबा की ही याद रहे तो विकर्म विनाश होते रहेंगे। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 1) गद्दी-नशीन पक्का वारिस बनने के लिये पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञा कर सगा बच्चा बनना है, और संग तोड़ एक संग जोड़ना है। 2) आप समान बनाने की सेवा करनी है। कांटे से कली, कली से फूल बनना और बनाना है। नये झाड़ की कलम लगानी है। वरदान: हर बात में मुख से वा मन से बाबा-बाबा कह मैं पन को समाप्त करने वाले सफलता मूर्त भव! आप अनेक आत्माओं के उमंग-उत्साह को बढ़ाने के निमित्त बच्चे कभी भी मैं पन में नहीं आना। मैंने किया, नहीं। बाबा ने निमित्त बनाया। मैं के बजाए मेरा बाबा, मैने किया, मैने कहा, यह नहीं। बाबा ने कराया, बाबा ने किया तो सफलतामूर्त बन जायेंगे। जितना आपके मुख से बाबा-बाबा निकलेगा उतना अनेकों को बाबा का बना सकेंगे। सबके मुख से यही निकले कि इनकी तात और बात में बस बाबा ही है। स्लोगन: संगमयुग पर अपने तन-मन-धन को सफल करना और सर्व खजानों को बढ़ाना ही समझदारी है। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
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