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God Fatherly University for World Transformation

Writer's picture: Shiv Baba, Brahma KumarisShiv Baba, Brahma Kumaris

'Om Mandli' - as it was named, was a group of a few tens of children, mothers, young and old men, in the very beginning (late 1936) who devoted their life in the direction towards God after some or other divine experiences they received or heard. They tolerated harsh words and neglectance of the whole community including their relatives, just because they decided to remain Pure and walk on the path God has shown. Their sacrifice became immortal. Now those Souls are referred as Dadi or Dada (with respect). Visit Biography page to know the Life story of such diamonds..

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is established by the incorporeal God-Father Shiv (the Supreme Soul) to renew the Old world. God comes in this time (Sangam Yug/ Confluence Age), an age or time period between Iron Age (Kaliyug) and Satyug (Golden Age) only. God's role is to re-establish the world which is remembered by us as Heaven. When the sun rises, night finishes and the day begins. God is sun of knowledge and also an ocean of knowledge.

Now is the time of such a transformation, which is only 'once' in the whole Kalpa (cycle of 5000 years). When all the world is corrupt, vicious and in sorrow, God has to come to free all Souls, his children from sorrow. God is our Supreme Father, Supreme teacher, a guide, a friend and everyone that we need for. We have a beautiful loving relationship with Him and therefore we all pray and remember him in many ways in our difficult times. Read About God (name, form, task, incarnation) As have we heard from Him in His Murli, Shiv baba's own words.

- This universal task of God, is our mission. By 2018, more than 8800 Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga centres are opened in around 140 countries. This is the largest growth of an NGO or any spiritual moment in history. This itself is a signal that world transformation is taking place and a sign of who is the one supporting this organisation to run smoothly, without any lack of resources and without any disputes. It is actually, how we learn from Murli, we become a follower of one advice (shrimat) of one God that we never get to a dispute. Murli is our source of knowledge, teachings of Shiv baba through mouth/medium of Brahma baba (Prajapita)

Now has time came again when God plays his role to re-establish the world of Peace, Purity, love and happiness which we remember as 'heaven' God says realise the true Self and remember me alone now. Remembering me, you will get purified from your sins and then only you can come to me. Only those Souls which are purified by Yog (remembrance of Supreme father God, the purifier) and thus purified, you will then come to live in New world (Golden Age) Now we have to decide our own fortune.. Baba is with every child and is Almighty with all powers. Our victory is predestined.. just follow the given Shrimat (most beneficial advice)

Uplifting our Spiritual wisdom: RajYog course online (Read-Listen-Watch-Understand-Become)

This task of world transformation is getting visible in eyes of many those who are a good observer. Many major changes are happening in world both physical and subtle. World is at its full stage in all means. With the greatest force, the world will turn around (spiritually speaking). We are mediums of God for this transformation.

Read Year wise history of Brahma Kumaris from 1936 to 1969 to know the early journey. See old preserved photos in the gallery

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