App 1: Brahma Kumaris Assistant - All in One'
'Brahma Kumaris Assistant - All in One' is a free Mobile App created for Android for ALL services!! Daily Murli htm text and mp3 audios in Hindi, English and 20 languages. Daily Purusharth, chart and Audio, daily Thought for today and more updates. Resources includes: Classes, RajYoga music, commentaries, Sakar and Avyakt Murli records, BK songs and 7 days Raja Yoga course.
App 2: Brahma Kumaris songs - All in One app
You can listen BK songs and other Audio (Daily Murli, classes in Hindi & English, Rajyoga music, commentaries, Sakar murlis, Avyakt murlis, Relaxing music, Swaman, etc) while the phone is locked and even while using other Apps!
We present you an All in One App for Android, with the biggest Audio collection, Daily Videos, PDF books, Images gallery, 7 days course, Forum, Blog and more in-app services. MUST use once and SHARE to BK brothers and sisters.
App 3: BK Murli App, Dharna, Purusharth
Listen and Read Daily Gyan Murli on this App in 10+ Indian and International languages. Also, you get daily Aaj Ka Purusharth and Aaj ki Murli se Dharna commentary to exercise the main points from Murli. This app also serve daily Murli Quiz, Audio classes, and other playlists of Shiv baba songs, RajYoga music and more. You will give a notification when Murli is daily posted on this App.
App 4: BK Google - Search the Divine
BK Divine Search - 'An app like never before'. Using BK Google, you can access all data from Brahma Kumaris websites just like Google search. Here you can search for anything from selected BK websites. Eg. information, audio and video resources, online services, daily murli, books, articles, posts, Q and A.
Made for beloved BK family upon directions and blessing of most beloved Shiv baba.
iPhone App: Brahma Kumaris Sustenance
One mobile app for All services for iPhone users. Listen and read Daily Murli in Hindi and English, daily Purusharth, the biggest audio collection of Classes, Murlis, Awakening episodes, Rajyoga music, and more. Get daily updated videos. Refresh your mind with images gallery, Forum, Blog, and unlimited web-resources.