A mother writes to us asking for guidance to help her son gain concentration power for studies. Adopting a Meditative lifestyle in the house raises the vibration of the place & lifts up the mental powers of those living in the house. Rajyog Meditation helps to think right & re-program the old & wrong belief systems/habits, helping us to be on the right track.
From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya VishwaVidhylay (Godly University) To: Sujata Ji
Original Email
My son very intelligent but don't concentrate in studies. Tell lies always and since last 3 years not appearing in class 12 exams...
"We at Prajapati Brahma kumaris daily do collective Yog/meditation for the world souls & send to them vibrations of peace, purity, love, and power. Let good happen to all"
Our Email Response + Guidance
Namaste Sujata Ji,
Hope you and your family are fine. We received your question a few days ago. Please find below as our guidance.
We're sure your son also knows that he should study. He too wants to focus on the studies and do well academically, and he certainly must have tried to do so. But when mind's power is low, it faces problems to concentrate or focus. Just the "knowledge" is not enough, that "I should concentrate"; but to implement it he needs the power.
The vibration of our world is getting low day by day. Fear, hurt, jealousy, stress, anxiety, depression, regression, rejection, criticism, comparison, competition, hatred all these negativities are increasing. If we get a machine to check the frequency of the vibration at a particular place, we would be surprised by seeing the result. We need to protect ourselves and our families from these negativities. For that, we need to raise our own vibration and energies our family and the home.
Energies Your Home
To protect ourselves from negativities, we should simply adopt only what is positive:
- Read, watch, listen to only positive information
Information that has fear, lust, attachment, ego, hatred (be it world news or TV serials or gossips) must be replaced with positive content, positive talks. You can subscribe to our YouTube channels to find very useful videos on daily basis. (BK Shivani, Awakening, Brahmakumaris). Peace of Mind TV channel and Awakening TV channel provide self empowering content for 24×7.
- Energies your food and water
"Jaisa man vaisa ann & Jaisa ann vaisa man". If the mind is overthinking, is worried about the child's future, is in some fear... the food being cooked absorbs the energy and it affects them who consumes the food. Practice meditation on daily basis and cook in a peaceful state of mind. Use the power of your positive thoughts while cooking and see the miracles happening!
- Your morning should begin with an hour for yourself - "Me Time"
when you study spirituality or listen to some motivation videos followed by half an hour of meditation to churn what you just learned.
When even one person starts elevating his/her lifestyle, his/her pure & powerful vibrations elevates the home's energy. A mother also has an opportunity to meditate and cook with peaceful & powerful mind. The high energy food (prasad) helps to raise the energy of the souls who consume it.
Thought Power To Transform Your Son
"Sankalp Se Siddhi". Think only what you want should happen. Think and visualize that your son has become so peaceful and powerful. Visualize him studying with full focus and enjoying studying.
If you create thoughts according to what you're seeing at present and since the present is negative, your negative thinking unfolds negative future. To transform the current situation, you should think what you wish to see. Moreover, thought like "you're not studying, you're just not focusing on studies" "you have wasted so many years, what will you do in your future?" "God knows what will happen to this child" all this negative thoughts depletes you son's energy. Every single thought that we create for anybody reaches him right then and based on the quality of the thought is either increases his power or depletes it.
More than our advice, he needs power. So help him increase his soul power, by thinking only good for him.
Rajyog Meditation To Increase Concentration Power
Visit a nearby BrahmaKumaris center along with your son to learn Rajyog Meditation. It's a 7 days course based on deep spiritual knowledge about self-awareness. One learns the true potential of the self and learns how to emerge the same. This will definitely help him as he will get an elevated atmosphere to re-design his belief systems and thinking. Spending even half an hour daily at such an elevated place increases the power of the mind.
We heartily welcome you to learn Rajyog and benefit yourselves like millions of other people who have transformed their lives just by taking one step closer to the Supreme Power's knowledge (Godly Knowledge).
Feel free to contact us in case you have any further questions or need any kind of help in this journey... Don't hesitate, we're a family! :)
* Useful Links *
Nearby BrahmaKumaris Center: https://www.brahmakumaris.com/centers/
Rajyog Course Online: https://www.brahma-kumaris.com/rajyoga-course
* Useful Videos *
How To Improve Concentration Power: https://youtu.be/1ZcY04uctm8
Energies Your Home: https://youtu.be/ap4TvzO1lNw
Your Vibes Transform Them: https://youtu.be/7HGvGG1B3mA
Energies Your Food: https://youtu.be/5SIpVdKaCPw
Water For Emotional Strength: https://youtu.be/a_OySuuXTlg
Desires + Vibrations = Reality: https://youtu.be/NM00KBf5ruA
God's Revelations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbkt6AalPAuV5WNXMa2VHfdodnZ86rJx9
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is God's creation for the New World (Heaven). We welcome you to learn ABOUT US -> https://www.brahma-kumaris.com/about-us ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is our Further advice -> You should do 'Swamaan Abhyas' Swamaan = Self true respect of the soul which is Peaceful, Pure, Loveful and Powerful. HOW TO DO? Early morning - wake up around 5:00 am and focus your mind and listen to these commentaries -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kYVRgC1PFM&list=PLVTJYOj3fHtHjdxqZhniGRCjWUv6MlRMY&index=1 (FULL Playlist) While you listen to these guided commentaries above, you should focus the attention to the middle of the forehead, where me THE SOUL reside.
On Godfatherly (Godly) World Service www.bkgsu.com (The Shiv Baba Service Initiative) oo