Many of us sometimes wonder How God would have incarnated in Brahma Baba & what all would He have spoken in the early years? What is the History of Brahma Kumaris?
Original Email Received on 10/08/2019
I have been listening to baba's gyaan regularly for more than a year. I really feel overwhelmed on listening to the points of gyaan. I saw a video on the history of Brahmakumaris and got to know that Brahma baba felt the incarnation of Shiv Baba in 1936 for the first time. As baba started appearing regularly, he used to give gyaan through Brahma and those lessons were recorded as Murlis. I wish to read the Sakaar Murlis of the very beginning (when shiv baba first appeared through the medium of Brahma baba's senses). Where can I read the Murlis of the earliest dates (1936 onwards)? Are they available online? Please guide.
Om Shanti
Our Response + Guidance
From: On behalf of Shiv Baba (our spiritual father)
This divine knowledge is about 'Soul', 'Supreme Soul' and 'Drama Cycle' which touches the very heart of the soul (us) as this is our OWN STORY. And that God whom we worshipped for this long is indeed our own father whose glory is praised. Now we are receiving his inheritance - plus protection from the Kaliyugi World. This all knowledge and experience blossom the soul like nothing else...
Shiv baba's incognito part began around 1936 which we know today. But when exactly Murlis started, no one knows. Baba has said himself in Sakar Murli that - ''You children think that Shiv baba came when Brahma started that school (Om Niwas) and Murlis began thereafter. But that is inaccurate. This is a play of drama in which no one can certainly know the timings of events. Only one father knows''
Answer: Those Murlis spoken in Karachi (Pakistan) from 1936 or 1939 to 1950 were burned down as per Shiv baba's direction... So Baba directed to forget the old understandings given during the 1940s that Soul (atma) is Brahm (6th element) and ParamAtma (god) is an egg-shaped light. Now you will not hear this in any Murlis, but this was what Baba explained during the 1940s. Now we understand that the Soul (atma) is even more subtle. We are a tiny point of divine light and so as Shiv Baba - a tiny point. The only difference is in our part in the Drama and in our powers. As more accurate Gyan is given, it is best to forget about the older one. "The knowledge will become more and more refined (clear)."
About old Murlis and more, you will know the whole story when you listen to this History series ->
or Read on History page ->
Only Murlis from January 1963 to January 1969 are preserved as an 'audio recording'. These Murlis are still revised every day.
Know more on our official page -> What is Gyan Murli and To listen the original Sakar Murli in Brahma baba's voice, visit Sakar Murli Audio.
Also, if you just want to 'know' what was taught in the early 1940s Murlis in Karachi, here is the essence:
''Lesson of being a 'soul''
''Lesson that God is Brahma - 5th element''
''God is a being of light (not a point of light - which was explained later)''
''Dhyan Yog and Karma Yog emphasized''
On Godfatherly Service,
Om Shanti