Husband lost his well earning job and was not getting a new job. So the wife (Sister who is in connection) writes to us to seek advice or guidance. Here we shared spiritual wisdom to first understand the situation as it is, then see what good has happened and see the opportunity.
Essence: 'Everything Happens for a Reason'
Original Email Received
My problem is that my husband who is a professor of civil engineering is having very tough time for the last 2.5 years. He was doing job in USA and came back India for 1 year. So he lost his job. He is struggling alot to get a new job in India. He is highly qualified and experienced person but now no job. He is very kind and soft hearted person and believes in ideology of brahmakumaris.
I saw in videos that u send sakaash to people. Please pray for us as he wants to go back abroad. Please God help him also as he is suffering alot. We are also doing Swamaan of - "mere jivan me sab kuch achaa hoga" but failures have made us little fearful.
Please help and guide us. Om Shanti
Our Email Response+ Guidance
To: Everyone reading this
From: Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay (Godly Spiritual University)
About: Refreshing, a new way to see life
Dear Divine Brother and Sister
You discussed about your husband not getting a job after that 1 year leave. So you think this is unfortunate? Asked for Sakash and guidance. Please read with attention.
So first is that as they (your husband) is in connection with Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwairiya Vidhaylay (Godly University), he would know the teaching of KARMA. How our life story is decided upon the past karma - as its results are faced. Also explained that ''Whatever happens, happens for a good reason.''
Plus it is not necessary that the job was gone is a bad news. Maybe life has to offer something bigger. You see scene after scene of a story happens to ultimately conclude the final scene. God himself said - ''The final scene of each child (Soul) is great, is kalyaankari (benevolent)''. So always keep this slogan in mind.
''Whatever happened was good. Now is better. And future is even better'' - But for whom? For those who follow the righteous path, does right karma, does not harm the self or any other by even thoughts, words or action. Please visit Law of Karma - Way of Living page to understand more.
If you have faith in yourself that you have done good karma and have good feelings for everyone, then it means you are a good soul. God has brought you in connection with this divine Yagya therefore. I believe this time (while you have no job) is given so that you can decide about this, come in more close connection. What is more important than coming to know our long lost and now found Godfather (Shiv Baba)
Thinking positive means to know the self as a soul, to first accept whatever has happened till now and from now, to always keep your face towards the positive aspect of every situation. Even the problems we face, can teach us great lessons of life. These lessons are more important than simply having no problems. So you see - struggle is in the path to achieve the true success.
Practice these Swamaan (self-respects) to increase inner powers and hence to overcome all challenges ->
So here is our gift of lift -> History of Yagya -> ( Please visit and read/listen )
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