How to concentrate in studies? Keep your mind busy. How to enjoy learning /education? Here is our response.
Original Email Received
Message / Query :Good afternoon..Since class 9th I had been studying a lot (18 hours out of 24) and I also achieved 1st rank in almost all my examinations of 9th and 10th..but since I have come in 11th I have lost my eagerness to study and my grandmother also died in September 2018 which also diverted my mind.. Even in the quarterly examinations of 11th I achieved 1st rank and from 7th Nov I am having half yearly examination which I am not giving as I have no preparation.. So how can this problem be solved and how can i start studying again the way I used to do earlier so that i am busy and my time passes productively.
I am very worried.. What to do?
Email response with guidance
To: Niyal
Good Morning
You have rightly understood that passing time productively is very important. You must keep your mind busy in good things that you love to do. Here as you love studying (which is a great aspect of life), you may also like reading some other books (other than school course). Books on spirituality and even human psychology may interest you). See, spirituality is for everyone. Because every one is a spirit (a Soul). Spirituality is merely the understanding of the real ''I'' - Who am I? When one knows the self, one finds living the life is easy. This is fundamental and essential.
There are eBooks also available for you to read online:
The simple answer is learn meditation. Many souls in world today are realising the importance of meditation in their life. However, the meditation which they do is not the accurate way to obtain the purpose. In fact, it is Raja Yog (as said in Hindi). Raja means 'King' and Yog means 'connection'. a connection with God such that the soul (I or me) become a King of the senses. We do not need to conquer anything outside.
Learn Raja YOG:
To keep mind refresh, listen Nature's relaxing calming sounds while studying. This will keep mind calm and focussed. Nature is like our mother.
Develop love for knowledge :
Curiosity can be considered as a natural gift and also it can be created. So you create curiosity for leanring something new. As will see, as you learn something new, you will feel bliss and an inner satisfaction.
Today, with the aid of Science, it is possible to learn anything of the world with a simple click. So much change has happened. You can satisfy your curisity by learning the History of Bharat for example, or different religions (faiths), about nature and the physics of the universe. You are in front of an ocean. Point anywhere and you shall find something new.
Saying that, being a student, you must keep your curiosity alive. Knowledge shapes our life. Knowing something is called 'knowledge' and believing something is called 'faith'.
But now is that time when you don't need to believe in God, because you can ''know'' God. Know God in the most accurate way, what God himself explains.
Come and know: About Brahma Kumaris - Introduction
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Source: BK Google: (A divine search engine.. Search anything)
In Godfatherly (Godly) Service