A mother writes to us asking for help for her daughter who was born with autism, and is now showing hyperactivity. She also had other issues related to personal life. We guided her on How to keep mind stable while solving the problem, crossing day to day challenges. We invited her to learn RajYoga meditation and practice it daily whenever gets time. This will make mind calm, focussed and powerful to overcome any and every challenges.
Original Question asked:
Om shanti. I am just saddened by so many little things. I have been trying to listen constantly to videos for guidance. Distressed about my daughter's health issues , autism & hyperactivity. People around me. My friends have also let me down. They have used me. Betrayed me. Hurt me. Completely changed their behavior. I am just so fed up. I wish I was not affected by people. Can you please show me a way for peace.
Divine Soul,
We understand that you are concerned about you daughter who is suffering from mental health issues. And you are also disturbed because certain friends of yours hurt you. And you wish to learn how to become unaffected by someone`s behavior.
➥Sister, i would ask you to immediately consult a psychiatrist for your daughter if her situation is serious. Because sometimes when brain is low on certain chemicals such disorders arise and which can be treated with medicines. And moreover along-with medicine, meditation will work great for her. Just as medicines heals our physical body, meditation heal our inner self. So we invite you to learn and practice RajYoga meditation daily.
How to Heal your Daughter?
➥ Even easier practice is what we call Swamaan Abhyas (Self-respect affirmations) which is quietly the first step to RajYog meditation. We advise you to practice this in early morning as you wake up (and night, before sleeping) and then send powerful healing vibrations to your daughter, visualising her also as a soul. This works, as we have thousands of people benefitted by this practice in various ways...So keep complete faith.
What is Swaman Abhyas?
In Swaman Abhyas, we visualise the self (Soul) sitted in the centre of forehead (see below picture) and visualising the soul, we revise positive powerful affirmations (in mind) and thus experience them. For example: As we revise in mind "I am a Peaceful Soul", we also 'experience' the same "I am Peace"
Here are our guided Swaman Abhyas commentaries (YouTube playlist)
➤ Affirmations guided in English

You seem to be in a better condition, but still when the mind is weak, we are easily disturbed and affected by someone`s behavior. The solution is to empower the mind.
How do we do that?
Mind is like a small child. It has certain needs , demands and cravings too. Now you need to take care of this child with love. Give it what it actually needs but not everything it demands or crave for. Discipline it.
So next time whenever your mind is crying like a child next time tell him with love: "No my dear child, they cannot hurt me , it is me who is taking their words seriously".
➥We need to remember that if the appreciation uplifts us then criticism will destroy us. So we should not be attached to someone`s perspective about us.
➥Start meditating seriously to gain extraordinary results. Meditation is something that has overtaken this generation as a mandatory routine in the life of most of the people. It is helping the souls around the world to transform themselves into a being of Pure Love, Purity, Bliss and Power.
➥We at BhramaKumaris practice RajYoga Meditation daily and radiate the vibrations of Peace , Purity and Love for all the worldly souls. The Raj Yoga Meditation is a simple and easy to do meditation which can be practiced anywhere and anytime. It is full of spiritual wisdom about the subjects like Soul, God, Cycle of World, Secrets of self transformation etc which shall definitely help you both to transform yourselves.
✱Sharing useful links below. Please do follow all videos/links to get maximum benefit:
➤ (video) Raj Yoga Meditation (guided) by BK Sister Jayanti
➤ Raj Yoga Meditation 7 Days Course online
➤ (video) Stop getting affected by Other people (BK Shivani)
➤ (video) Empower the Mind (by BK Shivani)
★ V.useful: Guide to finish Depression
Please follow all above given videos to take maximum benefit. Learn and practice RajYog and experience peace. Talk to your mind and empower yourself with powerful Swamaan (affirmations)... doing this will make you the soul powerful enough to overcome all challenges.
✱Then, we welcome you to learn about Bhrama Kumaris (ABOUT US, purpose, history)
On Godly Service,
SBSI team