Brahma Kumar (BK) Suraj bhai is a very popular name among school and college going children and some elders. Brother Suraj appeared on a television series 'Samadhan'. As the name itself suggests, Samadhan series for based on solutions given to problems faced in daily life. Every aspect of life was covered in those 500+ recorded episodes (which are also available on YouTube)
Suraj bhai was born in the Uttar Pradesh (UP) state of India on 2nd May 1950. He was a bright student and had a deep interest in religion and ancient spirituality and used to read Swami Vivekanand books to find his answers. He was only 14 when he first came in contact of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris (Yagya) in 1964 through a magazine (Gyaan Amrit) published on the nectar of God's murli which answered all the remaining questions that were in his mind. This awakened him as a child and he became curious to know more. He visited madhuban (Mt. Abu) in late 1966. Later after his college studies, he surrendered in the Yagya in late 1968 with his loukik father.

Since the very early stage of surrendered life, since 1970, Suraj bhai is serving in Baba's kitchen. In early days there were no scientific instruments to make food as now we have. So he and other brothers would work for long to prepare food for visitors. Nowadays it is just within 2 hours the food for 20000 is prepared using solar cookers and other instruments.
''There were lesser services to do in those days so more time to churn the knowledge (murli), Self-checking and Tapasya,'' said Suraj bhai.
From 1980s, he is contributing well in Gyan Amrit and Purity magazines. He has travelled around the world and attended many centre openings, lectures and discussion ceminars on spirituality. With an intention to minimize wasteful and negative thoughts in people, Suraj bhai gave many lectures on Swamaan practice. He has written many articles in magazines on how to imbibe and adopt this Godly knowledge into practice family life. Giving lectures at colleges, he has helped many students to achieve good grades and success in life through swaman practice, spirituality and a positive state of mind.
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Introduction & Story
Many recognized him after the Samadhan TV series which is now telecasted daily on 'Peace of Mind TV'. As Samadhan episodes reached about 500, Suraj bhai started another series named 'Aaj Ka Purusharth' and Ruhani Udaan and 'Jeevan Mulya' intended mainly for the students of BKGSU (BKs). Later, many episodes came our for general listeners. These 5 minute audios of Daily Purusharth acted as a spiritual upliftment for many BKs. These all services spread successfully. Then in 2017-18, new service through his YouTube channel was started where Suraj bhai discuss the main points from today's Gyan Murli. Series named 'Murli Chintan'.
Contact BK Suraj
Since the start of Samadhan episodes on TV, there is an increase in people trying to contact him for a solution to their personal or family problem (mostly). Yet we always encourage you to watch 'samadhan' episodes which are on YouTube. There are 500+ episodes which covers all the topics. This is the best way. Also you can subscribe to his YT channel for daily inspirations.
Still, if anyone wishes to contact Suraj Bhai for any other reason, there are two ways.
1. Write a letter (recommended) and post at:
BK Surya Bhai
Gyan Sarovar, Brahma Kumaris
Mount Abu
Rajasthan - 307501
Phone: (+91) 94143 73820, (+91) 805 84 86312
2. Contact form
Use our online contact form and mention on the 'subject' that you want a response from Suraj bhai.