Sister Shivani Biography and Life story
Official Biography.
Brahma Kumari (BK) Sister Shivani has become a household name. She appeared on television series 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' in 2007. Sister has recorded many episodes on living values, self-management, inner powers, harmony in relationships, understanding the law of karma, healing, self-empowerment, self-discipline, about BK organisation, Spirituality in general, and art of living. Many people around the world are benefited from the Awakening series. This is the official biography page, taking you on a journey of Sister Shivani's life with regards to the BK organisation (BK family).
Shivani's Early Life
Shivani Verma was born in Pune on 31 May 1972. She had a profound love for science and was a good student. After school life, she chose to study software engineering at the Pune University in Pune, India. During this time, her mother was in contact with a local RajYoga center of Brahma Kumaris. After college, she got married to Vishal Verma with whom she started a software business which ran till 2004. Before the end of college, however, Shivani was attending their local BK centre and was connected to the Brahma Kumaris. After receiving the message of God, she chose to live with complete celibacy with her husband but did not break the marriage. This is exactly what she teaches on the Awakening series.
Journey with BKGSU
Seeing the positive difference in the behaviour and personality of her mother, Shivani decided to take the 7 days course at a regional BK centre and then started visiting there once or twice a week. Sister Shivani then learned the practice of RajYoga meditation, during which she felt deep peace, love, and a spiritual connection with God. Gradually she realised that indeed God directly is teaching here. She used her knowledge of Science to understand how God, being incorporeal plays his role in the world through a medium. Knowing this, she also joined the mission to bring the new world (golden age). Read 'News' on this page to learn the current services of Sister Shivani.

Going Into Details
An expansion to early life: Shivani Verma was a university student till 1994 and then she served as a lecturer at Bhartiya Vidhyapeeth college for 3 years in Pune, Maharastra. During this period, her mother was a regular student at a local Brahma Kumaris centre. Shivani witnessed a remarkable change in her mother's nature. She observed that her mother became very calm, sweet, and emotionally strong. This inspired her to visit the rajyoga centre by herself. When reached, she was told about the self as a Soul (a spiritual being). The elder Sister of that centre explained about God like this: "The Supreme Soul, our spiritual father is whom we call God. We all are his beloved children... When would God come? Of course, when the world is at its lowest stage, the father has to come to uplift the entire humanity and re-establish the true dharma (religion). And that time is NOW."
Shivani, as she reveals in this interview, was convinced about the self as a soul, but had difficulty in accepting that God indeed has come and is imparting the knowledge (as Murli, which is studied at Brahma Kumaris)
"And the explanation that God is not a corporeal entity and is an incorporeal supreme conscious energy was convincing to me being a student of Science; although I took some time to digest" – says Sister Shivani, in her interview with Devang Bhatt.
She experienced the presence of God during meditation and hence decided to go on with this and further understand the knowledge. This way Sister Shivani came in contact with BKGSU (Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University). Shivani behen (sister) also applied the knowledge of science to understand the existence and task of God. As realising the self as a Soul, she deeply understood its relationship with the supreme soul, who is our spiritual father. This way she progressed in this path day by day. Watch the interview for acknowledgment.
Awakening TV series
As you may know, Sister Shivani appeared on television on Aastha channel with a program named 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' started in around 2007 and since then this series became popular in India and around the world. Thousands of people are benefited from the practical wisdom shared and explained by Sister Shivani in a simple way. This further brought many towards the right way of living, and brought peace in their life and harmony in their relationships. Listen Awakening series, or watch on YouTube.
News and Services
Presently, sister lives with her family in Gurugram, Haryana. Due to COVID situation, she is holding online meetings/sessions regularly. She has appeared, on behalf of Brahma Kumaris, in conferences and special events to speak on general topics like relationship management, the law of karma, self management, and spiritual wisdom for a happy life. Sister Shivani is a senior Rajyoga teacher living with her family in Gurgaon, New Delhi. She usually travels around India and outside for spiritual ceremonies organised for schools, colleges, companies, and hospitals. Update: Amidst Covid-19, she hosted many video conferences which can be found on YouTube channel "BkShivani".
In 2011, a YouTube channel was started where episodes of Awakening series are published on general topics. She also posts inspiring and empowering brief messages on her social media pages every day. Her facebook page has 3.4M followers (as of March 2021). The compassionate, wise, and sweet nature of Sister Shivani pleased the audience to find out the source of her wisdom.
How to Meet or Contact?
Many people wish to meet or contact BK Sister Shivani for various reasons. However, we always encourage them to watch our 'Awakening' and 'Samadhan' series (available on YouTube) to get a solution to their life challenges. This is the best way, as you will get in-depth guidance and will progress as per your will power.
But still, if anyone wishes to contact Bk Shivani or come and meet in person, it is possible in three ways as mentioned on our official post - How to Meet BK Shivani.
Upcoming Events
BK Sister Shivani's latest upcoming event is on 21 March 2021. Find details on this official post.