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- आज की मुरली 12 Nov 2018 BK murli in Hindi
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi Aaj ki Gyan Murli Madhuban 12-11-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - ज्ञान की बुलबुल बन सारा दिन ज्ञान की टिकलू-टिकलू करते रहो तो लौकिक और पारलौकिक मात-पिता का शो कर सकेंगे'' प्रश्नः- कहावत है - "अपनी घोट तो नशा चढ़े'' इसका भावार्थ क्या है? उत्तर:- अपनी घोटना अर्थात् बुद्धियोग इधर-उधर न भटकाकर एक बाप को याद करना। एक बाप बुद्धि में याद रहे तो नशा चढ़े। परन्तु इसमें देह-अभिमान बहुत विघ्न डालता है। थोड़ी-सी बीमारी हुई तो परेशान हो जाते हैं, मित्र-सम्बन्धी याद पड़ते हैं, इसलिए नशा नहीं चढ़ता। योग में रहें तो दर्द भी कम हो जाए। गीत:- तूने रात गंवाई सोके....... ओम् शान्ति।यह सब बातें शास्त्रों में भी लिखी हुई हैं। एक-दो को समझाते भी हैं। अनेक प्रकार की मतें गुरू लोग देते हैं। बहुत अच्छे-अच्छे भक्त कोठरी में बैठ, एक गउमुख कपड़ा होता है, उसमें अन्दर हाथ डाल माला फेरते हैं। यह भी सिखलाया हुआ फैशन है। अब बाप कहते हैं - यह सब छोड़ो। आत्मा को तो सिमरण करना है बाप का। इसमें माला सिमरने की बात नहीं। सबसे अच्छा गीत है शिवाए नम: का। इसमें ही समझाया जाता है तुम मात-पिता हो। भगवान् को ही रचता बाप कहते हैं। अब रचता कहा जाता है तो क्या क्रियेट करते हैं? जरूर यह तो सब समझते हैं नई दुनिया ही रचेंगे। गाते भी हैं तुम मात-पिता हम बालक तेरे.... तो पहला - ईश्वर सबका फादर ठहरा। फादर है तो मदर भी जरूर चाहिए। मदर के सिवाए क्रियेट कर न सकें। सिर्फ यह कोई नहीं जानते कि क्रियेट कैसे करते हैं? दूसरा - आपस में सब भाई-बहन हो गये। फिर विकार की दृष्टि जा न सके। एक मात-पिता है ना। तो यह प्वाइन्ट् बहुत अच्छी है समझने और समझाने के लिए। तीसरा - जरूर बाप ने सृष्टि रची होगी। हम बालक थे अब फिर बने हैं। 84 जन्मों का चक्र पूरा होने के बाद फिर अब मात-पिता के बने हैं। जिसका ही भक्ति मार्ग में गायन चलता है। मात-पिता सृष्टि रचते हैं, उनके बालक बनते हैं तो जरूर सुख घनेरे देते होंगे। यह कोई भी नहीं जानते कि परमात्मा मात-पिता भी बनते हैं। टीचर भी है, सतगुरू भी है।हम ब्रह्मा की औलाद आपस में भाई-बहन ठहरे। कहलाते भी हैं ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियां, उनको भी रचने वाला वह है। सुख घनेरे पाने के लिए मात-पिता से राजयोग सीख रहे हैं। सुख घनेरे तब मिलते हैं जबकि हम दु:ख में हैं, ऐसे नहीं कि भविष्य सुख में आकर शिक्षा देंगे। जब हम दु:ख में हैं तब शिक्षा मिलती है सुख में जाने की। वही मात-पिता आकर सुख देते हैं। एडम और ईव तो मशहूर हैं। वह भी जरूर गॉड की सन्तान ठहरे। तो गॉड फिर कौन?बच्चे यह तो जानते हैं कि बाप जो नॉलेज देते हैं यह सब धर्म वालों के लिए है। सारी दुनिया का उस बाप से बुद्धियोग टूटा हुआ है। माया घोस्ट बुद्धियोग लगाने नहीं देती है और ही बुद्धियोग तोड़ती है। बाप आकर घोस्ट पर जीत पहनाते हैं। आजकल दुनिया में रिद्धि-सिद्धि वाले भी बहुत हैं। यह है ही घोस्टों की दुनिया। काम विकार रूपी घोस्ट एक-दो को आदि, मध्य, अन्त दु:ख देते हैं। एक-दो को दु:ख देना घोस्ट का काम है। सतयुग में घोस्ट होता नहीं। तो यह भी समझाया है घोस्ट नाम बाइबिल में है। रावण माना घोस्ट, यह है ही घोस्ट का राज्य। सतयुग रामराज्य में घोस्ट होता नहीं। वहाँ सुख घनेरे होते हैं।ओम् नमो शिवाए का गीत बहुत अच्छा है। शिव है मात-पिता। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को मात-पिता नहीं कहेंगे। शिव को ही फादर कहेंगे। एडम-ईव अर्थात् ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती यहाँ हुए हैं। वहाँ क्रिश्चियन लोग गॉड फादर से प्रार्थना करते हैं। यह भारत तो मात-पिता का गांव है। उनका जन्म ही यहाँ है। तो समझाना है तुम मात-पिता गाते हो तो आपस में भाई-बहन ठहरे ना। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा द्वारा रचना रचते हैं। वह तो एडाप्ट करते हैं। सरस्वती भी एडाप्ट हुई है। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा ने एडाप्ट किया है, तब तो इतने ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियां बने हैं। शिवबाबा एडाप्ट कराते जाते हैं। नई सृष्टि ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही रची जाती है। समझाने की बहुत युक्तियाँ हैं। परन्तु पूरा समझाते नहीं हैं। बाबा ने बहुत बार समझाया है - यह शिवाए नम: का गीत जहाँ-तहाँ बजाओ। हम मात-पिता के बालक कैसे हैं? वह बैठ समझाते हैं। ब्रह्मा द्वारा नई सृष्टि स्थापन की थी। अब कलियुग का अन्त है फिर से सतयुग स्थापन कर रहे हैं। बुद्धि में धारणा करनी है। नॉलेज बड़ी सहज है। माया के तूफान ज्ञान-योग में ठहरने नहीं देते हैं। बुद्धि चािढत हो जाती है। हमेशा समझाना चाहिए भगवान् रचता तो सबका एक है, फादर तो सब कहेंगे ना। वह निराकार तो जन्म-मरण रहित है। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को सूक्ष्म चोला है। मनुष्य 84 जन्म यहाँ ही लेते हैं, सूक्ष्मवतन में तो नहीं लेते। तुम जानते हो हम मात-पिता के बालक हैं। हम हैं नये बच्चे। बाप ने एडाप्ट किया है। जब प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा है तो कितनी प्रजा होगी? जरूर एडाप्ट किया होगा। ब्रह्मा को भुजायें बहुत दिखाते हैं, अर्थ तो कुछ भी समझते नहीं। जो भी चित्र निकले हैं अथवा शास्त्र निकले हैं - यह सब ड्रामा के ऊपर आधार रखना पड़ता है। ब्रह्मा का दिन था फिर भक्ति मार्ग शुरू हुआ है, वह चला आ रहा है। यह राजयोग बाप ही आकर सिखलाते हैं। यह स्मृति में रहना चाहिए।कहते हैं ना - अपनी घोट तो नशा रहे। परन्तु बुद्धियोग बाप के साथ चाहिए। यहाँ तो बहुतों का बुद्धियोग भटकता रहता है। पुरानी दुनिया के मित्र-सम्बन्धी आदि के तरफ या देह-अभिमान में फँसे रहते हैं। थोड़ी बीमारी होती है, परेशान हो जाते हैं। अरे, योग में रहेंगे तो दर्द आदि भी कम होगा। योग नहीं तो बीमारी आदि कैसे छूटे? ख्याल करना चाहिए - मात-पिता जो नम्बरवन पावन बनते हैं वही फिर सबसे जास्ती नीचे उतरते हैं। उनको तो बहुत भोगना भोगनी पड़े। परन्तु योग में रहने के कारण बीमारी हटती जाती है। नहीं तो इनको सबसे जास्ती भोगना चाहिए। परन्तु योगबल से दु:ख दूर होते हैं और बहुत खुशी में रहते हैं - बाबा से हम स्वर्ग के सुख घनेरे लेते हैं। बहुत बच्चे अपने को आत्मा समझते नहीं। सारा दिन देह का ही ध्यान है।बाबा आकर ज्ञान की टिकलू-टिकलू सिखलाते हैं। तो तुम्हें ज्ञान की बुलबुल बनना है। बाहर में बहुत अच्छी छोटी-छोटी बच्चियाँ हैं, ज्ञान की टिकलू-टिकलू करती हैं। भीष्म पितामह आदि को भी कुमारियों के द्वारा ज्ञान दिया है। छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को खड़ा करना है। छोटे बच्चे लौकिक-पारलौकिक मात-पिता का शो करते हैं। लोक-परलोक सुहैला होता है ना। तो लौकिक मात-पिता को भी उठाना पड़े। यह भी तुम देखेंगे छोटी-छोटी बच्चियाँ माँ-बाप को उठायेंगी। कुमारी का मान होता है। कुमारी को सब नमन करते हैं। शिव शक्ति सेना में सब कुमारियाँ हैं। भल मातायें हैं परन्तु वह भी कहलाती तो कुमारी हैं ना। कुमारियाँ बड़ी अच्छी-अच्छी निकलेंगी। छोटी-छोटी बच्चियाँ ही बड़ा शो करेंगी। कोई-कोई छोटी बच्चियाँ बड़ी अच्छी हैं। परन्तु कोई-कोई में मोह भी बहुत है ना। यह मोह बड़ा खराब है। यह भी एक भूत है, बाप से बेमुख कर देता हैं। घोस्ट माया का धन्धा ही है परमपिता परमात्मा से बेमुख करना।यह ओम नमो शिवाए वाला गीत सबसे अच्छा है। इनसे ही अक्षर मिलते हैं तुम मात-पिता........ अक्सर करके राधे-कृष्ण के मन्दिर में जोड़ा ही दिखाते हैं। गीता में कृष्ण के साथ राधे का नाम है ही नहीं। कृष्ण की महिमा अलग है - सर्वगुण सम्पन्न, 16 कला सम्पूर्ण........, शिव की महिमा अलग है। शिव की आरती पर कितनी महिमा गाते हैं। अर्थ कुछ भी नहीं समझते। पूजा करते-करते थक गये हैं। तुम जानते हो मम्मा-बाबा और हम ब्राह्मण सबसे जास्ती पुजारी बने हैं। अभी फिर आकर ब्राह्मण बने हैं। उनमें भी नम्बरवार हैं। कर्म भोग भी होता है, उनको तो योग से मिटाना है। देह-अभिमान को तोड़ना है। बाप को याद कर बहुत खुशी में रहना है। मात-पिता से हमको बहुत सुख घनेरे मिलते हैं। यह ब्रह्मा कहेंगे ना - बाबा से हमें वर्सा मिलता है। बाबा ने हमारा रथ लोन लिया है। अब बाबा तो इस रथ की ख़ातिरी करेंगे। पहले तो समझता था - मैं आत्मा इस रथ को खिलाता हूँ। यह भी रथ है ना। अब कहेंगे इनको वही खिलाने वाला है। इस रथ की सम्भाल करनी है। घोड़े पर साहेब लोग चढ़ते हैं तो घोड़े को हाथ से खिलायेंगे, कभी पीठ पर हाथ फेरेंगे। बहुत ख़ातिरी करते हैं क्योंकि उन पर सवारी करते हैं। बाबा इस पर सवारी करते हैं तो क्या बाबा ख़ातिरी नहीं करते होंगे? बाबा जब स्नान करते हैं तो समझते हैं हम भी स्नान करते हैं, बाबा को भी कराना है क्योंकि उसने भी इस रथ का लोन लिया है। शिवबाबा कहते हैं मैं भी तुम्हारे शरीर को स्नान कराता हूँ, खिलाता हूँ। मैं नहीं खाता हूँ, शरीर को खिलाता हूँ। बाबा खिलाते हैं, खाते नहीं हैं। यह सब किस्म-किस्म के ख्यालात चलते हैं - स्नान के समय, घूमने के समय। यह तो अनुभव की बात है ना। बाबा खुद ही कहते हैं - बहुत जन्मों के अन्त के जन्म में प्रवेश करता हूँ। यह अपने जन्मों को नहीं जानते हैं, मैं जानता हूँ। तुम कहते हो बाबा फिर हमको ज्ञान दे रहे हैं। वर्सा लेना है स्वर्ग का। सतयुग में तो राजा, प्रजा आदि सब हैं। पुरुषार्थ करना है बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेने का। अब नहीं लेंगे तो कल्प-कल्प मिस करते रहेंगे, इतना ऊंच पद पा नहीं सकेंगे। जन्म-जन्मान्तर की बाजी है तो कितना श्रीमत पर चलना चाहिए! कल्प-कल्प निमित्त बनेंगे। कल्प-कल्प वर्सा लेते आये हैं। कल्प-कल्प के लिए यह पढ़ाई है। इसमें बहुत ध्यान देना पड़ता है। 7 रोज लक्ष्य लेकर फिर मुरली तो घर में भी पढ़ सकते हैं। बिल्कुल सहज कर देते हैं। ड्रामा तो बुद्धि में रहना चाहिए ना।इसको वर्ल्ड युनिवर्सिटी कहा जाता है। तो कहाँ भी अमेरिका आदि तरफ चले जाओ, बाप से वर्सा ले सकते हो। सिर्फ एक हफ्ता धारणा करके जाओ। भगवान् के बच्चे हैं तो भाई-बहन ठहरे ना। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा है तो उनके सब बच्चे आपस में भाई-बहन ठहरे। जरूर गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते आपस में भाई-बहन होकर रहेंगे तो पवित्र हो रह सकेंगे। बहुत सहज है। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) स्वंय को माया घोस्ट से बचाने के लिए ज्ञान-योग में तत्पर रहना है। मोह रूपी भूत का त्याग कर बाप का शो करना है। ज्ञान की टिकलू-टिकलू करनी है। 2) पढ़ाई पर पूरा ध्यान देकर बाप से वर्सा लेना है। कल्प-कल्प की इस बाजी को किसी भी हालत में गंवाना नहीं है। वरदान:- कर्मयोग की स्टेज द्वारा कर्मभोग पर विजय प्राप्त करने वाले विजयी रत्न भव कर्मयोगी बनने से शरीर का कोई भी कर्मभोग भोगना का अनुभव नहीं कराता है। मन में कोई रोग होगा तो रोगी कहा जायेगा, अगर मन निरोगी है तो सदा तन्दुरूस्त हैं। सिर्फ शेश शैया पर विष्णु के समान ज्ञान का सिमरण कर हर्षित होते, मनन शक्ति द्वारा और ही सागर के तले में जाने का चांस मिलता है। ऐसे कर्मयोगी ही कर्मभोग पर विजय प्राप्त कर विजयी रत्न बनते हैं। स्लोगन:- साहस को साथी बना लो तो हर कर्म में सफलता मिलती रहेगी। मातेश्वरी जी के मधुर महावाक्य "मनुष्यात्माओं की परमात्मा से मांगनी और प्राप्ति'' तुम मात-पिता हम बालक तेरे तुम्हरी कृपा से सुख घनेरे... अब यह महिमा किसके लिये गाई हुई है? अवश्य परमात्मा के लिये गायन है क्योंकि परमात्मा खुद माता पिता रूप में आए इस सृष्टि को अपार सुख देता है। जरूर परमात्मा ने कब सुख की सृष्टि बनाई है तभी तो उनको माता पिता कहकर बुलाते हैं। परन्तु मनुष्यों को यह पता ही नहीं कि सुख क्या चीज़ है? जब इस सृष्टि पर अपार सुख थे तब सृष्टि पर शान्ति थी, परन्तु अब वो सुख नहीं हैं। अब मनुष्य को यह चाहना उठती अवश्य है कि वो सुख हमें चाहिए, फिर कोई धन पदार्थ मांगते हैं, कोई बच्चे मांगते हैं, कोई तो फिर ऐसे भी मांगते हैं कि हम पतिव्रता नारी बनें, सदा सुहागिन बनें, चाहना तो सुख की ही रहती है ना। तो परमात्मा भी कोई समय उन्हों की आश अवश्य पूर्ण करेंगे। तो सतयुग के समय जब सृष्टि पर स्वर्ग है तो वहाँ सदा सुख है, जहाँ स्त्री कभी दुहागिन (विधवा) नहीं बनती, तो वो आश सतयुग में पूर्ण होती है जहाँ अपार सुख है। बाकी तो इस समय है ही कलियुग। इस समय तो मनुष्य दु:ख ही दु:ख भोगते हैं। अच्छा। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
- आज की मुरली 23 Nov 2018 BK murli in Hindi
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi Aaj ki gyan murli Madhuban 23-11-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन "मीठे बच्चे - सावधान हो पढ़ाई पर पूरा ध्यान दो, ऐसे नहीं कि हमारा तो डायरेक्ट शिवबाबा से कनेक्शन है, यह कहना भी देह-अभिमान है'' प्रश्नः- भारत अविनाशी तीर्थ स्थान है - कैसे? उत्तर:- भारत बाप का बर्थ प्लेस होने के कारण अविनाशी खण्ड है, इस अविनाशी खण्ड में सतयुग और त्रेतायुग में चैतन्य देवी-देवता राज्य करते हैं, उस समय के भारत को शिवालय कहा जाता है। फिर भक्तिमार्ग में जड़ प्रतिमायें बनाकर पूजा करते, शिवालय भी अनेक बनाते तो उस समय भी तीर्थ है इसलिए भारत को अविनाशी तीर्थ कह सकते हैं। गीत:- रात के राही, थक मत जाना....... ओम् शान्ति।यह कौन सावधानी दे रहे हैं कि थक मत जाना - ओ रात के राही? यह शिवबाबा कहते हैं। कई बच्चे ऐसे भी हैं जो समझते हैं कि हमारा तो शिवबाबा ही है, उनसे हमारा कनेक्शन है। परन्तु वह भी सुनायेंगे तो जरूर ब्रह्मा मुख से ना। कई समझते हैं शिवबाबा हमको डायरेक्ट प्रेरणा करते हैं। परन्तु यह समझना रांग है। शिवबाबा शिक्षा तो जरूर ब्रह्मा द्वारा ही देंगे। तुमको समझा रहे हैं कि बच्चे थक मत जाना। भल तुम्हारा शिवबाबा से कनेक्शन है। शिवबाबा भी कहते हैं मनमनाभव। ब्रह्मा भी कहते हैं मन-मनाभव। तो ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियां भी कहती हैं मनमनाभव। परन्तु सावधानी देने लिए तो मुख चाहिए ना। कई बच्चे समझते हैं हमारा तो उनसे कनेक्शन है। परन्तु डायरेक्शन तो ब्रह्मा द्वारा देंगे ना। अगर डायरेक्शन आदि डायरेक्ट मिलते रहें तो फिर उनको यहाँ आने की दरकार ही क्या है? ऐसे-ऐसे बच्चे भी हैं जिनको यह ख्यालात आते हैं - शिवबाबा ब्रह्मा द्वारा कहते हैं तो हमारे द्वारा भी कह सकते हैं। लेकिन ब्रह्मा बिना तो कनेक्शन हो नहीं सकता। कई ब्रह्मा वा ब्रहमाकुमार-कुमारियों से रूठते हैं तो ऐसे कहने लग पड़ते हैं। योग तो शिवबाबा से रखना ही है। बाप को बच्चों को शिक्षा सावधानी देने लिए कहना भी पड़े। बाप समझाते हैं तुम टाइम पर क्लास में नहीं आते हो, किसने कहा? शिवबाबा और ब्रह्मा दादा दोनों ने कहा, दोनों का शरीर एक है। तो कहते हैं सावधान होकर पढ़ाई पर पूरा अटेन्शन दो। ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप पढ़ाते हैं। पहले-पहले महिमा ही शिवबाबा की करनी है। उनकी महिमा बड़ी भारी है। बेअन्त महिमा है। उनकी महिमा के बहुत अच्छे-अच्छे अक्षर हैं परन्तु बच्चे कभी-कभी भूल जाते हैं। विचार सागर मंथन कर शिवबाबा की पूरी महिमा लिखनी चाहिए।न्यू मैन किसको कहें? यूँ तो हेविनली न्यू मैन कृष्ण है। परन्तु इस समय ब्राह्मणों की चोटी गाई हुई है। बच्चों को रचा जाता है तो शिक्षा दी जाती है। अगर लक्ष्मी-नारायण को न्यू मैन कहें तो उनको शिक्षा देने की दरकार नहीं है। तो अब न्यू मैन कौन? यह बड़ी समझने और समझाने की बातें हैं। वह बाप है सर्वशक्तिमान, वर्ल्ड ऑलमाइटी। यह ‘वर्ल्ड ऑलमाइटी' अक्षर बाबा की महिमा में लिखना भूल जाते हैं। भारत की भी महिमा की जाती है कि भारत अविनाशी तीर्थ है, कैसे? तीर्थ तो भक्ति मार्ग में होते हैं। तो इनको अविनाशी तीर्थ कैसे कह सकते हैं? अविनाशी तीर्थ कैसे है? सतयुग में हम इनको तीर्थ कह सकते हैं? अगर हम इनको अविनाशी तीर्थ लिखते हैं तो कैसे? क्लीयर कर समझाया जाए कि हाँ, सतयुग-त्रेता में भी यह तीर्थ है, द्वापर-कलियुग में भी तीर्थ है। अविनाशी कहते हैं तो चारों युगों में सिद्धकर बताना पड़े। तीर्थ आदि तो होते हैं द्वापर से। फिर हम लिख सकते हैं भारत अविनाशी तीर्थ है? सतयुग-त्रेता में भी तीर्थ है, जहाँ चैतन्य देवी-देवता रहते हैं। यहाँ है जड़ तीर्थ, वह है चैतन्य सच्चा-सच्चा तीर्थ, जब शिवालय है। यह बातें बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं। भारत है अविनाशी खण्ड। बाकी सब विनाश हो जाते हैं। यह बातें कोई मनुष्य नहीं जानते हैं। पतित-पावन बाप यहाँ आते हैं, जिनको पावन देवी-देवता बनाते हैं वही फिर इस शिवालय में रहते हैं। यहाँ बद्रीनाथ, अमरनाथ पर जाना पड़ता है। वहाँ भारत ही तीर्थ है। ऐसे नहीं कि वहाँ शिवबाबा है। शिवबाबा तो अभी है। अभी की ही सारी महिमा है। शिवबाबा का यह बर्थप्लेस है। ब्रह्मा का भी बर्थप्लेस हो गया। शंकर का बर्थप्लेस नहीं कहेंगे। उनको तो यहाँ आने की दरकार ही नहीं। वह तो निमित्त बना हुआ है विनाश अर्थ। विष्णु आते हैं जबकि दो रूप से राज्य करते हैं, पालना करते हैं। विष्णु के दो रूप युगल दिखाये हैं। उनकी यह (विष्णु) प्रतिमा है। वह तो सतयुग में आते हैं। तो हमको महिमा एक बाप की करनी पड़ती है। वह सेवीयर (बचाने वाला) भी है। वह लोग तो धर्म स्थापकों को भी सेवीयर कह देते हैं। क्राइस्ट, बुद्ध आदि को भी सेवीयर कह देते हैं। समझते हैं वह पीस स्थापन करने आये थे। परन्तु वह कोई पीस करते नहीं, किसको दु:ख से छुड़ाते नहीं। उनको तो धर्म की स्थापना करनी है। उनके पिछाड़ी उनके धर्म वाले आते जाते हैं। यह सेवीयर अक्षर अच्छा है। यह भी जरूर डालना चाहिए। यह चित्र जब विलायत में प्रत्यक्ष होंगे तो सब भाषाओं में निकलेंगे। वो लोग पोप आदि की कितनी महिमा करते हैं। प्रेजीडेंट आदि मर जाते हैं तो कितनी महिमा करते हैं, जो जितने बड़े आदमी उतनी उनकी महिमा होती है। लेकिन इस समय सब एक जैसे हो गये हैं। भगवान् को सर्वव्यापी कह देते हैं। यह तो सब आत्मायें अपने बाप को गाली देती हैं कि हम सब भी बाप हैं। ऐसे तो लौकिक बच्चे भी कह न सकें कि हम ही बाप हैं। हाँ, वह तो जब अपनी रचना रचें तब उनका बाप बनें। यह हो सकता है। यहाँ तो हम सब आत्माओं का बाप एक है। हम उनके बाप बन ही नहीं सकते। उनको बच्चा कह नहीं सकते। हाँ, यह तो ज्ञान की रमत-गमत होती है जो कहते हैं शिव बालक को वारिस बनाते हैं। इन बातों को तो कोई विरला समझने वाला समझे। शिव बालक को वारिस बनाए उन पर बलिहार जाते हैं। शिवबाबा पर बच्चे बलिहार जाते हैं। यह एक्सचेंज होती है। वर्सा देने का कितना महत्व है। बाप कहते हैं देह सहित जो कुछ है, उन सबका मुझे वारिस बनाओ। परन्तु देह-अभिमान टूटना मुश्किल है। अपने को आत्मा निश्चय कर बाप को याद करें तब देह-अभिमान टूटे। देही-अभिमानी बनना बड़ी मेहनत है। हम आत्मा अविनाशी हैं। हम अपने को शरीर समझ बैठे हैं। अब फिर अपने को आत्मा समझना - इसमें है मेहनत। बड़े ते बड़ी बीमारी है देह-अभिमान की। अपने को आत्मा समझ, जो परमपिता परमात्मा को याद नहीं करते तो विकर्म नहीं कटते।बाप समझाते हैं अच्छी रीति पढ़ेंगे, लिखेंगे तो होंगे नवाब। श्रीमत पर चलना चाहिए, नहीं तो श्री श्री की दिल पर चढ़ना भी असम्भव है। दिल पर चढ़े तब तख्त पर बैठे। बहुत रहमदिल बनना है। मनुष्य बहुत दु:खी हैं। देखने में बहुत साहूकार हैं। पोप का देखो कितना मान है। बाप कहते हैं मैं कितना निरहंकारी हूँ। वह लोग थोड़ेही ऐसे कहेंगे कि मेरे स्वागत में इतना खर्चा न करो। बाबा तो कहाँ जाते हैं तो पहले से ही लिख देते हैं - कोई भी भभका आदि नहीं करना है, स्टेशन पर सबको नहीं आना है क्योंकि हम हैं ही गुप्त। यह भी करने की दरकार नहीं। कोई जानते थोड़ेही हैं कि यह कौन हैं। और सभी को जानते हैं। शिवबाबा को बिल्कुल नहीं जानते। तो गुप्त रहना अच्छा है। जितना निरहंकारी उतना अच्छा है। तुम्हारी नॉलेज ही है चुप रहने की। बाप की बैठ महिमा करनी है। उनसे ही समझ जायेंगे बाप पतित-पावन सर्वशक्तिमान है। बाप से ही वर्सा मिलता है। यह बच्चों के सिवाए और कोई कह न सके। तुम कहेंगे शिवबाबा से हमको नई दुनिया का वर्सा मिल रहा है। चित्र भी हैं। इन देवताओं जैसा हम बनते हैं। शिवबाबा हमको ब्रह्मा द्वारा वर्सा दे रहे हैं, इसलिए शिवबाबा की महिमा करते हैं। एम-आब्जेक्ट कितना क्लीयर है। देने वाला वह है। ब्रह्मा द्वारा सिखलाते हैं। चित्रों पर समझाना है। शिव के चित्र भी कितने बनाये हैं। बाप आकर पतित से पावन बनाए सबको मुक्ति, जीवन-मुक्ति में ले जाते हैं। चित्रों में भी क्लीयर है इसलिए बाबा जोर दे रहे हैं कि यह सबको दो तो वहाँ ले जाकर पढ़ेंगे। यहाँ से चीज़ ले जाते हैं वहाँ जाकर डेकोरेट कर रखते हैं। यह तो बहुत अच्छी चीज़ है। कपड़े के पर्दे तो बहुत काम की चीज़ हैं। इन चित्रों में भी करेक्शन होती रहती है। सेवीयर अक्षर भी जरूरी है। और कोई न सेवीयर है, न पतित-पावन है। भल पावन आत्मायें आती हैं, परन्तु वह कोई सबको पावन थोड़ेही बनाती हैं। उनके धर्म वालों को तो नीचे पार्ट में आना है। यह प्वाइंट्स हैं, सेन्सीबुल बच्चे जो हैं वही धारण करते हैं।श्रीमत पर पूरा चलते नहीं तो पढ़ते नहीं, फिर फेल हो जाते हैं। स्कूल में मैनर्स भी देखे जाते हैं - इनकी चलन कैसी है? देह-अभिमान से सब विकार आ जाते हैं। फिर धारणा कुछ भी नहीं होती है। आज्ञाकारी बच्चों को ही बाप प्यार भी करेंगे। पुरुषार्थ बहुत करना है। किसको भी समझाना है तो पहले-पहले बाप की महिमा करनी है। बाप से वर्सा कैसे मिलता है? बाप की महिमा पूरी लिखनी है। चित्रों को तो बदली नहीं कर सकते। बाकी शिक्षा तो पूरी लिखनी पड़े। बाप की महिमा अलग है। बाप से कृष्ण को वर्सा मिला तो उनकी महिमा अलग है। बाप को न जानने कारण समझते नहीं कि भारत बड़ा तीर्थ है। यह सिद्ध कर बताना है कि भारत अविनाशी तीर्थ है। ऐसे-ऐसे तुम बच्चे बैठ समझाओ तो मनुष्य सुनकर चकित हो जायेंगे। भारत हीरे जैसा था फिर भारत को कौड़ी जैसा किसने बनाया? इसमें समझाने, विचार सागर मंथन करने की बड़ी दरकार है। बाबा तो झट बतलाते हैं, इसमें यह करेक्शन होनी चाहिए। बच्चे बतलाते नहीं हैं। बाबा करेक्शन तो चाहते हैं। एक इन्जीनियर था, वह मशीन की खराबी को समझ न सका तो दूसरा असिस्टेंट इन्जीनियर था उसने बैठ बताया, इसमें यह करने से यह ठीक हो जायेगा और सचमुच वह मशीन ठीक हो गई। तो वह बहुत खुश हो गया। बोला इसको तो इज़ाफा देना चाहिए। तो उनकी तनखा बढ़ा दी। बाप भी कहते हैं तुम करेक्ट करो तो हम वाह-वाह करेंगे। जैसे जगदीश संजय है, कभी अच्छी-अच्छी प्वाइन्ट्स निकालते हैं तो बाबा खुश होते हैं। बच्चों को सर्विस का शौक चाहिए। यह प्रदर्शनी मेले तो सब होते रहेंगे। जहाँ-तहाँ किसका भी एग्जीवीशन होगा तो वहाँ यह भी करेंगे। यहाँ तो बुद्धि की कपाट खोलनी चाहिए। सबको सुख देना चाहिए। स्कूल में नम्बरवार पढ़ने वाले तो होते ही हैं। न पढ़ेंगे तो उनके मैनर्स भी खराब होंगे। अच्छा! मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) किसी से भी रूठकर पढ़ाई नहीं छोड़नी है। देह-अभिमान छोड़ स्वयं पर रहम करना है। बाप समान निरहंकारी बनना है। 2) अच्छे मैनर्स धारण करने हैं, सबको सुख देना है। आज्ञाकारी होकर रहना है। वरदान:- आज्ञाकारी बन बाप की मदद वा दुआओं का अनुभव करने वाले सफलतामूर्त भव बाप की आज्ञा है "मुझ एक को याद करो''। एक बाप ही संसार है इसलिए दिल में सिवाए बाप के और कुछ भी समाया हुआ न हो। एक मत, एक बल, एक भरोसा.....जहाँ एक है वहाँ हर कार्य में सफलता है। उनके लिए कोई भी परिस्थिति को पार करना सहज है। आज्ञा पालन करने वाले बच्चों को बाप की दुआयें मिलती हैं इसलिए मुश्किल भी सहज हो जाता है। स्लोगन:- नये ब्राह्मण जीवन की स्मृति में रहो तो कोई भी पुराना संस्कार इमर्ज नहीं हो सकता। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris
- 9 NOv 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English 09/11/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, in order to attain liberation and liberation-in-life in a second, become “Manmanabhav” and “Madhyajibhav”. Recognise the Father accurately. Remember the Father and give everyone His introduction. Question: On the basis of which intoxication are you able to show (reveal) the Father? Answer: Have the intoxication that we have now become God’s children and that He is teaching us. We have to show all human beings the true path. We are now at the confluence age. We have to glorify the Father’s name through our royal behaviour. Tell everyone the Father’s praise and Krishna’s praise. Song: You are the fortune of tomorrow. Om Shanti . This song was sung for freedom fighters. However, the people of Bharat do not know what is meant by “The fortune of the world”. It is a question of the whole world. No human being can change the fortune of the whole world, change it from hell into heaven. This praise does not belong to a human being. If this were said of Krishna, no one would have been able to defame him. Human beings don’t understand how Krishna could have seen the eclipsed moon on the fourth night and he was therefore defamed. In fact, neither Krishna nor the God of the Gita can ever be defamed. It is Brahma who is defamed. Krishna has been defamed but only by them saying that he abducted women. No one knows about Shiv Baba. People definitely run after God, but God can never be defamed. Neither God nor Krishna can be defamed. The praise of both is very powerful. Krishna’s praise is number one. There isn’t as much praise of Lakshmi and Narayan because they are married. Krishna is a kumar; this is why he receives more praise. They sing the same praise of Lakshmi as of Narayan, of how they are 16 celestial degrees completely full and completely viceless, but they have put Krishna in the copper age. They think that that praise has continued since the beginning of time. You children understand all of these things. This is Godly knowledge and it was God who established the kingdom of Rama (God). Human beings don’t understand what the kingdom of Rama (God) is. The Father comes and gives the explanation of this. Everything depends on the Gita. Wrong things have been written in the Gita. No war took place between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, and so the question of Arjuna doesn’t arise. The Father sits here and teaches you in this school. There wouldn’t be a school on a battlefield. Yes, there is this battle with Maya, Ravan over whom you have to gain victory. You have to become conquerors of Maya and conquerors of the world. However, people do not understand these things even slightly. It is fixed in the drama for them to come later on and understand. Only you children can explain these aspects to them. There is no question of shooting arrows of violence at Bhishampitamai etc. Many such things have been written in the scriptures. You mothers should go and spend some time with those people. Tell them: We want to talk to you in connection with this. It was God who spoke the Gita. That is God’s praise. Krishna is separate. We don’t agree with this. Rudra, God Shiva, says that this is His sacrificial fire of knowledge of Rudra. This is the sacrificial fire of knowledge of the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Human beings then say: God Krishna speaks, but only the One can in fact be called God. You should write His praise and then write what the praise of Krishna is. Now, of the two, who is the God of the Gita? “Easy Raja Yoga” is mentioned in the Gita. The Father says: Have unlimited renunciation. Renounce the consciousness of your body and all your bodily relations and consider yourself to be a soul. Manmanabhav! Madhyajibhav! The Father explains everything very clearly. The Gita contains the shrimat spoken by God. Shri means the most elevated, and so this would apply to Shiva, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Krishna is a human being with divine qualities. Shiva is the God of the Gita, the One who taught Raja Yoga. At the end, all the other religions are definitely destroyed and the one religion established. In the golden age, there was only the one original deity religion. It was not Krishna but God who established it. This praise belongs to God. He is called the Mother, the Father. Krishna cannot be called this. You have to give the true Father’s introduction. You can explain that God alone is the Liberator and the Guide , the One who takes everyone back home. It is Shiva’s task to take everyone back home like a swarm of mosquitoes. The word ‘Supreme’ is also very good. Therefore, you have to explain that the praise of Shiva, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is separate from the praise of Krishna. You have to prove this and explain the difference between the two. Shiva does not come into the cycle of birth and rebirth. He is the Purifier whereas Krishna takes the full 84 births. Now, who can be called the Supreme Soul? You should also write this: By not knowing the unlimited Father, you have become unhappy orphans. In the golden age, when you belong to the Lord and Master, you will definitely be happy. The words should be very clear. The Father says: Remember Me and claim your inheritance of liberation-in-life in a second. Even now, Shiv Baba is saying this. His full praise should be written: Salutations to Shiva; it is from Him that you receive your inheritance of heaven. By understanding the world cycle you will become residents of heaven. Now judge what is right. You children should go to the sannyasis’ ashrams and meet them personally because when they are in a gathering they have a lot of arrogance. It should remain in the intellects of you children how you can show people the true path. God speaks: I even uplift those sages and holy men. There is also the word ‘Liberator’. The unlimited Father says: Belong to Me. “Father shows son!” Then son shows Father. Shri Krishna cannot be called the Father. All can be the children of God, the Father; they cannot all be the children of one human being. Therefore, you children should have great intoxication while explaining to others that we are the children of the unlimited Father. Just look at the behaviour of a king’s son, a prince! It is very royal. However, the people of Bharat have defamed this poor person (Shri Krishna). They say: You too are residents of Bharat. Say to them: Yes, we are, but we are at the confluence age. We have become the children of God and we are studying with Him. God speaks: I teach you Raja Yoga. Krishna cannot possibly say this. They will come to understand this later. King Janak also understood everything from a signal. He remembered the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and went into trance. Many continue to go into trance. In trance they see the incorporeal world and Paradise. You understand that you are residents of the incorporeal world. You come down from the supreme abode to play your parts. Destruction is standing ahead. Scientists continue to beat their heads to go to the moon. It is through their extreme arrogance of science that they will bring about their own destruction. In fact, there is nothing on the moon. These things are very good, but you have to explain them in a clever manner. It is the Father, the Highest on High, who gives us these teachings. He is also your Father. His praise is separate from Krishna’s praise. This is the imperishable sacrificial fire of knowledge of Rudra in which everything is to be sacrificed. These points are very good, but it will still take time. This point is also very good: One is the spiritual pilgrimage and the other is a physical pilgrimage. The Father says: Remember Me, and your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. No one, except the spiritual Father, can teach you these things. You should write such points: Manmanabhav! Madhyajibhav! This pilgrimage is for liberation and liberation-in-life. Only the Father can take you on this pilgrimage. Krishna cannot do this. You have to instil the habit of remembrance. The more remembrance you have, the greater your happiness will be. However, Maya does not allow you to stay in remembrance. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. All of you do service. However, there is elevated service and there is low service. It is very easy to give someone the Father's introduction. Achcha. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.Night classIn order to be refreshed, people go to the mountains for fresh air. While at home or at the office, they remember their duties. By going outside, they become free from thoughts of their office. Children also come here in order to be refreshed. You have become tired from doing devotion for half a cycle. You receive knowledge at this auspicious confluence age. You become refreshed by knowledge and yoga. You understand that the old world is now to be destroyed and that the new world is being established. There is no annihilation. Those people think that the world will be totally destroyed, but that is not so; it simply changes. This is hell, the old world. You understand what the old world is and what the new world is. This has been explained to you in detail. All the details are in your intellects, but that also is numberwise, according to your efforts. You need a great deal of refinement in order to explain. Explain to others in such a way that it sits in their intellects instantly. Some children are weak and so they break down while moving along. There are the versions of God: They become amazed, they listen to knowledge and tell others about this knowledge.… Here, there is a battle with Maya. They die to Maya and belong to God. Then, they dieto God and belong to Maya. They are adopted and then they divorce Him. Maya is very powerful. She brings storms to many. You children also understand that there is victory and defeat. This play is one of victory and defeat. We have been defeated by the five vices. You are now making effort to gain victory over them. Ultimately, victory will be yours. Since you belong to the Father, you have to become firm. You can see how much temptation Maya gives you. Even when some go into trance, the game often finishes. It is now in the intellects of you children that you have now completed the cycle of 84 births. You became deities, warriors, merchants, shudras and you have now become Brahmins from shudras. You become Brahmins and then deities. You should not forget this. If you forget this, you step backwards and your intellects become engaged in worldly matters. You are then not even able to remember the murli etc. You experience the pilgrimage of remembrance to be difficult. This is a wonder! Some children are even too embarrassed to wear a badge. This too is body consciousness, is it not? You have to take insults. Krishna received so many insults. It is Shiv Baba who receives the most insults and then Krishna. Then it is Rama who receives the most insults. It is numberwise. Bharat has been defamed a great deal through these insults. You children should not be afraid of that. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good night. Essence for Dharna: 1. Make your intellect have unlimited renunciation and remain constantly on this spiritual pilgrimage. Instil the habit of staying in remembrance. 2. “Father shows son.” “Son shows Father.” Give everyone the true introduction of the Father. Show everyone the path to attain liberation-in-life in a second. Blessing: May you be a hero actor who becomes a flying bird instead of dangling from the branch of elevated actions. The elevated actions performed at the confluence age are a diamond branch. No matter what the elevated actions of the confluence age are, to become trapped by the bondage of elevated actions, that is, to have limited desires is also a golden chain. You mustn’t have this golden chain or dangle from the diamond branch because a bondage is a bondage. Therefore, BapDada is reminding all the flying birds to go beyond all bondages, which are, all limitations and to become hero actors. Slogan: Your face is the mirror of your internal stage, and so never let your face appear dry, but one of happiness. #english #brahmakumari #Murli #bkmurlitoday
- BK murli today in Hindi 15 Oct 2018 Aaj ki Murli
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi Aaj ki Gyan Murli Madhuban 15-10-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन ''मीठे बच्चे - बेहद सर्विस के लिए तुम्हारी बुद्धि चलनी चाहिए। ऐसी बड़ी घड़ी बनाओ जिसके कांटों में रेडियम हो जो दूर से ही चमकता रहे। प्रश्नः- सर्विस की वृद्धि के लिए कौन-सी युक्ति रचनी चाहिए? उत्तर:- जो-जो महारथी होशियार बच्चे हैं उनको अपने पास बुलाना चाहिए। महारथी बच्चे चक्कर लगाते रहें तो सर्विस वृद्धि को पाती रहेगी। इसमें ऐसा नहीं समझना चाहिए कि हमारा मान कम हो जायेगा। बच्चों को कभी भी देह-अभिमान में नहीं आना चाहिए। महारथियों का बहुत-बहुत रिगार्ड रखना चाहिए। गीत:- यह वक्त जा रहा है ........ ओम् शान्ति।घड़ी का नाम सुना तो बेहद की घड़ी याद पड़ी। यह है बेहद की घड़ी, इसमें सारी बुद्धि से समझने की बात है। उनका भी बड़ा कांटा और छोटा कांटा है। सेकेण्ड का बड़ा कांटा चलता रहता है। अब रात के 12 बजे हैं यानी रात पूरी हो फिर दिन शुरू होना है। यह बेहद की घड़ी कितनी बड़ी होनी चाहिए। इसमें कांटे जो बनाये जाएं उसमें रेडियम भी देना चाहिए, जो दूर से चमकता रहे। घड़ी तो अपने आप समझाती है। कोई भी नया आये तो घड़ी आकर देखे। बुद्धि भी कहती है बरोबर कांटा अन्त में आकर पहुँचा है। कोई भी समझ सकता है कि विनाश जरूर होना चाहिए। फिर है सतयुग की आदि। सतयुग में बहुत थोड़ी आत्मायें होती हैं। तो इतनी सब आत्मायें जरूर वापिस जाती होंगी। चित्रों पर समझना है बहुत सहज। ऐसी घड़ी कोई बनाये तो बहुत खरीद करके भी घर में रखें। इन पर समझाना है। यह कलियुगी भ्रष्टाचारी दुनिया है। अनेक धर्म भी हैं। विनाश भी सामने खड़ा है। नेचुरल कैलेमिटीज भी होनी है। अब इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण आदि को भी सतयुग की बादशाही कैसे मिली? जरूर बाप द्वारा मिली होगी। पतित-पावन आते ही हैं पतित दुनिया में, संगम पर। पावन दुनिया में तो बाप को आना नहीं है। यह गोले पर समझाने के लिए बड़ी फर्स्टक्लास बात है और इस पर समझाना किसको भी बड़ा सहज है। जिनके पास पैसे बहुत हैं वह तो आर्टिस्ट को झट ऑर्डर दे और झट चीज तैयार हो जाए। गवर्मेन्ट का काम तो इतने में हो जाता, यहाँ तो मुश्किल कोई काम करते हैं। कोई अच्छा आर्टिस्ट चित्र बनाता है तो वह शोभता भी है। आजकल आर्ट का मान बहुत है। डांस का आर्ट कितना दिखाते हैं, समझते हैं पहले ऐसे डांस होते थे। परन्तु ऐसे कोई है नहीं। तो यह बेहद की घड़ी फट से बनानी चाहिए। जो अच्छी रीति मनुष्य समझ जाएं। कलर भी ऐसा अच्छा हो जो चमकता रहे। पतित-पावन कोई मनुष्य तो हो नहीं सकता। मनुष्य पतित हैं ना तब तो गाते हैं। पावन दुनिया भी स्वर्ग है। मनुष्य तो नहीं समझते कि कृष्ण ही श्याम है फिर सुन्दर बनता है इसलिए नाम पड़ा है श्याम-सुन्दर। हम भी पहले नहीं समझते थे, अभी बुद्धि में है बरोबर काम चिता पर बैठने से काला हो जाता है अर्थात् आत्मा पतित हो जाती है। यह भी स्पष्ट करके लिखना है। वर्सा देते हैं परमपिता परमात्मा और श्राप देते हैं रावण। मनुष्यों की बुद्धि फिर चली जाती है रघुपति राघव राजा राम तरफ, परन्तु राम तो है परमपिता परमात्मा। यह सब बुद्धि चलाकर चित्र बनाना चाहिए क्योंकि आजकल अपने को भगवान् तो सब कहते रहते। तुम जानते हो बाप तो एक ही है। बाकी हम सब आत्मायें परमधाम में परमात्मा के साथ जाकर रहेंगी। उस समय बाप भी ब्रह्माण्ड का मालिक, हम भी ब्रह्माण्ड के मालिक हैं। फिर बाप कहते हैं तुम बच्चों को मैं विश्व का मालिक बनाता हूँ। और भल कोई कितना भी बड़ा राजा हो ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे कि हम विश्व के मालिक हैं। बाप तो विश्व का मालिक बना रहे हैं। तो ऐसे मात-पिता पर कितना कुर्बान जाना चाहिए। उनकी श्रीमत मशहूर है। उस पर चलते-चलते पिछाड़ी में आकर श्रीमत का पूरा पालन करते हैं। अभी अगर श्रीमत पर पूरा चलें तो श्रेष्ठ बन जाएं, कितना माथा मारना पड़ता है। जब तक यज्ञ है तब तक पुरुषार्थ चलता रहेगा।यह है रुद्र ज्ञान यज्ञ। वह भी रुद्र यज्ञ करते हैं शान्ति के लिए। उससे तो शान्ति हो न सके। बाप का तो एक ही यज्ञ है, जिसमें सारी सामग्री स्वाहा हो जाती है और सेकेण्ड में जीवनमुक्ति मिलती रहती है। वह कितने यज्ञ रचते हैं, फायदा कोई नहीं। तुम बच्चे हो नानवायोलेन्स। पवित्रता बिगर कोई स्वर्ग में जा न सके। यह है पिछाड़ी का समय। पतित दुनिया, भ्रष्टाचारी रावण की दुनिया, 100 प्रतिशत अपवित्रता, अशान्ति, दु:खी, रोगी..... यह सब लिखना पड़े और फिर स्वर्ग में हैं श्रेष्ठाचारी, 100 प्रतिशत पवित्रता-सुख-शान्ति निरोगी। वह है रावण का श्राप, यह है शिवबाबा का वर्सा - पूरी लिखत होनी चाहिए। भारत फलाने समय से फलाने समय तक श्रेष्ठाचारी था फिर फलाने समय से भ्रष्टाचारी बना है। लिखत ऐसी हो जो देखने से समझ जाएं। समझाने से भी बुद्धि में नशा चढ़ेगा। इस धन्धे में ही रहने से फिर प्रैक्टिस हो जायेगी। वह सर्विस 8 घण्टा करते हैं तो यह भी 8 घण्टा करनी चाहिए। सेन्टर पर बच्चियाँ जो हैं उनमें भी नम्बरवार हैं। कोई को तो सर्विस का बहुत शौक है। जहाँ-तहाँ भागते रहते हैं। कोई तो एक ही जगह पर आराम से बैठ जाते हैं, उनको आलराउन्डर नहीं कहेंगे। महारथियों को तो कुछ समझते नहीं हैं तो सर्विस भी ढीली पड़ जाती है। बहुतों को अपना अंहकार बहुत रहता है। हमारा मान हो, दूसरा कोई आयेगा तो हमारा मान कम हो जायेगा। यह नहीं समझते कि महारथी तो मदद करेंगे। अपना अहंकार रहता है, ऐसे भी बुद्धू हैं। बाप कहते हैं सच्ची दिल पर ही साहेब राज़ी होता है। बाबा के पास समाचार तो आते रहते हैं ना। बाबा हर एक की रग को समझते हैं। यह बाबा भी अनुभवी है।तो यह गोले की समझानी बहुत अच्छी है। यह समझानी तुम्हारी निकलेगी तो तुम्हारी सर्विस बहुत अच्छी विहंग मार्ग की हो जायेगी। अभी तो चींटी मार्ग की सर्विस है। अपने ही देह-अभिमान में रहते हैं, इसलिए बुद्धि चलती नहीं। अभी यह है विहंग मार्ग की सर्विस। सर्विसएबुल बच्चों का माथा चलता रहेगा - क्या-क्या बनाना चाहिए। चित्रों पर समझाना बहुत सहज है। अभी कलियुग है, सतयुग स्थापन होता है। बाप ही सबको वापिस ले जायेंगे। वहाँ है सुख, यहाँ है दु:ख। सब पतित हैं। पतित मनुष्य कोई को भी मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति दे नहीं सकते हैं। यह सब हैं भक्ति मार्ग की कारोबार सिखलाने वाले। गुरू सब हैं भक्ति मार्ग के। ज्ञान मार्ग का गुरू कोई है नहीं। यहाँ तो कितनी मेहनत करनी पड़ती। भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने में जादूगरी का खेल हैं ना इसलिए उनको जादूगर भी कहते हैं। कृष्ण को कभी जादूगर नहीं कहेंगे। कृष्ण को भी श्याम से सुन्दर बनाने वाला वह बाप है। समझाने का बड़ा नशा चाहिए। बाहर में जाना चाहिए। गरीब ही अच्छा उठाते हैं। साहूकारों में उम्मीद कम रहती है। 100 गरीब तो एक-दो साहूकार, 5-7 साधारण निकलेंगे। ऐसे ही काम चलता है। धन की इतनी दरकार नहीं रहती, गवर्मेन्ट ने देखो कितना बारूद बनाया है। दोनों समझते हैं विनाश हो जायेगा, हम विनाश को पायेंगे, तब मलूक (शिकारी) कौन बनेंगे? कहानी है ना दो बिल्ले लड़े मक्खन बीच में बन्दर को मिल गया। कृष्ण के मुख में मक्खन दिखाते हैं। है यह स्वर्ग रूपी मक्खन। यह बातें मुश्किल कोई समझ सकते हैं। यहाँ 20-25 वर्ष रहने वाले भी कुछ नहीं समझते। पहले-पहले भट्ठी बनी, उसमें कितने आये, कितने चले गये। कोई जम गये हैं। ड्रामा में कल्प पहले भी ऐसे ही हुआ था। अब भी ऐसे हो रहा है। चित्र जितने बड़े होंगे उतना कोई को भी समझाना सहज होगा। लक्ष्मी-नारायण का चित्र भी जरूरी है। झाड़ से पता पड़ता है भक्ति कल्ट कब से शुरू होता है। ब्रह्मा की रात दो युग फिर ब्रह्मा का दिन दो युग। मनुष्य तो समझते नहीं फिर कहेंगे ब्रह्मा तो सूक्ष्मवतन में है। परन्तु प्रजापिता तो जरूर यहाँ ही होगा। कितने गुह्य राज़ हैं जो शास्त्रों में तो हो नहीं सकते। मनुष्यों ने सब उल्टे चित्र देखे हैं, उल्टा ज्ञान सुना है। ब्रह्मा को भी बहुत भुजायें दी हैं। यह जो भी शास्त्र आदि हैं वह सब हैं भक्ति मार्ग की सामग्री। यह कब से शुरू होती है, दुनिया नहीं जानती। मनुष्य भक्ति कितनी करते हैं, समझते हैं भक्ति बिगर भगवान् मिल नहीं सकता। लेकिन जब पूरी दुर्गति हो तब तो भगवान् मिलेगा सद्गति के लिए। यह हिसाब-किताब तुम जानते हो। आधाकल्प से भक्ति शुरू होती है। बाप कहते हैं - यह वेद, उपनिषद, यज्ञ-तप आदि सब हैं भक्ति मार्ग के। यह सब ख़त्म होने हैं। सबको काला बनना ही है फिर गोरा बनाने बाप को आना पड़े। बाप कहते हैं मैं कल्प के संगम युगे-युगे आता हूँ, न कि युगे-युगे। दिखाते हैं कच्छ अवतार, मच्छ अवतार, परशुराम अवतार........। यह भगवान् के अवतार हैं, फिर पत्थर-भित्तर में भगवान् कैसे हो सकता है। मनुष्य कितने बेसमझ हो गये हैं। बाप ने आकर कितना समझदार बनाया है। महिमा भी करनी पड़े - परमपिता परमात्मा ज्ञान का सागर, पवित्रता का सागर है। कृष्ण की यह महिमा हो नहीं सकती। कृष्ण के भक्त फिर कृष्ण के लिए कह देते हैं कि सर्वव्यापी है। कितना चटक पड़ते हैं। उनसे निकालकर फिर बाप का परिचय देते हैं सब आत्मायें भाई-भाई हैं, सब फादर थोड़ेही हो सकते हैं, फिर याद किसको किया जाता है? गॉड फादर को बच्चे याद करते हैं, समझाने वाला भी बेहद बुद्धि वाला चाहिए। बच्चों की बुद्धि हद में फंस पड़ती है। एक जगह ही बैठ जाते हैं। बिजनेसमैन जो होते हैं वह बड़ी-बड़ी ब्रान्चेज खोलते हैं। जितना जो सेन्टर्स खोले वह मैनेजर अच्छा। फिर सेन्टर पर भी मदार है। यह है अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों की दुकान। किसकी? ज्ञान सागर की। कृष्ण में तो यह नॉलेज थी नहीं, न उस समय लड़ाई ही लगी है। प्वाइन्ट तो बहुत हैं, जो धारण कर समझानी है। सभा में चित्र रखे हों जो सब देखें। घड़ी का चित्र बहुत अच्छा है। इस चक्र को जानने से चक्रवर्ती बनेंगे। स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनना है। घड़ी पर समझाना बहुत सहज है। कितने पुराने बच्चे लायक ही नहीं बनते। अपने को मिया मिट्ठू समझ बैठते, फालतू खुश होते। सर्विस नहीं करेंगे तो कौन समझेंगे कि यह दानी हैं। दान भी अशर्फियों का करना चाहिए या पाई पैसे का? यह चित्र अन्धों के आगे आइना है। आइने में अपना मुख देखेंगे। पहले बन्दर की शक्ल थी, अभी मन्दिर की शक्ल बन रही है। मन्दिर में रहने लायक बनने का पुरुषार्थ करना है। यह है पतित दुनिया, वह है पावन दुनिया, जो शिवबाबा स्थापन कर रहे हैं। जो श्रीमत पर नहीं चलते उनकी बुद्धि में कभी धारणा हो नहीं सकती। बाप कहते हैं प्रतिदिन तुमको गुह्य बताता हूँ तो जरूर ज्ञान की वृद्धि होती जायेगी।कोई-कोई प्रश्न उठाते हैं - 8 बादशाही कैसे चलेगी? इस हिसाब से इतनी बादशाही होनी चाहिए। बाप कहते हैं तुम लोग इन बातों में क्यों पड़ते हो? पहले बाप और उनके वर्से को तो याद करो। वहाँ की जो रस्म रिवाज होगी वह चलेगी। बच्चे जिस रीति से पैदा होते होंगे, उस रीति से होंगे। तुम क्यों इसमें जाते हो? विकार की बात मुख पर क्यों लाते हो? यह चित्र किसको सौगात में देना बहुत अच्छा है। यह गॉड फादरली गिफ्ट है। ऐसी गॉड फादरली गिफ्ट कौन नहीं ले जायेंगे। क्रिश्चियन लोग और किसका लिटरेचर आदि नहीं लेते, उनको अपने धर्म का नशा रहता है। बाप तो कहते हैं देवता धर्म सबसे ऊंच है। वह समझते हैं कि हमको इन क्रिश्चियन से बहुत पैसे मिलते हैं। परन्तु यह तो ज्ञान की बातें हैं। जो ज्ञान उठाते हैं वही बाप से वर्सा पाते हैं। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद-प्यार और गुडमॉर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) विश्व का मालिक बनाने वाले मात-पिता पर दिल से कुर्बान जाना है। उनकी श्रीमत पर अच्छी रीति चल श्रेष्ठ बनना है। 2) अपनी दिल सदा सच्ची रखनी है। अहंकार में नहीं आना है। अशर्फियों का दान करना है। ज्ञान दान करने में महारथी बनना है। 8 घण्टा ईश्वरीय सर्विस जरूर करनी है। वरदान:- अपनी जिम्मेवारियों के सब बोझ बाप को दे सदा निश्चिंत रहने वाले सफलता सम्पन्न सेवाधारी भव जो बच्चे जितना स्वयं हल्के रहते हैं, उतना सेवा और स्वयं सदा ऊपर चढ़ते रहते अर्थात् उन्नति को पाते रहते इसलिए सब जिम्मेवारियों के बोझ बाप को देकर स्वयं निष्फुरने रहो। किसी भी प्रकार के मैं पन का बोझ न हो। सिर्फ याद के नशे में रहो। बाप के साथ कम्बाइन्ड रहो तो जहाँ बाप है वहाँ सेवा तो स्वत: हुई पड़ी है। करावनहार करा रहा है तो हल्के भी रहेंगे और सफलता सम्पन्न भी बन जायेंगे। स्लोगन:- बेहद ड्रामा के हर दृश्य को निश्चित जानकर सदा निश्चिंत रहो। #brahmakumaris #Hindi #bkmurlitoday
- 27 Aug 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today English -27/08/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, to apply knowledge like sandalwood (create the fragrance) according to shrimat and become pure is to claim the kingdom of self-sovereignty. Make a promise to remain pure and you will receive the tilak of the sun-dynasty kingdom. Question: Who ties a rakhi on you children? Who puts this tilak on you? Why is there the custom of offering sweets to sweeten your mouth? Answer: Your senior mummy (Mother Brahma), ties the rakhi on you to purify you. Then, when you make a vow to remain pure, the Father puts the tilak of self-sovereignty on you. “To sweeten your mouth” means to bestow all blessings. Along with the tilak of self-sovereignty, the Father has also given you all blessings. The memorial of this custom has continued. Song: There is love on this side and the world on the other side. Which way should I go? Om Shanti . God speaks. Achcha. God definitely has to have a name. God only has one name. Human beings have many names. Each time you take a new body, your name also changes. Everyone definitely has a body and enters the cycle of birth and death and they are also given many different names. People have love for many: maternal uncles, paternal uncles, gurus and holy men etc. They have love for so many. They have many different relations. There is now only the one Relation. All other relations have been pulling you down and making you fall. Only that one Relation is the Highest-on-High and He takes you to the highest destination. You human souls now have love for the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He takes you very high up. You have the faith that He resides in the supreme region. If you say: “I don’t know”, then where did you come from? You have come here from up above. You too are originally residents of the highest on high, the supreme abode, the soul world. This is the physical region and in between the two is the subtle region. You definitely came here from there. You then adopted various forms and names. You have now completed your 84 births; it is now time to go back. Your love is now for the Father. You understand that you are now sitting in front of the Mother and Father. You also know that, first of all, a rakhi of purity is tied on each of you. The Father says: O children, conquer lust, your greatest enemy, that is, conquer Maya, Ravan. You have to make effort for this. This is not a question of blind faith. You definitely have to remember the Father. The Father says: I tie a rakhi on you through Brahma. This is called the festival of tying rakhi, the festival of making the vow of purity. What will happen then? I will give you the tilak of gaining self-sovereignty. This Father is sitting personally in front of you. You understand that you have to tolerate many difficulties because of purity. All your friends and relations etc. become your enemies. The Father tells you directly: Children, become pure! Shiv Baba, the unlimited Father, comes and gives you true self-sovereignty. Souls receive a kingdom; souls now have ‘donkeyship’. The Festival of Rakhi cannot really be called a celebration of rakhi, because people spend a great deal on external splendour for a celebration, whereas there is no question of incurring any expense in having a rakhi of purity tied. The Father Himself says: Children, make a promise to Me and you will then claim self-sovereignty. Baba Himself puts the tilak of self-sovereignty on you. Baba also granted children visions in which they saw how, in the golden age, the father puts a tilak on his son and sits him on the throne. Those who become the sun dynasty will sit on the throne. It is the mother and father who give their son his fortune of the kingdom. They understand that their son will claim the throne. This Father Himself comes and cleans you souls with the nectar of knowledge. The nectar of knowledge is not water. The Father says: You have been floundering in the ocean of poison for 63 births. Long-lost and now-found children, your 84 births are now complete. Now remain pure in this last birth and follow My directions. You have come to the Father in order to claim self-sovereignty. When a son is born to a king, he knows that he will inherit the kingdom. However, that is not called self-sovereignty. ‘Self’ means the soul and it is the soul that receives a kingdom. However, they don’t have the knowledge that the soul has adopted the body of a prince in order to become an emperor or empress. The celebration of applying a tilak has been remembered. The Father will also put a tilak on you children when you rub the sandalwood of knowledge, when you become pure and follow shrimat. The Father does not rule the kingdom Himself. He does not sit on the throne. Have you ever seen such a father who doesn’t sit on the throne himself, but hands it to his children? This Brahma too is an effort-maker. Shiv Baba is the One who inspires you to make effort. This one doesn’t praise himself at all. Shiv Baba comes and makes this one become like a diamond. Therefore, the main thing is to remain pure. Although you live together at home, you have to remain pure. The Father has created this sacrificial fire of knowledge. It is always brahmin priests who create sacrificial fires. It is not possible that Shri Krishna would say: I create the sacrificial fire. You are Brahmins, the mouth-born children of Brahma. You are now following shrimat. Brahma cannot be called ‘Shri’ because both the soul and the body are impure here. You are becoming Shri (elevated). You cannot be called ‘Shri’ now. You are now becoming elevated again. The highest-on-high Father comes and makes you as elevated as Lakshmi and Narayan. You have to become this elevated, 16 celestial degrees full. The Father asks: Do you have the intoxication of becoming like Lakshmi and Narayan or that of becoming like Rama and Sita? You say you have the intoxication of becoming like Lakshmi and Narayan. We will become part of the sun dynasty. Why should we become part of the moon dynasty with two degrees less? We will marry Narayan or Lakshmi. Your Mama and Baba will also be part of the sun dynasty. Both Jagadamba and Jagadpita become part of the sun dynasty and you children call them Mama and Baba, so you too should make effort. Baba puts this tilak on you and also sweetens your mouth, that is, He gives you blessings. Baba puts the tilak of victory on you and gives you the blessing: May you always claim your kingdom of self-sovereignty. The king, the queen and the subjects all experience the fortune of the kingdom there. The kingdom is only established once by the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. That is the Almighty Authority Kingdom. The viceless world has been remembered: Full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full. The deities with the highest code of conduct never become violent by using the sword of lust. For 63 births you have been causing sorrow for each other by using the sword of lust. The sword of lust doesn’t exist in the land of immortality. Here, because of the sword of lust, you have become completely impure and tamopradhan. You children now understand that the Father is truly establishing heaven again. It is in Bharat that He takes birth. The Father has brought the gift of Paradise for you. For half a cycle you have been crying out: O God, the Father, have mercy on us! Have mercy! They sing this on the path of devotion. You will not cry out in distress in the golden age. There, there is constant happiness. Everyone remembers God at the time of sorrow; no one remembers Him when there is happiness. There are many different types of sorrow. When someone goes bankrupt, there is so much sorrow. When someone falls ill that, too, causes sorrow. There is no name or trace of sorrow in the golden age. The Father comes and puts the tilak of the fortune of the kingdom on you. This is the land of sorrow and that is the land of happiness. Souls don’t speak in the land of silence. When they come here, they come into ‘talkie’ (sound). Your original religion is peace. You are now receiving the self-sovereignty of happiness and peace. Therefore, you have to become a child of the Father and follow His shrimat. At the time of studying, you have to pay full attention to the study. At the time of studying, you don’t speak of wasteful matters. Those who do say wrong things are told: Attention please! Therefore, the Father tells the children: Your intellects shouldn’t wander in any other direction. The thoughts of those who stumble around outside wander here and there. They can’t wait for the holidays so that they can go home. You children now have to study and teach others. The business of Brahmins is to relate the Gita. Those brahmin priests also relate the Gita to earn their livelihood. You are told that, while living at home with your family, you have to remain as pure as a lotus flower. You should make a promise that you will remain pure in this last birth. This impure world is about to be destroyed. You can also see preparations for destruction. The Holika will be burnt. In fact, all of these festivals refer to the present time. The Father puts a tilak on each of you. Your intellects say: Baba is teaching us in order to make us into the masters of the world, of the golden age. This means that you receive the tilak of self-sovereignty. It is the Father who puts this tilak on you. You are now sitting here personally in front of Him. Only those who remain pure can claim the fortune of the kingdom. The significance of Rakhi is very great. They say: A sister ties a rakhi on her brother and puts a tilak on him. Therefore, sisters, you will tie a rakhi on the brothers, put a tilak on them and sweeten their mouths. How did this festival originate? It was at the confluence age, when the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, made you make a vow of purity. There is the festival of the birth of Shiva; then there is the festival of Rakhi, then the festival of Dashera and then the festival of Deepavali. There is also the festival of the nine nights worship of the goddesses (Navratri). People continue to celebrate those festivals. You experience happiness. After Dashera, that is, after destruction, Deepavali will come. There will be heaven in every home. You can tell the life story of Shiv Baba, Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar and Lakshmi and Narayan. You know the whole cycle. You also know about Rama and Sita. They received fewer marks and that is why they failed. However, there is no one with eight to ten arms. They have sat and created so many images. All of that is called: Waste of time, waste of money and waste of energy. You now understand that you have come to claim your inheritance of self-sovereignty. Why should we not follow shrimat just as the mother and father follow it? These things have to be understood. The father is the creator of the human world. He is an unlimited father; he adopts so many children. He is the Father of Humanity, is he not? A physical father might adopt one child so he would not be called the Father of Humanity. There are some who adopt a child, but when they have a baby of their own, they have more love for that child, and less love for the adopted child. You understand that you have now come into God’s lap. God will put a tilak of purity on each of you. You make a promise in your heart: Baba, now that You have come, I will be Your worthy child. I will remain pure and claim my inheritance from You. It is now the time of settlement for all. You have to settle all the accounts of sin and accumulate an account of charity. It is by having remembrance of the Father that you accumulate. The more remembrance you continue to have and the more you donate the eternal jewels of knowledge, the more you will be able to accumulate. The more service you do, the more you will accumulate. While you are accumulating, your kingdom will be created. There are eight main jewels. They also make jewellery of eight jewels. Together with the goddesses, there will also be gods. However, because the mothers are in the majority, it is the goddesses that are worshipped the most. Achcha. Who ties a rakhi on you? Shiv Baba Himself is personally sitting in front you. Therefore, Shiv Baba ties a rakhi on you, He puts a tilak on you and also sweetens your mouths. This means that you will remain constantly happy in the future. You then give a gift to Baba. What gift do you give? You give everything you have. Therefore, Baba says: I give you the inheritance for 21 births. There is an account of give and take. Baba is the Businessman. What do you take and what do you give? They say that they donate something in the name of God because they believe that God will give them the return of everything. The Father says: I give you the return of everything on the path of devotion too. I have now come directly and I give you the donation of these imperishable jewels of knowledge. You then donate these to others. You are all brothers. The senior mummy ties a rakhi on you and the Father puts a tilak on you. This mother and Father are combined. The mother ties the rakhi and the Father gives the tilak and you become kings and queens. Your love is for the Supreme Soul, the One who has come to put the tilak on the people of Bharat. Who made Bharat into heaven? It was the Father who came and did this. Shri Krishna is the number one creation, and Shiv Baba is the number one Creator. Therefore, the mercury of happiness of you children should extend from the tip of your toes to the top of your head. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Let the love of your heart be for the one Father and for no bodily being because all your relations are now with the one Father. 2. At the time of studying this study, pay full attention. Don't speak or even think of wasteful things. Do not allow your intellect to wander around. Blessing: May you be a constantly co-operative and contented soul and make the atmosphere powerful with your pure and positive thoughts. When the atmosphere changes due to any situation, it is the duty of co-operative souls to be co-operative in making the atmosphere powerful and not adding to the upheaval. To be constantly co-operative means to be constantly content. Belong to the one Father and none other. If you have any thoughts, hand them over up above and become free from any thoughts. Remain busy with your own progress and with the growth of service. Whatever pure thoughts you have they will definitely be fulfilled with pure feelings, but your stage has to be stable and your thinking has to be pure for that. Slogan: The wealthiest are those who have the most elevated treasure of purity. #Murli #english #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumaris
- CELIBACY - A RajYogi's way of Life
Celibacy is understood by the world as to be a virgin for life. But it is not only an external nature. Now we have understood through the Godly knowledge, that celibacy is having purity in our mind (in thoughts), in our mouth (in words) and in physical organs (being a virgin). The subject of purity or celibacy is very very subtle. Hence if one wish to understand and fully imbibe, then in one word purity means Soul Consciousness. One of the disciplines of Raja Yoga is the observance of “Brahmacharya” or celibacy. BKs, as they develop, come to understand the value of purity and choose to be celibate while living in the world. Celibacy is the first step for a soul that is becoming pure. The vow of purity however, is not only a vow of celibacy, but it is also to remain pure in every thought, word, and deed. Purity in Thoughts We are what we think. Isn't it? Because that's what I, the self is. What I think, how and in which direction I think, is the way I am. With this simple realisation, we make such spiritual effort in aim to conquer all the negative thoughts or say to free up the mind and reinstate its original state of peace. Yes the mind is made to think. But we can make effort and control the direction of thoughts. Certainly we cannot stop thinking! But self realisation guides us, the souls to take back the control of our mind. We shall guide the mind on How to think and how much to think. Because even positive thinking should be in a control way, a natural way. This stage is achieved by many with regular and sincere practice of Raja Yog meditation. Purity in Words This certainly looks and is easy. Yet, many find it extremely difficult. Hence it can be understood that every soul has a different journey and so has a variety of sanskar, based on their Karma). Thus we all experience the world differently. One may say that celibacy is naturally easy. Other may say, it is almost impossible. Such way also, even those who believe that it is somehow difficult can also certainly try their best. Because not to forget that God himself has directed us this message of purity. Without this virtue (of purity) one will not enter in a divine stage of meditation on God, which is nothing but his remembrance. How?: ''Speak Sweet, Speak low, Speak Less.'' - we have made this your slogan and we do practice in our life. Purity in Actions The most common meaning taken out of purity, is termed as celibacy, which means - the way of life in which one remains free from married or sex life, from the vice of lust and kind of separates the self from material world. In common term, as we say in Bharat (India) as Sanyaas (renunciation of material world and family relations, in search of God) In a subtle look, complete celibacy means to avoid contact with impure thoughts. It is instead renunciation of body consciousness and its related 5 vices, not the world. No one can live without doing Karma. ''A soul who detaches itself from body and body consciousness, one who constantly master the senses, remains detache while doing all activities in service of world, is best among the beings.'' - Avyakt Murli and Shrimat Geeta In a brief understanding, one may conclude that Purity is the mother of all other virtues. Soul consciousness is the key to complete and natural purity in mind, words and thoughts. For this practice, we have made Swamaan commentaries in both Hindi and English. This is most useful resource for you to start. Hindi commentaries: English commentaries: What is Soul Consciousness ? Soul Consciousness – the key to a blissful life When we are in the state of awareness that “I am a Soul and not this physical body”, then our powers are unlimited, as the soul is not limited to anything. In other words, the person thinks, feels, acts, responses, etc with the awareness that he (soul is referred) is the master of the body. When in soul-consciousness, the original qualities of a soul (peace, purity, love, bliss) naturally emerge. We soul is not dependent on external (physical) things for peace and happiness. They are our inner nature. Vices are reason of experiencing sorrow or peaceless-ness. Thus it is now a message of God and it is time to awaken. We all are brothers, son of one incorporeal God. Main Page: Revelations: Resources for Soul Consciousness (on YouTube): .
- Cultivating moral and Spiritual values in everyday life
Question: How to cultivate values in everyday life? Answer: Each morning, making time for silence to connect with the inner being gives the experience of the original qualities of the self – which are peace, love, truth, purity and happiness. As I connect with these innate qualities, and emerge them in my awareness, I remember that this is my own original, true state of being. Through the day I am then able to bring them back to my awareness and implement and experience these values in my life – in my work, with my family and friends and in the way I respond to what is happening around me. It is still very easy to lose sight of things – even what’s important to us personally – in the hurly-burly of activity throughout the day. So, taking a short pause every hour on the hour is a good way to remind the self of these inner values and connect the self with the inner core of my being. It is then possible for me, if necessary, to get myself back on track quickly and empower myself to follow these in my life. If it’s not so easy to pause every hour, then perhaps I can at least remind myself to go inwards, whenever I give water or food to my body to nourish it. During that time I can take the opportunity to nourish the soul too, and replenish the awareness of these inner values again and again. At the end of the day it’s extremely useful to do an audit for the self. I ask myself the question: Could I have done something differently? Was there something more I could have said or done to stay true to my own inner values? By the next day, we have usually forgotten everything. So to do this self-audit at night, while the day can still emerge in my awareness, means that I can learn the lessons that the drama of life has taught me today. If a mistake was made, let me take the learning from it. If I witnessed outstanding or unexpected kindness or inner strength in another, let me take that as an example for myself to follow. In this way, I am reviewing and understanding the actions and interactions of the day and at the same time actively renewing my commitment and passion for the next day.
- Secrets of Shrimat Bhagavad Geeta - BK Usha
BK Sister Usha discusses the secrets of Shrimat Bhagawad Gita (geeta) that reflects the present time and the words of God which are relevant to the present time. Topic will cover - the truth of MahaBharat and shrimat Geeta written by Ved Vyas and the true significance (meaning) behind it. Dear reader, you may already have read or heard the bhagavad gita in some or other ways. You also know that Ved Vyas had written this both texts (Geeta, Mahabharat) around 2500 years ago. Do you know the true significance of this ? Who is considered as Arjun ? Who are those 5 pandavas ? What is the meaning and significance of the names given in the Mahabharat ? How and to whom does God have taught the knowledge of Gita ? Why only Arjun ? Does Gita encourage an external violence through a war OR does it say the war between good and bad within every human soul ? Does the supreme being, the incorporeal God teaches us violence OR does him teaches us to overcome our weaknesses and conquer the self ? Who am i ? Who is the self, the one who thinks, decides, creates and enjoys the life? Gita is the book of humanity, not only of Hindus. Geeta is the source of all knowledge and answers every question of life. But which Geeta? Who is the God, the speaker of Geeta? Krishna is a deity, a human figure, someone whose has a body, is called a human being. God is always known to us as formless, eternal figure, the truth and one who knows everything. Many religions still worships God as an embodiment of light. God is one. What is the relationship of ours with that supreme being? In Gita, it is rightly told by god that: ''I reveal myself millennium after millennium whenever there is a decline in Dharma O arjun. I will come and re-estblish the dharma (principles of the original self, the soul) It is a promise thus made by God, to come and renew the world, whenever the sorrow or unrighteousness prevails. This is that time. This is the time when the mahabharat is going in every house of world, when there is a great war between the righteousness and unrighteousness. The God is with those who are righteous . They all are Arjun. Their victory is pre-destined. In below video, you will learn the truth of Shrimat Geeta written by Ved Vyas. How was it written and what is the meaning behind it. This is a God's revelation.
- 6 Aug 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma kumaris murli today in English - 06/08/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, become fragrant flowers. Shri Krishna is the number one fragrant flower. This is why he is loved by everyone. Everyone places him on their eyes (has deep regard for him). Question: Which worldly relationship is sweet and which do you call the sweetest? Answer: In worldly relationships, it is the father who is said to be sweet. You children also say that your Father is extremely sweet and most lovely and that you are His lovely children. The Teacher is then said to be the sweetest because the Teacher teaches you. Knowledge is your source of income . You also receive knowledge first. While living at home with the family, you have to imbibe this knowledge and inspire others to imbibe it. Song: To live in Your lane and to die in Your lane. Om ShantiYou children heard the song. When a person dies, he takes birth to another set of parents and the father is congratulated. You children now know that souls are imperishable. That song refers to the bodies. You shed a body and take another, that is, you leave one father and go to another father. You have had 84 corporeal fathers. In fact, you are the children of the incorporeal Father. You souls are residents of the land of nirvana, the land of peace, where everyone resides with the Father. That is called the world of souls. You souls reside there and the Father also resides there. Here, you forget Him because you become children of worldly fathers. In the golden age, no one remembers the Father; their intellects are already down here. Here, when people remember Him, they say: O Baba! This one is also called Baba. This one is also a father. You see the worldly father here. When you call out to the Father from beyond, you look upward. You now belong to that Baba. You know that, at first, you were pure and had your fortune of the kingdom and that your 84 births are now coming to an end. You have become unhappy and this is why you remember the Father. This costume (body) has now become tamopradhan by being worn all the time. At first, both souls and bodies were satopradhan. Then the souls went through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. At first they were golden, and then they went through the stages of silver, copper and iron. They are also called jewellery. Alloy is mixed into gold. The Father explains: You souls have now become impure and the gold has become tarnished. You have become ugly and impure . At first, you souls were pure and you had pure bodies. How will you now receive pure bodies? Is it by bathing? Nothing happens just by bathing. The souls call out: O Purifier Baba! The word ‘Baba’ is so sweet. It is very good. The word ‘Baba’ is only used in Bharat. You children continue to say, "Baba! Baba!" You children know that you have now become soul conscious and that you belong to the Father. The Father says: I first of all sent you to heaven. Having played your parts , you have now reached the end. Continue to say "Baba! "Baba!" internally. You children know that Baba has come. Everyone remembers Him: O Purifier Baba, come! Come and make us impure ones pure! They all call out in their own language. When the world becomes old, they call out, so He would surely come at the confluence age. Only you know this. They have written many confusing things in the scriptures. You children have the firm faith that Baba is your most beloved, most lovely Baba. Baba too says: Sweet children. Sweet, sweeter, sweetest; who is sweet? In worldly relationships it is the father who is sweet. Then the teacher is said to be the sweetest. The teacher is good because he teaches you. It is said: Knowledge is a source of income. Therefore, this knowledge is also your source of income. Yoga is called remembrance and gyan is called knowledge. You children know that you were made into the masters of heaven. This is why people celebrate the birthday of Shiva. However, no one knows how Shiv Baba came. The Trimurti is shown in the pictures and Shiva is shown up above. “Establishment through Brahma”: who carries out establishment through Brahma? Shiv Baba is Karankaravanhar. Shiva is above Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. That is the creation and their Creator is Shiva. He is incorporeal and this is the corporeal world. The world cycle continues to repeat. The subtle region is not called the world cycle. It is the human world that goes around, but there is no question of a cycle in the subtle region or the incorporeal world. It is now the iron age, hell, whereas the golden age is heaven. Who would make the residents of hell into residents of heaven? As soon as they go on to the path of sin, they become impure. Day by day, they continue to become unhappy from being happy. When the world becomes tamopradhan, it is said: This is a completely tamoguni (degraded) intellect. That is a completely satopradhan intellect, just like those of the deities. In fact, deities should be worshipped. However, no one at this time is a deity because no one has divine virtues. Christians know Christ and worship him. The people of Bharat cannot call themselves deities. Many people have the name, "Deity so-and-so", "Deity so-and-so”, but they don't have those virtues. It is sung: I am without virtue, I do not have any virtues. In front of whom do souls say this? They should say this in front of the Father. They have forgotten the Father and chase after the brothers. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are also brothers. You are not going to receive anything from them. They continue to worship brothers and continue to fall. You are to receive your inheritance from the Father. No one knows the Father. They call the Father omnipresent but what is the Father's name? They say: He is beyond name and form. On the one hand, you say that He is a constant form of light, and so how can you say that He is beyond name and form? You understand that, according to the law, everyone has to become tamopradhan. Then, only when the Father comes can He make everyone satopradhan. Souls definitely have to become pure. All souls are going to reside with the Father. The new world had to become the old world. You know that you now belong to Baba and that Baba has come. He is carrying out establishment through Brahma. The Father says: I take the support of the body of Brahma. I ride in the lucky chariot. There would definitely be a soul in the chariot. It is said that Bhagirath brought the Ganges. How could the Ganges flow through locks of hair? That is just sweet water that flows from the mountains. Clouds fill themselves from the ocean and then rain. Nowadays, science has the power to make water sweet. Clouds rain so much naturally. So much water comes from them that there are even floods. Where does so much water come from? The clouds draw up that water. There is no Indra, no God of Rain, etc. Those are just the clouds that fill themselves and then rain. In fact, this is the rain of knowledge. This is knowledge, is it not? What happens through it? Impure ones become pure. The Rivers Ganges and Jamuna will also exist in the golden age. It is said that Krishna used to play games there. In fact, there was nothing like that. There, they sustain Krishna with a lot of care. He is a very good flower. A flower is so lovely. People receive fragrance from a flower. Would anyone take fragrance from thorns? This is the forest of thorns. The incorporeal Father says: I come and create the garden of flowers. This is why He is also called Babulnath (Lord of Thorns), the One who changes thorns into flowers. Babul changes the thorns into flowers. This is why His praise is sung: The Lord who changes thorns into flowers. So, there should be so much love for Baba. Even though souls have physical fathers, they remember the Father from beyond because they are very unhappy. This is also a game. You have been remembering the Father for half the cycle. It is because He comes that people celebrate the birthday of Shiva. You know that you have now become children of the unlimited Father. Your relationship is with that One as well as your physical fathers. The unlimited Father says: You will become pure by remembering Me. Each soul knows that this one is a physical father and that that One is the Father from beyond. Souls only call out to their Father from beyond. Souls say: O God! O, God, the Father! If the father were sitting at home, why would they call out: O Father? Souls remember that eternal Father. It is now that you understand when He comes and makes the world new. It is said that He surely comes at the confluence of the end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age. People have then said that the duration of the iron age is hundreds of thousands of years. People wander around so much in order to attain God. Who does the most devotion? They should meet the Father first, should they not? The Father has explained: You are the ones who begin devotion first. You should receive knowledge first. Formerly, you were those who had devilish traits. You are now becoming deities with divine virtues. You are becoming the masters of such an elevated heaven. There, everything is first-class. You become very important people. Palaces studded with diamonds and jewels will be built for you there. You cannot receive the inheritance from Shiv Baba until you become Brahmins. Shudras cannot claim the inheritance. This is the sacrificial fire in which Brahmins are definitely needed. A sacrificial fire is always conducted by a brahmin priest. Shiva is also called Rudra. Therefore, this is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. Rudra Shiv Baba has created this sacrificial fire of knowledge. When devotion comes to an end, the sacrificial fire is created. Human beings create sacrificial fires on the path of devotion. In the golden age, deities never create sacrificial fires. However, this is the imperishable sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra in which the horse is sacrificed to attain self-sovereignty. It has been remembered by this name even in the scriptures. Devotion and knowledge are half and half: devotion is the night and knowledge is the day. Baba explains this. Always continue to say, "Baba, Baba!" Baba is the One who makes us into the masters of the world. Baba is the most beloved. There cannot be anyone in the world lovelier than He is. You have been remembering the Father for half the cycle. You now know that you belong to that Father. The Father says: While living at home with your family, remember the Father. Not everyone can stay here. Yes, you can all stay with that Baba. Where? Which Baba? What is His name? Where will you stay with Shiv Baba? In the supreme abode. All souls can stay there. They cannot all stay here. Only a few would remain here. You children have to take knowledge here. This is a study. When you meet anyone, you should tell him: There are two fathers: the physical father and the Father from beyond. Everyone remembers the Father from beyond when they experience sorrow. That Father has now come. Shiv Baba is the most beloved. Krishna is also everyone's most beloved. However, Shiv Baba is incorporeal whereas Krishna is corporeal. Krishna cannot be called the Father of everyone. He is a master of the world. It was Shiva who made him that. Both are lovely, but which one is the lovelier of the two? It would be said to be Shiva. Shiva Himself makes Krishna like that, but what does Krishna do? Nothing at all! Only the Father comes and makes the tamopradhan souls satopradhan. Therefore, He would be praised. Krishna is a child and they show his dance. What dance would Shiv Baba perform? The Father explains: All of you are Parvatis. Shiva, the Lord of Immortality, is telling you the story. There is no other Parvati. There isn’t just one Arjuna; all of you are Arjunas. All of you are Draupadis. It is Dushashan who strips women. This is why they call out: Baba, protect us! Baba says: Children, never be stripped. It is shown that when Draupadi was going to be stripped, Shri Krishna provided her with 21 sarees. Would anyone be able to wear 21 sarees? That is just a play they have shown where Krishna is giving her sarees from up above. How could anyone wear 21 sarees? In fact, the meaning of it is that the Father protects you from being stripped and you are therefore never stripped for 21 births. Achcha.To the sweetest, sweet, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Continue to say internally, "Baba! Baba!" and become as sweet as Baba. Remain soul conscious. Pay full attention to the study. 2. Remember the most lovely Father and definitely become pure. Remove the alloy of vices with the fire of remembrance and become pure gold. Blessing: May you be a victorious jewel who goes into the first division and claims a close seat through your equality. As time comes closer, make yourself equal to the Father. To become equal to the Father in your thoughts, words, deeds, sanskars and service means to come close. Experience the Father’s company, His co-operation and His love in every thought. Constantly experience the Father’s company and your hand in His hand and you will go into the first division. Let there be constant remembrance of the Father and complete love for the one Father and you will become a victorious jewel in the rosary of victory. You still have a chance, the board of “too late”, has not yet been put up. Slogan: To be a bestower of happiness and do the service of liberating souls from sorrow and peacelessness is to be Sukhdev; a deity of happiness. #Murli #english #brahmakumari #bkmurlitoday
- 3 Aug 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma kumaris murli today in English - 03/08/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, become those who have a far-sighted and broad, unlimited intellects. Don't cause any disturbance in Shiv Baba's task. Those who cause a disturbance cannot receive a high status. Question: What thoughts do people who live in this world have which golden-aged deities would never have? Answer: Here, people think that their sons and grandsons will eat from whatever they earn. The deities would never have such thoughts because their sons and grandsons take their inheritance with them from here. They believe that their kingdom is imperishable. Each one is making his own individual effort here. Song: Mother, o mother, you are the fortune of tomorrow. Om ShantiYou children heard praise of the mothers. You children know which mothers are praised. Surely, it is the mothers who have been here and gone that are praised so much. They are not here now. On the path of devotion, there is praise of the one who was Jagadamba. You too didn’t know what she did before she went. They go to the Jagadamba Temple and ask for something or other. Some would want a child and others would ask for blessings. Non-living images cannot do or understand anything, but that is devotion! You know that they existed in the past. There is praise of Jagadamba. She isn't the only one. All of you sustain the Brahmin clan and you will then sustain the divine clan. At this time, it is as though you are sustaining the whole world, but no one knows this. There is also a gathering for goddess Chandika, but the name Chandika is not so good. Baba says: Those who were amazed and who then ran away and divorced the Father will then go and take birth as cremators. If children cause mischief at home or are disobedient, they are called cremators. You can really see that some belong to Shiv Baba and yet they cause so much mischief. To make mischief means to be disobedient. Those who cause a disturbance in Shiv Baba's service would eventually leave. A Brahma Kumari at a centre making mischief won't be able to explain to anyone. If she gets angry, everyone would say: She has a lot of anger. Chandika would not be just one; there are many of them. There is praise of the goddesses and there are also memorials of those who become like Chandika. They still belonged to God. Although some leave, they still go to heaven. They would still become the masters. Although only the kings and queens become the masters, the subjects would also say: We are the masters. The Congress Party say: Our Bharat is great. Nowadays, they even sing songs: Bharat was very good. Today, there are rivers of blood flowing. You have now become children of the unlimited Father. The gopes and gopis of Gopi Vallabh have been remembered. Vallabh is the Father. It is remembered that the one Gopi Vallabh has many gopes and gopies. In the golden age, there is no question of gopikas etc. You children now have far-sighted and broad, unlimited intellects. The locks on your intellects have opened. You know very well the life story of this birth. Everyone has that intoxication. There is Birla who would have intoxication of his wealth. He would think that he is the wealthiest of all. However, you know that those who are wealthy today will then become poor. There is the difference of day and night between your intellects and those of people outside. Some have intoxication of one thing and others have intoxication of another thing: I am so-and-so, I am like this. This one (Brahma) also had the intoxication of being a big jewel-merchant. You now understand that all of those types of intoxication are worth shells. The intoxication of you children is so high. Those people think that they will earn something and that their sons and grandsons will eat from that. It is not like that here. You know that by knowing the unlimited Father, we are claiming our inheritance from Him, and that we ourselves will receive the reward of that status for birth after birth. All the sons and grandsons are making effort here. There, they don't think: Our grandsons will eat from this. They understand that that is the imperishable kingdom. Here, royal people think that their sons and grandsons will eat from their earnings. You are now claiming so much inheritance from the Father and performing such actions that you continue to receive the fruit of that for 21 births. You are not concerned about your sons and grandsons. All of them also claim their inheritance here. You have so much knowledge. People don't know anything. People would definitely receive so much happiness from God, the Father, whom everyone remembers so much. It is sung: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, have mercy! He is called the Supreme Soul. He is the Supreme. He is beyond birth and death and this is why He is called the Supreme Soul, that is, God. The form of all souls is the same. Whatever effort each of you makes, so accordingly is the status you claim. This one's soul studies well and thus becomes Narayan. Someone who fails will become Rama. It is the soul that becomes that. You souls understand that you are studying Raja Yoga with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The soul then comes and wears a new costume and plays his part. He will change from an ordinary man into Narayan. This is in the intellects of you children, numberwise, according to the effort you make. This knowledge will then disappear. There won't be anyone impure there. Whom would you give knowledge to? The Purifier is remembered here. OK, just think that the Ganges is the Purifier. However, the Ganges would not be able to teach you Raja Yoga. The Father teaches you Raja Yoga. All the secrets of the drama, from the beginning to the end, are in the intellects of you children. All of you are studying in the one class, but you are numberwise. At the beginning, there was a bhatthi of 300. If there were thousands of cows in a cowshed to be looked after, no one would be able to look after all of them. A bhatthi of only a few had to be created. Of those, too, some are still continuing to move along and some have broken away. Some children think that it would have been better if they had been here from the beginning, but that is not so; so many of the old ones run away. Even those who have been here for 25 to 30 years don't even remember that He is the unlimited Father from whom they receive the inheritance. Baba makes you into the masters of heaven; it is a matter of a second. The Father says: By belonging to Me, you will become the masters of heaven. Kings and queens and also the subjects receive liberation-in-life. ‘Liberation-in-life in a second’ has been remembered. What would the children who do not study fully be doing? Making mischief. Some children are very obedient; they claim an even better status than their father. Their father would be earning a 100 or 200 and the child would become a millionaire. So, it is the same with spiritual relations. A child who is seven days old would quickly go ahead of someone who has been here for 25 years. It is numberwise. In fact, all of you are brides and you remember the one Bridegroom. You know that the Father comes and gives us the inheritance of the land of happiness. Women all have their physical husbands, and yet everyone remembers the Husband of all husbands. The Bridegroom from beyond gives you nectar to drink and this is why He is remembered. Then you become the masters of heaven. You don't remember anyone there. Through your efforts of the present time, you claim a reward for 21 births. Your intellects have opened up so much. That is numberwise and so the sovereignty you claim is also numberwise. Everything has been explained to you. By studying well here, you will also claim a high status. Otherwise, uneducated ones will have to bow down in front of educated ones. You have to make very good effort in this. The time now is very good for making effort. You know that you have to drink the nectar of knowledge while you are alive, that is, you have to continue to study. Saplings continue to be planted. For those who understand quickly, it is obvious that they will receive a good status. He is a flower who is very close and has surrendered himself in body, mind and wealth and has become engaged in service very well. He understands that however much time he gives for service, it is beneficial. Just as Baba became the Stick for all of us who were blind, without the eye of knowledge, so we also have to become the same. You continue to become the sticks for one another. It was Ravan who made you blind. It is explained to you that, at this time, the whole world is Lanka; all are in the cottage of sorrow. They have the name ‘Ashoka (without sorrow) Hotel’, and they have great pleasure there. You know that Baba has now come. The Mahabharat War is just ahead. It has to take place because the gates to the home have to open. There is no question of this happening in the copper age. There is extreme darkness now. The night of Brahmins has now come to an end and Baba has come. Only you children know these things. When studying at school, some claim very good marks whereas others fail. The sign of failing is to become part of the moon dynasty. Rama has been given the symbol of a warrior. They don't understand the meaning of that. They sit and relate so many stories about Luv and Kush (children of Rama). They make so many false allegations. It is sung: The King is Rama and the people are those who belong to Rama; there is mercy because of righteousness. So, where did all those things come from? All of these things have to be understood. You know that this knowledge is in your intellects, numberwise. Students have to make very good, intense effort. We are Godfatherly students. Who would not remember their teacher? We are the students of God, the Father, the Purifier. The Father, Teacher and Satguru are all included in this. All of you are Sitas. You are sitting in Ravan’s cottage of sorrow. Incorporeal God, the Father, is the Ocean of Knowledge, knowledge-full. You would not say this of Krishna or Lakshmi and Narayan. Their praise is completely different. In the song, it is sung: The praise is limitless of the One who makes us like that. You say: Baba, I will claim the full inheritance from You. You are so sweet! You are so lovely! Lakshmi and Narayan are so sweet and lovely. Look at the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan. They are always shown smiling. You know that deities used to stay in this Bharat. Where are they now? You can tell everyone: This is your final birth and you have to become like Krishna once again. The land of Krishna is now being established. The Krishna soul is also studying Raja Yoga. If you want to go to the land of Krishna, then study Raja Yoga. When you speak of Lakshmi and Narayan, they become confused. Krishna is rocked in a cradle and they worship Lakshmi and Narayan. They are not shown in any childhood activities. Where did Radhe and Krishna go and what happened to them? They don’t know anything. Radhe and Krishna were not brother and sister. Now, there is no kingdom of Radhe and Krishna. No one in the copper age knows about their kingdom. A very good intellect is needed to understand all of these things. It takes effort to write literature. They portray the ornaments on Vishnu but, in fact, Vishnu doesn't have those ornaments. Neither Vishnu nor Lakshmi and Narayan have the conch shell. So, what should we write? People cannot understand anything. You have the conch shell, so the ornaments surely have to be given to Brahmins. They would say: Where did these Brahmins come from? They wouldn’t be able to understand anything. You can explain that we Brahmins are the spinners of the discus of self-realisation. A very broad and unlimited intellect is needed to explain all of these things. Those who have gross intellects and are to become subjects won't be able to understand anything. They find it very difficult to explain. Baba writes: Sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found spinners of the discus of self-realisation, mouth-born creation of Brahma. However, you don't have those ornaments. In the pictures, they have shown the goddesses with a third eye, but they don't have a third eye. Your third eyes have now opened. There is praise of you Shaktis. Since there is Jagadamba, the children would also be with her. Mothers are in the majority. The mothers are raised up high. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Use your time in a worthwhile way for service. Surrender your body, mind and wealth and continue to study for as long as you live. 2. Sustain one another with knowledge. Don't perform any task through which you would disobey the Father. Blessing: May you be a special soul who receives the fruit of the seed of your speciality in the form of contentment. In this special age, the most elevated fruit of the seed of speciality is contentment. To remain content and to make everyone content is the sign of a special soul. Therefore, water the seed of your speciality, your blessing, with the water of all powers and the seed will be fruitful. Otherwise, even a fully grown tree will shake from time to time and fall in storms that come. This means that there would not be the zeal, enthusiasm, happiness or spiritual intoxication to move forward. So, using the right method, make the powerful seed fruitful. Slogan: To share the holy food (prasad) of experiences and make weak ones powerful is a very great act of charity. #Murli #brahmakumari #english #bkmurlitoday
- 7 June 2018 BK murli today in English
Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 07/06/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, you are establishing one religion and one kingdom in the world on the basis of silence. This is the pure pride of silence. Question: How do people of the world curse themselves and how do some children curse themselves? Answer: People of the whole world say that God is omnipresent and thereby curse themselves. However, if children say "Baba, Baba" and then burn themselves in the fire of lust, they curse themselves; they are slapped by Maya. Baba says: O sweetest, beloved souls, now become satopradhan. Do not become a Bhasmasur (a devil who burnt himself to death).Om ShantiYou children know that you are now going from darkness into light. Moonlight is like the subtle region. When the sun rises, there is the warmth of the sun. The moon brings coolness. This light is for these eyes. Souls also have sight. You souls receive the eye of the intellect. You souls know that you truly recognise the unlimited Father and that you also recognise with those eyes the chariot, Brahma, which Shiv Baba enters. You children have now had recognition. You have this recognition when you meet him personally. He (Brahma) is also called Nandigan and Bhagirath. Nandigan is always shown as a bull and Bhagirath is shown as a human being. They show a picture of Shankar and believe that the Ganges emerged through him. However, it was not the Ganges of water. You now know this. You Brahmins now have knowledge of all the scriptures etc. You explain the essence of all the Vedas, the Granth, the Upanishads etc. Some daughters have never studied or heard the scriptures but they are able to understand the essence of the Vedas and scriptures. Uneducated ones go ahead of the educated ones; the educated ones will bow down in front of those who are uneducated. Generally, uneducated ones bow down in front of educated ones. The wonder here is that those who haven't studied anything know all the Vedas, scriptures, religions and the activities of the path of devotion. In their stage of retirement, human beings adopt gurus and they (gurus) then sit and relate the scriptures etc. to them. They believe that they will find the path to God from a guru. It is as though that is a mountain and that they can climb any path to reach the top. However, it is not like that. Those of you who didn't know anything now know everything. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, had the arrows of knowledge shot at Bhishampitamai etc. by the kumaris. The world doesn’t know these things. Jagadamba, Saraswati is a kumari. Big pundits give themselves the surname, ‘Saraswati’. In fact, the Saraswati of knowledge who emerged from the Ganges of Knowledge is Mama. Truly, the kumaris are now developing more power because they haven't climbed the wrong ladder. When a man marries, his attachment to his parents is removed and transferred to his wife. He becomes a slave of his wife. Then, when he has children, attachment is transferred to them. You now become destroyers of attachment to all. You have the faith that you are souls. The soul’s yoga is connected to the Father. Yoga means remembrance. Your matters are unique. Kumaris are pure. They don't go on pilgrimages because they are pure anyway. Human beings go on pilgrimages to cut their sins away. They believe that the Ganges is the Purifier. The Purifier has to be One. If the Ganges (water) is the Purifier, then why do they go there? They go there to see it. They say that the Ganges emerged where an arrow was shot. They have created a Gaumukh (mouth of cow) and placed it there. The Father sits here and explains: Children, you are souls. Consider yourselves to be souls and remember Me. He is the Father and also the Satguru. In temples, they show the feet of Krishna. Shiv Baba doesn't have feet of His own because He doesn't have a body of His own. Therefore, no one becomes the dust at His feet. Baba says: Children, you don't have to become the dust at Shiv Baba's feet. I come and liberate you children from those iron-aged customs and systems. I don't have feet. Shiva doesn't have a body. This is the body of Brahma. Therefore, you cannot worship Shiv Baba. Shiva has entered this lucky chariot. On the path of devotion, people offer flowers to those who say of themselves, "Shivohum" (I am Shiva). All of those customs and systems are the path of devotion. They don't understand the meaning of them at all. They say that women should not worship a lingam, but they don't understand who the lingam represents. In fact, Shiva is not such a big lingam image. He is a star, so why can they not worship Him? Shiva means the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the Benefactor. In fact, He should be worshipped a great deal. Shiva, the Benefactor, is only One. He is the One who makes you pure from impure. He benefits everyone. Those who were the first number, Lakshmi and Narayan, took 84 births and became impure and so everyone has become impure. All have come down from the satopradhan stage and become rajo and tamo. The One who benefits everyone is the one Father alone. At this time all human beings are impure. They don't become impure as soon as they come down here. At first they are pure. The Father sits here and explains all of this. My beloved, long-lost-and-now-found children and saligrams, are you listening to what that Father is saying through this mouth? No one else can say this. No sannyasi etc. can say: I am ever pure and am speaking to you souls through this body. Only the Father can say this. Some say "Baba, Baba" and then become a Bhasmasur. Maya slaps them and so they burn themselves. Lust is a fire, is it not? The Father comes and liberates you from being a Bhasmasur. He explains: Sweetest children, you are My children. You reside in Brahmand. There, you are bodiless and this is why there are no thoughts of any kind. You then go into your parts. This too is predestined in the drama. Your reward is now just ahead. You are now trikaldarshi. Those sanskars of yours disappear here. This knowledge will not remain there. While you are here, there is knowledge. For example, someone takes the sanskars from here and those sanskars then emerge and so, according to that, he can become part of this Shakti Army again. (Example of soldiers who take the sanskars of battling with them) Then, when they grow a little older, they enrol in the military. If someone is to take birth here, then, according to the sanskars he takes with him, he will take birth in a good home. Then, little children with those sanskars also come here. When you take a new birth in heaven, the sanskars of here will have been finished. Then, you will develop the sanskars of ruling in order to experience your reward, and these sanskars will have become merged. Some children had a lot of love, and so those souls become very happy when they come here, but they are unable to speak because the organs are still small. As they grow, those sanskars will continue to emerge. The Father explains so many things. He is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and so the inheritance would surely be received from the Father. He alone is the Creator of heaven. He would not be called the Creator of hell. You children know that you are claiming your inheritance of heaven from Baba. You also received it in the previous cycle. It is only at this time that you receive the inheritance of unlimited happiness from the unlimited Father. Only you can say this. These things are completely new. You explain that the Gita is the mother and father. All the rest of the scriptures are its children. It is only through the Gita that you receive the inheritance of Raja Yoga and the kingdom of heaven. What inheritance would you receive from children? You now become those with divine intellects. Therefore, your palaces etc. will be built very quickly. Yours is the pure pride of silence whereas theirs is the arrogance of science. You claim the kingdom from the Almighty Authority Father; you become the masters of Bharat. Always keep it in your intellects that the Creator of the world is teaching you in order to make you into the masters of the world. He gives you liberation-in-life in a second. So, would the Father not be able to enter this one in a second? A soul leaves here for London or America and takes birth there in a second. Souls are a flying squad. They are such tiny stars. You definitely believe in rebirth. How many rebirths have you taken? You definitely have to enter the cycle of 84 births. Those who have completely impure, shudra intellects come and once again become those with clean intellects. The company of those with clean intellects will make you the same. You are now master oceans of knowledge. You are imbibing the virtues that the Father has in Him. You too say: Manmanabhav! Therefore, you souls will become clean. However, Baba alone has the key to divine vision. You change from human beings into deities and this is why even children are shown with a crown. Otherwise, little children don't have a crown. He is just shown as a prince. Mothers see in visions how they will go and become empresses. You souls can also understand through knowledge that you have now become impure. “I am a carpenter, I am poor.” It is the soul that says this. You now know that you are becoming deities through Shiv Baba. It is the soul that becomes impure and pure. Now, I, the soul, am impure and so my body is also impure; it has alloy in it. By talking to yourself in this way, you can continue to churn the ocean of knowledge. The habit will then be instilled. You children have to churn the ocean of knowledge as to what is right and what is wrong. Have the faith that you are a soul. I am a Brahmin. They invoke a soul through a body. Why do they not call the body? They feed the soul. OK, how would the soul eat? He would eat through the body of the brahmin priest. A widow would understand that she has called the soul of her husband. When a widower loved his wife and her soul is invited, he would feel, "What gift should I give her?" So, he puts a ring or a nose-stud on her. That is just the soul; the body cannot come here. In fact, the soul doesn't even come. All of that is fixed in the drama. It is also a game. They think: So-and-so has come and I am feeding that one. They feed an eminent person with a lot of pomp and splendour. It is a custom and system. In fact, brahmin priests don’t have to have a job but, nowadays, they do everything for their stomach (livelihood). Otherwise, brahmin priests consider themselves to be very elevated. However, they are a creation born through a womb. You Brahmins are mouth-born. You are praised a lot. You have now understood. You have the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end of the whole world. No one, except the one Father, would be called knowledge-full. Those whom He changes from human beings into deities also definitely need to be adopted because He is the Mother and Father. The Father comes and creates you through this one. It is very difficult for anyone else to understand these things. These are such wonderful things! He says: Day by day, I tell you deep secrets. You have to imbibe this knowledge till the end. At the end, you will reach your karmateet stage. Eight pass with honours. When someone in the military dies, they give him full honours. All of you are making effort. This is the race to become karmateet. Who is having good yoga and becoming part of the rosary of Rudra? Mama and Baba are very well known and it is then numberwise. Those who pass with honours receive full marks. They don't experience any punishment. They are given a lot of respect. Nine jewels are always remembered, not eight. There are four pairs and then there is the one Father in the middle. Those people don't understand the meaning. They create whatever someone advises them. Jains teach hatha yoga a lot. They even pluck out each hair. That is violence. That renunciation is one that causes suffering. You don't have to do anything like that. You are tempted and inspired to renounce the vices. No one except you has this knowledge. You have truly been around the cycle of 84 births. We are now to return home. The more yoga you have, the purer you will become. If you continue to stay in remembrance and do service, you will receive greater fruit. The Father is the most beloved from whom you receive the inheritance of happiness for 21 births. Achcha.To the sweetest beloved long-lost and now-found children, love remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Run the race to become karmateet. In order to receive good fruit, do service whilst staying in remembrance. 2. Keep the company of those who have clean intellects and become clean. Imbibe the virtues of the Father. Never curse yourself. Blessing: May you be a karma yogi free from any bondage of karma and, as the master, make your the physical organs act. A Brahmin life is not a life of karmic bondage, it is a karma yogi life. Be the master of your physical organ and continue to make the physical organs act as you want, when you want and for however long you want and you will become an angel from a Brahmin. All karmic bondages will finish. You have received that body for the sake of service. The life of karmic accounts of karmic bondages has finished. The relationships with the old body and the world of the body have now finished. This is why this life is called the life of dying alive. Slogan: In order to experience the company of the Comforter of Hearts, maintain the stage of a detached observer. #bkmurlitoday #english #Murli #brahmakumari
- 10 May 2018 BK murli today in Hindi
Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi for 10 May 2018 - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - “मीठे बच्चे – इन आँखों से जो कुछ देखते हो उसे भूलना है, सब शरीरधारियों को भूल अशरीरी बाप को याद करने का अभ्यास करो।” प्रश्नः-तुम बच्चों का मुख ज्ञान से मीठा होता, भक्ति से नहीं – क्यों? उत्तर:-क्योंकि भक्ति में भगवान को सर्वव्यापी कह दिया है। सर्वव्यापी कहने से बाप और वर्से की बात खत्म हो गई है इसलिए वहाँ मुख मीठा नहीं हो सकता। अभी तुम बच्चे प्यार से बाबा कहते हो तो वर्सा याद आ जाता है, इसलिए ज्ञान से मुख मीठा हो जाता। दूसरा – भक्ति में खिलौनों से खेलते आये, परिचय ही नहीं था तो मुख मीठा कैसे हो। गीत:-ओम् नमो शिवाए… ओम् शान्ति। शिवाए नम: अथवा नमस्ते भी कहा जाता है। नमस्ते हमेशा बड़ों को की जाती है। मनुष्यों का बुद्धियोग पतित-पावन बाप के साथ नहीं है। पतित को पावन बनाने वाला है ही एक। उनको कहा जाता है शिवाए नम:। यह भी बुद्धि में आता है कि शिव तो है निराकार। अगर शंकर को नम: करेंगे तो कहेंगे शंकर देवताए नम:। शिवाए नम: वह अलग हो गया। शंकर देवताए नम: वह अलग हो गया। ब्रह्मा देवताए नम: कहते हैं। ब्रह्मा तो है यहाँ। जब तक सूक्ष्मवतनवासी न बनें तब तक उनको देवता कहा न जाए। यहाँ तो है प्रजापिता। जब तक यह प्रजापिता है, मनुष्य तन में है तब तक इनको देवता कह नहीं सकते। देवता तो सूक्ष्मवतनवासियों को या तो जो नई दुनिया में रहते हैं, उनको कहा जाता है। इससे सिद्ध होता है इस समय जबकि प्रजापिता है, तो देवता नहीं कहेंगे। तुमको भी इस समय ब्राह्मण कहा जाता है, परन्तु तुम दैवी बुद्धि अर्थात् देवता बनने के लिए पुरुषार्थ कर रहे हो। देवताओं की तो महिमा है सर्वगुण सम्पन्न….. ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर की यह महिमा नहीं है। महिमा मनुष्य मात्र की और देवताओं की अलग-अलग होती है। प्रेजीडेन्ट, प्रेजीडेन्ट है। उनका पार्ट अपना, प्राइम-मिनिस्टर का पार्ट अपना है। ड्रामा में पार्ट तो अलग-अलग होगा ना। तो जब शिवाए नम: कहते हैं तो शिवबाबा ही है। ब्रह्मा देवताए नम:, विष्णु देवताए नम: अलग है। शिवबाबा को ऐसे नहीं कहेंगे। उनको कहेंगे परमपिता परमात्मा शिव क्योंकि शिव और सालिग्राम हैं। वह छोटे-छोटे दिखाते हैं, वह बड़ा है। बाबा ने समझाया है – कोई भी छोटे-बड़े नहीं होते हैं। उनको कहा जाता है – परमपिता परमात्मा, गॉड फादर। यह क्यों कहते हैं? आत्मा सालिग्राम, शिव को बाबा कहती है तो जरूर बाप से वर्सा मिलना चाहिए क्योंकि वह है स्वर्ग का रचयिता। जरूर आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म की रचना परमपिता परमात्मा ने की होगी। और कोई कर न सके। उस बाप को सर्वव्यापी कहने से वर्से का नामनिशान गुम हो जाता है। जैसे कहते हैं कि गॉड इज ओमनी प्रेजेन्ट, हाज़िरा-हज़ूर है। कसम भी जो उठाते हैं वह झूठा। कहते हैं ईश्वर बाप को हाज़िर-नाज़िर जान… बाप को जानते नहीं। तुम बच्चे जानते हो – अभी ईश्वर हाज़िर है, बरोबर वह सुप्रीम सोल है। उनकी महिमा सबसे न्यारी है। एक तो निराकार है, उसका नाम शिव है। उसका जिस्मानी नाम कभी पड़ता नहीं है। बाकी सभी के नाम होते हैं जिस्म के। जन्म बाई जन्म शरीर के नाम बदलते रहते हैं। बाकी आत्मा, आत्मा ही है, मनुष्य का नाम बदलता है। कहेंगे फलाने का पित्र अथवा श्राध खिलाते हैं। तो वह याद आता है। अब जिस्म तो उनका जल जाता है। बाकी रहती है आत्मा, तो आत्मा को खिलाते पिलाते हैं। आत्मा को निर्लेप कह न सकें। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं – जब कोई शरीर छोड़ते हैं तो शरीर तो खत्म हो गया, फिर किसको खिलाते हैं। भले खिलायेंगे आत्मा को, तो भी शरीर में मोह रहता है। यहाँ बाबा कहते हैं कोई के शरीर के साथ मोह नहीं रखो। बिल्कुल नष्टोमोहा बनो। सब शरीरों को बुद्धि से निकालना है। अब इन ऑखों से जो देखते हो वह भूलना है। बाप सिर्फ कहते हैं मुझे याद करो। मेरा तो कोई शरीर नहीं है, इसलिए डिफीकल्टी होती है। सगाई की अंगूठी पहनाते हैं ना। अब वह तो निराकार है, उसका कोई चित्र नहीं है। अंगूठी पहनाई जाती है कि निराकार शिवबाबा को याद करो। नई बात हो गई ना। मनुष्य मरता है तो समझो वह खत्म हो गया। उसका पित्र किसको खिलाते हैं। जरूर आत्मा आयेगी। संस्कार आत्मा ले जाती है। यह खारा है, यह मीठा है – किसने कहा? आत्मा कहती है – मेरी जबान को कड़ुवा लगा, मेरे कान बहरे हैं, मेरे माथे में दर्द है। यह कहने वाला कौन है? मनुष्य भूल गये हैं। बाप समझाते हैं – आत्मा ही दु:ख-सुख भोगती है। अभोक्ता सिर्फ बाप है। बाप ही बैठ आत्मा का ज्ञान देते हैं। बाकी आत्मा सो परमात्मा कहना – यह बड़े ते बड़ा अज्ञान है। सारी दुनिया में कहते हैं परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी है फिर उनको याद करने से क्या मिलेगा? भक्त उनको याद करते हैं परन्तु उनसे मिलता क्या है, यह कोई नहीं जानते। सर्वव्यापी कहने से मिलने की बात ही नहीं उठती। आसुरी मत पर चलने से मनुष्य नीचे ही गिरते जाते हैं। श्रीमत तो एक ही बाप की है। आसुरी मत देने वाला रावण है, जिसकी मत पर एक दो को दु:ख देने लग पड़ते हैं। अब तुम हो ईश्वरीय सम्प्रदाय, एक दो को सुख देने वाले। बाप है सर्व का सुखदाता। मनुष्य अपने को सर्वोदया लीडर कहते हैं परन्तु सर्व का मालिक रचयिता तो ईश्वर को ही कहा जाता है। सर्व माना सारी सृष्टि, सारी सृष्टि का सद्गति दाता कोई मनुष्य को नहीं कहेंगे। तो मुख्य बात है – पहले सर्वव्यापी का ज्ञान निकालना पड़े। बाप को सब याद करते हैं। भक्त चाहते हैं भगवान आकर हमको कुछ देवे। बाप ने जरूर कुछ दिया है। रचयिता रचेगा तो देगा भी ना। बाबा देते हैं स्वर्ग की बादशाही। उस बाप को भूलना नहीं है। यही है मेहनत। अब तुम बच्चे तो समझू-सयाने हो। पहले तुम बहुत बेसमझ थे। बाप को सर्वव्यापी कहने से कुछ भी नहीं मिलता। पहले-पहले बाप सिद्ध कर बताते हैं वह है परमपिता। परम अक्षर लौकिक बाप को नहीं दिया जाता। परमपिता है परे से परे परमधाम में रहने वाला, वह है सुप्रीम। वही मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीज रूप है। बाप बीज है ना। स्त्री को एडाप्ट कर फिर रचना रचते हैं। शिवबाबा कहते हैं – मैं भी इनको एडाप्ट करता हूँ। वह है कुख वंशावली और यह है मुख वंशावली। यह ब्रह्मा मेरी स्त्री है, परन्तु चोला तो पुरुष का है। मैं इनको एडाप्ट करता हूँ। इनके मुख से तुमको जन्म देता हूँ। शिवबाबा के बच्चे तो हैं परन्तु शिवबाबा ने ब्रह्मा द्वारा नया जन्म दिया है। कहते हो – तुम मात पिता…. वह तो निराकार है। माता कैसे हो सकती। इसमें बहुत सूक्ष्म समझने की बुद्धि चाहिए। बाप को कहा है रचयिता, तो वह क्रियेट कैसे करे। जगत अम्बा सरस्वती जिसको कहते हैं वह तो ब्रह्मा की बेटी मुख वंशावली गाई जाती है। अब माता उनको कहें या इनको? असल रीयल्टी में यह (साकार ब्रह्मा) माता है। परन्तु पुरुष तन है तो माताओं की चार्ज में इनको कैसे रखा जाये, इसलिए फिर जगत अम्बा निमित्त बनी हुई है। बाप कहते हैं – मैं इनमें प्रवेश कर इनको एडाप्ट करता हूँ। फिर तुम कहते हो हम ब्रह्मा द्वारा ईश्वर के बच्चे बने हैं। ईश्वर हमारा दादा है। यह बातें शास्त्रों में हैं नहीं। यह सब हैं भक्ति मार्ग के खिलौने। खिलौनों से मनुष्य का मुख मीठा नहीं होता। यहाँ तो टेम्पटेशन है बाप से वर्सा मिलने की। सर्वव्यापी कहने से किसका मुख भी मीठा नहीं होता है। सारी दुनिया में यह सर्वव्यापी का ही ज्ञान है। इस समय जो बच्चे हैं, उन्हों की ही बुद्धि में हमारी याद है। तो उन्होंने फिर लिख दिया है मैं सर्वव्यापी हूँ। सभी मनुष्य मुझे याद करते हैं परन्तु जानते नहीं हैं तो अर्थ का कितना फ़र्क कर दिया है। रस्सी को साँप बना दिया है। अब बाप कहते हैं – मेरे को याद करो और कोई को नहीं। इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि मैं सर्वव्यापी हूँ। तुम जानते हो हमारी आत्मा बाबा को याद करती है। तो सर्वव्यापी अक्षर में फ़र्क हो गया। यह भी ड्रामा की भावी है फिर भी ऐसे ही होगा। होना ही है। इस समय जो एक्ट चली, शूट हुआ उसको ड्रामा कहेंगे। अनादि बना बनाया ड्रामा है, इसमें कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ सकता। यह चित्र आदि सब ड्रामा अनुसार बच्चों द्वारा बनवाये गये हैं। यह खुद कहते हैं मैं कुछ नहीं जानता था। अब बाप ने दिव्य दृष्टि दी है। दिव्य दृष्टि दाता तो वह है ना। नये-नये चित्र बनवाते रहते हैं। एक बार बनाया फिर प्वाइन्ट निकलती है तो करेक्ट करना पड़ता है। ब्रह्मा के आगे प्रजापिता अक्षर जरूर लिखना पड़े। नहीं तो मनुष्य समझते नहीं। कहते हैं – ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली तो औलाद हुए ना। ब्रह्मा की औलाद तो ब्राह्मण हुए ना। तुम बच्चे जानते हो – प्रैक्टिकल में हम ब्रह्मा की औलाद, शिव के पोत्रे हैं। पहली-पहली बात है ही बाप और वर्से की, जिससे मुख भी मीठा हो। बाप स्वर्ग का रचयिता है तो जरूर वर्सा मिलना चाहिए। कोई नहीं लेते हैं तो समझो हमारे दैवी धर्म के नहीं हैं। आकर समझेंगे वही जो देवी-देवता पद पाने वाले होंगे। मुख्य बात है पवित्रता की। पवित्र रहने बिगर रक्षाबन्धन हो न सके। बाप से प्रतिज्ञा करते हैं – बाबा हम पवित्र जरूर बनेंगे। पवित्र बनने के बिगर आपके पास कैसे आ सकेंगे! जरूर श्रीमत पर ही श्रेष्ठ बनेंगे। सतयुग में तो नहीं बनेंगे, जरूर कलियुग में बने होंगे। कलियुग अन्त, सतयुग आदि का संगम होगा अर्थात् संगम पर ही बाप आकर बच्चों को स्वर्ग का वर्सा देते हैं। भारत का नाम बहुत बाला है। भारत ही सचखण्ड और झूठ-खण्ड बनता है। और खण्ड गोल्डन एज में नहीं होंगे। दूसरे सभी खण्ड विनाशी हैं। यह है अविनाशी खण्ड, क्योंकि अविनाशी बाबा फिर से आये हैं। धर्म स्थापना की एक्टिविटी जो हुई है कल्प बाद फिर वही चलेगी। बाप कितना वर्सा देते हैं! मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप है। गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते हुए तुम प्रवृत्ति मार्ग वालों को पवित्र जरूर बनना है। सन्यासियों का, निवृत्ति मार्ग वालों का धर्म ही अलग है। वैसे और अलग-अलग अनेक धर्म हैं, वह स्वर्ग में नहीं आयेंगे। जो हमारे धर्म के और धर्मों में मिल गये हैं वही निकलेंगे। अब तुमको कितना ज्ञान मिला है, तुम्हारा तीसरा नेत्र खुला है। त्रिकालदर्शी तुम बन रहे हो। सिवाए तुम ब्राह्मणों के और कोई भी मनुष्य-मात्र त्रिकालदर्शी नहीं होते। देवतायें भी त्रिकालदर्शी नहीं हैं। बाप कहते हैं – तुमको तीसरा नेत्र दे सज्जा बनाता हूँ। तुम बच्चे जानते हो हमारा अब तीसरा नेत्र खुल रहा है। जैसे बाप में सारे सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का ज्ञान है वैसे हम जो उनके बच्चे हैं हमको भी बाबा द्वारा ज्ञान मिला है। गोया हम मास्टर ज्ञान सागर बन रहे हैं और किसको मास्टर ज्ञान सागर नहीं कहेंगे। परन्तु तुमको भी ज्ञान सागर नहीं कहेंगे, तुम ज्ञान नदियाँ हो। बाकी ऐसे नहीं अर्जुन ने तीर मारा और गंगा निकल आई, न ही गऊ के मुख से पानी निकल आता है। वहाँ गंगा कहाँ से आयेगी। कहाँ तुम दो भुजा वाले, कहाँ वह जगत अम्बा को 4-6 भुजायें दे देते हैं। तुम बच्चों को बहुत कुछ समझाना है। कई बच्चे कहते हैं कि बाबा की याद नहीं रहती है, अपने को आत्मा नहीं समझते, घड़ी-घड़ी भूल जाते हैं। बाप को याद नहीं करेंगे तो वर्सा कैसे मिलेगा। बाबा कहते हैं निरन्तर मुझे याद करो तो उसी योगबल से तुम्हारे विकर्म विनाश होंगे। याद नहीं करेंगे तो मम्मा-बाबा के तख्त-नशीन कैसे बनेंगे। उनको कपूत कहा जायेगा। सपूत बच्चे तो बाप को निरन्तर याद करने का खूब पुरुषार्थ करते रहेंगे। अन्त तक करना ही है। बाप को जितना याद करेंगे उतना तुम्हारी कमाई है। अपना चार्ट रखो। जो ओटे सो अर्जुन। उन्हें ही वारिस कहा जाता है। अच्छा! मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे रूहानी बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) ईश्वरीय मत पर एक दो को सुख देना है। किसी को भी दु:ख नहीं देना है। बाप समान सुख-दाता बनना है। 2) इन शरीरों से मोह निकाल नष्टोमोहा बनना है। सपूत बच्चा बन निरन्तर बाप को याद करने का पुरुषार्थ करना है। वरदान:- सब कुछ बाप हवाले कर संगमयुगी बादशाही का अनुभव करने वाले अविनाशी राजतिलक अधिकारी भव आजकल की बादशाही या तो धन दान करने से मिलती है या वोटों से मिलती हैं लेकिन आप बच्चों को स्वयं बाप ने राजतिलक दे दिया। बेपरवाह-बादशाह – यह कितनी अच्छी स्थिति है। जब सब कुछ बाप के हवाले कर दिया तो परवाह किसको होगी? बाप को। लेकिन ऐसे नहीं कि थोड़ा-थोड़ा कहीं अपनी अथॉरिटी को या मनमत को छिपाकर रखा हो। अगर श्रीमत पर हैं तो बाप हवाले हैं। ऐसे सच्चे दिल से सब कुछ बाप हवाले करने वाले डबल लाइट, अविनाशी राजतिलक के अधिकारी बनते हैं। स्लोगन:- एक-एक वाक्य महावाक्य हो, कोई भी बोल व्यर्थ न जाए तब कहेंगे मास्टर सतगुरू। #brahmakumaris #Hindi
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